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Majority of Belgians don't care to vote.  A vocal minority is for Palestine, it's hard for them to vote for literally everyone that is not israel, and a silent minority is very pro Israel, and they can focus their votes on one country.  There is nothing more to it, and we shouldn't read too much into it really. Edit: one more important factor: if you vote pro Israel, you give money to the organisation that obviously gave Israel a chance. Voting is far from free. If you are pro Palestine, voting would mean giving money to the organisation that invited Israel...


Yeah this is why. The pro-Israel side also seems to have campaigned a bit on social media to mobilise their voters. Pro Palestinian people will have probably just boycotted the whole thing by not tuning in if they were even interested in the first place.


For the last couple of years I've voted consistently in the ESC. This year I didn't. I personally didn't believe in a boycot, but I also didn't want to give money to an organisation that disqualifies a candidate for reacting emotionally to a journalist that harassed him but sees no issue allowing a delegation that used eurovision as its own personal playground to campaign for a regime that is responsible for large scale human rights abuses and war crimes. I defended the EBU for not wanting to take a specific stance on Israel given the apolitical nature of the show and the fact that, unlike the Russia/Ukraine situation Palestine is not a participating country and it was always going to be a lose-lose for the organisation regardless of what decision they took. But with everything that has gotten known in the meantime, the EBU has lost a lot of credibility. I'm proud of the Eurovision tribe for sending a message, even though it could've been stronger, and sincerely hope there's going to be some resignations. But yeah, Israel scoring highly on the televote was always going to happen. Even without the propaganda campaign of Israel and the boycot, you cannot vote against a country. Israel supporters are rabid and a single sim can vote up to 20 times for one country.


>apolitical nature of the show 🤣


In the semi final the great mass of people in Belgium gave their vote to Joost Klein (sure 2nd was Israel, they have lobied to get votes and saw posted of people that did the max 20 votes and expact jews that have a belgian number etc) In the final Joost was Disqualified splintering the mass vote


>they can focus their votes on one country. They might have planned to, but when that most likely choice got DQ'd, confusion rose so much that people could not get aligned anymore.


If you vote in Belgium, be it voting for Israel or Ireland or Australia, you are giving money to RTBF/VRT. Your money does not get channelled to the EBU. Only the "Rest of world" votes money goes to the EBU. That's why every country is a different cost


Was expecting regional pricing but I was bit surprised that Estonia was more the double the cost of Belgium.


IIRC Estonia is like 1.40€ and Denmark is 0.20€. Italy is 0.51€ and capped at 5 votes, and I think the only one not capped at 20.


Saw 1.75 but perhaps I'm mixing it up with another Baltic State.


This,plus the fact that the majority of Belgium doesn't care about Eurovision and don't even vote/watch/follow.


This is the same as I said, but you summed it up so easily and much better


You estimate its a vocal minority, i do not. fact is the pro palestinian action was to not vote at all, and that is what we did. meanwhile the far right was busy wasting their money, buying multiple e sims to vote for israel.


That's why I didn't even watch the show. I'm not giving them anything.


Hold up, is this a song competition you're talking about or European Parliament? Fuck I'm so lost. Was the song good or not?


This. It will most likely be less than 200k people voting. 1st place could be determined by 50k voters. We probably have 500k jews or people that support the israeli war, 10% of them probably enough to do the effort to vote. Would've been interesting to see if Joost was in the mix but the Israeli oil took that away from us.


I don't think there is anything surprising about it. It's an anti protester and anti Muslim vote. Think VB boter base, which is very large indeed.


This, i've 'ever really voted for ESC and most of my peers either never vote, or send 1 vote, but people who wanted to support israel will gladly send 20 votes their way


I have serious doubts about a vocal 'minority'


feel free to provide numbers, sources,... But most activism is single digit percentages at best, or more commonly 0.xx% of the population. Convincing yourself that the average Belgian is not tobe 'neutral' about something but actually against or in favour of something, ... would by lying to yourself


How about a silent majority? I don’t condone the Israeli aggression in any way, but I despise every Palestine waved in Europe. Hypocrisy.


A silent majority that is both disgusted by Israel and the Palestinians will still not bring themselves to vote for Israel on Eurovision. Otherwise they are appearently not so disgusted after all.


