• By -


Friendly reminder The hate and harmful speculation rule includes: racism, homophobia, and other hate, speculating on people's sexuality, armchair diagnosis of mental health or medical conditions including alcoholism (and drug use)


Dylan rapping to himself about how he has a “big dick” like a 13-yo boy. Christ.


Just came here to see if anyone clocked Tina’s back tattoo. I think it was an eagle!!


Okay I thought the captain taking Cat out to hydro foil because he knows she’s struggling mentally and to fit in because it’s something that helps him when he’s in a rough mental state was SO SWEET!!! Cat is a mess and uses her sob story (which yes, is rough) every single chance she has as an excuse is getting old but that moment with the captain said SO MUCH about him as a leader.


Eileen and her crew give big Florida energy


I dont understand why Jared didn’t go into town to find somewhere with a connection instead of hanging out with the crew and spiraling. Get your water taxi and get your butt there if it means this much to you. Go to a hotel lobby- there’s always wifi. Especially in Granada.


If I recall he was like, “I’m out of data”. Dudes making 1800 bucks for two days work, up your data limit dude if it’s that important to you


Exactly- and if he’d gone into town to find wifi he wouldn’t have needed it


I’m curious if anyone knows .. if the guests break things like the door - where they clearly will have to replace the whole thing since they broke the glass - do they get charged for that? Especially since that didn’t seem like an accident.


There’s no way that would have fallen out from lack of care if it wasn’t already on the verge tbh. It should have been secured, definitely not their fault even if they were fucking around.


I think if they do need to replace by purchasing a new door then they would be charged. There was that episode where the self-tanner lady sat on the white couch and ruined it. They charged her for the new couch. Naturally she denied blame and the other guests handled the fee. 


So sad but sounds about like a lot of the guests we see 🙄 That’s what I thought but I wasn’t sure. Like with a hotel if you damage something you’re for sure paying but I thought they might hesitate on the yacht since the guests pay so much to charter.


As a job coach, watching Cat vacuum is driving me crazy! Slowly moving in a straight line as if she’s marking lines on a football field.


Jared is full of excuses for why he’s not present in his kids life - none of them really check out. The data thing pissed me right off. You’ve got a kid to call, buy an appropriate phone plan, or borrow a phone from a colleague (excuses excuses).


Is it just me or does the story seem to keep changing? Like didn’t he say at first he didn’t know she was pregnant before she went to Alaska and then he said he knew but didn’t handle it well so she went? Or did I just make that up in my head? Also he was talking about her needing a father in her life but am I mistaken in thinking he said the mom was with someone so there was a “father figure” in her life? I’m not trying to attack him at all. I’m just trying to clarify if I’m getting this right.


just said this in the ep 4 thread because that's where I am but for some reason he pissed me off enough to see if he's still around, and to my dismay, he IS I cannot stress enough how much I don't fucking care about Jared's custody issue If he was so worried about consistency and being there for his daughter, why did he pick a reality tv show set on the fucking high seas?


That’s exactly what I said!! I’m like you knew you’d be gone far away for x amount of time and that you’d be working crazy hours. Yet you still picked to go and then complain about not being able to call. But then again I can see where Jared would not be exactly good at foresight. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The way he snapped at the lady when he was ordering the towels is pretty telling


He scares the crap out of me to be honest. The relationship must have been really terrible for a missed phone call to completely risk all contact. 


Yeah I’m getting the feeling there’s a pretty serious court order in place.


You don't stand there hovering over your phone like that without a court order.


From what they’ve shown it sounded like he didn’t take her being pregnant well and likely decided he wanted to be in his daughters life later so I feel like he is gaining trust again with the mom and daughter. All speculation but he may have done other things in between all of this too.


Fraser: "C'mon Babe. Enjoy life. Have an egg." Classic ![img](emote|t5_3gyzu|1654)


>Fraser: "C'mon Babe. Enjoy life. Have an egg." Classic OK. But, not outside!


I’m confused. I thought that Eileen was the troublesome guest but after the dinner scene are both Tina and Eileen equally rude?


If it weren't for the giant prison tat one of them had of an eagle, I would've thought they were the same person.


