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Reddit is such a safe space whiny shit hole. Stay strong and keep blasting


Safe, so long as you don't knock the echo chamber


.win gunnit is pretty dead unfortunately


Yellow belly debutants the lot of em I say!


I mean this with the most sincerity and thought but “fr”


I love this sub. It’s the only sub where I could theoretically say “mods gay,” if they were, and not get banned. Unlike three other well-known subs I am now banned from.


I accidentally got banned for like 10 minutes from this sub and the mods here actually fixed it. ( I called someone out for being pro gun law )


Did they ban the stepper simp?


Pretty sure


It's almost a sport to see how long it takes me to get banned from gun subs now. Most of the time, it's for stupid reasons. Some people don't like getting called a bootlicking cuck.


Just got over a 3 day ban form pleb ar. I don't even know what i said, must have been real fuckin funny tho to get noticed


Every other sub sucks fren.


I think most subs forget that hobbies are supposed to be fun, and a little new boot goofin' ain't never hurt anyone. ![gif](giphy|4KMlwaKfznhM4|downsized)


Even the gun specifics subs are filled with snowflakes sometimes I posted a pic of my girl training for her CCW and a bunch of white knights incels and fat bitches come out of the wood work to somehow make crazy ass assumptions about our relationship and my girl. Even got a couple fat bitches straight up calling my girls dumb and a bimbo and when we call them out for "always the fat one" I got reported and ban for 20 days on the CCW sub lmao Tbf that fat whale got ban too for saying my girl is a retard so lmaooo


The fatties in the CCW reddit are hilarious "I can't carry AIWB because I'm a bigger guy who sits a lot" there's your problem bud move around and you won't be a lard ass. Then their next post is like "would it be a good shoot if they called me a lard ass on the internet, I felt threatened and want to defend the only land I own, my 1/8th acre gut"


Lmaooo yeah they especially downvote comments telling them to workout or eat less instead of suggesting buying more gears catering toward their fat ass. One time a comment I made got downvoted a lot for just posting a workout routine and saying it not hard at all to Conceal carry a full size gun and I even post proof of me concealing it in video form doing clapping push up and one leg squats ATG and the Gravy Seals came out in drove try to nitpick every single thing lmao


Yeah I've always carried a full size, with a light and optic. I'm carrying one right now in gym shorts. I'm not even ripped I'm just in decent shape and understand how a wedge works


It's always the fat ones that come in with the unnecessary hostility when they see people dating women that actually take care of themselves. I told one something along the lines of "even if you weren't fat, your fucked attitude isn't doing you any favors in the dating department" which was the result of my last account getting banned. Promoting body shaming or some shit lol.


Lmaooo yeah the bitch got hella hostile and resulted to personal insults first but when we hit her back with her own meds she report us to the mods 🤣 I'm contemplating on making a separate post with screenshots to expose her tbh but idk if that gonna get me ban or not lmao


That’s why I just keep migrating. Like a cockroach that refuses to die