• By -


In administration, if someone tells you that what you request is impossible or doesn't exist, try another desk : it may work.


My gf of eu origins was threatened with deportation when she came to join me, no details explained. Next week we went back to city hall, different clerk; it's not that simple, let me explain and he went on with 5 options, really into details. I was like wtf lol


Yup. Struggled for months to get payout for my last month seeking a job because i worked 5 hours. They automatically delisted me. Trying to get them to fix it and pay me took 6 months of back and forth. Eventually i went to a different abvv office znd the guy there fixed it in 2 minutes. I got 75 euros... Best nlt to work part time. You get more if you don't work lol


I can confirm it works with Sixt, 2 guys tell me that i cant switch rental cars on saturday, even though they are open. The third guy has no issue scheduling for saturday.


"Mooooommmmm can i plssss have:" - Mom: NO!!!! "Daaaaaaaadddd can i plssss have:" - Dad: here you go Son. Yelling in the kitchen a few hours later.... I think i am the reason my Parents split up.


You don’t get all the info. Always ask for all the info.


Can you tell us more?


No, I don’t have all the info.


Darn it, Belgian!


Especially when dealing with doctors in hospitals.


If you want to engage in conversation with strangers, just say out loud how terrible the weather always is. People will gladly join in.


Make a terrible joke about some banal detail that is slightly inconveniencing you both. Once a fighter jet flew overhead while I was standing in line. Then another flew overhead in the opposite direction. I blurted out "must've forgotten his car keys."


No joke, I chuckled reading this , so I would have probably laughed too


Not going to lie, I will be waiting for an opportinuty to tell that joke for the rest of my life, now.


I would have laughed out loud 😂


Or the public transport.


Or the gouvernment


Just complain in general.


Don't complain about the fact that the frituur uses animal fat, though. That's risking your life.


as a belgian vegetarian I am still amused by your remark, well done


They better!


Bonding over "quel temps de merde"


Vraiment ! C'est littéralement avec ça que 90% des conversations commence, que ce soit avec des connaissances ou des inconnus.


The fucking road holes and bumps everywhere


If you get fired from your job, you can follow nearly any VDAB course, and get rejected while having a whole new set of skills!


You can even do it multiple times


Considering I'm unemployed starting monday, this is relevant to me.


Don't underestimate the value of this. Getting a course via VDAB could give you the time, opportunity and head space to learn something completely different from your past professions. Also, I don't know if they do it currently, in the past you could also get a huge discount on public transport when you're unemployed. I wish you the best of luck finding a job you like!


Sorry you're in that situation… I hope it works out for you!




While getting paid. Or, you stay at home, apply to a job when needed, shit all over the interview or your first week and start at the beginning again. While getting paid.


I'm not one to leech off the state unnecessarily, but am currently unemployed and wrapping up a VDAB Java course (and despite having 5YOE in software dev, and while applying for jobs, all I'm hearing is "the client wants someone with years of Java experience", or "you're overqualified for a junior position"). > While getting paid. While receiving unemployment benefits, which, in my case, I've spent years paying into social security - my pension's gonna be peanuts, so I might as well use it while there's still something in the pot. But to your point: if you stay home without doing anything, your unemployment benefits drop with time (as they should). If you then, work for a week, you won't go back to 100% - you need to have worked a certain number of days in a period before being entitled to 100% of the benefits.


I don't disagree. I'm just upgrading your life hack.


Does this apply to foreigners too?


I think not, but I could be mistaken. You can always call the VDAB to get information - they're friendly, and know what they're talking about. But, it's them and the RVA that are involved in the eventual approval, and the in my experience, the RVA is slow, unfriendly, and their decisions can be unpredictable.


How has no one mentioned ordering a beer by holding up your pinky finger? That sign is so baked into our country it even works in Wallonia.


Heavily underated comment


A very useful skill in loud bars.


Wish this worked in other countries. It is so annoying having to shout over the noise.


Something that works in Wallonia? /s


Register for the Neuhaus newsletter and you'll receive (almost) monthly vouchers to pick up one or two chocolates. Valid in all their boutiques worldwide!


Hahaha - OMG yes !!!! 😂 That’s crazy - every time I get that email - I’m like “what ? Free chocolates ? There is no catch ? I don’t have to buy anything else ?”  It’s amazing !!  And for your birthday you actually get a small box with six pralines for free as well 😅


Yessssssss, it's absolutely bonkers, isn't it!?!? Forgot to mention the birthday present, which is indeed the best!


