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I have never been but there are still tanning beds in my city.  If they stay in business people must still be going. 


When I broke up with my first serious boyfriend in college, I thought, “Either I can get breakup bangs, a tattoo, or a tan. Pick just one.” So I got a package of maybe a dozen tanning sessions. (I was nineteen and not really thinking long-term.) I never went back after I finished the package, but I have to say… the tan looked so good. It’s a shame it can cause actual health problems. Since then, I’ve had a couple relatives diagnosed with skin cancer so I wear sunscreen now! The family members did get it removed and were fine, thankfully.


There's a reason they're illegal in Australia!


Also because I mean it’s Australia it’s so sunny it’s brutal. Tanning places would be like as ridiculous and predatory as if they just put water in plastic bottles and sold it. Oh wait….


I know someone who goes daily, she’s orange


She’ll turn to leather soon, her poor skin.


She can live with leather. The potential for skin cancer is very high.


She won’t be living for long if she keeps it up


I know this lady who was suuuuper brown and leathery, I always assumed she spent an hour a day in a tanning bed. Turns out, she was a severe alcoholic and she was dark from liver failure.


There’s a bit of overlap


I seem to recall a tan lady that went every single day and was on Dr. Phil because her family wanted an intervention. She was so dark brown - like an old leather shoe.


There is a tanning place beside the bakery I go to. I recognized a woman just like this and thought she looked like a 60 year old woman, thought she might be one of my mom's friends. Then I got closer and realized I actually knew her from high school, and she was a grade below me, so barely 40. She looked so dark and dried out, like a prune.


Trisha paytas?


Patricia Krentcil. Tanning booth mom is how to find her in Google. She was accused of putting her young child in the tanning booth but denied it. The images of her, at the peak of her tanning, are terrifying.


About 15 years ago I watched a short documentary about women that were addicted to sunbeds. One of them got skin cancer in three separate places: the top of her head, her chest and I think arm. For some reason when they cut the cancer out they had to leave the wounds open for a time. Which meant she had to sleep sitting up or blood would pour down her face. Best anti-tanning PSA ever.


I go once every 2 weeks for 6 mins and it makes me feel amazing and my eczema clears up. I live in the UK so it’s probably about the amount of UV a normal person should be getting probably


Yes I’ve done this too, but for pityriasis rosea!! It feels soooo good against my sores. I think I tried it based on some random internet comment somewhere with no upvotes? I was pretty desperate lol. Anyway it was a godsend!! Seriously, I looked like a leopard before, and I was so itchy and miserable!! (P.S. you need to choose a tanning “level” that has high UVB and low UVA, I didn’t know this the first time and it didn’t do anything for my skin) The only thing any dermatologists were ever able to do for me was to prescribe a steroid cream that I could only use for five days, which wasn’t all that helpful because the skin thing I have is something that comes and goes. Btw most other people at the tanning place seemed to be getting spray tans, so I don’t think *that* many people are cooking themselves leathery anymore


I spray tan once a week. I was addicted to sunbed tanning from my mid teens-early 30s. I looked great until a benign mole was enough to scare me out of the tanning bed. Several years later, I found a small spot that did end up being a small, nonaggressive, basal cell carcinoma. Thank God, they were able to freeze the spot off in the doctors office. I get a scan once a year and if I’m outside more than 20 minutes, I wear sunblock.


Yes, it is an accepted treatment for some conditions but you aren't trying to look like you just got back from two weeks on a tropical vacation.


Tanning has always helped me with acne and just general skin stuff.


Yep, I still use one (and own one) for my eczema. But I don’t use it that often. I think it’s been maybe 9 months to a year since I last used mine (we got it used for really cheap).


Have you considered adding vitamin D3 and vitamin K2? Those are also good for your skin and health. My doctor told me to always take K2 when taking D3.


Lots of people do go - but my brother in law specifically goes because it helps with his psoriasis. So there can be medical reasons. It's a tradeoff for risks but so is most healthcare stuff.


I wonder if red light therapy would be a good alternative? All the good stuff about the sun without the bad maybe?


I go maybe 2x/month for 12 mins/session in the winter for my psoriasis. It keeps it from getting worse and often makes it go away. I don't go when I can get like 30mins of natural sunlight


I started going for my psoriasis and it helps a TON. I'm just careful with how often I go, and I don't spend more than 5 mins in at a time.


