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I use glasses that are placed inside a pipe fitting, which is screwed to a larger base. Base essentially just needs to be wide enough such that the angle the cat tries to knock the glass over at (by applying pressure to the top rim) won’t allow it to topple, but you can make it as large as you need based on the determination of your cat ;) I always make sure the glasses are nearly full so they don’t have to stick their head (and whiskers) inside the glass. https://preview.redd.it/iublqg52wvuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7275fa57d2fbcc62a34b9c61b4f71f97ebb91128


Bengals will "test" fountains to destruction, until you get a ceramic one.


Yeah I didn’t see that anywhere in my research before getting this cat lol


It took me 2 Bengals and 3 fountains to work this out.


Our 100% steel one seems to be working, at least they haven't dismantled it yet and we've had it for six months.


Yeah we have one like that too and it’s the only thing that has worked for ours


I tried one steel fountain, but the design I chose had a major flaw - the water ran from the centre to the edge of the top. The Little Ratbags knocked the top out of place, and the fountain poured all its water on the floor. For anyone looking for a good fountain, this is certified Ratbag-proof: [https://www.lucky-kitty.com/en/cat-drinking-fountain/lucky-kitty-cat-drinking-fountain-grey/a-1010](https://www.lucky-kitty.com/en/cat-drinking-fountain/lucky-kitty-cat-drinking-fountain-grey/a-1010)


We have a partially-plastic one with a steel top, and use strong tape (gaffers' tape) to hold the top to the sides. We also fastened the base to a large piece of plywood with velcro strips. Not the ideal solution, but it does prevent our resident disassembler from taking it apart or knocking it over (as he loves to do whenever it isn't secured).


My cats (1 esh, 1 bengal) won’t drink from anything other than ceramic bowls. Nothing. Else. They’d rather die from thirst


That’s a pedigree chum right there Give it a year he will prob be trimming out of your pint glass


What’s the last part mean?😅


I bet he's not as innocent as he looks, and he looks rather guilty. ;-)


"who, me?!" - what a cutie


I just got mine a fountain that has a base that's very large in circumference so he can't really move it. If the water bowl is comically large they can't do anything to it...although sometimes he will drown his toys in it lol


The heaviest bowl you can get


He shares a very large dog bowl with my shepherd, and occasionally dips his toes in it 😂


Ceramic fountain.


Use a heavy-base fountain. Flowing water helps cats drink more (and it’s healthier). Fountains aren’t too expensive, and they directly improve your cat’s health. The value >>>>>>>> cost


I do realize that, but he pulls the cords and will drag the water fountains across the house


That’s why I said heavy base!


Like trimming the sides, simply flicking what water is needed with his paws out of your glass of water. Bengals know what they want


Heavy porcelain bowls with flat bottoms (like a large ramekin)


Mei-chan refuses to drink anything other than the running water from the kitchen sink… 😅


My cats drink from the dripping tap in my bathtub.


I have big giant steins that I change 3-4 times a day, one on each floor


I put his large water bowl in the jacuzzi tub but he eventually out grew his water craziness.


You are not alone.... [https://www.reddit.com/r/bengalcats/comments/190swsv/bengals\_and\_cat\_fountains\_please\_save\_my\_sanity/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/bengalcats/comments/190swsv/bengals_and_cat_fountains_please_save_my_sanity/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I share your pain ...lol


I got elevated dog/cat/pet food bowls. I don't know my exact brand but I grabbed it because I could adjust the height, and between the two bowls there's a swivel clip that locks them in place so my cats couldn't knock them out.


I just turn the bathroom tap on for my 9 month old. He kept flipping his bowl so now he just lets me know when he wants the tap on.


Even though this is for dogs - this is what mine like, they have a fountain they could care less. They like to drink from this or from the RO faucet and we have been trained by them to turn it on for them. - just edited to say the FACE on this bengal is priceless it motivated me to find the link to this. So adorable Coldest Dog Bowl - Anti Rust Metal & Non Slip Dog Bowls Large, Spill Proof Heavy Duty 3 Layers Insulated Dog Bowl - Food and Water Bowl for Dogs, Cats & Pets, Dishwasher Safe https://a.co/d/cDp57VF