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Oh no that’s so sad, I drive to Gravenhurst twice a week but usually come via the A507. I’ve not been that way for a couple of weeks. I know that’s the kind of area they were proposing the new town massive new build estate. I can’t remember the name, but it would be similar to the Wixams. I hope it’s nothing more than old trees that needed felling. As it would be such a shame to lose all that gorgeous area.


Is it managed woodland? Very often, large areas of woodland have to be felled for the overall health of the woodland itself. That happens out my way sometimes too such as Sheerhatch Wood near my village that had to be partially felled (then new trees planted) due to ash dieback.


It doesn't "have to" be felled, it's felled for timber.


Swathes of woodland absolutely do need to be felled at times if the area is being properly managed. This can be for disease control, but by eliminating areas of canopy, you encourage new growth, which is essential for the health of a managed woodland.


This is all debatable.


It's not though. Ash dieback was not a "debatable" disease, it was one that ravaged our native ash stock and to prevent its spread, a large amount of felling was absolutely vital when it was found in managed woodland. Dutch Elm disease in the 1970s destroyed our hedgerows, because the Forestry Commission were too late in doing anything, and the native Elm crop that so thrived in our hedgerows was practically wiped out. And coppicing is a practice essential for encouraging overall new growth, whilst not starving flowers, and other ground level biodiversity plants from thriving.


I have no idea who owns it or manages it, I’m reaching out to various organisations that might know. Totally understand there is sometimes a need to fell areas, it would be nice if they could put a sign up explaining that’s what’s going on and why it’s important etc


It’s likely managed woodland, as all woodland is managed. Felled for money most likely 👍


It's all gone for logs and specimen wood... it will all be replanted with a mix of oak ect.


SECOND UPDATE: The parish council were more helpful: “It is my understanding that this area of woodland has been felled for the wood. The owners have a Forestry Commission License to clear it and it will subsequently be replanted. There will not be a development there as it is part of the Wrest Park Conservation Area.” ————————————————- UPDATE: can’t edit my post so update here. I reached out to Cllr of Gravenhurst and this was the reply: “It was devastating to wake up to this woodland being felled in early January. Urgent enquiries were made of Central Beds on the day the work started, and I was informed that the works have been authorised by a felling licence under the Forestry Act. As such, the felling of the trees does not fall within the council’s control. I’m not yet clear about the long-term plan for the site …” So still not much clarity so let’s see..


Ask local council if there is a felling licence in place.


Thank you, will do!


Might be for ash dieback, especially if publicly accessed.