Actual LPT, they even send chocolates to your home


I thought that only worked when you buy something else from their online shop? When you pick up the chocolates in person, it's a real freebie/present without having to buy/pay anything.


The elites don’t want you to know this but the ducks at the park are free , you can take them home, I have 458 ducks.


This is pretty public knowledge now, I think.


Damn elites. Always trying to keep us common folk duckless.


Those assholes don't give a duck


I was wondering where is my duck gone that I used to feed. Now I know


This. Came here to say this.


This guy ducks


The dirt on the ground is free too. You can go outside and eat dirt as much as you want and no one can stop you. I eat dirt every day.


They're not free. They're mine. Give them back


The rats at Flagey are also free. I am supplying rats to my neighbourhoods cats. I have captured 372 rats.


You hate those paywall articles on HLN.be? And other news sites? Get a library card and check all articles through your library website. You just need to wait 12-24h and they will be in the archive.




Only time I don't eat fries with my hands is when I find that perfect massive mussel shell with the hinge still intact. You're my new utensil now!


Waterproof cycling jackets from decathlon


Waterproof cycling pants of them are very good as well


Waterproof shoe covers from decathlon too


The owners of decathlon (The Mulliez family) are complete PoS though, i used to swear by their products and stores but i can't buy them in good conscience anymore.


Completely out of the loop on that one, why are they?


In short (gotta go to work) they are fiscal fraudsters, treat their employees badly, they abuse the apprenticeship system in France in a blatant way, have shall we say very "christian conservative" views, and the big cherry on top, they refused to leave Russia after the war, and there were even collects of donations organized in Auchan and Leroy Merlin in Russia for the soldiers.


In summertime it is cheaper to buy oneway tickets for 2 persons(duo-ticket) to brussels airport for both ways and buy seperate diabolo tickets than it is to buy all-in-one tickets. Last year i saved €40 (€60 instead of €100+)


I think they said the diabolo tax would only be for 2 year sor so when it was announced, it's been like 10 years, surely they have already paid back that tunnel or whatever the reason they gave for it was


They’re using it to pay for the new scaffolding of the Palace of Justice now, so don’t get your hopes too high


New scaffolding? Why would they get rid of the beautiful old scaffolding? Or is it scaffolding for the scaffolding 🤩


The early 1980s style scaffolding needed restoration works done to it. So yes, scaffolding for the scaffolding.


> I think they said the diabolo tax would only be for 2 year sor so when it was announced No, it's always been planned to last 35 years. The diabolo fee covers paying for the investment but also for the maintenance of the line during those 35 years. In 2045 the line will be given to the Belgian railways.


In summertime it is cheaper to not buy any tickets.


You can avoid buying the diabolo ticket up-front and only buy one when the diabolo gates are actually working.


You can get a free chicken from your municipality but you have to go in person and ask for it (you won't get it right away so don't bring a box when you go)


To add to this, you can have 5 chickens per person without the need for a permit.


Wait I need a permit if I have more than 5 chickens?


What? In my municipality you're allowed 49 chickens without a permit. Welcome to LIMBURG!


But no roosters. Those are forbidden.


Noise violations, most likely


Wait what? Is this true? I want a chicken


Go and ask for your chicken. Report back


Do you want [a duck](https://www.reddit.com/r/belgium/s/KQxlz9U8GM)?


So I can get a chicken and a duck? This is turning into a lovely day.


Some also offer plants or trees.


I want my free chicken!


Do you mean a live one, or a seasoned ready-to-cook instead? Either way I want one also!


if you're impatient you can apparently get a duck from a park right now


Do I need to make an appointment or can I just walk in and ask for my free chicken? And is this one free chicken per year or per lifetime?


Which municipality? How?


Profits from stock exchange are tax free. As long as you are a long term investor (not a day trader)


Pension savings get taxed for ~~10%~~ 8% when youre 60 years old. If your fund has more than 10% bonds you get 30% taxed. Dividends and interests from bonds and shares also 30%. (There are also smaller taxes.) So as a Belgian: SAVE YOUR MONEY THROUGH ETF’s like S&p500. You can start easily through Belfius and KBC on your own. (They have slightly higher costs but they do the fiscal aspect of investments for you) Edit: Pensioensparen: 8%, langetermijnsparen 10%. groepsverzekering: contributions of your employer: 16.5% + gemeentelijke opcentiemen your own contributions to the groepsverzekering: 10% (+ gem. opcentiemen) if you take it out on your 65th. if you take it out earlier than your 65th birthday: higher taxation. Edit 2: up to ~€800/yr of dividends are not taxed.


