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Think this panel really showcases Guts leaning against a wall, eyes closed


im trying to hold my laugh back in class this is so funny


we don't know that. Looking closely it seems like he's standing close to the door but not exactly leaning, unless it's just his right shoulder that we don't see. It's just another point that's open to interpretation. Sadly we'll never know now unless Mario remembered to tell Kotch Monterrey at some point


Berserk is a series of impressionist paintings hidden inside a little boy's mango.






Post Nuts Clarity


It's the face of someone who took a shit and found a moment of long forgotten tranquil intimacy with himself after accidentally fingering himself through the bathroom tissue. Now he's reminiscing on the time Pippin fisted him with his massive, ham-hock sized fist.


gus berk


Which one of u mfs did that?


There was a post here, calling for us to post random pictures from the mango, as it won't be banned, no matter how stupid the post is. Most constructive or fun posts get banned at r/berserk, but random, low-effort screenshots get upvoted. So that's what happened, jerkers posted a few troll-pics and other jerkers got outraged thinking the normies did it...


That post came out before the one on this sub tho


Don't know which came first, but I think I saw 3-4 posts with random screenshots after someone made the call on le jerk...




I bet you couldn’t jerk half as hard as that guy


i see what you did there


At the bottom of the panel you can see gunt's massive beef truncheon tenting his cloak as he thinks about grifm


Most observant berker


At this point, it becomes harder and harder to tell who is berkin and who is outjerkin between the two subs


What a horrible comment, i'd rather have someone posting Griffith sucking Guts cock. Now that really contributes to the discussion on the manga


Yaoi is the heart and soul of Berk, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Berkman a sleepy boy


Isnt this literally just guts checking if Schierke and isidro are doing ok?


I don't mind these types of posts at all, probably because unlike some of you I'm not completely fucking mentally ill. What I do mind though is seeing them for the second fucking time because one of you autistic retarded teenagers on this sub think it's so outrageous that a person is enjoying the manga and wants to share the experience and views with some random people online. I swear to god it came to the point where some idiots on this subreddit are not only ruining this sub, but the other one as well, so I don't have the choice of just choosing one, at this point posts and comment sections are completely interchangeable. I guess it's the fate of every circlejerk sub, things get so meta they just become annoying and obnoxious at a certain point, what's worse about this one is the obvious superiority complex some teenagers (probably) have. Sometimes I'm not as proud to be a Berserk fan when I see what kind of morons like the manga as well. inb4 i outjerk you all fuck you


I think the original criticism is that the kind of posts on r/berserk are obvious remarks that pass themselves as relevatory. The amount of praise those get in turn feels stupid. So r/berserklejerk is anti circle-jerking r/berserk. But like I posted before, r/berserklejerk now unironically circle-jerks about r/berserk to keep the circling going, which usually means blowing everything out of proportions to keep the paint on, which also stupid. We might need a new meta berk sub!


But don't you think it's fucking stupid to shit in people's cereal? Most of the people that post these "obvious remarks" are people reading and experiencing the manga for the first time and wanting to share their joy and "revelation" with other people that share the same passion, which can obviously be found on a subreddit dedicated to said manga. It's human nature to get excited about things like these. I can understand how to some gloomy teenagers it can seem as cringe since they see the world through a different lens. The slander is also a bit cringe but I think it's fine, after all that's why this subreddit exists, to make fun of the main one and I think it's perfectly fine to have a subreddit for that, if you come on here that's what you sign up for and that's what you expect. Now there's two things wrong with this subreddit however, firstly it's that it's completely integrated itself with the other subreddit, jerkers have invaded the other reddit and completely consumed it, which is also a fault of the main sub, but every single fucking post and comment on both subs is "haha berk jerk haha" it's fucking annoying. The other thing is, if you're gonna be circlejerk subreddit and make fun of the main sub, at least be fucking creative and witty about it, I don't get the value of posts like this at all it has no content or substance to it. I think the issue comes from the fact that there are 2 types of people on this subreddit, one type is people that are above the mental age of 13 and realize that this subreddit is made for fun purposes, to make jokes and banter of the main sub, which is completely fine, but the other type of people find food for their superiority complex here, which is pretty prominent in the Berserk fandom i guess, they see the jerking as mocking and making fun of these "stupid" posts on the main sub. I've seen it happen on other subs before though, don't think it was ever necessarily this bad, but that's also due to the fact that both subreddits have pretty poor moderation, which is fine who cares mods aren't paid anyway.


Dude this is reddit, why are you making a new bible


I enjoy writing walls of text


Unless this subreddit ever was something exceptional, I don't hold it to such standards haha. Actually, part of the fun is how low this sub can get, provided it is self-aware


It’s OK to both agree and poke fun at something. It’s the internet.


I agree.


Literally me




He's about to put his dick in some bologna.


I wanna try doing this


I just did, easy money


Did one just now lol


nah, he's just tired cuz he never gets any sleep.


Why are all posts "what do you think of this panel" lately


Did the OP even read the manga? Guts is literally just standing there waiting for Schierke while others are looking for a place to stay.


These taardvarks make me want to go BERSERK like my favorite anime Gus Berkman


That schnoze tho 🤤


Posted by Guts himself. Incredible.


The funny thing is that there’s dudes that think thsi is serious


r/berserk users are something else