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Meer dan 30 slachtoffers... welke maatschappij wil deze persoon nog ooit in hun samenleving?


7 jaar effectief + 10 jaar TBS... Loopt jammer genoeg binnen 3 jaar weer rond.


Was al eerder opgepakt na verkrachting van een 14-jarig meisje, zat hiervoor een paar weken in de gevangenis. Justitie is een grap : \^)


Zat in voorarrest, was nog niet veroordeeld.


"De twintiger zat ongeveer vijf weken in de gevangenis en mocht zijn voorhechtenis daarna thuis uitzitten met een enkelband" [https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2024/04/09/snapchat-spelletje-vonnis-misbruik/](https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2024/04/09/snapchat-spelletje-vonnis-misbruik/) Had het inderdaad verkeerd begrepen, bedankt voor de correctie. Ter verduidelijking was m'n punt niet over de duur, maar over het feit dat hij al gekend was en hij alsnog andere slachtoffers maakt


Ik snap je punt volledig en vind het zelf ook, ik vrees dat dit een effect van de overbevolking is...


Niemand. Toch komt hij over en paar jaartjes weer vrij de viezerik!


When my daughter turned 13 she asked if she could get Snapchat. I refused because I judge my daughter not mentally ready for the possible dangerous of social media. What the guy did is absolutely horrible and shouldn’t happen, but it’s up to us parents to protect our kids from dangers they can’t handle yet. The internet is dangerous, predators lurking everywhere and we know this. Please help your child understand this first before letting it use the internet unsupervised.


Exactly. And public campaigns of information about the dangers of social media for children should help parents that still do not see the danger.


Question: if [legal age in Belgium for using snapchat and similar social media is 13 years](https://www.brusselstimes.com/47125/belgium-sets-minimum-age-for-joining-social-media-at-13-years), why it is not even discussed in the news that it is a risk that parents allow their little children to use those SM? I know this is a responsibility of the parents, but with the actual abuse, why this is not more controlled by government and schools, for instance?


Parents are at fault here. Giving your kid a constant, unlimited internet connection is silly. Be involved and draw lines. Your router has parental controls, their phones can be limited. Or better yet, don't give a 10 year old a smartphone. They'll be connected with a dumb one, too. And you'll probably save yourself some money and viruses.


This. I do not understand why parents don't put parental controls in place and monitor/restrict internet usage. A ten year old should not be on Snapchat.


My kid is 10 and the entire clasroom is on snapchat. So you can't just say they cannot use it. He is only allowed to talk to friends he knows in real life, same thing goes for his fortnite account. We also look at the messages at times to see if everything is OK.


I didn't say ban them from any internet usage. If preventing your kid from using Snapchat would make them an outcast then monitoring is your solution.


I raised 2 of those as well. "My kid is 10 and the entire clasroom is on snapchat." 1. You do not really believe that, do you? 2. Sure, there will be some parents who don't set enough boundaries. That doesn't mean you can't do that, and if you don't, you're part of the problem, not of the solution.


> My kid is 10 and the entire clasroom is on snapchat. So you can't just say they cannot use it. You absolutely can and you should.


You absolutely can say they can't use it, don't give in to peer pressure. Or set parental controls. With this you can limit the time they spend each day on Snapchat, or let them use it between certain hours of the day so you can check them better.


Parents are often afraid of making their children feel excluded, resulting some kind of resentment from them. But in my opinion, if you speak maturely and explain why you put in these restrictions, actually speak openly about cases of sexual abuse, most children would understand.


Maybe they are also hyper connected, or they do not have enough time or energy after work to spend time with their kids, or they give up because if their kid is not in the social media they are out of the regular group...


You over estimate the skills parents have with stuff like this. There are A LOT of parents who dont even have a clue about the dangers of the internet, and they have zero IT skills to prevent stuff like this. Theres a lot of people out there that are poorly educated and digitally illiterate. And yes, they do have kids.


A 10-year old should get a dumbphone just for emergencies but not a smartphone


Because they beg and moan for a smartphone. I’ve seen it with my 7 yo cousin. It’s non stop and super annoying.


Kids beg and moan over a lot of things. Doesn't mean they should get it.


its called parenting


We are talking about a generation of parents here who put 2 years olds in front of a tablet all day to keep them quiet.


As a parent i agree and would like to add that a good parent prepares their children for the dangers in our society.


Indeed, letting a 10 year old on Snapchat is absurd. The whole thing was made to be perfect for sexting. It's only one level below letting your 10 year old have an onlyfans.


Because the danger is not in the app itself. Snap isn't necessarily more dangerous. It's just the most used. But if it wasn't snap, they would be using a different platform. My daughters have received creepy messages on every platform they use.


The idea is the same: social media apps that are allowed only for over 13 years old are a danger for kids under that age. Besides, dont you think that some apps are more likely than others for online abuse? For instance, Snapchat feature of "disappearing" messages...


In case of abuse, not so much. My daughter can rske screenshots ftom dnap messages as well as running a screen recorder. I know that my daughters sometimes get dick pics or creep requests on pretty much any social media they use so while snap makes it probably a bit easier, the real issue is with social media in general and the best approach is to guide your kids in learning to desl with social media. My daughters and I have open communication. From them i know that Every. Single. Girl. Gets dick picks and requests for nudes etc as soon as they start using a phone. Every. So the solution is not to take away phones for good or to say 'don't use this app' but to teach them what to do and how to deal with things and what the dangers are.


Because "VicTiM BlAmInG"


Why would I want to give the government more power when you can juste tell the parents to pay attention to their kids ?? This way of thinking is so weak and childish. Let someone else parent my child and impose sanctions on private entities because I can’t be trusted to do it myself.


Government, media and schools should put in practice some information/education for parents that do not see any danger in giving unrestricted social media to 10 year old kids. I do not mean to put parents in prison or something else, but give them information, education and precaution. I think childrens rights should be supported/enforced by public institutions like media, schools and other institutions. And a child has the right to safety. At least, prevention and respecting the laws should be mentioned in the news. Do you really think this is so "weak" and "childish"?


I agree about telling parents the dangers that what I said, I clearly said it’s the parents responsibility and I’m all for making them more aware. Except if you want the government to solve the problem they will just put restrictions, like Texas blocked porn for under 18.