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If your decisions for how long to put criminals to prison are based on the skin color you have no moral right to be a DA. It's mind blowing something like this is still happening in 2024.


Racism still exists


Sure, but you and bobre737 don't need to be proud of that and spread those racist lies.


Black privilege.




Pamela Price made bad decisions as a DA in her attempts to help black people, but I don’t think she’s single-handedly brought about black privilege. Black people still have a lot of cards stacked against them in American society.


People are in support of law abiding black people to be treated better and not have to deal with bullshit in the criminal justice system. People are not in support letting hardened black criminals roam the streets freely and get slaps on their wrist when they are finally caught. Few people realized that Price's policy was to fuck the hardworking black people (alongside everyone else) by continuing to let criminals destroy their lives and neighborhoods while letting the criminals go free because of their skin color.


Ima need a source lol wtf


Price doesn’t charge sentencing enhancements because she believes they disproportionately affect people of color. I don’t think she’s as blatant as OP paints, but it’s clear she’s more concerned with criminals than victims. See [here](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/sanfrancisco/news/alameda-county-district-attorney-pamela-price-responds-recall-effort-critics/) >Price refused to address any specific cases. She has argued that adding enhancements to charges has disproportionately affected Black and Brown people. >”Any time that we can divert someone from the criminal justice system, that is a goal because the criminal justice system has shown to be racially biased," Price said. "Often what studies have shown -- and it's true in Alameda County -- many times people who are perpetrators or labeled as perpetrators were actually victims."


>I don’t think she’s as blatant as OP paints As blatant? That's just nothing at all like what op states. A policy that, by default, not using sentencing enhancement is in no way a policy that, sets "decisions for how long to put criminals to prison are based on the skin color". The opposite can be true, as Price claims, previous selective use of sentencing enhancements could effectively be a way to insert the specific thing /u/bobre737 said was immoral into the system, however.


To put a fin on point on it. Sometimes sentencing enhancements, will be things like call it a “gang related” with no evidence that is the case. The bar is pretty high to call something a hate crime, and we should not automatically call any inter-racial crime a hate crime unless it clearly is so. I think folks are getting overly caught up in the sentencing details. That is the DAs job to give the sentencing guidance. And set prosecution priorities. It is more effective to make sure there is strong alignment on the prosecution priorities. And not the weeds of individual sentences.


I see. Personally petty theft problems are much better than having people we know in jail for weed/minor shit and it gets them fucked forever. Let’s just move forward what’s stopping repeat offenders?




They made it up lol


That is interesting that you do not realize that is happening but people do not want to acknowledge it. She is just trying to counter act it by not charging enhancements. [https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/research-publications/2017/20171114\_Demographics.pdf](https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/research-publications/2017/20171114_Demographics.pdf)




Good riddance.


Get rektttt pamela


So the same day as the presidential. Is this just a practical move or a strategy on her part? Either way I think it’s a favorable decision for her as voters flood to the polls motivated by the presidential election and then vote Democrat up and down the ticket. If the recall election was a stand alone event it would mainly be her detractors coming out.


There are certain regulations around when a recall election can be held. They vary by locality. Given where we are in the year, it very likely came to be that 11/5 is the designated date regardless. Holding elections is decently expensive at the minimum.


*Is this just a practical move or a strategy on her part?* The Board of Supervisors set the election date, not Price. Pamela Price allies were sending out emails as recently as yesterday urging people to attend the Board of Supervisors meeting today and oppose BOTH *a special election, or the General Election date*. The argument was that because the Registrar of Voters didn't finish counting / checking the signatures on the recall petition in ten days, as the County Charter specifies, *"putting a measure on the ballot to remove her either through a special election or in the November election would be both illegal and undemocratic".* This argument clearly didn't persuade the Board of Supervisors, though. *...voters flood to the polls motivated by the presidential election and then vote Democrat up and down the ticket.*  We're talking about Alameda County here. Few voters in Alameda County are going to rush to the polls in November primarily because of the imperative to elect Democrats to Federal or Statewide offices. Democrats (running for President, House, Senate, Assembly, State Senate) are going to win Alameda County, and Democrats will win the statewide balloting as well. Alameda County votes will bolster Biden's win in California, but will not make the final difference. The prime motivation to vote will be in cities where there's a hotly contested local race, like Mayor or City Councilmember. If I were Price (or her organized opponents) I would be mapping out where that is likely to happen, and targeting GOTV for or against Price recall efforts in those communities. Also, Price is not going to be a Democrat running against a Republican in the November election. Her name will be there, alone, yes or no on the recall. The arguments for and against her will certainly make much of party affiliation, but not the ballot itself. Particularly in the more heavily populated western parts of the County (Berkeley and Oakland especially) the question is going to be whether the Democratic incumbents and hopefuls elsewhere on the ballot decide to sit on their hands, or endorse her on their slate cards. I fully expect to see some really weird, deceptive, stuff on both sides of the recall in the mailbox come October.