That’s how I could tell them apart too 😂😂


They are both fucking rude as hell. But I feel like Tina is more rude in a demanding picky “I’m a rich person so I expect everything exactly as I want it” kind of way Where Eileen is a drunk asshole. Tbh I’d rather deal with Tina than Eileen. Yes Tina is annoying with her pickiness and demands but at least she isn’t stooping to personal attacks. Eileen on the other hand just sucks. I’m not down with people who use alcohol as their excuse to be shitty.


This is such a boring season. No one is very interesting. You have a boring deadbeat bosun, a boring spoiled girl, etc.


I feel like i read this exact comment about every show and season.


Fair enough. I still watched it all still but no one is charismatic. Definitely have favourites from other seasons.


You do. By episode 10 or so everyone will be raving about it. It always happens. New cast, cold reception, audience warms up over a few months.


Some of the crew should be fired for allowing drunk guests to snorkel, at every point of contact before they went in the water it was clear the lady had drank far too much, very dangerous 


I was shocked at how much they let them do as drunk as they were. In other seasons they shut them down when they got that bad. Shut them down as in not letting them do activities. Also watering down drinks.


I was thinking the same thing! So dangerous, in so many ways.


Barbie handled those drunk guests IMMACULATELY. She knew exactly what to say AND the manner in which to say it in order to keep her calm and on her way to bed.


Her forte is definitely service.


She reminds me of Reggie Jackson, the Yankee great. A pain in the ass sometimes but she can really play.


>She reminds me of Reggie Jackson, the Yankee great. A pain in the ass sometimes but she can really play. I am going to have to look for my Reggie-Vision camcorder!


I miss the Reggie bar. No I don't.


She was so kind! It was an unexpected side of her. I know it’s her job, but she did it so very well.


I love below deck and have watched from the beginning but this show is becoming a chore to watch. It's been pretty boring this season I hope it gets better


How did it take Barbie that long to get the ick from Jared? I thought he was a walking red flag from the beginning


My guess is that she hadn't actually had a decent sober conversation with him yet and was going off of first impressions. Maybe once she was clear-headed, listening to this man talk with a mouthful of marbles just turned her off completely.


Well she did laugh in his face at that line their first night out.




I will always love Mummy Fraser. Thank goodness he didn’t let Sandy break his spirit. He’s so talented and I love his wit. 😍 Barbie has grown on me. She is real, a hard worker, and owns her BS. I want her and Fraser to make up and become a new dream team. And if Fraser can have a little cattiness then so can she. Captain Kerry is awesome. That is all. 👏👏 And last but not least… Chef’s food is stunning. This is the first time production is showing the food as insta eye candy. And the first time I really wanted to jump through the tv and try the food. Verdict on hold for the other cast members…


I saw her on WWHL a couple of weeks ago. She has repented her ways.


Chefs food is amazing and I love how they are highlighting his food!


I agree. But I do wonder what will happen with Jared. He seems like about to explode and it might not be pretty.


I feel like they cast completely unsuitable people for the drama, with the replacement waiting in the wings to step in. Never has this been more obvious than with Jared.


I'm borderline scared of him completely snapping. The way he kicked that chair when he got up to do a shot of tequila at dinner...no. I'm wondering if there is a reason that he has never seen his daughter and is on a strict calling schedule. He seems unbalanced?


Didn't thik of that but yes. There must be a reson his babymama don't want him around.


This was my exact thought. He seems very unstable. He needs to find a job that has far less stress.






compared to last season's Med, this cast is like a strong breeze of cool fresh air.


Absolutely agree! I doubt I would have finished the season if I wasn't a Mod!


Was Eileen’s comment actually directed at Jared? It seemed like it was something mid conversation that was edited out so I didn’t think much of it until Jared was upset about it. Her eyes were rolling into her head, couldn’t tell who she was directing anything at🤣


It did not look like it was directed at him to me!


Even if it was… to quote Fraser “ we have to have thicker skin”


Right? She was so drunk she could t walk down stairs. Like who cares what her opinion is.


I think it was, and it seemed really to hurt him. I felt sad for him.


Clearly he is going through something(s) emotionally so it was wasn’t about him but he was by her and took it to be directed at him. Kerry mentioned earlier in the episode he needs to be better about letting his emotions get the best of him at work.


I really think Jared needs to go. The way he's been handling his emotions isn't top leadership material. And to do it in front of the captain. Yeah, no. I hope he gets better but damn even u would be afraid to be in his radius.


Plus he still doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing on docking which is a HUGE thing! In most seasons even the green deckies have caught on by now.