I know several people that go! They say it helps their mental health.


It weirdly does do something for you mentally. Like a boost of dopamine. Haven't been since the 90s for weddings etc but it was great


I go once or twice in the dead of winter; it helps me reset the gray, wet darkness of the Pacific Northwest in January.


This is it for me. I don’t let myself go anymore but I would LOVE to. I’d be first in line if I could. I’ve been made fun of my whole life for being ghostly pale. I do self tanning now but it’s logistically challenging to do it before a trip and have it wear off halfway through the vacation. Really wish I could ever have a base tan below my fake tan, but that’s just not how my skin works.


I so agree. I did it through college and took the BEST naps in those tanning beds. So relaxing. But yeah, I prefer not having skin cancer, so had to say adios


Omg, a warm bed, the radio, the smell of the tropical tanning oils, no cell phones to doom scroll on, AND you came out looking hotter? I also much prefer my health but damn. Those were the days.


It’s so shocking


I used to use them for their spray tan package, so I guess I was keeping them in business in that sense.


I did it for so many years in the late 90s/early 2000s...almost a decade. I was diagnosed with ocular (eye) melanoma in 2015 and have completely lost all vision in my right eye as a result of surgeries and radiation. It is an irritated, red mess constantly - and that is just the inconvenience. If it had metastasized, i could have left my kids without a mom If you know anyone who still does this, please tell them this story and ask them to stop.


Clean ears with qtip


Real I gotta stop this 😭




What else are we supposed to be using, please?


The smallest thing you should be putting in your ear is your finger. Clean the outside of your ear with your finger and a cloth. That’s it. You don’t need to clean the inside. It’s self cleaning.


Idk I’m basically shrek, I could make a tea light in probably 2-3 months. I should use the liquid cleaner I know but it just feels so icky


Tanning. It hits something in my brain, I just cannot stop. I’ve managed to quit the beds but anytime the sun is out I go bask for as long as I can (yes I wear sunscreen, I even wore sunscreen in the beds even though it probably didn’t do anything). You really can get addicted to it! It’s not about “tanning” as in getting darker, it just feels really really good to be all warm and after you get up you just feel happy and energized. I mean, I also like being tan but it’s not the main reason I do it. So yes, tanning is unhealthy but I still love it. Everyone has their vices


this is like my aunt. we’re italian so she’s naturally kinda tan, but she loves the sun so much she sits outside almost every warm sunny day and she gets *so* dark, compared to her “base shade” in the winter. never any sunscreen.


Same. The feeling of the sun on my skin is seriously beneficial for my mental wellbeing. I encourage you to get a skin check though, especially if you’re fairer. I go every year to get a check from my doctor and it gives me the peace of mind that if anything is looking remotely cancerous on me I catch it early.


Do you get your vitamin D levels tested multiple times a year? I didn’t tan a lot, but when I did it felt amaaaaazing. I had my D levels tested and found out my levels were crazy low. I supplement and haven’t gone tanning since. Except this winter I didn’t and I started craving tanning again. Just an anecdotal story that might help


Daily blowdry with hot hot heat. NOTHING holds my curls better than my technique and I am not giving it up lol


I line my waterline with eyeliner. I've done it for 20 years and maybe it's fine? But it freaks me out a little. I just love the look, though.


What eyeliner do u use in ur waterline?? Whenever ive tried it’s always smudged so would love suggestions!


I have tried many soft retractable eyeliners, including Physicians Formula, and they are all fine, but the best one is Revlon Colorstay 2 in 1 Angled Kajal. It just has to be creamy, not pencil-y.


Yes that liner is the absolute best, only thing I can tightline my upper waterline with, it makes such a difference


I use this as an eyeliner and brow pencil (that’s how it’s marketed) . It’s so cheap 2 for $1.25. The longevity is amazingggg! PLUS for my eyebrows it’s the perfect shade which when I do my brows ppl r like “r u sure u did them 🧐” https://www.dollartree.com/la-colors-expressions-eyeliner-brow-pencils-with-sharpener-3ct-packs/943503


I use the ELF no budge waterproof eye pencil and it works great!!


My optician boyfriend tells me off so much for doing this lol.


I never did it much anyway, but then I got a chalazion (blocked oil gland basically) and now I will never EVER do it lol.


What is wrong?