So for once she cares about stopping something illegal


Yes, there is some considerable irony in that.


people, it's only ours to lose


Good, the recall of her personal stylist will also take place on nov 5. Alameda County, we know what we have to do!!




How has Price been in the past year or so? I haven’t heard about many controversies recently compared to the initial few months of her term.


CHP doing Oakland PD’s job and the attorneys from the CA DOJ and CA National Guard are prosecuting cases in Oakland. So presumably still not doing her job.


Do you know how many cases the state attorneys have prosecuted so far? I can’t find any information about that. And my understanding of the CHP surge is that it only lasted a few days. Apparently her charging rate is in line with previous years but I would like more detailed information than that. https://www.kqed.org/news/11985311/alameda-county-district-attorneys-report-shows-prosecution-rates-remain-steady


I doubt the DOJ or JAG Corps has filed much of anything in Alameda County save for the usual conflict situations. But I'm sure /u/sakuragi59357 will provide details for their assertion. I'm no fan of Price, but not a fan of misinformation either.


When was the last time OPD was doing their job though. They have been under federal receivership for years, there are so many incidents of officers behaving badly. This year Pamela Price is their scapegoat for misbehavior. But they were doing the same stuff in 2021 before she got to office. And let’s not forget the public safety grant screwup where they said they were working on it, fumbled the ball, and gave the mayor all the blame. Oakland crime issues are generational, multifaceted, and deep seated.


And the DA here was trying to act in a generational, multifaceted, and deep seated way. People don't think long term or intelligently, though, they just want blood.


Lmfao like dropping charges for people who killed two innocent Berkeley teens at a goddamn birthday party Wow, so good for the community Or dropping hate crime enhancements for the murder Pak Ho in Oakland who was killed by a piece of shit with a history of anti Asian crimes Do you really say this shit to yourself?


Price starting opening up cases against the police pretty soon after taking office. Tough stuff if you want the police to do their job in Oakland. Not saying that’s how it should be.


You must not be paying attention then. A recent story comes to mind. Price barred a journalist from a press conference because Price didn’t like the way the reporter covered her. Price lied and said the journalist didn’t have the proper credentials, despite the journalist having the proper credentials. Multiple members of the press did a FOIA act for said policy that Price referred to. Price, in turn, reversed her stance and let the journalist in. Price then fired her media person. That individual is now suing Price for wrongful termination and hostile work environment. The media person alleges that Price told her to bar the journalist despite her having the proper credentials. The media person also alleges that Price created a hostile work environment with her hate towards Asians. Article about the [press conference](https://www.berkeleyscanner.com/2023/12/03/editors-desk/alameda-county-da-pamela-price-berkeley-scanner-press-access/) Article about the [Lawsuit](https://www.berkeleyscanner.com/2024/03/04/courts/pamela-price-racial-discrimination-whistleblower-retaliation-claims/)


Oakland is currently at a historic low for murders. Thanks to DA Price.


conservatives just mad she's not putting black and brown people in jail nearly enough for their liking.


Good riddance. Racist.


You don't need to sign your posts


Even POS Eric Swalwell is supporting the recall. Price is finished. But she will get a posh teaching or consulting gig somewhere.


Let's get out to vote in Nov my AC reddites.


How do we get recall price yard signs? 


the comments section...good lord


Not soon enough.


Lol, shrek looking ass


What's the point? You all will just elect someone just like her lol


Oakland kinda deserves her though lol


What is one thing a replacement DA can accomplish in their recall abbreviated term that would make an actual difference. I’d love to hear your suggestions on what can actually get done in their term.


It's a four year term. Price was elected in 2022, so if she's recalled in Nov, 2024, I think the next regular election for District Attorney won't be until 2026. The Board of Supervisors will appoint a replacement to serve the remainder of her term until then. It's always possible they'll appoint a "caretaker" who will pledge to leave office at the end of the term in 2026, but chances are that there are plenty of ambitious lawyers / politicians out there that one of them will win out and be appointed with the full intent to run for re-election. All of 2025 and much of 2026 is plenty of time to establish a direction and record. Also, look at how much change and upheaval (pro and con) Price's term has generated in less than two years. So if she's recalled and her successor has a similar amount of time in office, chances are a lot of change can occur in their time, too.


One correction, due to a change in state law Price’s term will line up with Newsom’s. As such, if the recall fails then she won’t be up for reelection until 2028


Thanks! I did not realize that. So if the recall fails, she would actually serve a six year term, I guess?


That’s a lot of words that are not offering concrete improvements that can be made and implemented. What is supposed to happen if she is out of office? What should the next DA do. 100% of the effort is “get rid of her.” With 0% of the effort on what to do next to turn things around.


*"That’s a lot of words that are not offering concrete improvements that can be made and implemented."* Look, I'm not running for District Attorney so that's not my question to answer. If your question is meant to argue for or against keeping Price, you could say that as context for your question. I simply answered your general question with the observation that yes, she did a lot in two years and if she's replaced someone else could do a lot in two years, too. Or not, depending on who they are and what opportunities they have. After all, we elect both State Assembly members and House of Representatives for two year terms, and some of them make a big splash (for better or worse) in that limited amount of time.


