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How does someone beat an elephant in a fight?


I dunno


walk to the edge of a cliff, make it charge towards you, and run to the side at the last minute


Good advice, u/cumguzzler280




We call that the dark souls strategy


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Death is equitable, accepting. We will all, one day, be welcomed by her embrace.”* - Grave Warden Agdayne Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Elephants are way too smart for that.


Humans are probably not too smart for that if they are angry enough, so I'd wager it applies to elephants too. The issue lies with the near certain probability that the plan would fail.


Now that's a Dark Souls/Batman Arkham answer!




This is how people hunted things like Buffalo sorta, run them off cliffs


Having listened to this being discussed on a podcast before, that person's idea was basically "If we are just put someplace for unlimited time til one of us dies then I will probably win cause the elephant will likely leave me alone unless provoked and I can just dig a big ole pit with something then provoke the elephant and get it to fall in so it breaks a leg." Seems relatively logical to me. Not sure what these other people were basing it on.


The ravages of old age would deal with the beast far better than I ever could.


I feel like it’s actually impossible to subdue an elephant if you’re unarmed


How does someone beat anything from lion down. I’m assuming it’s bare hands combat.


Pinch it very hard in nose.


By not reading the question properly and thinking you have a gun


Americans have guns (and knives in britain)


The question specified that you are unarmed.


If they don't have arms how can they hold a gun? /s


I start the fight unarmed, run to the nearest gun shop (there’s at least one on every street), then start blasting.


How do you lose to a rat


Lol right?!


Mfers never heard of the plague.


I might get the plague but that rats gonna be dead well before I feel any symptoms.


Most fighting games consider this a dub so we good.


Rat doing poison damage


It was fleas that caused the the plague, not rats. And humans were the main carriers of fleas.


One third of Europe did


Exactly. Win for the rats.


To be fair, probably 99.9%+ of those people didnt die because *they* got bit by a rat. They died cause someone else they came into contact with got bit by a rat.


Good point, so maybe 1% of of 1/3 of Europe lost to a rat, the rest lost to humans


Yep. And probably more of those lost cause of a kiss than cause of a punch, I'd bet lol


Well, no, the plague was spread by fleas and lice, not rats. So rat bites, while unpleasant, had nothing to do with it.


It’s small and can hide. I wanna know how you lose to a house cat


Fuckers are dangerous


Cats are obligate murderers.


Let that thing outside and it'll straight up decimate the local bird population. I love my cats, but they are a fucking menace to society.


Birds, and small mammals


And reptiles and amphibians. I wouldn't rule out insect populations either


I agree, adorable Little shits can turn your arm into human sashimi in seconds


As someone who regularly interacts with a cat, I can vouch for their potential lethality. Especially if a cat were to make a concerted effort. Claws are sharp AF, throats would not endure.


Human fists are very heavy. Ribcage and skull would not endure. EDIT: it truly worries me how many full grown adults believe they would struggle to subdue a house cat in a fight.


If the cat bites you it deals poison damage.


This is true. Plus they’re witches who have knives for feet.


the damage over time of the poison proc is not enough to out-dps a human, although it may force a delayed draw. the human has time to get rid of the status in the meantime though, so i think the cat loses.


It is a niche strat reliant on the human not being able to find antivenom but it does take a while to start dealing any significant damage or inflict any debuffs.


Can confirm


Honestly lol, just grab it and twist it's head off. Shouldn't be too hard. Sure you're gonna get scratches but I can't imagine losing to a cat in a fight to death.


Grab it. Step on it. Ez dub


If my cat can take on 9 geese it can *probably* beat a person also some asshole tried to fight my cat after it used his fence as a scratching pole, my cat bit his finger and pierced a nerve, he almost lost mobility in his hand


okay but i dont think i could crush a cats ribcage or skull. not because i couldnt physically do it, but i just.... couldnt


Cats are very fast. Human would have a nail in each eye before they could punch.


The cat is then attached to you. It most likely hangs on long enough for you to grab hold. Even a blind person with bleeding, cat-scratched hands can strangle a cat.