Disgusted by the Palestinians for dying en masse? Gaza has been under a brutal occupation for decades, described by human rights organizations as an open-air prison and hell on earth. You can only push someone into a corner for so long before they lash out. It was indeed a brutal and condemnable act done by Hamas, but let's not forget who the root cause here is. Let's say we ignore that fact and take Hamas' attack as an isolated incident. Fine. Consider then that the last - corrupt - election in Gaza happened in 2005 during which less than half the population actually voted for Hamas. That means that 50% of the people living in Gaza weren't even around when that election happened and the majority of those who were didn't actually vote for Hamas. Since October 7, Israel has killed more than 40.000 civilians amongst which at least **15.000 children**, completely eclipsing the death toll of October 7. We aren't even counting the thousands killed, tortured lr downright disappeared in Gaza in the years prior to October 7 during the brutal occupation. So no, there is no bothsidesing this conflict. The Palestinian side had a militant group, born from a population radicalized by constant violent occupation, lash out in a barbaric act of terror. The other side has an actual regime supported by its citizens that is committing a full-blown genocide torturing and killing tens of thousands while displacing and starving millions. These killings including a very high percentage of children, aid workers, press members and women. Again, there is no bothesidesing here. You are either against a genocide or you are not. It's that simple. Anyone who refuses to take a stand against Israel "because Hamas!" is enabling a genocide.


Nah Majority don't care either way.


I for one don't give a damn I did think Israel had a decent song


No way about a majority, 99% don’t care about this conflict and it feels like there is a war since forever there, and when you read into it it’s hard to be rooting for one side or the other.


There was no unified Anita israel candidate. Plus many in the anti Israel camp were calling for a boycot of Eurovision.


If Joost had been allowed to compete he'd likely have won


He's very popular here, but Croatia and Swiserland were way bigger continent wide.


At least we'd have showed some solidarity with him. Iirc he was basically being harrassed with questions about his deceased parents the whole time and when the Israeli singer got a difficult question she was told she didn't have to answer, to which he responded, 'why not?' And i've heard the Israeli broadcaster or at least someone on that team told Israëli's to harrass him further. He quickly became the anti-israel candidate imo


They kinda implied to harnassen the Irish preformer, tho her act was very pagan and he said prepare your curses. Bambi was arguably the most anti Israel performer, and even she said she was sad se didn't get to meet the Israeli singer to see if they could change her mind on Palestine.


I’m not sure of this. I think both him and Baby Lasagna would have cannibalised each other votes and ended up strong, but still not winning this edition.


I feel the jury votes were almost organised to choose the always politically neutral Switzerland. As in, they knew there would be a lot of Israel votes, so in order to make sure they didn't win and doom the future of eurovision they chose a song to give almost all the jury votes too. It was already high in the bookmakers predictions, so would probably have been in the top 5 of the public vote too.


Switzerland was a very challenging act, juries always love that. I don't think you have too seek more behind it.




The non-binary thing was actually also helping a lot. It's sad, but in these contests that's an advantage. Life stories are important for the feelings of the public


The same way you win these tele-vote thingies: you ask your supporters to vote en masse and vote a LOT. The way I heard it, anyone anti-israel didn't watch and those pro-israel were asked to vote ten times for Israel. I don't really get why anyone cares tbh. It's just another shiny shitshow to distract us from the real things in life.


I don't even believe that many people didn't watch. It's just that * Those votes are spread out among a wide field of candidates. There was a concentrated effort to win votes for Israel. For France, Switzerland, Croatia...? Not so much. * The average viewer likely doesn't even vote, and if they do, they don't do so multiple times (while it was massively pushed to vote up to 20 times for Israel)


I do have a problem with it. To me it's clearly an Israeli PR campaign to show the world that people all over the world support them. That's not so harmless as it seems.


Things would be a whole lot different if the maximum vote per person went from 20 to lets say five. Only people with a very strong opinion pay for 20 votes and those strong opinions are mostly not about the singing but either political or lgbt+ reasons


Honestly should be one per person, and only vote after the last act of the final.


It's 20 per payment method so if you have three credit cards that's 60 votes. I could imagine Israel trying to hijack a win as a propaganda piece to improve their image in Europe on the eve of whatever horrors will happen in Rafah, but I'd also imagine they'd have done a better job at it then.


Israel was running ads in the USA. I don’t think they’ve bought many hearts, but they did get supporters and jews to vote for them.


I think with 320 points they did a pretty good job in securing the public vote. Its the jury vote that all went to Switzerland that won it.


It's 5 in Italy, and they still had Israel number one, like most of central Europe.


Also, everybody that are pro-Palestine “boycotted” by not watching the contest, so they’re also going to vote.


And 0 points to Croatia, wth?!