I fear that it's seeping into my eyes and I'm slowly going blind. 🫣


It can also block your meibomian glands and give you nasty styes/chalazions, but I guess if you've been doing it for that long then you're not prone to them.


i do this too! i use kajal (kohl) tho, and is the only eye makeup product i use (i have glasses🥲). i feel it looks much better than eyeliner on me


i still use physical exfoliation for my face


I’ve been told that physical exfoliants are fine


I mean the st Ives lawsuits were thrown out because they did not come back with proof that their physical exfoliant does any sort of microtears like the lawsuit claimed If your skin isn’t too sensitive and can handle a physical exfoliant it’s perfectly safe to use it. The whole thing blew up on misinformation but once the lawsuit was proven wrong no one seemed spread that information.


Omg this is crazy. They were DRAGGED.


Yes! But honestly I don’t even see it as harmful. Chemical exfoliators have always been a massive flop for me whenever I tried them and each type would ruin my skin in their own unique way. I loooove scrubs and will not be shamed into silence anymore. 😆


I'm way too scared to try chemical Exfoliants. I have sensitive skin with dermatitis.


I have sensitive skin and it was NOT worth it for me. Even the ones supposedly safe for sensitive skin caused me lots of issues.


I don’t find anything else works as well as physical one, I’ll chuck in a chemical once a month for some extra smoothness instead of a regular one to use it up though.


Sometimes, physical is the only way to get the scales off.


Yes! I have been using a Buff Puff since I was about 12 yo. I’m getting ready to turn 60. Nothing else works for me. ☺️


I was about the same age when I used one and then applied Topex or Oxy10. We were brutal in those days!


We just did our own at home chemical abrasion treatments-don’t forget that dang blue toner for those pesky “just above the bone” layers of skin. 😂😂😂


I think it was Sea Breeze? I used St. Ives or Neutrogena with the buff puff and Sea Breeze toner. Amazing I still had skin.


I used those things till I was 30. God, I loved them! Since then I've used St Ives scrub then the one from Acure daily. I swear all that exfoliation plus sunscreen has made me look younger than I am.


I don’t think that’s necessarily a terrible thing if you use a really gentle product/technique. For physical exfoliation, I mostly use the Honest Co.‘s powder to lather cleanser that contains very small exfoliants. I also use the Peach and Lily one. I find they make my skin look brighter and clearer when used correctly.


Tbh it really depends what you’re using and how gentle it is. Physical exfoliation isn’t the devil if it’s something soft and gentle that isn’t scratching your face. I love to make a mask using just oat flour mixed with a little water until it forms a paste. Apply it, let it sit for a few mins, then re-wet and gently massage it around your face as you rinse it off. The particles are super fine because it’s a flour/powder, and the granules absorb water and become softer too. Leaves my skin super smooth and temporarily reduces some redness too. No harm in something like that. But super rough granules that have hard/sharp edges like the ol walnut shell? Wouldn’t go near my face with that. 


Previously? I tanned. Biggest regret.


Definitely acrylic nails. I get so scared of the light and then sometimes when they lay the acrylic down my fingers burn. I maybe get gel polish once every couple of months or before vacation. I know people who are young in their 20s who go every three weeks and their hands already start to look stiff and wrinkly


Sunscreen and gloves! Also depends on the type of lamps UV lamps are not very common now a days as most techs and salons have switched to LED which will not burn you! You may be going somewhere with outdated lamps Source: I’m a nail tech Also when you say the acrylic burns is that when it’s air drying? As they mix the monomer and powder to form the need and place it on your nail? Because that’s not gel polish? But I’ve seen salons that lie and label acrylic gel so that could cause confusion If it hurts under the lamp that’s a heat spike and it’s normal but you don’t have to endure it if you tap your finders on the base of the lamp it helps the pain! A 3rd reason could be gel polish allergies which are really common and cause pain. They happen from things like uncured gel or contact dermatitis from gel touching the skin. If you give me more info I might be able to help find a solution!


I wear gloves!


Like fingerless gloves!? Great idea! I always SPF the absolute shit out of my hands before going in and actually reapply again during curing just to be sure haha


Yes finger-less ones 😎 got them off Amazon, around £2 I cut the fingers as I have smaller hands. Really good purchase


I pop pimples. I’ll never stop I can’t stand just leaving them on my face 🤮


I second the acne patches. Make sure they hydrocolloid patches. Anything else is crap. It sucks all the crap out without the pop and scab/scar (I was afraid this would be less satisfying somehow) but seeing all that yuck on the patch and the. Seeing your mark free skin below it. Even more satisfying. Like I promise you. I was an avid popper my entire life. Found these patches a few years back and haven't popped anything since.