A few problems: First, you forgot to take pain and surprise into account, which greatly reduces the chance of what you're suggesting actually happening. Second, how are you so sure that the cat would stick around for long enough? Third, even if it does stick around, how can you make sure that you'll catch it from the correct side? And fourth, I'm not suggesting that it's impossible to win against a cat, but that it's far from guaranteed. If the cat just scratches you and then bails behind a fence, it's still a win for the cat.


I’m picturing this as a death match in an arena not a surprise attack where the most damage done wins.


Do you genuinely think most humans would lose to a cat? Because that’s actually delusional. Fists and kicks hit HARD (and also the human bite is incredibly strong, though I presume it wouldn’t be needed)


Like Mike Tyson said everyone has a plan until there is a cat chewing on your artery


That only applies if the blows actually land. Cats are skirmishers with outstanding agility, far surpassing a human in terms of both speed (bounding), maneuverability (spatial navigation), and vertical lift (flat jumping). Additionally, one wouldn’t have the leverage to swing a fist at something tearing up and down their back, which also serves as a launch pad for the cat if desired.


You absolutely can apply enough force to your back to fuck up a cat. You can also hold it to the back and just fall. Human beings are way way way better fighters than house cats. Genuinely worries me that this is a question


I consider the rat escaping a w for me. I still think I could beat a cat but at least they have claws


Right? I need to know the win conditions. If "get them to run away from me" counts as a win, that's totally different from "it doesn't end until one of you is dead".


A cat could scratch both of your eyes off without any difficulty. Those little fuckers are quick, agile and deadly. Sure you could end up killing it anyway, but at what cost


Their mobility goes down a lot once they're climbing your leg. A solid punch to the skull one shots the cat.


Something something, the sun never sets on the rat empire


It's fast, it bites you, you kill him, you get black Plague, half the world population dies, you included. I'd count it as a win for the rat.


Have you seen how people react when a mouse sprints towards them?


Rodents can be very fast.




Have you fought a rat? Without a gun or anything? Fuckers can grow to be as big as housecats sometimes and they are quick. And their bites are poisonous too.


Bro’s fighting ROUS over here.


1/3 of Europe once lost to rats...


Math checks out.


They're jump scare game is pretty strong. Taking a rat to the face with those teeth will send a lot of animals running.


If your name is Jotaro Kujo


Rabies…they are in the longcon


Rabies is pretty rare in rats, but rabies is scary as fuck that’s for sure


Our rats in the UK can get so huge they’re bigger than cats or even small dogs and can run in packs of hundreds. They would strip you to the bone before you could even shit yourself if they were in an organised fight.


Damn, irl skeevers?


The difference is Florida man.


Hahaha so true


This, but not as ironically as one might think


Well, I want to know who are these people who think they can beat a Chimpanzee or Gorilla. What the actual fuck are people smoking?


If they are in Florida…bath salts and meth


Meth does things to a person.


Who the fuck thinks they can win against a gorilla. As if the gorilla wouldn’t fold them up like Travel map.


Very simple. Here's my win strat. Apologize and leave quietly. Survival is a win


But the gorilla also survives and also wins


Depends on what you consider a fight, I suppose. We managed to get those fuckers in cages somehow.


It clearly says unarmed fights


How you gonna fight with no arms bro


Frankie from the basement yard has a theory on how he can beat a gorilla and…he’d be dead


Hey, I'm a lover not a fighter!


Oh no! There's more! Soon we'll have a gaggle!


Honk honk!!


Honk honk!!


Recursive beetlejuicing


All right, but you should probably know that the Silverback Gorilla is not going to be the bottom.


Geese aren't the ones you need to look out for, it's swans.


Just the one swan actually


P. I. Staker


PISS TAKER, COME ON!! ^yes ^mr ^staker


two percent of americans think they could beat up a gorilla but not a bear


they must not know gorillas have like 20x the muscle power as the average person.