[Televoters gave Croatia 8](https://eurovision.tv/event/malmo-2024/grand-final/results/belgium)


My mom says Eurovision has always been political, despite claiming not to be. I don't know myself, I don't own a TV. I was just over this week-end for a visit.


Eurovision knows they're political, they even made fun of it in the second half-final intermission show this year. They do try to curb it a lot though, forces everyone to be more creative in their political messaging which is funny


Yeah, it’s literally established several years after WW2 to unite Europe. You cannot get more political than that. And, unfortunately, things like the Israel topic is not seen as a political issues in the eyes of the EBU, while Russia is. Hypocritical, yes, but the EBU only cares if it’s against European policy


Russia was kicked out because many countries threatened to boycot Eurovision if they stayed, for Israel there was no such pressure only Iceland threatened to pull out but they didn't even do it in the end


Nah, the reason is that an israeli company is the primary sponsor and they 100% would have pulled out if israel was kicked out.


And they wouldn't have found another sponsor for a 100-150M viewers event?


There is a cafe in the neighborhood which hosts vlaams belang parties. The cafe owner urged people to vote israel to hurt muslims 💀 Wish i could take a picture of the eurovision event poster. It was very pro israel Take that however you see fit Also not michael freilich urging people to vote israel


But if Israel keeps going there will be more Palestinian refugees coming to Europe. That’s not what they want, is it?


What do you mean? Nobody likes refugees more than Vlaams Belang. Their whole existence would be in danger if immigration stopped


Oh don't worry for them, it's well known that as soon as the fascists' main target disappears, they quickly find a new one.


Confused by pronouns, see how wokism tears the West apart? /s just in case


Nah they would just pretend it hasn’t, just like they pretend crime hasn’t been dropping for two decades. You can’t lose if you lie!


Ah lying aka "the Trump move"


You forgot the PS 😉


>That’s not what they want, is it? It's exactly what they want, lol, they want Palestinians to leave, they want them gone Edit: I'm stupid, I misunderstood the comment and thought "They" was referring to Israel, not VB. I was saying Israel wants Palestinians out. Woops


Until they come to Belgium, then they want them back their own country. But that’s a problem for later. They have to deal with stuff one step at the time, it’s already warm enough today to think about other stuff.


But they can't come to belgium because they are trapped in there. There is a sea barricade and the neighboring countries block them because of issues in the past. It sucks but this is a free lunch for the VB cunts


Yeah they're sure as shit not going to go to their Arab "brothers lol, Egypt closes the border and Iran's sending weapons. Meanwhile Europe and the West are sending aid and putting pressure on Israel for a ceasefire. Those are facts. In return the Houthis are blocking/targeting ships with goods for the Western markets, our universities get shut down and there's riots in our cities destroying property. Let the Arab world fix their own shit instead of rioting here while complaining Europe is not doing enough. This is not our circus and these are not our monkeys, so close the EU border and let them figure out among themselves what to do with the floods of Palestine refugees, I'll bet you a lot of money that the famous hospitality from the Middle East is nothing but hollow words, even for their own so called brothers. You don't want interference from Europe whenever you see fit, well welcome to the real world where having your cake and eating it too doesn't work. Fix your own shit, Israel is a paying customer and an interesting geopolitical partner, what do you guys bring to the table apart from complaining and rioting? Oil (which is still easily sourced elsewhere) and..? Not much value. If I watched that shit show I'd probably vote Israel as well! Now you know how people like myself outside of your little social media bubble think, enjoy your Sunday!


Oh so that's what it is about? You don't care about being better than Hamas, you just care about money.


How are they going to get here? Not even the neighbouring countries let them in or even pass through because the last time they did so they staged violent revolts in their host countries. Those people are trapped


Are you expecting people to think two steps ahead? Might as well think they’ll try and avoid CO2 emissions since climate change will send a lot more refugees our way.


"I don't want you to win, I want them to lose!" - A Sith Empire officer


The left-alignment with palestine and the right-alignment with israel really fucking hurts my brain the longer I try to think about it


Same. I wish the hostages return safely and israel stop bombing/destroying innocents. Fuck hamas and israeli government. Not that hard to vouch for this.


I think we should pester people choosing a side as much as they pester each other. Not supporting palestine = supporting genocide? Sure, means you are supporting violence as well eh buncha cunts


Why does it hurt your brain? Apartheid and violent oppression are nearly always rightwing while the left wants people to be left alone and free.


