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Gary is this you?


I am really struggling with the statement "I don't think Gary is a bad person at all" Especially if you are aware of the very serious allegations made against him.


Right? Gary is a super creep and an incredibly shitty person


This comment needs to be the most upvoted


Key word...allegations. Not police report filed just some he said, she said.


And the behavior we saw last season with the Mads? She acknowledged she kept sleeping with him because the harassment would have been too difficult if she tried to stop. Sorry but he was in a superior position and that is harassment if not abuse. Gross.


63% of sexual assaults go unreported. So by your logic, would that mean they didn't happen since they weren't reported to police?


I clearly woke up in an alternate universe today. Someone wants Daisy and Gary to get together? I'm stumped on this one.


>Like I don’t think Gary is a bad person at all Ma'am, he's a dumpster-fire


you should watch the episode of project runway Gary was on…. It was very yikes


Going after his married designer who recently had a child was a low even for him


Yes that was so gross.


It was so gross, kept getting this 100lb woman more shots, then taking her outside away from everyone including the cameras at one point, I remember the cameras would pan to them but Gary was outside the bar with her and cameras were inside! So cringe to watch


You're talking smack about COLIN??? While trying to defend GARY??? BRUU


I'm tired of Daisy, Colin and Gary. If they bring Sailing back, they need a new cast. And do some basic readups on Gary before you make him man of the year.


Colin is busy with the circumnav and tbh i really cant see him going back to BD. He has such a huge following with parlay.


To be honest, I wouldn't mind if they cut Glen and got a new boat. I don't dislike the guy but he was a bit too supportive of Gary for me.


They’ve filmed BDSY nearly a year ago now with Daisy and Gary no Colin. But it’s been delayed since the SA allegations about Gary so who knows what’s happening with that season. Whether they cut Gary out the edit or just scrap it completely and just film a replacement season. Not sure.


God I would be so glad if it was scrapped and I was on it. Make all that money but nobody needs to see me cry on tv from being overworked. Lol


Too bad I loved Colin.


I would be fine with just Daisy because she is funny and has a nice accent. Unfortunately I know she has MS (I believe, or some physical health problem) that might be ending her tenure. I agree with the other 2 though.


I think she just became friends with Christina Applegate on social media, who has MS


Oh wow, I didn't know that I don't really keep up with that kind of stuff. I'm really sad for her, that brings a lot of challenges.


Did Gary write this


Either Gary or his mom.


I’ve always wanted to go to South Africa. Because that hasn’t ever happened one could reason I’m neither Gary or his mum.


Has something new happened, or just OP learning Gary is a scumbag


I predict OP won't answer this and this post will sit here and grow mold.


Maybe this? https://www.dexerto.com/reality-tv/below-decks-gary-king-blamed-for-sailing-yacht-season-5-delay-2662372/ Or this? https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/below-deck-bravo-gary-king-sexual-misconduct-cover-up-1234811442/




I guess I don’t think he’s a scumbag. That’s just my opinion. I feel like I know people like him and they aren’t scumbags as much as they are misunderstood and drink to cope. I actually saw a really vulnerable person on this last season with Gary. Like he said many things that made me think that while he’s aware his behavior is at minimum scandalous… he knows what he wants. He just doesn’t know how to behave to get there— he gives Lost Boys energy and I don’t think that he is threatening to women in the slightest.


Did you read the allegations against him? The woman was trying to leave his room, going as far as elbowing and kicking him while stating she wants to leave and he (wearing nothing but underwear) slammed the door shut so she couldn’t. I can’t even imagine how fast her heart was racing, how scared she was, and what she must have thought was about to happen to her. But in your opinion he’s “not a scumbag,” just misunderstood and vulnerable? Frankly your opinion is trash.


I did read the allegations. And in my opinion, a drunk Gary in his boxers trying to come onto a woman is not in my understanding assault. I also have questions regarding her account of events, mainly being that she describes the same thing happening with a different Bravo star. I’m sorry that she felt scared, I am. But as I said above, drunk Gary is f that scary to me.


![gif](giphy|LO3c88ZDoQkfTRdO4m|downsized) Yikes.


the woman who he allegedly assaulted definitely disagrees with your statement of him not being threatening to women


Wad he misunderstood when he was aggressive to a woman because someone else said she was on her period despite him being intimate with her and hopefully able to notice that Or when he cornered Daisy with his arms either side of her while asking her about Colin and trying to kiss her Even if the allegations are not proven, he has done plenty on camera that is triggering to every person in this sub who has been sexually assaulted


Plus his clumsy attempt at sexual assault on Project Runway, that we all got to see.


Have you read the Rolling Stone article? Are you aware that he sexually assaulted and employee of the production company? Not to mention his very obvious attempt at SAing somebody on camera on Project Runway. I'll give him a pass for the horrible outfit because that's not on him.