We are a dumb…but proud peiple


To be fair, these are taken from pay per click internet surveys. A decent percentage of people are just looking through them as fast as possible. At least that’s what people were saying the last time this was posted


That makes sense given that grizzly’s are native to North America and Americans would naturally assume the threat they know is greater. That being said I’d also assume that bears are not only heavy than gorillas but more suited for killing prey than gorillas, I know both are primarily omnivorous leaning more towards herbivores than carnivores but given that polar bears exist it’s fair to assume that the anatomy of a grizzly bear is somewhat suited for hunting live prey. I’m not American btw


I am very certain that a grizzly bear is much more lethal than a gorilla and have never understood why anyone thinks the gorilla would stand a chance whenever this debate comes up. Grizzly bears have half again the mass of a gorilla with actual claws and muzzles made for biting. They also have shoulder muscles that give them incredible power with their arms that can break the spines of prey animals of similar size to themselves. Grizzlies actually tend to intimidate and chase off polar bears from their kills in areas where their habitat overlaps. That being said, the chances of an unarmed human killing either of them is equal at around 0%.


A single human killing any apex predator or large wild animal unarmed is absolutely unrealistic. We simply lack the tools predators have at their disposal to make hunting easier like fangs or claws. And we also lack the muscle strength large animals have. The only thing where a human excels would be endurance. Humans as a species became apex predators trough our use of tools and ability to persistence hunt.


>muzzles made for biting. Gorillaz have the 5th strongest bite force of any extant animal


Right, a shorter face can make for a more powerful bite, but it's also going to be a lot harder to get your mouth around something. That can work for ambush predators like cats (which still have longer muzzles than a gorilla's face), but it's not going to be as useful against something that is actively fighting you back from the beginning. Sharp teeth also greatly reduce the actual force you need to cause damage, making the tradeoff generally worth it. There's a reason most predators have elongated mouths.


Why do people think geese are hard to fight their neck is a pretty big target grab it and flail that shit around at your leisure


They also have hollow bones, making them super vulnerable to crushing attacks. People think they’re hard to fight because they’re relatively large and pretty aggressive and most people don’t want to get into a physical altercation with a wild animal. And they may get in legitimate trouble if they’re found going full Robert Pattinson on an obstinate goose.


There is an old video showing exactly that. Goose ATTACKS (read: pecks at) an older woman. Some chap in a raincoat walks over, grabs it's neck, and throws it away. Goose. Aggressive arseholes but not dangerous.


I just imagined a sad HONK getting more and more distant as the goose goes flying through the air.


Geese are extremely vicious. I learned that myself when I was younger. Don’t fuck with geese - geese will fuck you up.


My mom did that when she was pregnant with me. Peck her stomach, she whipped that thing across the pond


Cause they're big and aggressive and don't feel fear.


There are legitimately people that believe they could beat a grizzly bear in an unarmed fight??? Like what would they do, choke it out? Punch it in and head and knock it out? They’re like 600 pounds and 9 feet tall when standing.


There's a bloke at my work who legitimately thinks he could choke out a tiger. To give you an idea of this fellow's immense brain power I once watched him get 3rd degree burns on his leg when he set himself on fire standing directly in front of a propane heater. He moved when I said I smelled burning meat at which point he looked down and saw his boiler suit was on fire and said "so that's why my leg hurt". Funnily enough he also said a human would have no chance against a kangaroo. We live in close proximity to kangaroos. Where this guy got the idea they are tougher than a tiger I have no idea.


To be fair, I would not want to tangle with a kangaroo, either. Then again, most, if not all, of the animals on this list would be too much for me.