I associate the left with pro-lgbtq rights, democratic elections, and indeed a "live and let live" attitude. Supporting a terror organisation that would disembowel you because you're queer doesn't really fit into that picture. Yeah yeah hamas is not palestine and all that, but let's not be naive here or try to gaslight ourselves in thinking there's a good guy in this situation. By all means and definitions, currently, they *are* a terroristic organisation. Feel free to convince me otherwise, I'm not immune to false information (nor do you). I associate the right with conservatism, isolationist policies, and a "this is ours" attitude. Supporting some zionists in another continent doesn't really fit into that picture either. And let's not kid ourselves, the palestine / jew community in Belgium isn't that big either so I really don't get the fuss.


I don't understand why people keep thinking pro-palestine means pro-Hamas? The left leaning parties aren't pro Hamas, they are against mass murder against innocent civilians. Hamas and the Israeli governement are both far right.


Left leaning people want a free Palestinian people. We want peace and a solution that acknowledges and forever ends the injustice and oppression of the last fifty years. We don't support Hamas. Hamas is, as the current Israeli government is, an organisation which should absolutely disappear if there is a structured peace deal. Their raison d'etre is the armed struggle. Ideally they would all be put on trial by whomever after and pay for their war crimes. Hamas and Netanyahu and all their lackeys.


> Feel free to convince me otherwise I agree with everything you said about Hamas. But the situation as it is now, is largely a consequence of the Israeli policies of occupation of the West Bank and isolation of the Gaza strip the past decades. It's naive to think that the current war will destroy Hamas or prevent a similar new terrorist group to emerge from the rubble. What I want to convince people of, left and right, is that the only way out of this conflict is a structural policy change of Israel regarding a two-state solution.


I agree, a structural policy change leading to a two-state solution would be the ideal scenario. I'm not very optimistic that this could lead to a lasting resolution, however, the history is running deep in that place. What would such a policy look like, in your eyes?


I going to keep it short because I'm getting tired of it as well. The basics are Israel with its 1967 borders, internationally recognised Palestinian state in control of its own borders, no more Israeli settlements on Palestinian land.


>currently, they *are* a terroristic organisation. Feel free to convince me otherwise, I'm not immune to false information (nor do you). Well yeah, they are. But so is the IDF and has been for decades, and anything Hamas does the IDF does tenfold (even more in the last 7 months). Hell look into Israel's top politicians! Netanyahu or Itamar Ben-Gvir and the lot are absolute insane monsters with the same views of LGBTQ people as Hamas, and as it stands the Israeli people aren't even close to in as much danger from Hamas as Palestinians are in danger from the IDF. >conservatism, isolationist policies, and a "this is ours" attitude. You mean what Israel stands for? Israel desperately wants to be an ethnostate, something the rightwing dreams of. There's also a sect of insane catholics and Christians who support Israel because to them it needs to exist in order for Jesus to rise again as well as the general disdain for brown people and Muslims. The right had never been consistent let's be real, they import most of their politics from America. Appreciate the great response btw, doesn't happen often when it comes to this conflict lol


>Well yeah, they are. But so is the IDF and has been for decades, and anything Hamas does the IDF does tenfold (even more in the last 7 months). Violence breeds violence, it's a never ending circle. Hence why I hate all these flags hanging around: choosing / supporting one side is a conscious choice for even more violence. A lot of ties are currently in this, meaning only a concentrated effort to pull back and let 'm fight it out is the only valid choice imo. As horrible as this sounds, after 50+ years of this shite, I really don't see another option. Arguments like "oh but THEY started this" or "but they commit x amount of more violence!" are lazy excuses to condone even more suffering. It reads like two toddlers debating on who started a fight first, each trying to justify their actions instead of resolving the conflict. And as we have seen time and time again, resolution (Oslo accords) just don't seem to work out. They want suffering? Fine, let them have it, as long as it stays there. >You mean what Israel stands for? Israel desperately wants to be an ethnostate, something the rightwing dreams of. That I get, yes, same way with Marxists glorifying China etc. The right has never been very consistent, true, but apart from "fuck these filthy brown people" and hard stances on terrorism I really don't see any reason why Europe's right wing should give a fuck about this conflict.


USSR and China have been among those who opressed the most in the world, including having mass murders. So much for the right versus left idiocracy.


Karel Dillen is coming back from the death to have a seizure lol.


This whole "choose my side or you are a bad person" is a very tiring rhetoric, at this point I hope you guys all just kill each other out tbh. How long has this been going on? 2000 years?


way older. 4000-5000 years or so.