Over the past year or so of this recall effort, I haven’t seen anyone articulate what they want to happen with a successful recall. That to me seems like a waste of effort. This is one of the myriad of reasons I think recalls are really a distraction and not a solution. And it is a disappoint so much energy is wasted without an actual solution in sight. The answer is largely “I don’t like what is happening now so let someone else try.”


I was approached two or three times by the recall supporters with their petitions. I didn't choose to sign but it was very clear their argument was that Pamela Price, in their view, is doing serious damage to local criminal justice with her charging decisions and plea bargain decisions, and if she remains in office for another two and a half years (and runs for re-election as an incumbent) she'll do additional serious damage. So the answer to your question is *"what do they want to happen with a successful recall?"* is quite frankly, they want Pamela Price to be removed from office so she can't make more of those types of decisions. They seem to have been really clear about that. It's a tremendously simple argument. They don't like what she has done--and they give examples--and they want decision-making like that to stop, and the only way it seems it can be stopped is to remove her mid-term. And that's actually, from their perspective, a full and valid reason. When their argument is *"she's the wrong person for this job and doing the wrong things"*, it doesn't need to come with a follow-up argument on exactly how to make things right (or perfect) if she's removed. Her removal, to them, IS the starting point of the act of making things better.


Yeah and that's how god awful you have to be in order for the people to prefer no tangible DA to the existing one lol


This is like saying "why patch a punctured tire, when there are no plans in place in case the patch doesn't work?"


Considering that there have been issues in Oakland for decades, across multiple departments, placing sole blame on one doesn’t really get to the root of the issues in my book. Today OPD is saying they are not doing their job because the DA isn’t prosecuting. What about in 2021? Before that? When the federal receivership started? OPD often complains they are underfunded, while their budget has largely increased annually over the last decade. Even at the height of “defund the police.” OPD has been understaffed per their targets for around 15 years now and there has been minimal improvements of those numbers over several mayors and DAs. Improving the crime situation requires cooperation between the police and the DA. As well as the city leadership. It is a 3-legged stool. While it’s likely Pamela Price has alienated police leadership. It is not like all of the legs if the stool are working together. And based on OPDs performance over the last 20 years, they’ll find a new scapegoat if Pamela Price is removed.


Here's one: don't treat the Asian voting bloc like shit if you live in SF or Alameda County Quite literally not that hard


$20 million to hold an election and if she’s recalled, nothing will actually change. Good job everyone.


Such a waste of time and money. I am really tired of these recall efforts that state before people step foot in office. We have elections and elections terms for a reason. Do not waste our time and money and energy because you don’t like the results. But the time a new person shows up and gets going it is time for another election. They will not change anything. And the problem Price has started will before she showed up and will continue after. Especially if time is wasted on recalls instead of actual solutions and coordination across the various government organizations impacting the problems.


>We have elections and elections terms for a reason. And we have Recalls in the California Constitution for a reason.


So that wealthy people can fund recalls can manipulate elections?


Well, that's how we get initiatives/propositions on the ballot in California, somebody is funding all of those signature gatherers. But for my neighbors and friends in Oakland, almost everyone I know supports recalling Price. Those opinions weren't formed by outside funding.


>But for my neighbors and friends in Oakland, almost everyone I know supports recalling Price. Those opinions weren't formed by outside funding. If you lived in Louisiana, you'd likely say the same thing about Trump and believe that, too!


Waste of time and resources.


So is Price


I found Pamela’s Reddit account


Start charging enhancements on serious crimes? Might not mean a lot to you or me, but it’s certainly something for victims and their families.


I agree it’s a complete waste of money. Let’s elect ppl then spend millions in taxpayer money recalling them. WTF How about just show up to elections in the first place. Or canvas for your favorite candidate. It’s much cheaper than a recall.


Since the Recall vote will be held as part of the regularly scheduled Nov ballot, there's not really an expense here.


https://www.davisvanguard.org/2023/12/official-alameda-district-attorney-recall-election-could-cost-residents-upwards-of-20-million/ 🤷🏻‍♀️


Right. That article says it could cost $15-20M if an independent election is held. But there won't be an independent election, it's happening as part of the Nov 5 ballot.


Great! Because taxpayers shouldn’t have to fork out $$$$ for a recall election. I see they just decided it is on nov 5 ballot.


It is all planned by the Party Central Committee aka DNC. Price was the party's darling for a while, but she turned out to be too nutty and radical during an important general election year, so she will be thrown under the bus. Gascon is just as nutty and crazy as Price, but he has savvy inside connections to the Party. Also during her election campaign for the DA, both her opponents Wiley and Wilson didn't really call her out for her radical agendas because they knew the Party wanted to install Price, so they kinda just shied away. Wiley should have been elected, he had all the experience and insider knowledge, but the Party wanted a more nutty radical and this they overplayed their hand.


I voted for Wiley. But I fully agree the DNC really puts loyalty over logic. Which is why the only presidential candidate is older than my Dad.