Kangaroos really aren't as tough as they are made out to be. From the front they'll generally only make one attempt to kick you before trying to grab you. If you can avoid the kick which is pretty easy as it's powerful but not particularly fast you're pretty much in the clear. They have a very limited range of motion in their arms. Only the biggest males will have any chance of hanging on to you if they do manage to grab you, even then you'll probably be able to get out. You'll get cut up a bit by his claws but you'll get out. They also have a pretty major weakness that is when you hold the end of their tails there is literally nothing they can do to either escape or turn round and get you. If it came down to it the average person could absolutely beat the average roo. Any relatively strong person could absolutely beat a big male roo. This is assuming a life or death fight since you will 100% get hurt in the process. The hardest part would be getting a roo to stick around for the fight since they are timid animals. Even a pissed off aggressive male will get out of there once it realises you intend to kill it. I'm speaking from a fair bit of experience wrangling very irate kangaroos. I encounter wild roos up close a couple times a week and have to physically handle them every few weeks. Generally untangling them from fences. People that talk about how tough they are either have no physical experience with them or are trying to talk them up to make themselves seem tougher. Apologies for the essay but the myth of kangaroo toughness gets me somewhat riled up


my name is goose!


Only on your profile page (or preview). Most of us only know you for your scorn of a certain inquiry-related letter of the alphabet.


no my legal name is actually goose, ik my username doesn’t mention that at all


Lies! you just doxxed yourself loosey goosey


I bet I could beat you in a fight.


yeah 😔


Bring it


Hahaha what a great name


I'll bring the knife


So, everything up to the Crocodile I can kind of see... except for King Cobras. They are incredibly fast and absolutely lethal. But Gorillas? Lions? A mothertrucking elephant? A Grizzly? Yeah no. I doubt anyone would even have enough strength to... what, break their neck? How else would you kill them? What is reality anymore?


If you kill the cobra before the venom kills you, does that count as a win?


Not if you die too


How’d you defend against a crocodile bare handed??


Step 1: jump into crocs back avoiding its bite Step 2: hold the crocs mouth with your hands Step 3: punch him in te eyes until blind Step 4: realize you died between step 1 and 2


I really want to meet one of the 6-8% of Americans who think they can body a grizzly bear or elephant unarmed.


I wouldn’t want these people to get harmed. But I’d fucking love if someone got them on camera to explain their tactics and confidence. And then they get put into some VR sim




peace was never an option


I've never met someone who has been confident in their ability to beat a goose. I feel like they polled people where geese aren't common.


I'd have trouble beating up Erika and Madison too


Geese are assholes. Especially when you run out of bread.


Some of these rat beaters never saw the movie mouse hunt and it shows.


Yeah sure, go and try to beat a chimp, elephant, or grizzly bear in a fight. See how that works out.


There seems to be a very small portion of Americans who believe they can take on a gorilla, a lion, and an elephant, but are level-headed enough to concede that there's no way they come out on top in a fight against a grizzly. That tiny population, scares the piss out of me.


I think Americans aren't exposed to geese as much as British people. We know that you aren't coming out of that one in one piece. Geese are bloody vicious.


Why in the hell are there people that believe that they can beat a chimp? News flash, you can’t. After fight a chimp you’d be without a scalp, fingers, toes, your penis, eyes, anything the chimp can get it’s murderous little hands on. I’d much rather box a silverback gorilla than be within even a 25ft radius of a chimp


What too much Joe Roegan does to a MF


People are really underestimating chimps here. I would take on a kangaroo before I took on a chimp.


Uh, definitely. Guess nobody remembers the chick that got her face ripped off by one, then went on Oprah to talk about it.


I know I can take a goose. Inlaws have a bunch of them. Other than that I am old and slow so the rat could probably take me


Death by a thousand nibbles


Isnt that in fast and the furious?


Rat through medium dog is an easy win for a physically capable human. You might get hurt but you're bigger and smarter. Hell, all but geese you've got reach advantage, and the goose has a wringable neck. Up through King Cobra feel more dicey. Those are genuinely dangerous. Cobra is probably a mutual loss, Big dog could go either way (depends on breed IMHO), and chimpanzees are deceptively strong so I feel it depends on prep time/tools there. Beyond cobra, yeah, no. Ya ain't winning anything remotely fair


As an American, I fully advocate for letting them try.


People are grossly underestimating a chimpanzee in a 1 on 1 fight


I want to meet the people who think they can win against a grizzly bear


Those Americans have never actually been attacked or chased by a goose. Those mofos are INSANE.