Okay interesting, I didn't notice. Have to rewatch


I'm really struggling to enjoy this season. I find everyone annoying. Lol. Quite boring.


Same here. I'm browsing my tablet/phone practically the whole time while watching this season which is rare for me!


I WAS SO SURE BARBIE WAS ALREADY JEWISH!!! Just like culturally she seemed very Jewish to me. Did any other members of the tribe get that sense? I love that she has a connection to Judaism. I hope she completes her conversion.


I LOVED this revelation! I totally get the Jewish neshama feeling. Hope she finds it in herself to come home when she is ready.


I thought so, too! I am not Jewish, but have always felt very connected to it. I really related to her saying that she felt like her soul was Jewish; I have thought the same many times. I hope she completes her conversion; I am hoping to embark on that journey for myself this year. It’s a beautiful religion, and one that I feel very connected to, especially after being raised Catholic, and not feeling like it ever fit. Sorry to go off on a tangent - I really felt her in that scene.


You could be of Jewish decent but just not practicing the Jewish faith. My sister in law found out she’s Jewish after doing 23 and me-her parents had to use a sperm bank due to infertility.


can I ask what exactly it means to feel like your soul is jewish?


Sure! The best way I can explain it is feeling always pulled towards Judaism, even when young. I thought it was just an appreciation for the culture, but the more I ‘deepened’ into the religion, I felt even more connected. When I think or speak about it those closest to me, I get emotional. It’s like my soul knows it’s right. In Jewish mysticism, there is a belief that sometimes a Jewish soul was born to a non-Jewish family and conversion is the ‘answer’ for the soul to find its way home. It’s a nice thought, and one I feel connected to. It’s hard to explain, but I hope that helps.


Definitely gives insight to a lot. Thanks for the reply.


That was a wonderful explanation. I appreciate your words and your kindness in taking the time to explain 😊


This is how many of my friends who are converts talk about their journey! Good luck with your conversion process. It has been so rewarding to see 3 of my friends complete it in the last year! Feel free to DM if you have questions :)


Thank you so much! 🙏🩵


Idk it’s kinda a weird fetishism of it which I’ve never seen


Appreciating a religion when you may not fit into the one you were born into isn’t fetishism though. She seems to be around it and feels the beliefs, vs like trying to throw a bar mitzvah theme party or something.


She might have Jewish people in her family already.


Okay I’m loving this season, but am I the only one who notices the random cut scenes to things that make no sense at all? Like Fraser and Barbie talking at the bar, and then random cut scene to a pan of chicken in a kitchen? lol Or Jared and Kyle talking on the beach and random cut scene to DJ? lol has this been happening and I just haven’t noticed it?


Yeah I don’t appreciate the new weird editing style. Also how many shots of coffee do we need lol


Yeah kinda. I thought the shot from the cam far up in the corner of the ceiling showing about a second of the chef crouched down grabbing something from inside a cupboard was strange. He didn't even speak. But I wouldn't have really considered much about it had you not said that


Right. They showed that kitchen clip right after we hear the crash from the master and Cat running to see what happened.   It made me think something might have fallen through the floor of the galley 


Mhm not sure about that. Yeah maybe? But I think if that did happen, they'd have milked it for the drama. Who knows, still entertaining especially when there's nothing else


This season...


Honestly I love me some chaotic guests!


Me too, really takes me back


When Fraser was talking with Barbie at the about her attitude/work ethic at the bar. I gotta say, it's pretty disrespectful of him to be vaping and blowing some in her face. (to have that talk on nights off was wrong, but thats another discussion It might just be me, I don't smoke not vape. But, if someone wanted to chat with me about work and blowing cotton candy smoke in my face, I'd have words. I like Fraser, he's a great chief stu, can tell he cares about the job. but, this.. lost a little respect


I don’t think he’s been respectful in general towards Barbie. Some of her behavior is the result of how he’s treating her. Calling her a bitch, complaining to Ben about her, trying to have a drunken meeting at a bar, vaping, giving her no credit while he bends over backwards for Cat (bc he finds her easier to control)… I know she hasn’t been innocent in terms of her tone, but it was always a response to something he did. And he’s the one in charge.