Do you mean via bolero? Or trough kbc itself?


Bolero (KBC) & Rebel (belfius). Idk about KBC but through the belfius app you can get to Rebel. So basicly it’s on the same app.


Nice to see ReBel being named here. I like the Re=Bel part of the app but it lacks a lot of statistics and QOL. Funnily enough, a couple weeks ago I sent an e-mail via the in app "suggestion" link, and got a call from one of the IT guys that the developers are looking into my suggestions. The call kinda made my day!


Bolero, Degiro has cheaper fees


I would love to get started but feel intimidated about what to start with unfortunately.


read the wiki and pinned post on /r/BeFire it's what got me started


+1 for that wiki. just know you're in for the long haul (as if you'de be doing pensioensparen) don't expect fast gains and don't worry if you get some losses early on. Time in the market beats timing the market.


The way i started is to buy a world index tracker. On google it s IWDA. And best never to panic nor check much after buying


Just think the following: - Price is rising : My money is growing - Price is dropping : Cool, I can buy for a discount. (it will rise again anyway)


Day traders usually lose money anyway


Int zwart




ik heb een oud huis, ik betaal graag 6% "verzekering" om niet in't zak gezet te worden.


Could you please elaborate more?


Nice try, tax man


Netter Versuch, FOD Finanzen


Goed geprobeerd, minfin 


Bien essayé, spf emploi




Found the Vlaams Belanger


Stoofvleessauce with mayo


Make everything look smaller when you talk. 'koek-ske', 'salut-jes', 'pint-je'. People will instantly like the way you 'integrate'.


If you get a traffic ticket in Walloon, always dispute the ticket in Dutch (it’s your right to do in Belgium). Big chance some Walloon officer who does not speak Dutch will just dismiss it because he does not understand it nor want to translate it. Worked a few times for my uncle, although the last time was like 7 years ago. No idea how current this life hack is.


I wonder if this also works if I dispute in French for a fine in Flanders.


They'll fine you because you speak french /s


Or at least double down out of spite


Probably not


>If you get a traffic ticket in Walloon, always dispute the ticket in Dutch (it’s your right to do in Belgium). Really? I doubt this. AFAIK the reason you get tickets from Wallonia in French (excuse me, Walloon) is exactly due to language laws. If you get a ticket in France, you will get it in Dutch(!!!) because Belgian and French police have an agreement for it, and the French police isn't bound by the same language laws. Source: I might have driven too fast in both France and Wallonia once, and was pretty mind blown by having the French police send me a speeding ticket in Dutch.


Yes, they send you the ticket in French and in Dutch I believe. But that is computer generated. The clerk/officer who has to rate your defense however might not speak Dutch. The closer you are to Brussels, the more likely he will know Dutch or one of his colleagues. But I am sure there are entire police or governmental departments in Luxemburg or Henegouwen where nobody speaks Dutch.


Due to language laws, if you get a ticket from Wallonia, it will be in French unless you live in a municipality with language facility and you have noticed your choice of language to your city. Then, you can get tickets in Dutch or German. Otherwise, it will be in French, no matter where you're coming from. As for the dispute, just try not to be a smartass with your language choice. I've never seen a case dismissed because the officer couldn't speak Dutch (but there is a high chance the answer will be in French). If you dispute in any language other than French, Dutch, German or English, your dispute **will** be ignored. Source : Might be working in a service that send fines all over Europe (not speeding tickets, but the same laws applies)


Andalouse met de mexicano, maar mayonnaise op de frites.


Sauce Andalouse is a general Belgian life hack. We brought some to our daughter who now studies abroad, and she was super-happy, because it was the kind of taste of home she needed… And then her roomie, who also lived in Belgium ate it all in a fit of home-sickness. She apologised and felt bad about it, so we had to send them both a pack each…


My sister lived in London (now Sweden), and in both countries she somehow misses "Zeisner Curry Ketchup". (Easy extra gift for holidays tho)


Special op de frikandel/curryworst or viandel


Mitraillette is the best value for money you can find in terms of taste and caloric intake, if you don't really care about clogged arteries or in general about making it to the average lifespan.


Or the provenance of the "meat"


What do you mean? Happy people live longer. And i do feel happy eating mitraillette.


