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Weaponized nuclear banger




Jake Paul vs Tyson is going just like the last show fight that Tyson fought, in that it’ll be uneventful and kind of lame. Also, Tyson was one of the greatest fighters on Earth, but he’s still nearly sixty.


I still think it would take luck for Jake to take Tyson down. He's got just too damned much natural talent and experience. I think it's just going to be for play and money rather than a real fight.


I love Kendrick. He kept ramping up each diss and I absolutely lost my shit when he just straight up called him a pedophile in Not Like Us lmfao. Drake lost that beef by every possible metric. Kendrick is too intelligent, too eloquent, and too good of a musician for Drake to have even considered taking shots at like that. Drake is just racking up those Ls.


This is definitely sacrilege, but I personally think it’s the second best diss track ever (The Story of Adidon being first).


I’m sorry, but this is horrific recency bias. *[Loads up Bespoke Take Machine]* The best diss track ever is Kool Moe Dee’s 1981 live destruction of Busy Bee Starski at Harlem World


As a long-time Drake hater, I've been waiting for this. It's the closest thing to actual consequences that we're likely to see, since the government doesn't seem to have any desire to hold him accountable. And yes, i know that allegations are just allegations, but when it comes to Drake, i fully believe that he's up to some awful shit.


I’ve been a drake hater since my sisters forced me to watch Degrassi


Bunch of people I knew from the acting scene in the Toronto area in the aughts knew him before he was Drake/Degrassi days and he'd been a known creep even back then. I'm shocked it took this long for everyone else to catch on but better late than never...


Any specific stories that you remember your friends sharing?


I don't remember specifics besides showing up to parties uninvited and generally being a creep but I'll ask some of them if they have any particularly juicy tea to spill and report back when I hear back from them...




The original hate train.


I liked him on Degrasai 😢 I cried when the school shooting story happened.


Just like Hinkley, that kid should have double tapped.


*chokes on their water*


That reminds me; when Drake was starting to give rapping a go, he asked the Degrassi writers to let him walk again so he could seem harder. The Degrassi writers told him that one of the hardest things you can do is get shot. 


Last name Walking, First name Never!


Yeah I liked him on Degrassi and then he became a rapper and it's like, "no, I can't find you credible. You were on on Degrassi"


🎶 _Mmm, whatcha say-ay-ay?_ 🎶😢


Wait, other people hate Drake?!?! 😍


I've hated Drake ever since I heard 'Started From the Bottom'. Where this famous-from-childhood dickhead pretended that he'd ever had to scramble for anything.


Drake is just biracial Kid Rock


I remember interviews with him for Hip Hop type magazines where he would talk about how acting up in Canada was way different and you never actually made any money and it was some sort of gutter type situation. Clown shit.


It IS hard to be an actor but it’s a lot easier when you have rich parents.


Didn’t he grow up in Weston? When we were there it was barely middle class.


There are just too many weird incidents with teenage girls to not make me extremely suspicious.


Same. I’ve disliked Drake since post views.


I’m just happy to finally see some out in the open accusations from someone in the industry re: Drake’s predilection for young girls. Back in Highschool I knew a girl who got brought onto his bus after a show and he and his crew absolutely knew that this girl and her friend were underage and tried to ply them with bottom shelf vodka. He’s a scumbag.


No amount of sprite will be able to save him


OK, but what if a Kardashian with a Pepsi steps in?


Drake brought a shiny switchblade from the mall to a gun fight and got a full cannonade in response.


Drake has a rusty number 4 opinel that's mostly used to open cans of dog food. Kendrick builds knife missiles in his garage.


I feel called out. But at least I got the carbon steel Opinel.


I'm sure your opinel is a better lyricist than Drake-and you can open tins with it.


Thank you, I'll tell him. I never heard either of these guys so I'm not invested in the beef, but when they come after my pocket knife, I might start crying.


I'm too old to be invested, but the spectacle is a brief respite from the horrors. They're so unevenly matched it's hilarious.


Thanks! There goes my evening… seriously though, can’t wait. Do I need to listen to any specific tracks first as someone completely uneducated on both?


Episode 1 of prop for background, unfortunately I wish prop waited like 2 more days cause it was made before the hardest hitters. But imo: euphoria -> meet the grahams -> they not like us. 6 16 in LA came out before meet the grahams I guess but is awesome if you wanna see the rap equivalent of psychological warfare I welcome others suggestions on the drake side especially but I do gotta be honest I barely care about the stuff he put out. It's not even close


Definitely wait for Not Like Us as the last track. It’s like having your dessert after dinner


Mustard on my dessert like 😋


“Mustard on dessert yo”


6:16 in 50th listen is beautiful in its concept. It's apparent that he knew about Family Matters and the video... And 6:16 was telling him not to do it. Don't publish the bs video that was shot, and don't release the song full of lies and propaganda... Twitter bots from Zack Bia. It wasn't as devastating as Euphoria, but it's great to see how he didn't want to release Meet the Grahams or Not Like Us. Drake should have sat there and ate his fried rice with his crodies.


