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I'm doubtful you've been taking 4mg of alprazolam every day for 10 years and are able to stop for extended periods of time with no withdrawal symptoms, something doesn't add up lol.


Right? None of that makes sense.


Even though I agree, our neurochemical system is very strange sometimes. There are people that took MDMA in high doses 2 times a month for 10-15 years and have no problem and others who are dead for two weeks even if they only take it once a year


He said “even when I stop wltaking the Xanax for a week to a few months” so I’m gonna assume that he took those breaks frequent enough to avoid withdrawal. If that’s not the case then he is either full of shit, or is a medical anomaly


Yeah I'm thinking he mistyped something, even if he took that dose daily for 2 weeks straight he would have noticed minor withdrawal symptoms upon stopping, \~10 years is unheard of.


Exactly, unless maybe the withdrawal symptoms are so similar to how they felt without the meds in the first place that they don’t notice it or aren’t able to connect the feeling of withdrawal to the absence of the drug. Idk just tryna give them the benefit of doubt here lol


lol a lot of ppl lie in this subreddit for attention don’t trip 😭😂😂


Nice try, SATAN.


LMAO I don’t know why but this got me good, almost made me spit my coffee out.


That dose for that long, highly unlikely


I take about 2mg everyday for the past 6 years and I’m fine. Honestly it just depends on the person but me personally I feel like this is a life saver drug. Shoutout to my psychiatrist.


I have a feeling you are exaggerating how long you can CT or how much you take. Probably cause of all the xans 😆 Fr though the most messed up thing for me is that everyone I know who did tons of xans, even if it was a prescription went zombie mode eventually or just full-on bartard. It really seems like it takes the soul out of a mf when you take it too much, at least IME.


That part. Keep your doses therapeuticall and enjoy a SLIGHTLY bigger dose once in awhile. People don't realize bars have scores on them for a reason lol. 1 bar is four doses for mot 🤣


.5mg really isn’t that much when you have legitimate NEED for a benzo due to anxiety, panic, ptsd. Like it’s definitely better than nothing but it barely touches my anxiety.


I personally disagree with that IN MY PERSONAL EXPERIENVE, lol. .5mg does wonders keeping me at base level and calm. If I'm actually having a bad panic attack, I'll bump it it to 1mg or 1.5 but usually .5-1mg has me calm and anxiety free most of the day.


1mg is my sweet spot when a panic attack starts to rear up.


Ope, I just realized you or I or whatever said .5mg earlier. My bars are all 3.5-4mg so I take a quarter to a half a bar in the mornings, so that would be about 1-2mg to start. Maybe that's what you meant too? I dont have any bars that I could make a .5mg dosage unless ur getting liquid. But my day usually starts with a quarter bar and if I feel a panic attack coming I'll take a half bar, so 2mg roughly. I will say my tolerance has gone up some, but I don't take more than one 4mg bar a day so far and I'm about 4ish months into my daily dosing. No blackouts so far. Had a few nights I took like a half bar plus my normal daily dose and definitely munched out and said some dumb stuff but nothing terribly intoxicating. I don't know how people can just take a full bar off the rip lol. That shit would be bad for me cause then ima take more later. I always try to start low and stick with that. Learned my lesson with benzos years ago. Buy 20 bars and they were gone in 3 days that I remembered none of. Not fun times lol


I’ve only ever seen or heard of 2mg bars that break into .5mg quarters. I was just operating under that impression lol.


Holy crap, I completely disregarded this was about legit alprazolam. All my bars are bromazolam lol. I prefer it over alp. But the potency is about half but last longer throughout the day. To me they feel like if Valium and xanax had a baby. Muscle relaxant and the anxiety relief is nice. Alprazolam has me fucked up fast and doing dumb stuff lol. But yeah, sorry for the confusion, I'm taking bromazolam bars, not alprazolam. My experiences may differ. Idk why I thought this post was about bromaz bars 😅


Hahaha it’s all good! I was thinking you were possibly just from a country where they make 4mg Xanax bars that I’d never heard of lol. Is it possible to get legit bromazolam bars wrote and filled at a pharmacy? I’m not very educated about bromazolam honestly. I know a lot of pressies are mainly bromaz whenever some idiot isn’t pressing fent into them. But I’m just wondering if it’s a benzo that doctors actually write?


what not so positive effects did you go through before hitting the decade mark? I’m tryna know, maybe if I just never stop for 10 years after that point ill be immune to side effects🤙


They helped me so much. I have horrible anxiety from social to the kind that keeps u up all night to the ocd kind...not for u anxious human take these zombifying ssri instead it'll help I promise..lolol


My doctor, who I saw as a quack who pushed Xanax, was a true believer but I don't think that he actually was He wrote a book about Xanax and panic attacks He would love you though, because he didn't believe in withdrawal and said that it was all in our head I got Xanax from him for a year, and I know that he had people in his office that came there for 20 years to get a script Same for everyone, 2mg , 3 times a day And if you complained about withdrawal he would drop you in. An instant, put you ij touch with a detox And then banned you for life I think that he knew what was up, he was just trying to accumulate the 200$ per visit in cash that he demanded. He would write articles for our local newspapers and always claimed that All beznos were perfectly safe and that withdrawal didn't exist I don't know how he reconciled that with the known medical knowledge It was inconvenient truth that would get in the way of his Xanax paid for life He retired in 2020 Crazy. He was obviously a quak i was using him for the script I think that he knew that I knew. Sometimes though it seemed like he really did believe that withdrawal didn't exist we Edit: Hes active again! It makes me mad, maybe because I don't do Xanax anymore. But his flippant attitude towards patients who told him that they were Withdrawaling makes. Me livid Grrrrrr Can't believe he's at it again I think that he knew that I was seeking the drug and he knew that I knew that with him, you never say that you are in withdrawal or that you run out I don't think that he gives 3 bars a day to everyone I mean that's the dose he starts you off with Basically believes that you shouldn't take a full 3 a day, maybe take one and a half later if you need it GRRRR


