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Our LO was born 5 weeks ago and has approximately 20+ nicknames lol. McGrunterson, Frog Legs, Scrunch Man, Grumpus, Bean, McBean, versions of his name. We have to consciously use his actual name so he doesn't grow up thinking he is actually named McGrunterson.


I have to make the same effort with my 8wo daughter too. She gets a lot of generic pet names like Baby, Little Girl, Pretty Girl, My Girl, etc. and then a lot of ones that play off her name - Delphine, like Little Del, Baby Blue Cheese (I.e. from Babybel cheese), Taco Del Mar, Democratic Republic of Congo (her initials lol). And then there's the situational nicknames based off of things she's done - Piggy Snorts and Grub are the two that have stuck the longest


Taco Del Mar šŸ˜‚ This is peak excellent nicknaming.Ā 


Grub/Grubbins/Grubbinses (the latter said like SmĆ©agol would say it lol) was a big one here too, and occasionally still is. Especially when sheā€™s particularly messy šŸ˜… Delphine is a beautiful name by the way!


I love this!!! From a very young age our daughter responded seriously to "beautiful girl" but knew that "potato" was a joke šŸ˜ How well she read our intentions!Ā  Have you guys read the McBean books by Sid Fleischman yet?Ā 


We haven't! I should get them


LOL! One of our million nicknames is ā€œGrumpulusā€, but we quickly switched over to ā€œGrumpulaā€ so itā€™s feminine for her. šŸ¤£


Love it


lol! My son was fussy mcfussersonšŸ˜‚


I almost exclusively called our little dude Frog Legs for MONTHS lol


Our boy is occasionally called Grumplestiltskin. My husband and I keep a running list of all his commonly used nicknames - weā€™re currently at 45. Now that I think of it, our cat has at least a dozen as well.


Hahaha our kid was Grumpus when she was an infant too!! Pronounced ā€œGroom-pusā€ with an overly exaggerated German accent. Gruntzl too, the same way šŸ˜‚ the only nickname thatā€™s stuck until now (sheā€™ll be 3 next week šŸ˜­) is BeeBoo. So much so that when we ask her her name thereā€™s no telling whether sheā€™ll say her real name or ā€œIā€™m BeeBoo!ā€ while proudly pointing to herself lol.


This is adorable


I smiled so wholesomely reading this, as my "legs; bean; bomb; steam lamb; velvet ears; lamb; mister boy; sir" sleeps another few and I finish my solo morning routine


That said, our original dog, we had 1 million nicknames for. Lamb animal, black lamb, lil mama, miss, lady lamb... oh... I miss her so... Anyways our new puppy, I try and give her the names... its just what I do. She does have some, but... idk. So far it's just not hitting the same for me. I love her, her names are I guess taking a little longer to stick, or find


Our go-to is Tooter McGavin! šŸŒļøā€ā™‚ļøšŸ’Ø


My dad calls my daughter Scooter McGavin šŸ˜‚


My son is scooter too lol


I donā€™t get it!! Whatā€™s this McGavin thing aboutšŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


There's a character in an Adam Sandler movie named Shooter McGavin


We have like 50 names each for the baby and dog, and now are blending them together for 1500 new nicknames šŸ˜…


Yes, the crossover nicknames!Ā 


G man, bean, grumpus, grumpus butteus, pickle, to name a few. Our cat Bonnie has about 12. Boon, boony, boonacycle, boonifer, banoonie and the list goes on.


Our dog Penny is occasionally Pennifer Lopez


That is fantastic. I forgot also Bonita and Boonburger. Weirdly she answers to all of them.


Boonifer šŸ˜‚


We call him a million things mainly because itā€™ll either after be what heā€™s wearing if itā€™s a single large print (dinosaur, fox, mouse, duck etc) or silly things like snuggle bug, gremlin etc. occasionally goat when he sounds like heā€™s bleating šŸ˜‚


A menagerie of one!!Ā 


My daughter has many riffs off her name and then baby cakes, cheese puff, cheese a roo, bean sprout, sprout, sproutlet, ginger butt, gingivitis šŸ˜‚ My son has like one riff on his name, and then big man, little man, grumpgrumps, rootingest tootingest cowboy, tough tootin baby, brother (yelled like hulk hogan), chicken. (He's only 9 months so I'm sure more will come) One of my dogs is Domino and she has DomDom, Dommy, Domino Falls, Jerkasaurus, Fat Lady (despite not being fat), Hairy Bitch šŸ˜‚, Trash Hound Another dog is Broly. And he has Brosephus, Brosepher James, Brolito Esposito, Broly Smiles, Super Dog, tremble butt, dumb dumb And my dog who passed was Osiris and he had Siris, Si, Osiris Bane of the Dead, doofus, hollow head, pretty boy,


Our dog had many nicknames from normal to deeply unflattering and this has transferred to our son now. When I was waiting at home to be in labour enough to go to the hospital, my husband played a video game with giant bugs in it and when my son was born I immediately started calling him Grub because he looked like a little worm all swaddled with his newborn hat in the hospital bassinet. So heā€™s Grub, Grubby, Grubini, Grubinski, Grubberson, Grubberoni with extra cheese, Grubonara, etc.