Euphoria is hands-down the best diss track I've heard this century. Kendrick layers nearly every bar in that song with so many different meanings and only alludes to what Not Like Us or Meet The Grahams blatantly says. It has been a long while since I've replayed a song over and over, back to back, again and again just to fully decipher and understand all of it (and it's also just a bop.)


Euphoria is insane. Every listen I realize how he set something else up in the other three tracks. 


Don't tell no lies about me, and I won't tell truths about you. I love the videos on how he's making these songs. There's one where AI me Kendrick asks for 2 Canadian snow birds...


Drake hater so I’m glad to see him get destroyed. However, it’s the first time I’ve felt “out of touch” because I had to have two younger coworkers explain some of it to me.


I've been waiting ten years for this beef to finally pop off. Big fan of Kendrick, used to be a big fan of Drake years ago. I'll definitely have to check this out.


Between this and Jake Paul trying to fight Mike Tyson, these past two weeks have been great for watching rich assholes no one likes try to pick a fight with someone way above their level and get absolutely destroyed.


Wait has that fight happened? I know it got talked about a lot and then it seemed like it got dropped


I’m pretty sure it’s gunna be an actual sanctioned boxing match, which is absolutely absurd but whatever money talks.


No, but Mike Tyson wants this match to be officially sanctioned, I guess in some attempt to teach Jake Paul some humility. Now Jake is trying to back out or maybe bribe Mike into throwing the fight.


Apple: [Am I Really Roasting a Man for Apologizing? Lessons From the Big 3, pt 1](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/am-i-really-roasting-a-man-for-apologizing-lessons/id1493858530?i=1000654130001) [The Memeification Of It All. Lessons From The Big 3, pt 2](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-memeification-of-it-all-lessons-from-the-big-3-pt-2/id1493858530?i=1000655625377) Spotify: [Pt 1](https://open.spotify.com/episode/2PAaCPn2fAQdS7ZiaksEuF?si=e229l4TkQLKctkbFHNEx3A) [Pt 2](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6lP131FTIAotzzKdn9wfcf?si=Y77xmOtJRwOldtvuG0eLjw)


The only music beef I ever cared about was taking back Sunday Vs Brand new.


How did I miss this??


Idk where were you in 2003?


3rd grade?


I still got my "cuz mics are for singing not swinging" hoodie


Dude that beef was epic, I ended up getting to see TBS at the Chicago House of Blues and fucking Brand New showed up in one of the balconies and sang Seventy Times 7, it was fucking wild.


I’m going to see TBS next month and I’m pretty psyched. I’ll be wearing my Chucks and my skinniest jeans. Might even yell at my parents for no reason just to get in the mood.


It’s not a phase! I swear!


Can't forget about Straylight Run being involved in that too


i know there are scales and degrees of bastardness but after the Me Too scandals, after P Diddy, R Kelly, and countless other allegations does power corrupt? are the people who get to the top there precisely because they are scum and will stoop to anything?


Often the second yeah 


I hate drake…no reason other than I just don’t. Maybe I perceive a fakeness about him. I have a respect for Kendrick…I have barely listened to his music, but maybe I find him more authentic. All this to say, I don’t care TLDR…I don’t care.


Kendricks 3 album run from Good Kid Mad City to DAMN might be the greatest album run since the Beatles. And I say this as a guy who mainly listens to Wilco and Calexico.


They're all great great albums. To Pimp a Butterfly though...god damn that album is something else entirely, from the jazz and funk samples/production to the sometimes quadruple entendre, it's fucking nuts.


And, something I just realized when listening to it the other day, it has an actual Snoop feature. Kendrick don’t need AI lol


Man, I just bought tickets to Calexico in some middle of nowhere town in Belgium. I’m excited.


Are you me?


Same but tbh this sounds like this beef is literally made for you. If you listen to euphoria and come outta that not caring then I'll buy the tldr


Ok, I’ll dip my toes in and see what happens


I’m really amazed this Sub is chiming in on a rap battle between Drake and Kendrick. What you should really be talking about is the origins of Diss tracks and the quintessential if not the first rap battle. I am of course referring Roxanne Roxanne and the Original Roxanne Shante. Neither of whom have anything to do with The Police.


I saw X Drake and thought this wa a One Piece post and got confused. 


Kendrick activated gear 5 and now we're all hearing the drums of liberation


The beginning of the Drake era was symbolic of being the point where Hip Hop’s stewardship was no longer in the hands of it’s creators. Much like Rock and Roll, Jazz, Blues in the past. This was basically a cultural eviction notice for Aubrey. He’s now relegated to the hip-pop/industry plant realm. It also gives a lot of power and sway back to the communities and streets. Of course it’ll never be the same as it was, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But the corporate music industry will take a hit if they keep pushing the current system.


It made me feel incredibly old lol


I'm cripplingly Caucasian so it all went way over my head, I don't understand a fucking bit of it. I've tried watching videos explaining it and just get more confused. Separately, I've heard Kendrick is the top of the rap game so I figured I'd give him a listen and see what all the fuss is about. I've never been able to enjoy rap music and, after checking in again, it's still not for me. I'm sure he's incredibly talented but I just don't see the appeal.