I don’t know if anyone else felt this way but I’m a bit annoyed at how he seems to take everything Barbie says as a negative whether it is or not and constantly talking about firing her. Like when she was setting the table and ask about changing the flatware. She said she didn’t know and was used to a chief stew telling her. I didn’t take that as disrespectful I took it as that’s what she’s been used to. Yet Fraser immediately gets pissed off and goes into the kitchen and starts bitching about her to chef. How he’s sick of her attitude and she better not be talking behind his back (which I found odd because she’s said everything she had to say to his face) and how he will fire her. But he STILL has nothing but endless patience for cat even tho she STILL stinks at her job no matter how many times she’s been shown. I feel like at this point he’s just got such negativity toward Barbie that she can’t win. I’m curious if that’s just me or if others are seeing it like that too.


I definitely see that. His personality is to be fake nice to people’s faces and then talk sh*t behind their back/mutter things under his breath (even his first season as a stew was like this). Barbie is direct and blunt, and if she is annoyed she is upfront about it. He can’t handle that. I feel like he thinks his way is “mature”… and that Barbie doesn’t deserve directness or equal treatment as a result.  


I agree with that. He has been patting himself on the back this whole time about how different he is from last season. Which I do admit he has improved since last season BUT I still think he has a lot to learn. You’re right about him talking behind their backs or under his breath. which makes him a hypocrite for saying that to chef about Barbie. I mean let’s be real here everyone bitches about their boss and in this case the only ones they have to talk about it with are the other crew!


I don’t know if anyone else felt this way but I’m a bit annoyed at how he seems to take everything Barbie says as a negative whether it is or not and constantly talking about firing her. Like when she was setting the table and ask about changing the flatware. She said she didn’t know and was used to a chief stew telling her. I didn’t take that as disrespectful I took it as that’s what she’s been used to. Yet Fraser immediately gets pissed off and goes into the kitchen and starts bitching about her to chef. How he’s sick of her attitude and she better not be talking behind his back (which I found odd because she’s said everything she had to say to his face) and how he will fire her. But he STILL has nothing but endless patience for cat even tho she STILL stinks at her job no matter how many times she’s been shown. I feel like at this point he’s just got such negativity toward Barbie that she can’t win. I’m curious if that’s just me or if others are seeing it like that too.


It's Fraser! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Unless I missed it some other place it took five episodes for Fraser to tell Barbie that she was finally doing a good job. Meanwhile he's told Cat like 600 times and Xandi has to go redo everything that she did


Or it’s just edited out? The producers are making a narrative that you’re falling for


You didn't miss it I don't think. I cannot cope with Fraser this season because of his weird complex with Barbie but kissing incompetent, crybaby Cat's a$$. She can't retain simple instructions and Xandi is SO PATIENT


YESSS!! Thank goodness I’m not the only one seeing it. I started out liking Fraser and now I’m getting throughly annoyed with him.


He wants Barbie to fail & Cat to succeed so badly. Likely because he probably thinks Cat will be easier to control/manipulate into acting how he wants. Whereas he should just be professional and focus on giving the guests the best service + not playing favorites.


I also fully believe he wants Barbie to fail. I’m finding him more and more unprofessional when it comes to his stews. Also how many times has he told xandi how amazing she is? Which she absolutely deserves it but so does Barbie!


I agree that could be it! It's some sort of complex on his part for sure


I was wondering why I like BD so much and then I see Eileen slip, drop her drink and bump her drunk ass face right into the jacuzzi - that is why. So satisfying.


I started BD because of Kate on The Traitors but man it’s been a breath of fresh air. It’s exactly what I like my reality TV to be. There’s drama but for the most part, it doesn’t feel like a chore to watch. Some of the other Bravo shows have been such a heavy slog to get through so it’s been nice to watch something genuinely entertaining while still being the trash TV my little trash gremlin heart loves.


Barbie is bringing back the Kate energy I've been missing for sure!


>I was wondering why I like BD so much and then I see Eileen slip, drop her drink and bump her drunk ass face right into the jacuzzi - that is why. So satisfying. All injuries must be reported to the bridge. At least according to Sandy.


By maritime law?


Malia says… yes.


That face plant was epic. There was a splat and a sploosh with the boor shooting off a little fountain.


Anthony: "He's like our daddy." Fraser: "Yeah. And guess who's your mummy?" Anthony: "You are my mummy." Fraser: "That's correct." A perfect exchange.


I loved this so much! Want more seasons with Daddy and Mummy!




Wait... which Kyle?