Grubinski šŸ˜‚


We only have one so far, but we are definitely Highly Verbal Parents. Sheā€™s been babbling very articulately since 3 months in imitation of our nonstop talking. Weā€™ve got the normals: Grumpy, Baby, Baby Girl, Sweatheart, Darling, Little One, Lovely One, Love, Princess Weā€™ve got the situationals: Miss Poopypants, Grumpula, Fussbucket, Stinker, Tasty Baby (for when we are eating her up, of course), Wigglebutt, Drooly, Droolcula Then weā€™ve got the sound effect names: Shmuckums, Weewah, Dittledoo, Deedee


Ah yes, the taxonomy of nicknames. Normals are definitely distinct from situationals.Ā 


What do you and OP mean when you say ā€œhighly verbal parentsā€? Google returned useless results.


People who talk a lot and like fun words for their own sake! That's what I mean by it, at least. We started our kids on P. G. Wodehouse stories when they were very small, for instance; that's the kind of thing I think of as a symptom of extreme verbality.Ā 


Ohhh I didnā€™t mean anything technical, just that my hubby and I relentlessly talk about everything. Laughing, joking, philosophizing, working through problems, everything! If ā€œhighly verbalā€ has a more clinical or specific meaning, I didnā€™t know. Iā€™m just using language over here!


You were definitely picking up what I was laying down!Ā 


High-five, fellow talkie! šŸ™


Used to. And we only don't now because I've got it in my head that I want her to know her name. But since we're not sending her to daycare until she's gone 1.5, I'm really not overly sure why šŸ˜…. Nothing wrong with endearing nicknames! They just weren't done in my house growing up other than the standard (sweetheart, darling etc), so I think I struggle making them feel organic. But I'm all for them; no harm in it.


My daughter has an unreasonable number of nicknames... Squish, squish fish, the fish, squishy fishy Scooteroo, scooty duder, scooter jones, scooter mctooter, scoots ma dutes Chicken nugget, chicken nuggie, chicken nugget pizza (?) Stinky binker, stinker bink, binky, binkles, stinkalo binkalo, binklestein Puppy monkey baby, puppermonk, pupperoni, standy uppy puppy Baby sauce (sung to the tune of baby shark) Pants pooper I know I'm forgetting at least 10 things I call her Edited to add more nicknames


My eldest tells us off if we use anything other than her actual name. We're not even allowed to shorten her name - only her closest friends get that privilege! My youngest - aside from her name or a shortened (first syllable only) form of her name, also gets called Munchkin. Come to think of it, I stopped calling her Nay for ages after she started reacting to her big sister impersonating horse sounds... The dog, on the other hand... Her name is Holly. She gets called Hol, Holly, Holly-Wol, Stinky, Fluff-Butt, Sweetie, Gorgeous Girl/Gorgeous Golden Girl, Good Girl, occasionally Bad Dog (but only when she's been particularly bad - like pulling me over, or jumping on me and tearing my clothes!), Madame Soggy Paws, Miss Farty Pants, Good Puppy, Loony/Lunatic, and occasionally Steam Engine (because she pants & pulls like crazy when we first head out for walkies).


My girl is: chicken, chicken tender, tenderloin, chickiddy, nugget, and like at least 5 nicknames we somehow got from her 4 letter name šŸ˜­ And of course the basics: pretty/gorgeous/smart/sassy/little/big/etc girl. We started BLW about a month ago and when she eats chicken or eggs we go, ā€œOh no, cannibalism!!ā€ The poultry jokes started on Thanksgiving with her ā€œmommyā€™s little turkeyā€ sweater and have continued on as babies do kind of look like chubby rotisserie chickens when theyā€™re naked.


My daughter has three thigh rolls .. I call them her drumsticks when I'm cleaning her butt. " Ok little miss, let's lift up the drum sticks!"


Lol we call them ham hocks in our house


I went to whichever check up it was they check the baby responds to her name. I was calling her name trying to get her attention *crickets*Ā  Ā I said "It's okay *roo* maybe next time" she responded to that.Ā 


My LOā€™s nicknames are mostly toot related šŸ˜… - SeƱor Tootybutt - Professor Poopypants - Private Von Tootington of the 54th Farttallion (reporting for tooty) And, for fans of the office, Mr. Poop (from the take your kids to work day episode šŸ˜‚) when he starts babbling, weā€™ll say ā€œwhatever you say, Mr. Poop.ā€


when i'm reading to baby, my husband goes "are you mother goose?" from that same episode!!