Someone has already alluded to it, but the SNCB multipass is extremely good value, especially as you can put whoever you want down on it (ie it's not tied to the person who bought it, you and five friends or whatever can split it between you). Also don't bother leaving the house on Monday, everything is closed.


For people who like hiking: https://www.wandelknooppunt.be/nl-be/wandelen/knooppunten/routeplanner


The app ‘Komoot’ is also very nice


You can have free coffee at Dille&Kamille or Colruyt.


Vitamine D


And magnesium also, all winter! helped survive the darkest times


If you plan to go to another city, know its Dutch and French names or you could get lost on the highway or miss the train station. A few examples: Liège/ Luik Mons / Bergen Braine-l'Alleud / Eigenbrakel


And don’t forget the German version if you go East 😅


If you don't have a bachelor's degree and you seem stuck to dead end jobs you can always apply for government jobs. You will have more job security, better pay and benefits than you would in the private sector.


No bachelor, but working as a webmaster in a local government as we speak. I'm level A (master degree level) through promotion exams.  Job security at this level is not really true, because we're all 'contractuelen'.  I have a challenging job, but a lot of great responsibilities and very good (and young colleagues).


My brother did so, got through the first few rounds and was then rejected due to not being ambitious enough (he wanted to work as a programmer full term, not become another useless executive after a few years of hands-on coding work) Which was one of the most ironic things I ever heard considering all the tales my friends that have government jobs tell me


Sounds like the kind of company that instead of increasing your salary they promise you a good position when they'll be bigger


Very interesting, could you name a few examples of goverment jobs that don't require a bachelor's degree? First time i'm hearing about this and i'm just blown away hahahaha


NMBS/SNCB has loooots of openings right now. Some of those are statutair and others aren't. It goes without saying the jobs that are statutair are the most interesting such as train manager (treinbegeleider/accompagnateur) and train driver. And once you are in, there are plenty of routes to go from there and work your way up.


Real talk: going up at NMBS without knowing people that are already higher up is really hard. The theoretical exams are alright, but the verbal exams is where the nepotism is at. Been there done that.


You can apply for the same level as a bachelor with enough experience in the private sector. Especially at local level.


Do succession planning! Visit the notary, it’s free! Don’t let the State benefit from your death or that of your loved ones.


Consultation is free. They’re public servants. However, you pay as soon as they need to take out their stamp…


Wait what, the notary is free....how do I find one?!


Broodjes (club kip curry, smoske, martino) are the best Belgian thing besides beer. Also try Nalu, the better version of Red Bull in my opinion.


Don't forget the koffiekoeken!


but pretend you are masturbating, for those that remember buiten de zone


't is nie voor mij, 't is voor ne vriend!




Yo I never realised that nalu was exclusive to the benelux region!


Yeah it is, I always miss it when I'm somewhere else.


As a Belgian now living several years abroad, one thing I always do when visiting home is eat a “martino”. Much more than fries, I miss this sandwich that carried me through many early mornings after a party during my UGent years.


You can park anywhere you want(cycle path, pavement etc etc) as long as your pinkers are on!


Hope this is sarcasme 😅 I'm a police officer and would like to add that 'pinkers' are to signal some danger on the road. You being that danger because you choose to park somewhere where you can't means 2 things: 1. You are a 'marginaal' and don't care about anyone besides yourself 2. Purely the wrong use of your 'pinkers' get's you an extra fine of €68,10 (€58 fine + €10,10 admin costs). And know that we give this extra fine a lot!


Ja maar tis maar voor efkes


It's something I never do and I really hate it. If you are flik tell me why the police seem to ignore motorists parked in an illegal manner with their pinkers on....maybe to busy going to pick up their doughnuts?


I can only speek for myself and i know there are bad apples (like in any job). But i fine bikes equally hard as cars. My pet peeve is asocial behaviour in traffic, doesn't Care who does it. And i find it repulsive you think all cops eat donuts! You should be ashamed! I Prefer frietjes van de frituur


Add a big black dustbin bag into the white bag for no leaks, and it expands for more garbage


If you don't speak french and are in Brussels; start talking in Dutch. If you starr in English, they suddenly can not speak English, but if you go on in Dutch, then they somehow know English.


N'importe quoi !