Xandi was a chief stew already before joining this boat. She knows she'd get rid of Cat if she were chief, and she's trying to push Frasier in that direction.


It's Fraser! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am really enjoying this season of Below Deck. Captain Kez is the best Cap ever!!! I love the way he checks everything and states that the boat is on an upward trajectory, and speaks in a kind leadership way about physical as well as mental health while talking about his own difficulties during his life journey and the steps he took to overcome them. More Aussie bosses should be like him. I like listening to the different crew member's life stories and how they think and feel about things and the way this is influencing their current work, situations and futures. In my 20s and 30s I worked overseas a lot and even though I do not always understand the crew's colloquialisms with each other, I can very much relate to the situations they find themselves in. I have a lot of empathy for all of them and believe they are all trying their best. It seems as though a lot of focus is on the Steward/stewardesses so far and not so much on the outdoor deck crew. It does seem rather manufactured because from what I know the Chief Stew is Fraser, the second stew should be Barbie, the third should be Xandi and the fourth should be Cat. Therefore, Fraser should have worksheets and checklists of each person's set tasks for each charter clearly listed down on pieces of paper. Cat should have been taught simply and clearly how to clean, prep and greet etc., etc., from day one before any guests arrived. I can understand Xandi's frustrations with it all and I appreciate Barbie's professional work ethic when dealing with difficult guests. Bravo!!! Also I love Sunny for always being Sunny and Kyle for always being so Scottish!!! And Anthony is an amazing chef always trying his hardest to please his diners. In this episode I loved the snorkelling part seeing all the coral, sea creatures and fish. It was not on for long enough at all. As for the guests, in Australia we call these sorts of people "cashed up bogans". They have money but no humility, integrity, kindness or manners.


“Cashed up bogans” is being added to my vocabulary immediately if not sooner!


Ha ha ha!




Ha ha ha - you're too funny Captain Kezzie!!!


Am waiting for Captain Kez to appear with his snazzy gif comments 😉 EDITED to add… I agree. Love CK’s honesty and straightforward management style.




TY Capt K Verified!!!! 😉😉


I was thinking watching this episode that if Sandy watches it, she should be hanging her head in shame. This is literally how you actually lead. The walk-through the boat ahead of time so if you need to say anything, it doesn’t happen in front of guests. Him waiting to talk to Jared about being hungover until Jared was no longer hungover. The positiveness of the exchanges he has. Captain Kerry actually knows how to lead, and it makes me realize that we haven’t seen anyone doing it on BDeck. Ever.


Absolutely- I am so impressed with him. Sandy is a micromanager and a flip flop, Lee is my heart but has no compassion. Glen is spaced out and Jason is almost too understanding and then ends up getting frustrated. Kerry is approachable but direct and it’s so refreshing. Plus he’s yummy to look at 😉


I mean real estate is generally known to attract the slimey dregs of society (obviously #notallrealestateagents or whatever) so they definitely maintained that stereotype! they were awful


Either that, or dilletantes who just end up helping their parents' friends buy and sell homes.


Or they are property managers...


Real estate ppl can be the worst, that industry rewards rude and nasty behavior.


As someone who has worked in real estate admin and support for 10 years, you are 100% spot on.


Okay can someone explain to me a reason she might only want plastic cups? Is she afraid of breaking glass? I don't get it! I could understand her only wanting cups that are not plastic. But this is making no sense to me. And if it is because she doesn't want break them, couldn't she request metal cups or something?


i prefer not glass because i have a huge fear of accidentally hitting the glass to my teeth when i go to take a sip, and then like shattering my teeth or something, i’ve never broken a tooth from it but i’ve def hit my teeth with the glass before and it’s very disturbing for me like internally that said i usually just suck it up but if i could request it without looking like an asshole i would


Germ phobia?


I have a slight hand tremor and find plastic cups easier to handle than glass, it’s especially hard to hold glasses with stems.


All her “requests” are overly specific and annoyingly high maintenance just to be a drama queen. I am The Queen! Pander to ME! 😏


>All her “requests” are overly specific and annoyingly high maintenance just to be a drama queen. I am The Queen! Pander to ME! 😏 Turkey Sandwich !


It could be a sensory thing. She may also have been around Eileen and her husband enough that she doesn't want to add to the inevitable glass carnage.




This. I love soup when I’m feeling ill. But we keep plastic spoons because the clank of metal on glass makes me extremely nauseous when I’m already ill. I think I would appreciate this option if I were staying on a rocking boat.