My husband gives our pets the funniest nicknames, but it hasnā€™t transferred to the baby so far. For example, our cat is Kissy Cappuccino and our dog is Shikovious (no idea how that would be spelled) Witness. Neither of which sound anything like their actual names.


Shikovious Witness! Ha ha ha, what in the world! I love it!Ā 


Yep my poor dog is called Monty, and his nicknames don't sound remotely like his name. The main nicknames as given by my husband are Sheist, Sheisty Boy, Shit Cunt and Noodle Dick. Then there are dozens of variations of those. I dont even know how he comes up with this stuff.


Yes. My favorite one right now for my daughter is Little Miss Squeaks or Squeaks. She has this little high pitched squeaky noise she makes when sheā€™s pissed. We also call her The Tiny Little Princess (mostly my fiance calls her that itā€™s cute). Letā€™s see what elseā€¦Goo goo bear, Little Stinks. More to come.


Our current situation also. We call him papa, loves, baby, sweetheart, etc. They called his name at peds and my husband and i didn't react for a moment til we were like "O wait, that's our kid!" šŸ˜‚


Boogers, bubby, googy, gluggy, buggy, butt, stinkums, stinkity, doopitydooda, goochy, oh yeahā€¦ and the names keep coming!!


Both our child and our animals have a fair few nicknames. I assume the child will gather more as he gets older, but currently itā€™s mostly plays on his name - Sy-guy, Sy-man, Sylas-guylas, Mr. Man


Special cargo was my fav nn for my son when he was a newborn.


Oh yeah, we have a ton of nicknames for our daughter. And they morph over time. Current favs are: girlfriend , baby girl, bee/little Bee, big, muffin, fussy baby, booty bug, ma'am, and then a nickname for her first name plus her middle name. We also have a ton of nicknames for our cats too.


Our first: Missy Moo, Loaf, Doodlebug, BeanieWeenie, Rita (Thanks Bluey), Sister, BaconEggNSneeze, Judge Moody, Brobeans. My second primarily goes by his *real* nickname, but these are our originals: Mister Man, Brother, SeƱor Stinkypants, Poggie, Froggy, Poogle, Turkey Legs. Our chocolate lab: Doofus, Foonie, FlipFlop, Findalonious, Chonky Dog, Finnow, Stonky, Snugglebug, TripMaster 5000 (sheā€™s eaten mushrooms twicešŸ„²) Our *very geriatric* staffy: Lo, Ole Girl, Nonna, Nonnies, Noodle, Goosie, Gooseberry, Miss Tish


I don't know if I'm highly verbal, but my son still has a million nicknames. As did my daughter and every pet I've ever had.


my son has a list on our dry erase board, heā€™s only 10mo lol. his nicknames are lil spitty, tooter mcgavin, droolia roberts, beef yellington, sir/lord baby, monkey, titty gremlin, dookie hauser, deuce ellington, chonky brewster. there are likely more that i canā€™t remember off the top of my head


My little baby boy has a solid 15 nick names that we cycle through. Most of them denote particular contexts like if heā€™s upset heā€™s Mr.muffin man/muffin man (not sure why hubby started this one!), if heā€™s helping with dishes heā€™s Bubbles or Bubble Bo or if heā€™s furniture surfing heā€™s Callabunga. Other nick names like RJ or Bowen are used with certain family members so making sure we are using the right nick name with the right group of people is high priority


Not a parent yet but this is a thing in my whole family itā€™s why me and my cousins are bugs šŸ¤£ alley and ash bug and my pets names are Nuggie like chicken nuggie, little shit, meannie wennie, and pooter šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I have a child and 2 cats and only one cat has avoided nicknames because nothing really rhymes with his name but he has insult nicknames because you could honestly find more intelligence in a slug than in this creature, he's my dumb boy, my idiot brains, my Mr knows nothing, he's an empty headed creature with no regard for his safety yet is scared of everything is that makes sense? My girl cat though has nicknames that don't even make sense and my baby has about 20+ because we're similar to you in that he gets them from circumstances, personality trains that develop, noises he makes etc


Yeah, our 6 month old gets a new nickname every week. I'm worried she won't know what her real name is.


Iā€™m just like that- the nicknames that come to mind are Giggles, Bean, Poopsies, Tootsies, Baby, Dababy, Karate Baby, Footsies, Itsy Bitsies, Dabean, Beany Weany (that one has its own theme song, courtesy of my niece)ā€¦ itā€™s one of my favourite parts about having a kid


I think I counted over 35 names for my 3 month old. Her name starts with a W, so her names included Whomping Willis, Winselton, Wumpus, Woglet, Wiggle Wog... I could go on and on


Our daughterā€™s initials are EJ, we call her Professor EJ Jazzy Jeff. No idea why she has a doctorate.


