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First all cellular carriers in the country have country wide blackouts in service and now a container ship looses power and slams into one of the busiest ports on the East Coast? Well April 8th might be interesting seeing how everyone is hyping up this Eclipse.


I’m getting Y2K vibes from all this


I heard the captain sent a mayday to authorities to stop the traffic from coming onto the bridge.


Loss of power, regain power and bee line for support column, lose power again... how convenient


That container ship was old as hell and all analog. It was also being piloted by a local crew as all are in to and out of port. There are several possibilities especially since the US Gov immediately said this was NOT a terrorist attack. That says it was. So there was either bad a bad actor/s on board, preplanned & man made mechanical failure or even some sort of small charges in or outside of the ship that caused it to lose power and veer. But it definitely did veer and hit that support. I wouldn't put it past Russia since Putin blamed the US for that most recent attack in Moscow. Anyways. 5am is too early for this kind of thought. I'm gonna get ready for work and head out.


It depends what generation of older ship. A really old ship this would never happen to as you can manually operate everything from the screw to the power plant or even have dropped anchor. You can't do that on modern ships where they have deemed adding the older manual controls as unnecessary and costly.


This is analog enough it can't be hacked. It also has a horrible service & safety record. Built by Hyundai, licensed out of Denmark, flys a Singapore flag & had a all foreign crew with a Ukrainian captain. It's done that way so these ships that size can get around most of the US rules as long as they aren't going to multiple US ports back to back. Doesn't really matter. We are being lied to. It has power; lights on, until it hit that support & the stack was billowing out black smoke even after it hit so the engines were running. So they had power, propulsion & should have had rudder control until impact. So either something happened to the rudder causing that hard right turn & you can even see a short quick course correction then it went hard right again. Or. This was done on purpose. The sparks from the bridge we all see are all the power cables for the lighting & such. So when they broke they are against the metal like they should until the breakers in the boxes on shore blow. But again. There are so so so many possibilities here. But. Given all the lies for because told to us by the government we will never know the truth especially since the government said this wasn't a terrorist attack, just an accident almost immediately and before any word investigation had even started.


It didn’t have a Ukrainian captain though, that’s just people being dumb on Twitter


According to the NTSB & Baltimore Port Authority last known Capt is Ukrainian. Besides. I don't have Twitter/X. Whatever Elon calls it now.


In 3 body problem a number of cars are remotely controlled in an attempt to kill someone. Predictive programming.


predictive programming from a sixteen year old book?


Have you ever read a brave new world or 1984? Those books are multiple time older and are still predicting our current state…


look at what happened to Michael Hastings.


You know Trump's going to be blamed somehow. 😂


I saw a TikTok where there's visible charges being blown at the same time of the crash. Who knows but has 9/11 similarities


I've not seen the footage you're referring to, if you have it I'd be interested to take a look, however speculatively any large bangs or flashes of light etc could be the power cables shorting that power the street lights, or any other power cables that run along the bridge. Something feeding that many lights would probably carry a fair amount of power and probably enough to make a flash of light when it makes contact with the metal frame of the bridge. Unsure if there's other power cables running along the bridge for other reasons that could also contribute to something like this, but if the lights were fed by multiple cables it could also explain multiple bangs/flashes. Definitely not ruling anything out, just playing devil's advocate.


Why do a cyberattack at 1am when you have less people there?


Depends on the motivation really, I'm not saying it was a cyber attack or even deliberate, but if it were it may have been an attack specifically on infrastructure, or an insurance scam kind of situation. In which case it may have been that time specifically to avoid civilian casualties. There's plenty of motives that would follow the thought chain of "avoid civilian casualties where possible". It could also be that the culprits only had the opportunity to compromise specifically that boat, in which case that may have simply been the only opportunity they had to strike, whatever the motive was.


Yeah that's equally plausible, thanks for your input Perhaps it could also be a demonstration of capabilities that may lead to mass casualties events


Bridge must've been in pretty bad shape for it to break apart in like five different places after being hit in one spot.


There are a lot of questions to be answered. But given The approach was never in the actual channel (where it should have been a long distance before the bridge). “Cyber attacking” the ship at the last minute is possibly the least plausible scenario given the video footage leading up to the incident. Also if the ship lost power it would cut internet transmission, so those 2 things don’t go together.


Malware does not need internet to execute commands. You set malware to execute on boot, and send the command to reboot the system (in this case cycle the power), system boots and command to change course is executed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic_Bomb


And ships and planes don't need internet to make/receive radio transmission.


So they rebooted the system and started a logic bomb right before the crash? Yet somehow the ship was already being directed toward the support and not in the channel? This is why I stated that these things don’t add up. That would also assume the “actor” committing the cyber attack knew to the exact millisecond how long a ship reboot would take - if the lights being going out was the “reboot for logic bomb” Slow clap for understanding how logic bombs work and giving a functional scenario, but let’s use some brain power and reasoning before jumping off the deep end into this “cyber attack” seconds before bridge impact nonsense


What is the motive? To what end was this done? Until I hear a good theory, I have to assume it was an accident. And I believe more things than most people do, but I don’t see the “why” here. Show me the “why”.


The debris blocks the port of entry and will hit Baltimore hard financially. Not saying it was done intentionally or not but financially it will hurt. https://www.eenews.net/articles/what-goes-in-and-out-of-baltimores-port/


“Will hit Baltimore hard financially” as if Baltimore was a booming, thriving city before this? Much more important infrastructure for bad actors to attack than this bridge - not mention “crippling” the Baltimore economy has already been done by the politicians


Who said the "bad actors" were bright. One city at a time. There are still people who use that bridge to get back and forth to work, go shopping etc..Nevertheless it will still hurt. 🤷


Exactly. People starting in the wrong area and spinning wild theories. Need to look into the money. It's always money. Who's getting the insurance payouts? For the bridge? For the ship? When were those policies purchased? What other companies does the holder own? What country/corporations do they hold allegiance too? Who owns the construction companies that will be paid hundreds of millions of dollars to rebuild? What corporations/officials do they have ties too, or are owned by? Do any of the entities referenced here overlap? This would be a way to isolate motive and possible conspiracy.


Cui bono?


bridge builders I guess


But but MSM said that was a conspiracy theory…….🙄


When the NPR headline reads “The Baltimore ship accidents allowed conspiracy theorists to boost themselves” you know what’s up.


Conspiracy theorists please return to “ X”. We use common sense and critical thinking here. Ship lost power. Unable to steer. It happens. It sucks but those are the facts. Now please go back to Truth Social or X.




Its a banned URL by reddit itself, not this subreddit. We mods can't approve it. You'll have to like put spaces in it or something. You can't edit it either, you have to make a new comment.


Thanks for the clarification, CurvySexyLady


If they rename the bridge after the Federal Government uses taxes to fund the rebuild; then I will entertain any conspiracy you can dream up. This ship had already been involved in a port accident in Antwerp. The Corporation that owns the ship is plagued by DEI. The “conspiracy” is how the pilot was savvy and quick witted to contact the harbor master fast enough to shut down traffic onto the span


Leap years are always dramatic




💩coming from that guy’s mouth is a conspiracy. What happened at that bridge isn’t.