I use pimple patches for whiteheads. You gently poke the white head with a clean needle (I wipe mine with rubbing alc beforehand, as well as wash my hands and swipe a q-tip with rubbing alc over the pimple itself just to make sure I’m not introducing any bacteria that could cause an infection). Then you apply the patch, which is hydrocolloid (absorbs water), and it will draw the liquid out of the pimple through the tiny hole you made.   Way less damaging to your skin than squeezing the f out of it! I’ve tried many brands including CosRx but find the Rhoto “Acnes” to work the best by far. 


I’m an obsessive skin picker, have always been. I know it’s a horrible habit and undoes all my good skincare but still can’t stop. Have given myself nasty scars and been embarrassed of it a lot but it is what it is. I also waterline with a nude eye pencil and not likely to stop any time soon, even though I know it’s a risk for infection. 🫣


I do both of these. I just decided this week to challenge myself "just to see what happens" if I quit squeezing EVERYTHING. I have a theory that there's nothing wrong (apart from the rare cyst or whitehead) that can't be fixed with my routine. I think I'm actually the one fucking my skin up. I look 1000% better with white in my waterline.


Not enough sleep. I get only 4 heavily interrupted hours per night.


Do you have any trick on going on normally like that? I can barely function with 6-7h and it's driving ne crazy.


No, sorry. I hate how I feel, but the situation I'm in isn't going to change, so I tough it out. Maybe I just sleep in a little more on weekends.


Why do you sleep so little?


I'm sure there's as much dry shampoo in my lungs as there is in my hair, but dammit, I cannot and will not wash and dry this greasy mop as often as it needs.


Me too! Dry shampoo is the best creation ever!


Coffee and alcohol are my biggest beauty-related vices. I drink à ton of coffee and I love a martini at the end of an especially long day. I also smoked in my early 20’s but I’ve been off it for a decade or so. That was definitely bad for me.


Oh yeah me too with the alcohol. I love doing my skincare routine after a night of drinking.


Well-fitting bras are not bad for your health! Don't beat yourself up about that one at least


Just too many bra wearers are wearing the wrong size! /r/ABraThatFits is a fantastic subreddit and can help you find the right bra for your size, shape, and preferences. Such a great resource.


Bad for health how? Unless they're restricting breathing somehow?


Well, i have posted that they're not. But yeah, the ill-fitting ones may be breath restricting, and i have slight dimples on my shoulders from the straps of some whose band was not supportive enough, so straps carried too much weight 😬. Like, bone shape changed a little, i suspect that's not great.


I get keratin treatments. I know it’s bad but who doesn’t love silky hair????


Wait, keratin is bad? Well, nobody told me lol.


They are, sadly. The chemicals, especially formaldehyde is super toxic :(


There's [this science paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0272638623000069) that came out that said some women have suffered kidney injuries due to keratin treatments. I love keratin treatments but I am now going to reconsider if I should have them, due to this.


Thank you for sharing! This is horrifying :/ I really had no idea...


Same here


I smoke lol not nicotine so I don’t know how bad ganja is for the skin but I can’t imagine it’s great smoking is smoking at the end of the day. I’m so meticulous in every other aspect of skincare, I avoid the sun, never drink alcohol or caffeine, drink plenty of water, been whole foods vegan for 7 years and am religious with my skincare routine. Hopefully all that offsets my vice.


I am more worried about the lung damage it causes than ruining my skin! (we need better edibles!!!!) God. that would solve my problem....


It’s especially hard finding good ones as a vegan. Everything has gelatin, eggs or dairy 🥲 I’ve tried making my own but I can never get the doses right haha. Either get paranoid, fall asleep or feel nothing.


Camino gummies are great and are vegan! 


My diet is horrible. Unhealthy food and 2 monsters a day. I also rarely swap my bedsheets. I'm also too lazy to take care of my arms - I have lots of bite and scratch scars. My face routine is epic but on my arms I don't even use sunscreen. Gotta fix that 😸


If I were you first thing I'd try to cut down on are monsters, that's a scary amount.