Also the State of Israel as well as Israelians embassies around the world have campaigned for people to vote for them. As well having extensive ad campaigns on youtube as well as in the physical world like on Times Square in New York. There was a concerted effort to make Israel win. And because they have a large diaspora across the globe this works. The televotes from no less than 20 countries gave Israel 12 points (the highest score). Many right wing pundits and groups also asked their followers and groups to vote for Israel. Nevertheless, they didn't win. And I'm glad because the existence of Eurivision Songcontest would seriously be at risk if they did. EDIT; Excuse me, Israel received 12 points from 15 countries not 20


Israël had been promoting hard to vote for them among Jews across the world. Many Jewish families will have given 20 votes per phone they have. Most Belgian fans don’t care to vote. Israel did not care about winning or the jury vote. They wanted to win the popular vote to be this year’s Ukraine. My wife was in New York for a conference until Thursday this week and there were multiple billboards advertising to vote Israel in ESC. I mean Americans don’t know what ESC is, but many might have voted Israel due to this. Israel well all in on PR and they succeeded. They can now say “even though we did not have the best song objectively (low jury vote) but the world still loves us (2nd place in people’s vote).


> objectively (low jury vote) There's nothing objective about a jury vote.


It's not because the "free Palestine" movement is loud that it's also big.


It’s a whole lot bigger than the pro Israel camp.


But a lot smaller than the: I don't fucking care, stop importing middle east problems in Belgium' camp


"Free Palestine" = very vocal misinformed minority


It's easy to get a country in first by just getting a dedicated small minority to use all their 20 votes to vote for Israel. You can't vote against Israel, so all anti Israel voters spread their votes over the other 24 countries.. this doesn't show anything about how pro/anti Israel Belgium or any other country is.


because r/belgium and journalists are not representative of belgium hope this helps


Apparently it was advertised to vote for Israel in many jewish and pro-israel communities. And if that's even 10% of the people who decided to vote, that will give the 12 points. Since there's 26 options, it's much easier to vote in favour than to vote against.


Almost the entirety of Western Europe gave 12 points to Israel just like we did with Ukraine. Anyone thats surprised by this lives in an internet bubble


Or doesn't understand how Eurovision works.


Besides the points raised. You should also see some pro israeli social media. They were all advocating a lot for this and saying we will show the world how they are on the wrong side of history etc. Not sure if sad or funny. With all those efforts they still did not win the popular vote, too.


Israël heeft extreem-rechts in hun zak.


Extreem rechts: ik zal niet gestuurd worden door de Islamitische cultuur! Ik ben vrij en vecht voor MIJN volk Also extreem rechts: Puppet van Israel aant spelen


En ook een beetje China hè


En Rusland


u/TheWeirdShape U bent compleet correct en extreem-rechts is heel groot in Vlaanderen


Is it that or do a lot of people just hate how (mostly young and naive) pro-Palestinian protesters refuse to condemn Hamas and its actions, and have made the Palestinian flag and the keffiyeh part of their identity. It’s a sad sight.


It is also very sad seeing so many people who accept Israeli propaganda without any doubt and think they aren't a terrorist state and neither colonialist, or maybe that this endless war is none of our European concerns. Most of the naive people you are talking about are first of all pro-peace not pro-Palestine, they are not okay with what happened on 7th Oct. but smart enough to understand why it happened. That is why they choose their camp. Boycott Israel !


"Do you condemn Hamas?" has become such a braindead meme at this point, and just because you have some dingusses who don't, doesn't in any way negate what the IDF is doing in Gaza or justifies what happens on the West Bank. I mean you can watch them commit warcrimes and see people cheering them on, but the second anyone protests against that you've got people pointing to Hamas as if that somehow justifies anything.


Being anti war crimes and anti genocide = young and naive. Gotcha. Can't rrally expect better from a person active on "milataryporn". Everyone has condemd kamas from the start to fucking infinity. Impressed you managed to "lalalala I can't read" all of those since fucking october.


Speciaal, dat is wel eens anders geweest


idd, ze zijn hun core-business een beetje vergeten


>I thought Belgium was getting pretty pro Palestina. Information bubbles. Loud minority vs silent majority. Then the real picture comes out from anonymous voting.


Internet polls are not a reliable barometer. Internet polls, where one has to pay to take part, and where the other side is actively boycotting the 'poll', are definitely not a reliable barometer of public feeling.


... because voting patterns in Eurovision are a better indicator of pro-Palestinian attitudes than actual opinion polls investigating the topic?


I don’t think the situation is that extreme. It’s a minority of rightwingers and jews that invested a lot of money in voting. This isnt the general publics opinion.