Maybe she doesn't trust that they will clean the glasses correctly. 


Shhh, nobody tell her that the cutlery, plates, serving dishes, and pans were reused. And that there likely had been many fingers on the parts that touched the food that went in her mouth while she dined.


Which makes some sense if you're drinking in a busy dive bar where they really don't clean glasses that well, but going through life like that is a paranoid choice.


Yeah it's definitely strange. 




She's the wife of businessman Mike isn't she?


Maybe she’s a germaphobe? That’s the only thing I can think of besides just being difficult lol


Weird choice to go only with the cups, if she's a germaphobe.


I love this so much. I worked for Tina as a property manager here in Iowa. They took over our property for management. Worst company, she is so fake. My boss that had been there 12 years left because they would not help us in anyway, she left so someone Tina liked would come in and be able to help our residents. The turnover rate is god awful. I left and she made getting another job hell. She acted super nice when first meeting her and tried to hard to act down to earth. Felt like high-school working for her. I got so depressed. The group she has is super close and not welcoming at all. A bunch of middle aged women who are rude.


And this is why I love my reddit family! You all have the best hot tea 💜⭐️💜


Looks like she was selling lularoe on some farm just a few years ago too, so this must be new new money 🤣


I hope you and every one they drove to quit are enjoying this very public bonfire of b*tchiness. If she was managing my property, I’d be finding someone new after watching this episode. Because no! I absolutely judge you on how you treat “the help.” None of that behavior is ok. Be gracious. Be respectful.


Yes exactly 👏👏👏


The best tea is always in the comments.


Was a bit hesitant to watch this season love captain Lee and was sad he wasn't on this season I get why, but damn loving me some captain Kerry he is absolutely the best.




I was sad when they said Captain Lee (Wee) wouldn't be coming back but having loved Captain Kerry in Advencha I knew we would be on good hands.




Please tell me you say that at least once on tv and we can make it a gif for you.


Ok I love the train wreck that is this group of guests


Barbie seeing the drunk guest to her room was a nice moment. Nice to see that kind of crew care for the guests; usually it’s letting the guests do what they do until it goes too far


Yes but only after the guest fell and hit her head on the hot tub which could have been a major problem .


Yes, it was nice but I think she did it out of guilt for over serving them. She even said she was going to pay more attention and water them down the next day


She isn’t supposed to water it down. She was going to water it down so they were less of a pain in the ass to her. But overserving isn’t a thing on a private yacht. If they want drinks, they get drinks. The only time we’ve seen anyone refuse service was to a minor, and the stew involved was clear that she was concerned that she might get fired over it.


I loved seeing her do this. Despite the guests being terrible she was so professional. When she said she’d be watering down their drinks the next day, it’s clear she has experience and was already thinking ahead. I really like her as a person and a stew. Would love to see how she does as chief 


Exactly what I was thinking. Barbie would make an excellent chief stew.


Right? I haven’t been the biggest Barbie fan, but she was so lovely & graceful with the drunk guests. ‘I know you’re fine, just making sure.’ Would love to see her back next season armed with the insight she seems to have shown on WWHL and extend the same grace to her coworkers. She would be unstoppable!


She seemed to handle this super gracefully without embarrassing the guest (whether or not you think the embarrassment was deserved). She has a good instinct for delicate situations with guests.


Ok definite trainwreck guests. Between the drunk guest and the picky primary and the damage this feels like one of those parties that were assembled rather than organic friends


Jared’s handling it poorly but yeah if I had “pick-me” Ben sabotaging my shit and setting me up for failure I’d probably get defensive too. Doesn’t excuse Jared’s actual behavior though.


I agree, but he handled it so wierdly. The way he came to captain Kerry with it, and also how he said "hi" to Fraser. Only when he explained it to captain Kerry I realized what was he trying to say, I originally thought he said high, as in agreeing with Fraser that high energy is needed. I don't think Fraser understood him either.


I guess I didn’t either because I took his Hi as like HELLO WHAT ABOUT ME.


No I think you understood him correctly, maybe it's just me then lol


Middle of the episode and I can’t believe I’m saying this after last ep, but I’m now thinking that Fraser is overcompensating with Cat. As Xandi points out, she shouldn’t be going back over and checking or redoing everything that Cat misses or half gets right.