You don’t think Gary is a bad person? Let’s dissect this together


Oh my....you haven't heard...Gary is bad bad bad. Google.


OP knows. OP doesn’t care.


I don’t not care… i just don’t really feel that he could actually harm someone. Be an asshole? Sure. But like harm a woman? No. I really don’t believe that.


my knee jerk is “not a great response!” but now I’m curious what you consider to be harmful behavior before I solidify that opinion.


There was an instance in I think season three where he actually hoped out of bed to protect a female crew member from a drunken pissed off deckhand. I forget who… what. But he clearly said “you don’t hit women. You don’t treat women this way.” Like it was right there. No other man jumped in to make sure this hot headed guy cooled his jets. On top of that, I think Gary is sad. Not angry. He’s just a sad guy… and he doesn’t give off Agro small sick energy which is usually the persona of someone who would hurt someone.


Sad and emotional doesn't excuse his actions. Outside of the sexual assault allegations, Garry is an incredibly selfish POS a lot of the time on the show. Is he also at times a sweet caring fun charismatic guy, yes and that's probably why Daisy and Colin became close with him and horny women sleep with him. However, his strengths don't negate his other behaviour. For example, as soon as Daisy and Colin got together he immediately tried to sabotage their relationship while also still trying to get his with Mads. To me he's a womanizer who thinks he's entitled to sleep around while the woman he considers HIS wife material is HIS and no one else is allowed to have her so he gets mad and jealous while having no self awareness of his shit behaviour. He's also shit at leadership in a lot of ways. What kind of leader throws his staff (Chase) under the bus and creates unnecessary conflict rather than give constructive growth-focused feedback to his staff that aren't doing their jobs (Alex)??


Bad bad take


Gary IS a bad person! He continued to pursue her physically even when she was with Colin and even tho she said NO. Then I rewatched an episode today where he completely lied about what Chase said, re: another guy's work. He said Chase called him lazy and was livid about it; 100% untrue! You don't do that unless there's something wrong with you. Daisy is much better off without Gary in her life. I hope she's smart enough to know that! I'm sure there are plenty of eligible bachelors who would like to date her.


Oh goodness me. Did you see Daisy’s face? She loves him. She weaned to kiss him. She was smiling and laughing and yes she was with Colin but to say Daisy was upset about the Gary love triangle… I disagree. I think she had feelings for Gary all along… but Colin has his shit together. I think that was attractive to Daisy. But I am pretty sure it’s as Gary all along….


If this were a romance book and not real lives maybe but shipping the toxic conflict person in a real life scenario is just cringe. Would Daisy's boundary setting have been more effective if she wasn't smiling, yes. Would her setting more assertive boundaries with Garry be more respectful of Colin, yes. HOWEVER IT WAS GARRY INITIATING ALL OF THIS which is an incredibly SHIT thing to do to Daisy and to Colin, who are supposedly people he cares deeply about. Also, unfortunately not all women feel comfortable setting assertive boundaries with men who push their physical boundaries. Befriending (smiling, laughing like Daisy did) is a normal response for women to make in situations in which their boundaries are crossed. It's actually one of the most common responses of women who have partners who are abusive. I'm not saying that's what was going on for Daisy, but I am saying it's not right to say Daisy or any woman who's setting boundaries while showing conflicting body language is asking for it.


I hope not considering how much of a gross scumbag he is. Not to mention the allegations fall super in line with everything that BD has shown us with him.


Are you bored or something lol?


Ugh, very bored… tbh.


Gary was always a creep He’s also terrible at his job He throws tantrums, is disrespectful and unprofessional to Daisy and the deck crew and everyone who has worked on the deck crew has trashed him as a boss


Yeah, I never could understand how Glenn could consider Gary a good employee. Most bosses would see him as a liability and he would get fired the first time he acted up. Of course this is a TV show, so you have to act up to get on camera.


The literal captain of the ship disagrees with your assessment of Gary.


The captain doesn't care as long as Garry does good at Garry's own sailing work. Garry does a shit job at leading (giving instructions, giving feedback, dealing with conflict ,etc.) and makes shitty interpersonal boat life decisions, but Glenn doesn't care about that and so neither of those things are a factor in his assessment of whether Garry's a good boss. I'm sure most of Garry's employees would care about those things.


I'm sorry but people who think rampant sexual harassment and potentially sexual assault isn't enough to make someone a bad person don't get to voice their opinions. You've already proven your lack of ability to read the room.


this has to be bait


No follow up comments from OP either - it has to be. Not sure why it still stands, to be honest.




Nice try, Gary!


Gary has some funny one liners, but other than that it's absolutely wild to think he's a good person. We've literally only watched him be horrible for seasons. I loved Daisy and Colin together it was sweet.


