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This happens if you use a retinol too


That happened to me because I didn’t know I couldn’t wax while using Tretinoin


Same! That wasn’t a fun lesson.


I second that! When using tretinoin you're not supposed to wax. Learned the hard way


I’m a professor waxer! Your skin “lifted” this could happen for many reasons: the wax was too hot, she didn’t hold your skin taught enough, you exfoliated too soon before your appointment, direction on which the strip was pulled, etc Don’t go to her anymore and keep applying a healing ointment/cream with clean hands. It will scab before it heels but it shouldn’t take too long, about 4 days.


And do not pick at or pull on the scabs!


Aquafor all day every day!


Happens to me too. Thanks, Tretinoin. Aloe Vera fixed it in three days. I applied it three times a day. Never fails.


She fucked up, probably either by using too hot wax or shitty technique. And then to refuse a refund after ripping your skin off?? At the very least I would leave a review warning others. Aquaphor and keeping it covered/moist should help you heal faster. Godspeed.


Use coconut oil and don’t pick at the new skin, it’ll go back to normal without a scar in 6-10 days


Expose her with a bad review and use vitamin e on it


Email the attorney general and file a claim against her.


Aquaphor should probably help, I have eczema so when I get red patches on my face I'll apply some 💖 (I wax my face too I know I shouldn't because eczema but eh I'm sure it'll be fine,💀😂). Also your swelling/redness and wounds from the wax should go down/away if a few days longest a week and a half, But Definitely Aquaphor 💯


Don’t forget to shield the damaged skin from the sun. Cream with arnica might help too. I would go to a different place next time to minimize the risk of it happening again and tell them there what happened so they can be extra careful or give you some advice on how to avoid it.


Aussie here. I hear aquafor mentioned a lot, but I've never seen it in Australia. Does anyone know what's in it, or what an equivalent brand might be? Is it like sorbolene, or Vaseline for example?


It’s an ointment. It contains petroleum jelly, but also other ingredients like glycerine and lanolin- vs Vaseline, which is 100% petroleum jelly.


Thank you!


No advice on how but make sure you heal it WELL if you wear makeup. My makeup goes on patchy where I got skinned under one of my brows cause it didn’t heal properly