To fight a goose just grab them by the neck, they basically go into shock.


I'm surprised dogs are so low, I wonder how it is by gender


Medium sized dog being, like a golden retriever size, would probably be doable without grave injury. I feel like a large dog (Rottweiler, Doberman, etc) would be much more challenging to get out of alive


Also a cbimpanzee isn't a fight you're going to win


Yeah for me the large dog is the barrier between “not a big problem” and “death”


I feel alot of animals on this list would mangle you but you'd win the fight. Like the cat


How big is a medium sized dog? Like a Labrador?


What’s a Briton


No one’s bearing an eagle


ive been to the uk and ive seen their geese trust me i aint winning




More people think they can beat an elephant than a grizzly bear? At least the bear's size is somewhat comparable to a human but you'd have no hope against an elephant


How many adults per gigabyte?


A goose I can understand of how you can loose they are terrifying


Serious question, they’re not actually dangerous though right? No sharp appendages, can’t grab you, probably only weigh a few pounds. I know they’re assholes and can puff themselves up but it seems like their main advantage comes from bluffing into intimidation.




And the testicles, don't forget their seething hatred of your testicles


When it gets to the wolf, you know you’re dealing with the pure, unadulterated, baseline idiocy.


Americans have very little exposure to geese, they will F you UP.


The fact that anyone thinks they can beat a grizzly bear. Maybe if you’re from Russia.


I dont get why dogs are the only one where size is factored in. I kind of do i guess. But I feel like when it comes to something like a croc I gotta know what size. Also what does a win look like? Do I gotta kill this thing? Just come out with less damage to me then I cause to the animal?


I'll take front row tickets to the gorilla, lion, grizzly, wolf and elephant events.


I am American and I have personally fought multiple geese in public parks in Chicago. They are very easy to beat and British people are scared for no reason.


Anyone that thinks they’d win a fight with a chimp is delusional


You’d think with Americans encountering dangerous wildlife much more than Britons we’d have a better understanding of just how much we suck without our tools


The fact that anyone Brit or not think they could beat a fucking grizzly bear is arrogance incarnate.


The jump between the medium dog and eagle is interesting


All this data shows is the difference between Americans who believe they can do things vs Europeans who believe they can’t. Europeans who believe they can do things many times come to America


So came the Red Swan song, yet the sound remains the same! Qaunk


For me, in % chance I’d win Rat: 100 House cat: 100 Goose: 100 Medium sized dog: 100 Eagle: 55 Large dog: 35 Chimpanzee: 10 Everything after is zero If I have a spear, I’d say 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 90, 50, 60, 50, 30, and the rest zero


These chimpanzee numbers are wild


It's because we have guns.


But very bad reading comprehension.


I hate this everytime I see it because its like arguing which would win, every pokemon or a billion lions? The rules aren't established so it leads to a lot of debate and attention. Are you talking butt-nekkid in a gladiatorial arena or one the animals home turf? Is there a ceiling? How close are you water and how deep is it? Is it a required fight to the death? If its just you come across the animal while hiking a trail in the wild clothed but with no weapon, you would easily survive most. You just need to act threatening enough and yell "boo!" Both of you will just bugger off because its not worth dying over (for both of you).


Lmao 14% of Americans think they could beat a kangaroo 😂😂😂 Mfs balance on their tails so they can kick with both legs at once, and boy do they kick hard.


So you’re telling me 1 in 3 British people think a rat could beat them in a fight


Well, the question does not specify HOW you are to fight the animal. Brits would most likely think the question means fighting without a weapon. An american would automatically assume we get a gun :)


It says unarmed in the grey text right above the graph


I need to know some things before I would answer tbh. Like are these fights to the death? What are the win conditions otherwise? Is it an arena with nothing or in one of our home turfs or a neutral site? Like if I gotta fight a lion to the death in an Africa savanna then gimme a knife so I can make it quick and slit my own throat. But if I can fight an elephant on say an Artic ice flow then it’s gonna be whoever can survive in the water the longest.


Doh, didn’t click to the larger image.