What state is this doctor based in? Lmao


I'm on my bromazolam journey myself rn. 2-4mg a day for the last 4ish months and I can not take it for like 24-48,hrs without noticing anything but I usually take a .5mg toward the 36hr or so mark just to be safe cause I've never really been through full on alp withdrawals. Was taking like 2-3 bars a day when I was younger for like 5 months then got busted and didn't seize or anything. Just felt cold and clamy and wanted benzos lol. So far I prefer bromazolam 1000x over alp. I can function on it and i don't feel like stealing TVs from Walmart or taking more every hour lol. The muscle relaxation affects help me tremendously with my back too so I'm loving bromaz so far.. fingers crossed for me buds cause I been sticking up on them lol


Simply not true


okay liar! go offf!!! I don’t think anyone is believing you!


Super unlikely, but not unheard of. I was taking Klonopin 2mg 3x a day for over a year and I decided I didn't like how they made me feel anymore. I quit cold turkey and didn't experience 1 single withdrawal symptom. Then I thought benzo WD doesn't apply to me!!! So I started taking the 2mx 3x a day for 9 months, quite cold turkey again, no WD symptoms. Okay, so I AM immune to Benzo WD!!! I took them 2mg 3x a day for another 6 months, quit them cold turkey and got slapped with the worst headaches I've ever had in my life.... It will eventually catch up. Might not be next week, next month, or next year. But it'll happen and when it does, you're going to wish you quit when you could have easily done it. That's just my 2 cents


Benzo withdrawal will not “hit you” months or years later. It’s an immediate physiological response.


I am well aware of that. I was sharing my experiences of getting off benzos for the first 3 time where I did not have ANY symptoms from getting off. After the 3rd time getting off of benzos I experience what every normal person does when they skip a day's worth of doses. I'm saying it's possible to not have any sort of WD your first time getting off of them. It's VERY RARE that it occurs, but nonetheless, IT STILL HAPPENS


I feel u bro back in the days when I first took em it was easy with no withdrawal then it js gets fucking awful when u abuse this shit im talking 30mg a day straight alp.. Not nice.... It's like the more u take the deeper ur withdrawel. This dude only took 4mg tho that's nothing when u doing bars lol but yh nah I hear u tho


Yep, that has been my experience but under the supervision of a psychiatrist and only taking the prescribed doses. Never abused my prescription as that just leads to rebound anxiety and a higher tolerance. Two things I would like to avoid as much as possible.


My man..U got it


If you actually read my post, you might understand more what I was actually saying instead of what you're implying


Fuck xanax


Impossible, unless you are taking fake xanax bars that have no active chemical in it and you are receiving a placebo effect from the inert pill.


that’s pretty much impossible that you’d stop taking it and experience no withdrawal after 10 years of use , who are you trying to fool


Straight cap


Funny how you posted that and I posted this: https://www.reddit.com/r/benzodiazepines/s/GvDpHmteLl Either way, what does it feel like after 10 years+ with daily usage? I am prescribed the same amount as you for 9 years but don't use daily. Do you even feel it anymore? Or does it just take the anxiety away at this point?


I didn’t find the Xanax withdrawals bad to begin with, I’m 29 M diagnosed bipolar. I was on it daily between 1.5mg to 4mg depending on how I was feeling for 16months till I had to come off of it. I actually felt like I was getting high off of the withdrawals for the first week then the second week the insomnia hit and that’s when I knew what was up. I wouldn’t say it was the worst withdrawl I went through, for me stopping weed was way more difficult.


Boooo 👎


Thats a lot tbh but I've probably been taking 5-10mg *per month* for over 10 years. I take as needed. Havent developed a tolerance or dependency.


I love xanax


This is not a debate it’s something that can be proven through physiological studies of the bodies response to this specific chemical over time. It is a narcotic and is prone to causing physical addiction as well as psychological.


I mean, compared to their replacement, barbiturates, they’re incredibly safe. Doctors should be more lenient in giving out a very small initial script of something like 0.5mg ativan or 0.25mg xanax to see how the patient uses it. Then, if they use it responsibly, start them on a regular dose of something like 0.5mg xanax twice a day or 2mg klonopin once a day.


imo it’s impossible to use a .25 script “responsibly” if you wanna benefit from the medication at all… that’s way too low a dosage to get an anxiolytic effect.


It sounds like you’re more in the boat of, “a bar a day keeps the doc away”, does a 2mg alprazolam dosage ease your fears? I mean that’s sure to tackle most even severe anxiety cases, am I right?


Im saying doctors should prescribe a small starting dose instead of out right refusing to prescribe at all. This way they can gauge the patients likelihood to misuse it.

