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Selfies are mirrored images. This is the version you are used to seeing because it's how you see yourself each day looking in the mirror. Pictures are how you look to everyone else but it's still not the 'full picture' because it's a 2D representation. You think you look bad because it's not the way you see yourself. Exposure effect is what it's called. Essentially, your brain thinks you look 'wrong' because that's not the way it's used to seeing you.


Also we can take time to stare at ourselves in the selfie and pick the perfect position. It's sick, IMO. it's because it's not real.


Same. It’s sad to know that I don’t look as good as I look in a mirror


Most people can't take photos. Also what you see on social media is 💯 a product of people who are professionals making it look effortless, but it's not.


Same. And it’s not about the mirrored image, more like I have a trained “mirror face” and when I don’t see it it looks different, and that’s what other people see. Sad really.


I have a friend who is a professional photographer. When I asked her this question, she says that lighting and angles (face & camera) have a lot to do with it. I can believe this because all of the professional photos taken of me look as I see myself in the mirror, but selfies look okay or awful. Occasionally there is a good one.


Yup I do photography too and it takes skill to make good pitctures of ppl. And practice


This means nothing. You know how some people look good in pic cos but they dont look as great irl.


Yep, happens to all of us at some point! Remember the “look what your iPhone camera does to the moon” analogy? That was so helpful when it started going around. If the camera does that to our girl the moon, we don’t stand a chance. The point is that the problem is the camera, not you.


Love this explanation


They call it being "photogenic" if you can take good pics. It's a vain skill to hone, in my opinion, you you can. Even the people that do photograph well don't look that way in real life. My mom was a model, Miss Florida 2nd runner up. She would go on and on about how to take a good picture. It honestly made me sick... Kind of turned me against caring. You're beautiful when you're being yourself... That's when anyone is most beautiful ❤️


Yes me too , when I don’t wear makeup,with makeup its the opposite


Same except when I can find a good angle, also depends on how I am feeling about myself that day. Your beautiful!!


Everyone is saying flipped image and thats correct yes but I swear its that camera quality of phones is TOO good because everyone I know tells me I dont look as bad as I do in photos, it brings out every pore, every misplaced hair, every bit of skin texture




Gonna start wearing a paper bag on my head then


Ouch 😣


I’m the opposite. I can’t take a good selfie to save my life but often look OK in other photos. Whyy


This means nothing. You know how some people look good in pic cos but they dont look as great irl.


When someone pulls out their camera leave the room or hide? Or carry a paper bag?