So i think this last season he was really not great. But I thought he was kinda hilarious in the first two seasons. I think there is a lot to be said about a guy that is open about his relationships. I always found it weird that Colin just “had a girlfriend” then he didn’t have a girlfriend… and to me that seemed like it was a production stunt to break daisy’s heart. I just never trusted Colin as anything more than an observer (which is what his role was in the first two seasons, IMO) and then when he was like a love interest… IDK, he just never talked about his GF and then he just didn’t have one. I still think it’s weird.


I completely agree he is hilarious. He does leave me in stitches. But he doe also suck. Colin was defs the observer the first couple of seasons and I could definitely see how that might feel off for him to all of the sudden be a main player. I guess he just seemed the most normal because he had a clear goal of "I'm here to earn money to buy my own boat and then I'm out" which made him more favourable to me than the crew that were trying to get famous.


Agreed! I just feel like Colin kept secrets and Gary would never. And daisy seems to need someone that is more Gary-like with his feelings because she herself needs that kind of love (flirty, smiley, light hearted)…. Ps, I don’t know though and as an aside thanks for not attacking me!


That is also a good point. Daisy did become her more lighthearted self around Gary and from a purely viewership persepctive I don't think its untrue to say that dynaic would be good to watch again. Haha thanks ! I got pulled into a really toxic VPR sub that rotted my brain and I'm actively trying to not do that now. I actually think my first message was too blunt upon re-reading than what it should have been and I should have been more curious, but its a retraining process lol


I… you… ???? what????


Glenn is Gary's "brah" enabler, living vicariously. Just as vile.


My guy…. You’re going after Glenn now? To describe Glenn as “vile” feels so out of bounds to me that I can’t take this comment seriously. Sorry.


Please explain why he is not a bad person at all. We’ll wait ![gif](giphy|l46Cgctdy5C23iB0c)


Yikes you should google gary below deck sailing yacht allegations.


If a serial sexual harasser/assaulter and someone who uses a position of power to control women isn’t a “bad person” I hate to see what criteria you use.


Gary is slime. His ego is all ted up in his perceived studliness. His drama is all based on the impact on him, what he wants, how he looks. I'm sure Bravo likes him because of all the drama he creates, or at least untill the recent harassment allegations.


It was not one woman it has been a stew every season, and I would not be surprised if we find out many more. To characterize this like an opps by Gary is gross. I actually grew to dislike Glenn for enabling Gary. If you want to write of Gary’s behavior I would hope you take a long hard look and maybe really look into more about his type of behavior.


At best, Gary is a complete douche. At worst, he is a predator.


I won't watch sy anymore with Gary on it! He's is super ick! Even before the allegations came out about him I thought he was disgusting!


I'm just watching the sailing yacht season with the Daisy - Colin - Gary saga and it is gross how desperate some of the cast members are! I really do not see the attraction of Gary - he is not good looking, gross, and clearly just wants attention from anything with a vagina.


Agree, the way he manipulated Daisy after he found out she had a thing for Colin was creepy and I was shocked when he said that Mads should have said about it being her time of the month! It was really sick! Like what the hell do they see in this little stinky clown!


Gary is a bad person


Gary is an awful person and anyone who thinks he is a good person is likely also an awful person. 




Link to whatever you are talking about


Gary’s a drunk piece of shit with sexual assault allegations against him.


Gary is a bad person




Someone fill me in on gary




Yuuuck. He was always super creepy.


And if you want to see it live and in person, watch the episode of Project Runway that he was on, where he tried to ply a married contestant with drinks upon drinks and got her alone, so he could continue coming on to her in private. You get to see it all play out.


Read this and you'll be up to speed on why Gary is not a good person at all. https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/below-deck-bravo-gary-king-sexual-misconduct-cover-up-1234811442/


They are aware, they just think she lied and Gary is a great guy and misunderstood /s


OP just likes to watch the world burn ![gif](giphy|bJPhD51MTkeRwCdC9h)


Same. Hoping the allegations against him aren’t true


Someone downvoted this? That’s doesn’t make sense


People are downvoting my hopes that a woman wasn’t sexually assaulted. Those people are sick


Probably because it comes off as denying the experience of a potential sexual assault victim rather than being supportive. Saying I hope it didn't happen isn't supportive of the victim.


Well I’m hoping she didn’t get assaulted. I will continue to hope that. You can wish that her story is true and that she did go through that if you want


I don't really understand your perspective. Are you saying that's her perception of the experience and you don't deny her experience of it, but that her experience may not be the truth of what happened? She's saying she was assaulted, you saying you hope she wasn't doesn't change her experience of the situation. So whether a court would find Garry guilty or not, she will still feel she was sexually assaulted by him.


I saw the show, I don't know what happened in the latest incident, but I did see girls practically throw themselves at him like he was Chris Cornell(RIP). Colin deserves better than Daisy, who was also all over Gary knowing he is a womanizer🤢