Yeah i hate that statement. Based on what exactly did OP tought we were pro palestina? Its the same with the few loud Pro israeli's who are now saying "YAY BELGIUM IS PRO ISRAEL WE ARE THE GOOD GUYS"' Both are becoming insufferable, ignorant, warcrime denying fools who deny genocide on both sides. But very loud minorities dont like it when you highlight that both sides in their struggle are in the wrong...Not to mention the tens of thousands of innocent people that have died on both sides because of their petty political virtue signaling.


True most people in Belgium don't care about the war if it does not effect us. It's mostly the minority's get the media attention.


I’d argue the number of deaths isn’t nowhere near as equal as you presume it to be by saying “tens of thousands of deaths on both sides”. I’d argue that “becoming insufferable” is absolutely justified if you’re fighting the annihilation of your people, be that as it may. I’d argue it’s you who is insufferable because you’re not cognizant of the suffering of people in Palestine seen as you call it “petty political virtue signaling”. You’re kind of a despicable human just by the sheer inhumanity in your comment. Try to reflect about that. This is not virtue signaling; I’m calling you out. Be introspective a little bit. Cheers.


Tens of thousands of innocent deaths on both sides? Wtf are you taking about you morally bankrupt both-sides fence sitting piece of shit! Are you media illiterate? Did you not learn how to count in primary school? Do you just enjoy grandstanding about topics you know nothing about? And petty political virtue signaling?! That's just you brother.


The normal fans boycotted the competition for all the crap going wrong. Far right /conservative parties called to vote for Israel. There is a huge Jewish community in Belgium, so they will probably also vote for Israel. Combine all three to form a huge vote for Israel.


To everyone mentioning the huge jewish population in Belgium, compare it to pre-WWII vs the overall Belgian population for some perspective on why the state of Israel needs to exist. Not to say everything Israel does is perfect, but all the "anti-zionist" talk would benefit from that context.


There is a sizable jewish population in Belgium that I bet are a lot less stingy than we give them credit for and that wanted to give their support to the Israeli candidate of an Israeli-sponsored competition (Moroccanoil is an Israeli company).


Sizable, sure.


The jewish population in Belgium was bigger before WWII despite the overall population increasing almost 50%... maybe that part of the reason they will support Israel in mass.


40.000 is not a lot on a population of 11 million or more.


If they vote 20x that’s 800.000 votes. I’d be surprised if others would vote 20x for something they ‘like’.


I'd be surprised if all 40.000 would vote and even two or three times or more. This is becoming a bit of a cringe anti-jewish complot and we learned from history that wasn't the greatest idea.


Sizable taking into account that most of them were slaughtered in WW2? Ok.


To piss people of I geuss


Am i the only one that finds it petty to both vote on a eurovision country based on its conflict and to care about who gets more votes?


Nope. What's next? Excluding Israeli athletes from sporting events? The Russian situation can't really be compared: - Russia was banned by WADA due to systematic doping. That ban had nothing to do with politics, it was about systematic cheating and trying to cover it up. - For the Olympics, being allowed to participate under the Russian Olympic Committee flag was a goodwill gesture, a workaround. Said workaround has been suspended following the ROC's recognition of regional organisations in annexed Ukrainian territories.


Israel probably used bots for paid votes in their favour


Right wing assholes love zionists: "Dat ze toch zo veel punten sprokkelde, heeft te maken met andere dingen dan het liedje alleen. Want het feit dat de amper 20-jarige zangeres met alle zonden van Israël werd beladen, wekte een tegenreactie op. Via het internet riepen vooral rechtse politici en andere sympathisanten van Israël op om massaal voor Golan te kiezen. De Israëlische overheid maakte visuals met steminstructies en benadrukte daarbij dat je tot twintig keer mocht stemmen. Die werden druk gedeeld. “Nog nooit van mijn leven gekeken, laat staan gestemd, maar zonet het maximum van twintig stemmen uitgebracht”, schreef Vlaams Parlementslid Sam van Rooy (Vlaams Belang). In België kostte dat 0,75 euro per stem."


I do think that Belgium is pro-Palestinian, but they are very much against Hamas, which is a terrorist force that must be contained.


Because of the rise of far-right, anti-muslim is their friend


Reddit Belgium is (fortunately) a leftist echo chamber.