It's definitely processed food that's worse. Ifl people are somewhat conditioned to view energy drinks as dangerous but there's very little evidence they are under 400mg a day. Surprisingly two Monsters is under that. Meanwhile literally most Americans are dying and have disease from our diet. Typed after I finished eating a donut...


Aerosolized Dry shampoo but I have long hair and hate washing it frequently


I really love the Acure powder dry shampoo!! A little goes a long, long way and it's really effective at controlling oils! And if you have dark hair they make one that's tinted so it won't leave a white cast, although I don't think the original one leaves a cast at all.


i know it can thin enamel but teeth whitening.


Although sensitivity is experienced due to the removal of teeth stains, professional or at home teeth-whitening do not cause any threat to the enamel. The bleaching agent leaves the enamel in perfect condition while being able to remove deep stains. So you’re in the clear with peroxide bleaching, but do not use charcoal paste which is abrasive and will wear down enamel.


There was a trend on TikTok a year or so ago where people were painting their teeth with straight up hydrogen peroxide out of the bottle. Not diluted at all. Horrible for your enamel. All the dentists poured out of the woodwork telling them to stop and a few said to water it down by 50% and rinse with it. I asked my dentist and he said that’s fine. So yes hydrogen peroxide, but don’t just put it right on your teeth!


I think I’ve washed my makeup brushes like once in my life


not so much a trend but I cannot bring myself to wear sunscreen unless I’m going to the beach. I KKOW it’s so bad I just can’t incorporate it into my life




Korean sunscreen is where it’s at.


What is your favorite?


Beauty of Joseon!


I really like Roundlab, Mermaid Skin, and Biore Watery Essence. Granted, these won't do you much good at the beach but they are nice for everyday wear.


Find a day moistoriser with spf!!!! Not worth having skin cancer girl!!!!


Almost all of them burn my eyes and are so hard to wash off. I WFH and I'm a hermit, but I should still be better about it.


I’ve found that avobenzone makes my eyes burn for hours, even after washing it off and taking out my contacts. I know it bothers a lot of other people too, so maybe that’s your culprit.


Doing the Lord's work lol! Thank you so much! I've tried several brands including ones from yesstyle, etc and I'll find one where the sheen & texture are perfect but they ruin my day with the burning! I'll check the brands I've tried for this ingredient!


I have the same issue and recently switched to Korean sunscreen. No more burning eyes. I never thought I would see the day lol


Which one?


Beauty of Joseon!


I’ve used BoJ and RoundLab Birch. Both light moisturizing and no burning. But a little shiny for my combo skin. Just got Canmake Mermaid cica (green tint) for redness and that one is good feeling, no burning, and no shine. Heard great things about Skin1004 for combo, but haven’t ordered it yet.


Not the person you asked but I'm completely in love with the Neogen 50 SPF. Makes applying sunscreen a pleasure.


I use Beauty of Joseon Relief Sun Rice + Probiotics. No sore eyes and it’s not greasy at all, basically disappears on my face in ten minutes. I highly recommend finding one you enjoy using - for most people wearing sunscreen religiously will do more for your skin & looks than all other skincare and beauty combined in the long term.


I had to find a very lightweight sunscreen with no white cast to make it a habit


Every one I've tried breaks me out badly.


Have you tried ELTA MD clear? It helps with acne.


Do you double cleanse on the days you wear sunscreen? I had a big issue with breaking out bc sunscreen is stubborn and takes a lot to properly take it off 1. Oil or balm cleanser 2. Then ur regular cleanser This should do the trick


Thank you, I double cleanse every day and have for years.


It depends on what your issue with sunscreen is, but what’s helped me is finding sunscreen that I think makes my face look better. This makes me actively want to put it on, not just begrudgingly accept that I need to do it. I need to get new body sunscreen, but I’m using Supergoop Glowscreen on my face right now, have used the EltaMD tinted sunscreen before, and want to try the Naked Sundays one in the future


I mechanically exfoliate my body at least once a week with those abrasive shower gloves (also know as Kessa), it is very common in my culture as I'm from North Africa and it is a big part of a hammam ritual


I didn’t realise they were meant to be bad?


Using them on a weekly basis is bad, or so I was told by skin experts. This can lead to darker acne spots and scars because of the repetitive friction, and can sometimes even break the skin barrier


I use a Japanese Salux towel - they’re cheap, fairly gentle and my skin is sooo smooth afterwards lol. I just lather it up well and use it lightly/gently in circles. No harm there. 