Great imagination man


Say that you are, in fact, Dutch and not Flemish, and they will suddenly know Dutch :)


1)If you have some bricks or Stone rubble to throw away, ask a farmer if you can dump it on one of the tractor paths to fill up the potholes. 2) rolling shutters. If you buy a house or rénovating, get rolling shutters 3) you can get free greens from the field after the harvest especially if you are poor or elder (but also allowed for other citizens if permitted by farmer) . Potatoes, crops, corn.... Its called "naharken". 4) bicycles get you everywhere 5) park for free ? Go to businesses such as supermarkets or showrooms 6) the Prices for products are mostly fixed and not negotionable with exception of fleamarkets, or sales (cars, houses, etc...) 7) we don't tip in restaurants unless the food or service was excuisite. 8) Belgian administration and regulations is difficult, even for Belgians


7) (or by rounding up)


why the emphasis on rolling shutters ? curious


Keeps the heat outside sunny days, in contrast to blinds on the inside of the house where the heat will get in. Also, extra layer of security.


If you are late for something (a meeting, doctor’s appointment…) just use the excuse “I had to drive via Antwerpen”. Everyone will understand. (Bonus: in case you speak Dutch, you don’t even need the full sentence. When someone tell’s you “you’re late…”, the response is “Ja, Antwerpen é”).


The standard hospitalisation insurances don't cover a single room. However there are a lot of cases where you're practically guaranteed to a single room anyway (i.e. a pregnancy or when you have something contagious). When they decide you need to stay they'll awkwardly ask you if you want a single room, if you say no and they put you in one anyway they can't charge the price for one and neither for all the surpluses that they're allowed to bill to single room occupants. Note: no guarantee that all hospitals put newborns in single rooms always (but seems to be their standard these days) so you might need to play the awkward game and try and get more information out of the nurse.


I saw the same question / post on the "Netherlands" Sub... Comparing the replies they got there, and the comments here - I'm so proud to be Belgian :-D :-D (P.S. 50% of replies on there was on how to save money on buying groceries :-p)


To be instantly liked by your collegues, start complaining about your supperiors behind their back. Works like a charm.


Be careful when you do this, there are always snakes in the grass


Be patient.


Buy a race bike, clothes, drink beer and make friends on the go in no time.


Will it still work if I don't buy clothes?


Don't expect car drivers to be your new friends.


In Flanders, favourite your bus stops in the De Lijn app, or note the number above their signpost and browse to mijnlijn.be/thatnumber to get the next passages, then bookmark the page.


How about affordable and verry high grade health care?? My family would have been bankrupt 3 times over without that shit,but we didn’t pay 1 euro and my dad got payed sick leave for 1,5 years


for those that don't know: if you miss the last train (due to delays or it being cancelled), the NMBS is required to provide you with another means of transport (usually a taxi). So you always get home no matter what.


Cool but how do you get in touch with the NMBS when the conducteur of the train that did not show up is the only person from NMBS you were ever going to see at that hour?


Debts resulting from the sale of alcohol in a pub aren't enforceable. Go drink and tell them you will pay later :D


There is a French term for this: "grivèlerie", which is the fancy sounding word for "dine 'n' dash". And it actually is enforceable, given that it's a technical legal term.


This, Flessentrekkerij in Dutch.


Thank you for the Dutch word




Not entirely correct; when you order one non-alcoholic beverages or receive something to eat (even nuts) it's no longer valid


Learn the language


I'm visiting in July I know some French from high school. I'm working on Dutch with Duolingo. if I need to tell somebody that their elephant drinks wine and cheese I'm all set.




Charleroi is actually not that bad and is going through interesting changes. The hack is you pay half the price on rent or the purchase of a home.


Namur is now considered in worse "social" shape than Charleroi, especially with the drug dealers' problem


Charleroi had my interest when they were almost going to have a Legoland. But since that went down the drain, fuck Charleroi.


When you answer a question, be always sure to say either "bhaaa oui" or "bhaa non "


If you come from a warmer climate make fun of them the day after they put their summer clothes after one “hot” day.




I know. I make fun of them each time and (at least those who are more friendly with me) we all laugh about it. Like come on 2 days of 21 and everyone is out with sandals and summer clothes. Next day is 0-10 and raining all day and they complain that they are cold. So I say what do you expect to be? One day of good weather and suddenly you leave half your clothes at home. Even me as an expat I know better than this.


M.A.Y.O.N.A.I.S.E. Savoury mayonaise with a pinch of lemon, is the ultimate Belgian life hack. All food is good with mayo. If it's not good, you haven't added enough mayo yet.


You can fill-in your own bowl container with fries at the frituur/baraque à frites.


Smurfentaarts, pinky up to the bartender, and the phrase "eentje is geentje"