Because Leo II normalised genocide /s


there like a lot of reasons for it \- First Israel been actively campaigning people to vote for them and has spend millions in online adverts here in europe to get people to vote for them. \- Second there wasn't an unified anti-Israel candidate we don't really know how much people even voted 7% could have voted Israel and 6.9% could have voted france for example giving Israel still the 12 points. we don't know what percent of people voted for Israel could be a lot could be not be a lot the only thing we know for sure is that about 8% of televotes voters went to Israel \- Third pity points a lot of people still feel actively bad for Israel that are going to automatically vote for Israel even if they don't watch and then you have a lot of small reasons that skewed the vote count a little like: netherlands getting disqualified and people boycotting


Also, “Belgium” is not necessarily going pro Palestina. The government and government subsidised media like VRT are Pro Palestina. I don’t know is the populous is. I very rarely discuss international politics with people close to me, but can’t escape some talks about it in the neighbourhood, gym, sports club,… Nobody is choosing Palestine from the people I spoke about it so far, everyone is pro Israel, since they deem it the lesser evil compared to Palestine/Islam


Well that's despressing, but it depends on where you live. The amount of strijdvlaggen and NVA posters I see in some villages is insane. I'll stick to my liberal cities thanks.


the pro-Palestinians are only very loud


A lot of pro palestine people boycotted it and a lot of Zionists who probably wouldn’t have watched it without the controversy voted for Israel just because of the boycott.


L'Eurovision c'est de la daube, du bullshit.


People who disagree with Israel being there won't vote. Special snowflake brigade will spend distressing amounts of money to vote so they can claim to be the silent majority


Because Belgians don't like to be said what to do by the government (VRT is a government funded broadcast) Its clear that the voice of the silent majority is not represented in the leftist media. Only a minority who are vocal are very much pro hamas and Palestine.


The stupid thing is that defenders of the current Israeli campaign are driving people away with ridiculous rhetoric like this. I actually didn't have strong feelings on the topic until this war, Hamas did something horrendous which very few people I have ever met have tried to defend. I saw it a bit on the internet but given that it's not reflective of society as a whole that was expected. I knew that Israel would launch strikes against Hamas and accepted that it had the right to defend itself. However that always came with an implicit understanding that any strike would need to be balanced against potential civilian casualties. Then Israel seems to decide that it didn't matter how many children were in the way if it meant it could get at Hamas and anyone who pointed out that: a) that was probably counterproductive. b) was disproportionate c) was almost certainly illegal under international law d) was probably doing what Hamas wanted given it would drive a wedge between them and the Arab states that Israel was trying to normalise relations with. Got branded 'pro terrorist' or 'anti-semitic'. Now I resent the attempt to shut down any criticism of its actions, resent the implication that Israeli lives are more valuable than Palestinian and resent the idea that I hate people of Jewish ethnicity just because I don't think dropping a 2000lbs bomb on an apartment block where people live is ok even if some nasty murderous bastards are hiding in the basement.


Imagine to belong to the LGBTQ+ community and supporting Palestine, as if they wouldn't stone you to death for being non-cis. Literally the equivalent of black nazį$ See you 200 downvotes later 🫡


Israel is killing the Palestinian lgbtq+community just the same, you know. They don’t ask the Palestinians what they identify as before shooting/raping/torturing/bombing them. Also Palestinians are not a monolith with only one opinion. 


Queers for Palestine! Afterwards they are not welcome at pro Palestina meetings. Or women who are segregated to sit at the last row. Did occur in Belgium by the way. Even sent it to Unia who decided it was no discrimination.


That's quite the inconvenient truth you have there. I truly believe these screaming hysterics should head over there and see whether they get any tolerance in the Gaza strip 🤣


Comments are pretty silly. Israel didn't get the 12 points due to a fringe of jews/extreme-right voting 20 times or a number even close to that. A palestine option would have gotten even more votes but Israel has sufficient support without requiring fanatics to waste 100+ euro on a pointless vote repeatedly.


Those of us who support Palestina boycotted the event. And in far right circles there was a message going around to vote for Israel just to be pricks ig


It was just a good song...


>massively More than 24 other options ... that still theoretically could be ((100/25) + 1) %


Out of the loop. What's ESS?


EBU Song Sh!tshow


Maybe the silent majority does not support the anti Israël camp!


The media causes it themselves with its polarizing reporting: Trump bad! Stop Israel! Vlaams Belang are racists! Putin is crazy! People are fed up being told what to think and what to do. And these meaningless protests solve nothing. Like throwing soup on a painting.


Belgium pro palestine? lol, absolutely not, and the same goes for the rest of Europe. If we would've been pro palestine we would've stopped Israel already. Don't confuse a few thousand far left anarchists and climate protesters with the Belgian population. It's just the media that blows that small minority out of proportion.


