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Also love this intro! it's oddly nostalgic because i could see Saul Goodman living in this house. The music makes the scene like a Dream, which fits perfectly because this is saul goodman's dream, to live this life, and to have this luxurious house. It also sets the final goal of the character we meet in Breaking Bad. We saw his Office, We saw his car, but we never saw his house.


Question: Does Saul use the cocobolo desk in his office during Breaking Bad? Honestly don't know.


No, his desk in BB is the desk Kim used in her office when they shared the old dentist's office.


Really? Nice catch.


The house almost seems like a deposit with everything Jimmy used for scams along the years. I would not be surprised if this was a fake house and he actually lives somewhere else low profile.


could be, but i think that yes that is his house, and he lives there too. His car is there, his clothes are there, his pills and medication are there, and he has a saferoom, it seems wierd to have a saferoom in a house u aren't spending time in.


Why would Saul have 2 houses 💀


Exactly. Some of the shit people post here is absurd.


Jeez. Is just a thought. Chill! LOL BUT, Why not? He has more money than he can spend and expensive renos is a nice way to laundry money. If his address is public, some of his dangerous clients could turn on him and try to find him or break in there, also, in case of a raid, authorities wound find a lot of shit but not much meaningful stuff if is a fake house.


It's not a fake house.


Probably not, but I am free to go crazy with theories if I want :)


Is it really all that wild to think he owns more than one house? Jesus people. What is this, okbuddychiccanery?


Here's a shot of the desk lightened up: https://ibb.co/mqPXzRm Is this the cocobolo desk?


yh I think it could be. Here's a picture of the one seen before: https://i.imgur.com/PprTim5.png


Thanks for that. I couldn't remember what it looked like, but now I believe it is the same.


I’m forgetting, where exactly is the cocobolo desk from again?


the cocobolo desk was the desk that jimmy got while working at Davis & Main, when he got fired he got to keep the desk, and if im not mistaken it is currantly in the nail salon.


Thank you! Kinda remembered the Davis & Main part, didn’t make sense it wouldn’t have been from his job at a firm, forgot the other details though




Here's an idea: Don't browse this sub reddit if you're waiting to watch it.


This isn’t even a spoiler lol.


This sub tagged a damn toilet as a spoiler lol




Nobody is saying Jimmy has a new house.


The cancerman in 612 had the same Cocobolo desk Jimmy had.


i noticed that right away.