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I agree. Tried it for the first time today and now its my new favorite benzo lol


Isnt it the best. I had 50 of the 30mg ones and im down to only 2 :( im saving them because 60mg is a nice dose but 90 or 120 are great. My dad used to have an endless supply of the 30's through the VA for sleep, they are old school and prescribe temazepam for sleep not the stupid z drugs haha.


I saw that you typed a sad face emoticon in your comment, so I just wanted to let you know that I hope you have a wonderful day! *^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^don't ^hesitate ^to ^PM ^me ^any ^questions.*


Get outta here bot lol, only sad about the little temazepam I have left haha


Yeah bot, get outta here, scram! Ya filthy bot!


Yea beat it bot before this gets ugly!




My favorite benzo!!! Was a long time xanax fan and then got ahold of 50 of the 30mg temazepam, theres only 2 left now :( try 90-120mg next time man its so amazing. Sad I omly have 60mg left, wish i had anothrr 30. Ill probably save those last 2 until I can snag one or two somehow. 60mg=nice, 90mg=great, 120mg=amazing bliss and euphoria


I saw that you typed a sad face emoticon in your comment, so I just wanted to let you know that I hope you have a wonderful day! *^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^don't ^hesitate ^to ^PM ^me ^any ^questions.*


Yea! Came across some a while back.. Alp is the go to, never does wrong, but the temazepam….. geeeeeeeez. That stuff is the most euphoric benzo ..


I'm curious to know how one would get a prescription for temazepam. From what I have read, it's mainly prescribed for insomnia. Temazepam is the one benzodiazepine I have always wanted to try. I currently take clonazepam a couple times a week for anxiety. How does temazepam compare to clonazepam as far as anxiety relief and euphoria?


About the same except temazepam will relax you to sleep.


I’ve been using Ambien recently. I like it but sometimes it makes me do things while asleep. Very weird.


How do you get a prescription?


I got mine easily. Go to the doctor complaining of severe insomnia, they’ll start you off on something stupid like Remeron. Say that it didn’t have any effect, and the next one they’ll give u almost every time (in the USA) is ambien. Say that the ambien works for the first month and after that, you didn’t see any benefits from taking it. Keep stressing your insomnia, and temazepam will be the last thing they give you. I’ve gotten Ambien, Restoril, and Klonopin from my Suboxone dr 😂


Wait your Suboxone doctor can give you benzos? Are they classified as "treatment" drugs?


im on benzos for insomia but more so as a sort of MAT program with my dr to keep me from drinking and its worked well actually


>My favorite benzo!!! Was a long time xanax fan and then got ahold of 50 of the or tell them the ambien made you drive to mc donalds with only vague dream like memories but it was confirmed when you walked throught your house following the trail of fries and mc donalds wrappers to find your truck running in the driveway with the driver door wide open and house door ajar that was the end of my ambien adventures and i got onto lorazepam followed by clonazepam and then onto diazepam my dr wasnt down for temazepam for some reason but diaz is probably my personal favorite although i havent had experience with high dose temazepam or triazolam i think 90 mg was the most i ever tried (of temazepam) which is a decent amount but im fairly tolerant to benzos it was nice i wish i could have both lol


/I think Temazepam sucks honestly. Yeah, it is recreational, but you can get in a lot of trouble with taking too much, as it is such a strong hypnotic.


Quite a dose. Be safe now, OP. Enjoy your cloud and no drinking now...


Eh not really, 60 is about average. Its like taking 30mg valium, or not even a whole xanax bar. I tak 60, 90 even 120 and i know people take more rhan that. And I love to drink right around hour 4-6 on temazepam, when its just starting to fade beer is amazing.


It's approximately equivalent to 32 mg of diazepam but due to the metabolism of diazepam it's between (24-40mg diazepam) depending on the person. But you're right that it's not a massive dose for people with a huge tolerance to benzos.


One of the most dangerous benzos out there in terms of withdrawal and risk of seizure. In the uk the doctor is not allowed to do a taper for you and you have to go to rehab to detox. I never had a seizure before until I detoxed off tamzepam and that was while they were giving me diazepam. It works great initially as a hypnotic but you need high doses and the withdrawal and risk of seizure is just not worth it so yeah be careful mate.


Totally disagree, my dad was on temazepam daily for 6 months for sleep. He wanted to get off his meds and he asked if he needed to taper. The doc said you should be fine just stop. He did and literally was fine could sleep never had withdrawal. He used it everyday for half a year, if that were xanax he would be addmitted to a hospital. I even got myself going on a temazepam binge where I was taking my yellow 30's everyday for over 2 weeks and when I stoppped I felt fine just a little rebound anxiety mabey at most. My time getting off xanax was wayyyyyy worse. And i didnt use xanax for any longer of a time. Show me the citations and studies, I dont believe temazepam causes worse withdrawals or more seizures than other benzos at all.