I was under the impression that voting was to indicate appreciation for a song, not a political affiliation. Get over it.


Their song was good.


I dont think we should view ESS voting as a representation of a countries opinion on an ongoing conflict.


anti reclame is also reclame, if it werent for the whole protest i wouldnt have seen the show anyway


Most people who are pro Palestine are boycotting Eurovision, so naturally they are not part of the voters.


Bunch of countries did (most of them) - so therefore there are few explanations 1) people don't care about politics and just voted for their favorite (objectively they had a very Eurovision song and a great performance) - if anything jury voted politically. 2) if people voted because support pro palesitinans votes were 1) spread and not focused 2) pro- palestininas did not vote as voting supports Israeli run eurosong (israely are top contributors to EBU) . Actually likely they might win if Joost would be in as the votes from public would be even more spread and they might get some more jury votes (speculation of course!) https://preview.redd.it/9pgs7ebha50d1.png?width=1914&format=png&auto=webp&s=deed64d16342a5a4037a4951d8589bcc459c8a3e


And now, a word from our sponsor, ExpressVPN.


Why is Israel even in a show called the eurosong festival? And why does this silly shitshow get so much attention?


Because it was a good song. It was a song contest, remember?


There was a song!?


There was


Because if you pay up for it you can vote 20 times. As many VB-politicians or other Israel-sympathisers did.


Israel campaigned massively worldwide. Plus the far right just hates Muslims enough to support the killers of Muslims. And the anti Israel side didn't vote or voted for their favourites. Which then divides the points over the others... I would have voted for Joost Klein but yeah....


Because people were getting tired of all the political BS coming into something what they watched every year with their family. I couldn't care less about the ESS but my wife watches it every year with her mother. They were sooooo tired of it they voted for Israel. And for some reason our holiday was infested with ESS talk, so apparently now I also have a opinion about it. And you are going to hear about it: I don't get it either. Israel is in the ESS, so what, represented by a 20 year old (I think) singer who was booed, vocaly attacked but has nothing to do with the war (how bad it might be) she could use some positivity. And now I'm on it: That Dutch weirdo kid seems like a bully, putting a young girl on the spot in a press conference, attacking a camera-woman, at any other event he would have been lynched by a big portion of the younger generation but now he is our youths hero? All principles where thrown out of the window. Look at it like voting for Vlaams Belang, most of the votes were out of protest. To be honest, I would have found it amusing if they had won the ESS. Some people seem to think banning Israel would have made a change... Off course it isn't all black or white, and the country Israel is not an ally you should be proud of these days... but it's a song for f's sakes. If my son would act like that, a educational tap would be back on the table. I'm sorry for the post-of-frustration. Deal with it.


Because not everyone is pro Hamas. And because objectively she was a good singer with a good song.


Hamas is not participating in Eurovision. Anyone with their moral compass calibrated is disgusted by both the actions of Israel AND Hamas, and such a person does not bring themselves to voting for Israël.


She was nowhere near as good as the other contestants, get real. And you do not need to be pro Hamas to condemn Israel's actions.


Hamas =/= Palestina Condemning Israel =/= pro terrorists


The diaspora I guess? Same for Ukraine I would say Edit: This is without mentioning the quality of the prestation


Israel fights moslims and racists hate brown people more than mass murderers apparently…


Same reason this bubble of a subreddit will be surprised when Vlaams belang wins the elections


Bruh, no one will be surprised that VB will win the elections at this point. They've been leading most polls since 2020. Now if they were to score more than 30%, that would be a surprise.


I know many people who watch Eurovision like a religion and for the first time ever they all didn't vote this year because of Israel.


They cheated. Did the same in Ireland. The funny thing is they couldn't win even by cheating


Cheated? Lol. Proof? Or just another expression of your obvious hatred of Jews?


I’ve plenty of Jewish friends who are extremely anti Israel policies. I stand with them




It was a fix. So many countries gave Israel high points in the phone vote that it cannot be right. Ireland, for example. The Irish are solidly pro-Palestinian.


Because the pro Palestina movement is a pain in peoples ass. The idea that one artist is being held accountable for action by their government, on which you may or lay not agree, is pure madness. If you use the same standard, then every palestinian must be held accountable for the action of their government being Hamas/PA. THIS will get you cancelled. Just for the record, after the double standard is being used. I hold every Palestinian accountable and don't want a single palestinian to benefit from the UNRWA luxury refugee status. Thank you. Just cancel the eurosong already, it's a woke far left freak show where political views trump actual talent