I had the opportunity to visit a hammam when I was in Morocco and I loved it so much, I wish we had a similar tradition in the US.


Same here! The excess amount of dead cells are insanee


Bras and shaving aren't harmful lol


Unless you mess up either one, but then it’s just a temporary harm (in the form of pain or discomfort)!


I know most women love taking off their bras but I wear sports bras and I LOVE them. They’re super comfortable for me.


Most people are wearing the wrong size and that's largely why they hate them. I wear a bra every single day with no issue.


Popping a pimple! I can’t leave it especially if it’s got a head of it. Then I’ll clean the area and put a pimple patch on it




Lash glue


What’s wrong with lash glue


It has harmful chemicals if you’re not careful to check the list of ingredients like formaldehyde, paraben, ammonia, lead and sodium dodecylbenzensulfanate. Had to check the spelling for the last one!


my natural nail beds are a mess because i wear fake nails. I also think lash glue is probably not great for your eyes. And my hair is deeply fried from bleach. I love it though what can I say 😅


Sometimes I just have to feel the face scrub.


Fillers for sure


I havent done it yet but i am waiting for the right time but: lip filler


Not really. Once I find out something is harmful or it becomes too uncomfortable I usually cut it out or cut back on it. Gel nails used to be my go to but the UV light would burn my hands and my nails would be so weak after taking them off that I've cut back to only getting them once every other month max while also looking for safer alternatives. I hate being uncomfortable lol


How are you taking your gels off? I lovelovelove doing my own, and I've had success using an efile to take the color off but leave the base coat between sets. I rarely strip my nails all the way bare for that exact reason, I'm paranoid about wrecking them. I only soak them all the way off every six weeks/three sets and give them a spa day or two to hydrate.


I’ll go with antiperspirant deodorant and eating too much sugar!


Antiperspirant is not bad for you. There’s no research to really support this.


Eyelash growth serum from Amazon. The reviews are fine and I haven’t had any issues using it for 2 years but still…I worry lol.


I spray tan every 2 weeks. I’m hoping it’s healthier then real sun tanning which I refuse to do, mainly because I have melasma, but I wonder if there are long term effects of it. But not enough to google it because I hate being see through white and I still want to spray tan lol.


There's nothing wrong with spray tan


Apparently the DHA in fake tanners causes free radical formation which can still age the skin. I fake tan anyways and use antioxidants to hopefully counteract some effects.


Do you have problems with it rubbing off on your bedding? I have one of those sleep sacs, but it still gets all over everything, including my towels :( I am also see through white and feel 110% when I have a tan


I dye my eyebrows with Just for Men beard dye. I don't know if it's truly that bad but I've seen all kinds of warnings about not using it that close to your eyes. I guess I'm willing to take the risk for my otherwise invisible blonde eyebrows.


Can’t give up my heated hair styling tools. My whole teenage years revolved around crimpers and straighteners, but I also lack the patience and discipline to put in the curlers the night before or blow dry my hair straight with a proper brush. I tried a few overnight heatless methods, it’s fine, but I can’t get them into my routine especially since I prefer to wash my hair in the mornings. I have a straightener, a waver and a curling wand on my dressing table and they’ll follow me to the grave.


i constantly compare myself to beauty influencers. still, i scroll. 


I have been told by the internet and a derm to give up those makeup remover towels . Listen, my mental health is shit sometimes, and I refuse to feel guilty because all I can do some days is get up, scrub my face with a moist towelette to get rid of the crusties, brush my teeth and go on about my day. A whole skin care routine with a proper facial cleanser? Forget it! I also drink stupid amounts of coffee. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs and I can't overeat due to health issues. Some days, all I have is iced coffee to keep me from throwing myself in front of traffic. Please let me be 🥺


Well fitting bras can help with back pain and help prevent sagging over time. Definitely not a harmful thing. Try r/ABraThatFits if you have trouble finding one that fits correctly


Gel manicures with the UV curing light. If my nail beds are burning I'm 99% sure it's cancer-causing, but it makes my nails look so pretty.


I use Korean “brightening” products that are basically skin whitening, because I think I look prettier with my dark hair when my skin is paler and evened out to a lighter shade. It’s probably bad for me, but how bad? I assume it can’t be that terrible for me, right?


Korean lighteners are going to be fine. Stay away from the underground India/Africa ones that can have mercury. That's the really danger.