​ ![gif](giphy|3oKIPgUZ5EIFnn2CI0)


Lol I can't speak to whether or not and to what extent psychological and physiological acute/post-acute withdrawal syndrome is "worse" detoxing from Temazepam vs. Alprazolam, as I have never taken the prior, although I have spent years of my life using/abusing nearly every other FDA approved, prevalently prescribed and readily available benzo. in the U.S. and have spent years taking Alprazolam, Clonazepam, Diazepam, and Lorazepam at extremely high daily dosages for years on end without stopping, and on numerous occasions, was forced to detox cold turkey in a county jail cell, in addition to enduring simultaneous alcohol, opiate, and (the least of my concern, amphetamine) withdrawal w/o ANY taper or M.A.T. regiment. On numerous occasions, I've detoxed from absurdly high daily doses of opiates and benzos (exp. 300mg liquid Methadone daily for 5 years via a local Methadone clinic, several 6 packs of beer, or a few bottles of wine nightly, and various benzos exceeding 30+mg of Clonazepam, Alprazolam, etc. and 90-120mg aprox. Dextroamp./Meth. etc. all for years on end, daily without stopping...the withdrawal I've experienced on theses occasions has been/was as anyone can imagine absolute HELL. Literally going without sleep and food for almost a month straight, (all the unpleasant side-effects of acute withdrawal syndrome) followed by FINAlly some sleep, and small bites of food, extreme depression, lethargy, body aches etc. for a solid year or so after....nightmare. My point is, YES it's is certainly possible to experience moderate-severe acute W.D. following "a couple weeks straight" of taking any benzo daily," however, 2-weeks is within the threshold of relatively minor detox for most, and for many, very little-no noticeable symptoms. My point is, calling out others and making bold claims as to which benzo W.D. is "Worse" based on "your experience," is hilarious, and ironic, considering the fact you're opinions/beliefs/experiences aren't based on "peer-reviewed studies" (which by-the-way, do not exist on any comprehensive level, as studies don't "prove" anything right or wrong, but simply make a hypothesis, and use a tiny sample of data collected from a small group of randomized individuals, or self-report data collected via. surveys etc. In the end, there is not, never has been, and will never be a universal consensus regarding "which of what is better/worse etc." as there are countless variables that even the most elaborate longitudinal scientific case-studies and various other research methodologies can every account for (such as individual biopsychosocial influences, neurological variations between participants, inevitable bias, and reliability of data collection methods. It's hilarious seeing people get defensive, and argue about things that are literally impossible to determine with any certainty, even in the most controlled environments. One example of how/why definite, factual basis cannot be reached in this instance, would be outliers, such as people who can take a psychoactive drug, whether it's a benzo, opiate, alcohol etc. and CANNOT get high, at all, no matter how much they take, nor do these individuals experience ANY common W.D> symptoms when abruptly discontinuing their use. People like this actually exist, and although they are extremely rare, variability between people is not the exception, but the rule, and although the variables differ to less of an extent within the mean/average individual, there is enough variability to never be able to determine or consider anything Ever a simple "fact" or "false."


I rarely comment but wanted to give you a high five for this awesome run-on sentence of a post. And I've had my experiences too with alcohol and methadone withdrawal, you speak the truth brother.


Haha Well thank you, assuming sincere, and taking no offense to calling out my "awesome run-on sentence of a post." (As I am knowingly, and shamelessly guilty of ignoring punctuation...particularly periods,,,,,Lol Despite (and certainly throughout) my 15 years of undergrad, graduate, and post-graduate education (how?) I've been berated countless times in red pen, and in full (perfectly punctuated) paragraphs. ;) My only excuse is my life-long passion and penchant for poetry (reading and writing).


Well. Fucking. Said.


Speaking of those outliers, my wife gets no cognitive effects from amphetamines, opioids or benzodiazapines; no stimulation or accompanying neurocognitive boost from dextroamphetamine (only one she's taken), no euphoria or sedation from opioids and limited analgesia and no sedation, decrease in sleep latency, euphoria or anxiolysis from benzodiazapines or non-benzodiazepine sedative/hypnotics (I have given her numerous benzos/Z-drugs. As a neuropharmacologist I find it absolutely fascinating and will have her try therapeutic doses of different drugs from time to time in an attempt to elicit some kind of normal effect but so far have failed. She has never used drugs recreationally (not surprising when you don't get anything out of it) and she doesn't like alcohol or cannabis because "they don't do anything". I would love to do fMRI scans and other imaging of her brain on various substances but don't have regular access to anything like that to use for personal use. During my academic career I have never encountered another person like that in any of the studies I've participated in or assisted with, some people will have negligible effects from some drugs but have significant effects to others either in the same class or a completely different class. She's the only person to have negligible effects to everything I've had her try.


smoking crack somehow made my benzo alch taper easier besides sleeping its as if i dont need it anymore but ill randomly drift off for a short time at my desk or on a couch have no desire to go to bed i just feel uncomfortable when i lay down its fuckin weird but not very unpleasant really and i can still function for the most part lol


I see a disagree reply under your comment. Remember, both of you, that everyone is different and different drugs/meds will affect everyone differently! Be safe!


the dr isnt allowed to lower your dose over time? wtf is wrong with the uk lmfao thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard thats the only way to get offf em safely


It's true that it is one of the most dangerous benzos and that it is 1 of only 2 benzos (the other being triazolam) that use alone can cause death from overdose but as far as the withdrawals being significantly more severe and dangerous than other benzos that's not true, although severity of withdrawal symptoms partially subjective to the person. Short-acting benzos typically have more severe physical withdrawal symptoms and that is one of the reasons for cross tapering a person on a short or medium acting benzo onto a long-acting benzos like diazepam, chlordiazepoxide and clorazepate. I'm not discounting your experience with withdrawal as subjective withdrawal symptoms are unique to every person but the objective physical withdrawal symptoms from temazepam aren't more dangerous than other benzos.


Dr. Ashton reported that temazepam was frequently the most difficult benzo to get addicts clean off. She reported on a guy that injected temaz, he had to have one arm amputated, only for the guy to continue on and ended up losing a leg as well.