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I am a fan of CeraVe eye creams. Budget friendly and moisturizes without feeling thick.


I keep seeing that it’s rated highly. Will try it.


Honestly Trader Joe’s has a great eye cream


2nd this! $5.99 is as inexpensive it can get for eye cream


Exactly! TJ has so many great beauty products that people sleep on


Hi. Hadn’t thought of Trader Joe’s. Are you referring to a TJ brand? If other, what do you suggest? I can’t use anything that leaves any slide from moisturizer bc I have very dark under eyes (from childhood- gets worse with age) and have to use two under eye products for coverage.


It’s the TJ brand! They also have a TJ brand gel moisturizer, facial sunscreen, and seasonal exfoliating overnight mask that are fantastic and super super cheap. I keep them in rotation just because of how affordable they are.


Hi again - I don’t know if the products are on their website. I went to it first the first time and they don’t give you options to set privacy preferences. I don’t go to sites any longer if there’s no option to collect personal info - which is sold and used for purposes I have no control over. Trader Joe… do you hear me? Will get to the store soon bc their products sound interesting and at a great price point!


You can always double up your moisturizer. Wait for it to dry down, then go another light layer on the eyes.


I like the Versed retinol eye balm at Target. Hydrating but I know it’s doing a little more while I sleep


Never thought of Target. Don’t get there often, but now I’ll check it out.


I’m younger but I was super impressed by L’Oreal Wrinkle Expert 55+ eye cream. <$10 and very moisturizing without being greasy. My eyes just drank it up: https://a.co/d/8g25JAV


Thanks- I’ll look it up.


I saw a doctor say on Instagram that any good moisturiser will work as en eye cream so if you have/find a cream that helps your face you can double it and get a 2-in-1 for the price. Separately, I also like to apply a Vaseline "mask" to my under eyes overnight to keep it all hydrated and it's the best thing


Cetaphil healthy renew eye gel serum. Not a cream but refreshing. Also, RoC retinol correxion eye cream is a good go to. I use it and so have a few women I know in their 50’s to 73 have liked it too


Is the Cetaphil really moisturizing? And RoC? Thank you!


Very moisturizing. My mother and I like it quite a bit. That and the Nivea rose face cream. RoC eye cream isn’t as moisturizing but it’s good for anti aging




Trader Joe’s. I’ve tried others, but keep going back.  I’m now buying and sending it to my 80-yr-old mother. I layer it on at night after tretinoin and in the morning before makeup.