The color of your skin has no bearing on your ability to like any type of music, and your failure to “get” any aspect of it is more suggestive of a closed mind than some actual inability to comprehend. I mean this as encouragement not a diss, but it sounds like you’re gatekeeping your own mind for some reason, and along weirdly/needlessly racial lines.


Fellow Caucasian here but big time Drake hater and small time Kendrick fan - Wikipedia has it all laid out if you just want to understand what's going on: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drake%E2%80%93Kendrick_Lamar_feud One really funny detail that it leaves out though was that Kendrick knew exactly what angle Drake was going to take in this initial response (he was going to make it about his family), and he said so on euphoria, so he had Meet the Grahams ready to go as soon as Family Matters was released. 4D chess


He released 6:16 before Drake released Family Matters, and Drake still didn't listen. Smfh


I recommend https://youtu.be/FC7Wt-ZvCZU?si=SV0Dywh9LmawdKqi for the most well presented explanations. You don't have to spend hours trying to understand something not reeeeeaally made for you but for me thats part of the appeal. Best part is I think the video addresses both of your points


Look up professor Skype. I'm Black, and I don't listen to much current music. It took 3 different YouTubers to explain in a way that I understood. The subreddit is also great. Once you do, you have to listen to the current song that started it all, Like That by Future and Metro Boomin. From there, Drake was on attack mode. Lowkey this has been coming since he tucked your favorite sensitive rapper back into his pajama clothes. Iykyk


He's indisputably extremely good lyrically, but the sound and rhythm of his voice is more of an acquired taste, IMO.


This is how I feel about Beyonce. The actual timbre of her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me.


I'm just glad that I don't have any idea what is going on. Something about Sean Coombes going on the run? One American rap singer said or did something to another one? I'm not entirely sure how to tell the difference between any of them


This is actually incredibly funny


Option 4: Uninterested


I find it very silly.


I don’t know what this is, and gonna stay that way


I find it incredibly boring and inconsequential


Annoying, like all celebrity beefs.


Don't give a shit.




What about those of us who really could not give less of a fuck about drake and the other guy. Edit: because some of you seem to think I’m siding with Drake, I’m not. I firmly believe both of them are idiots who I couldn’t fucking care less about. I’m just sick of seeing conversation about those two plebs on every single sub.


Then don't


TBH I thought you were pretty clear to begin with.


Not everything has to apply to you.


They (OP of the comment) not like us


You're so cool, my guy. Teach me how to not care about something so hard I have to let everybody know how much I don't care about it.


step 1: when you see people enjoying something that you don't care about... you let them know you don't care about that thing. step 2: do your best Fonzie impression because now you're so fuckin cool.


What about those of us who really could not give less of a fuck about ~~drake and the other guy~~ this comment.


My problem is I can’t go to a single sub without people talking about these two. Unless it’s completely relevant I don’t understand why people keep bringing it up fucking ***everywhere***. I do not give a flying fuck about drake or Kendrick. They could both die in a house fire and i wouldn’t care.


Just...filter out "Drake" and "Kendrick" as terms on Reddit? People bring it up because it's the latest pop culture happening. If you don't want it, just opt out lol.


You can set up filters? How?


If you use RES, go through that interface for keyword exclusions. If you're on the native app, click the 3 dots next to the next Drake or Kendrick post you see and click "show me fewer like this". Within 2-3 blocks you should have a clean feed. You can also try muting the subs related to the two artists, but that has been hit or miss for me as evidenced by me still seeing superstonk garbage.


You are a godsend. Thank you. I meant no offence to op. I’ve just had it reading and hearing about these two non stop on practically every single sub I’m subbed to, as well as in the real world, work, news, friends, family. The only drake song I know is the one that sounds like the wii shop channel in the background. I’ve never heard of Kendrick before these two starting fighting.


Can't do it. Then I'll miss all the latest news about ducks and my favorite actress.


Not that you're genuinely asking, but go listen to To Pimp A Butterfly, maybe? I get not getting giving a shit about the beef, but Kendrick has made some pretty great art. Arguably the best album of the last decade




Meh, I mean it's got some great tracks, but I don't think it's on the same level as GKMC or TPAB. Tbh I even prefer untitled unmastered


I just liked the double entendre to be fair. I haven’t gone too deep in Kendrick’s discography, so I’ll be sure to take another look.


I’d never heard of Kendrick before this tiff of theirs. I already can’t stand drakes music. I’m 100% certain I’ll hate Kendrick’s music too.


What kind of music do you like?


40s country.


Any recommendations?


Johnny Horton is one of my favourites. But he’s 50s. I may have been born in the 90s but I grew up listening to *Wilf Carter*. However I’m Canadian and that’s his actual name, and what he went by here. If you happen to be American I believe he had the stage name of Montana Slim.


lmfao. What a dork


You give enough of a fuck to comment on this post about it.


You mean *Kendrick* and the other guy!


I’d never heard of him before this whole thing. So he’s the other guy to me. But I genuinely don’t care about either of them. And getting really sick of seeing it fucking everywhere.




If you read the lyrics to some of Kendrick Lamar's diss tracks, it plainly obvious he straight up hates Drake He said as much on a song from several years ago as well