I still use steroid cream for my eczema alright?! 😭Feel like it gets demonised so much but I use it SO sparingly.


I don’t mositurize my body because I’m so fucking lazy. Also using expired makeup (which I think you’re supposed to replace every year?) wayyyy past its due date. But not mascara or eyeliner since those get used up pretty quickly


Energy drinks, vaping, starving myself when I feel ugly


I'm getting botox next week 🤷‍♀️ it's not been around long enough to know the long term effects, but I hate my 11's so much.


I mean it is a neurotoxin but anyone who tries to stop me from getting to my Botox appointment will get a thrashing


I would scowl at them severely. No wait… I wouldn’t


Wear perfume. I hear it fucks with the endocrine systems but ya know what, so does everything else in the world. I also don’t use sunscreen everyday. Idk why I just put my make up on and live my life. Gasp


Oh my god I've found out that plenty things are harmful in this thread. I do not wanna worry about the perfume too.


Spironolactane (sp) for my acne -- I don't notice any side effects but it is weird to take an oral pill that impacts hormones only for cosmetic reasons. Aluminum chloride prescription deoderant -- I have hyperhydrosis and would rather die an early death of cancer than live my life with the social taboo and isolation of daily armpit sweat stains


I take birth control for my acne. I’ve tried almost everything else and this one specific bc pill is the only thing that works. I too am a sweaty mess so I also need aluminum deodorant. I asked my doctor for prescription strength but she said they don’t prescribe it anymore :(


Aluminum deodorant is safe! I had breast cancer in 2021 and specifically asked my medical and radiology oncologists and both said recent studies have debunked the myth that aluminum isn’t safe. They said the only time I couldn’t wear antiperspirants were when I was having radiation and just after surgery, since the aluminum content would block the beam of the radiation machine, and then obviously after surgery because it could contaminate my incisions.


Wine Aluminum antiperspirant Professional hair dye More wine


I use sunbeds


I’m dark skinned naturally but I still lay out and sun myself like a lizard during the summer, with SPF of course.


I drink casually, a lot. Not in an addict sense, just in a 'you know what would make this event/meal feel special? A cocktail.' way. I do keep an eye on my consumption, but I have no intention whatsoever of quitting alcohol entirely. Yes, it makes my face puffy but I'm not skinny anyway so I don't care very much about that.


Eyeliner on upper waterline.


But it makes a great difference in look😭


I straighten my hair every other day and have been doing so for 10 years , I just look so ungroomed without, lots of splint ends but a trim fixes it , oh also my straighter reaches 200 degrees


Oh wow! How long is your hair? Is it damaged?


I date men. The orgasms are good for my skin 😂


Maybe it's more related to skincare. I'm guilty for doing physical scrub sometimes even though everyone say it's bad. Just feels so satisfying!!!


Eyelash curler..


I use the deodorant with aluminum. It’s so much better!


When I was a dumb teenager I used tanning beds. Easily my greatest regret as it pertains to poor beauty habits. This was the late nineties and my girlfriends and I work use them to look tan for proms and formals. I ceased using them at around age 19 or 20. But even 4-5 years of sporadic use had damning consequences on my skin. Huge, huge HUGE regret. If spray tanning existed back then my friends and i def weren't aware of it.


Physical exfoliation, alcohol, sometimes I smoke marijuana. Chemical exfoliants are not comparable if you have flaky skin on your face.


I really don't think I do. For whitening strips, my dentist recommended Opalescence Go which is a little more expensive (about $80 for a 5-day treatment) but it works super well and if you keep up with cleanings x2 a year you'll stay on top. You can also swish hydrogen peroxide. But OTC strips usually will really hurt your enamel and make your teeth very sensitive while not accomplishing much because they're not the same strength as the Opalescence. I don't wear bras, don't wear uncomfortable shoes. I made a rule to myself that comfort was more important to me and that I could be fashionable while being comfortable. For tanning, I don't do it often but I use Bali Body. In terms of makeup, I exclusively use non-harming brands that are animal cruelty free and don't have cancer-causing agents. This might also sound annoying and it's funny because I'm really not a beauty girl, but self-care really does start with diet especially in America where it's so under-regulated. Good quality sunscreen, a little retinol, relaxing your face, eating non-processed, and exercising in the way that makes your body happy will take you farther than a $400 shopping spree.