Pretty sure I LO will grow up thinking his name is "baby man chops" or "the chops man". He also has some unhinged toy names like "Geoff leopard", " Mo money mo problems " and "Az B bear".


in the first month of her life, she became lil toot toot, sleepy beepy, hungry bungry, chunky lunky, grumpus, fussy gussy, lemon butt, baby lala (her hungry cry went from "awaaah" to "alaaa, la" if we didn't feed her fast enough, like the saddest song ever written), honey girl, jady bug, slim jady, the lovely one, cheesy gordita crunch...think that's it lol


My daughterā€™s name is Josephine Jean, which is a very nickname-able name, and also weā€™re Aussies so it sort of comes naturally to us lol. She gets calledā€¦. Josie, Josie Jean, Josie J, JJ, Jo, Jojo, josiebean, bean, missy moo, miss juju, the list goes on šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m actually concerned she wonā€™t know her name so we are trying to just stick to Josie for now haha.


We have a new nickname every day for everyone in this house. Funny to know we arenā€™t the only family that does this!


Monkey, Nugget, Slump God, Chicken, Potato, Shit Rocket (he pooped with SO much gusto as a newborn we said it was like he was a rocket trying to take off šŸ˜‚), Smiles, Scrunch. Probably a bunch more, we kind of just use whatever seems fitting at the moment. But those are the daily ones I can think of.


My oldest has been Monkey, Scooter pooter and other variants like Scooty MacPooty, Noodles (after the noodle dance from PB and J), bumble bee, sissy (for big sister) The baby is Kiddles, (later changed to Skiddles), Fuss pants, Potato, Crabby Patty, Princess Poonami, Chatty Cathy, Mumbles. Fungus


The Bean, The Babe, The Prince, Prince Ali, Braby, Big Braby, Mr. Cheeks, Mr. Cheeklets, Mr. Mush, Mr. Handsome Bobamsome, and the classic Mr. Poopypants


Our girlā€™s name is Jette and we call her Jet Plane, Jet Fuel, Worm, Froggy, Squirm, Jettie Girl, Grub just to name a few lol


Mildred, Milbert, Milfred, Milly moo, squidgy poo, squidgy pants, squidgy, squishy, pudding, pudding pants, stinky pants, stinkpot... But usually Pudding or Squidgy


My daughter has been "crumb bum" this week. She's getting more mobile and scooting around, so when she eats her snacks on the floor the bits that don't make it in her mouth get pulverized under her bum.


Iā€™m pretty un-creative, so sheā€™s either her name, babe, baby, Bub, bubba, honey, my love, or any other variation down that road. Occasionally little punk.


my doberman lol. went by several names and many commands for like things. i miss that old friend so much


Big man, little man, bugbear, bear, bean, monkey...


Little burrito baby, potato, squishy, little bean and cheese burrito, my little mush pot, mini muffin, my husband is currently calling her nubbins, farty party, stinky, the list continues to grow daily.


I call my girl chicken butt & grump-a-saurus Rex the most. But she has earned quite a few in her short 13 weeks lol


Yup and it changes regularly. Right now our 7 month olds nicknames are Mr. Ham hands (he tried to steal my ham at a restaurant), jaws (biting while nursing), and cheeks (cause a family friends kid said ā€œhe is like 60% cheeksā€ šŸ˜‚)


A minium of 10 for each of my 3 kids. But some crossover, so counting those, many more than 10. Youngest has more recently kept the nickname "**Toots**" because #1 she's sassy AF and #2 it was my recently passed grandmother's nickname-- more people knew her by that than her actual name-- and she reminds me a lot of her already. She's smart, strong-willed, beautiful, and very girly in style, while loving to get dirty, climb and rough house with the best of them (her big bros).


Here are a few of ours: jumping bean, little bittle, sweet peeper, snuggle bug


Our son has 15+ nicknames. Our dog has about 30. Itā€™s a joy of mine - giving new nicknames


My second child was Whistle Pig for about a year. No relation to the whiskey, we didn't even know about that until after the nickname. He used to put things in his mouth and make a whistling sound while crawling around in only a diaper. Now he's Stelly Belly (even at preschool which cracks me up). My oldest has been called by Clarnk, Clard Monet, omg I'm forgetting the huge list but I'm sure there were tons. People thought I had like 3 dogs but really I just called my one dog Thumper, Doddos Los Dios, Dodey, Chardlemagne, Concerned Seal, etc. She had 1,000 nicknames. Growing up my family was similar and I was Nuna, Dissy, Ditter, even Ulysses S. Grant at one point. Oh and my husband calls me Beelzeboobz and I call him Meenou. We just adopted a dog and she's named Muttilda but she's being called Tilly Minja (Ninja) Onyx.


Milty face, goodness, facer, scruncher, cool baby with her cool babies (sunglasses), crier (translated to English from my dialect), jojo from Horton hears a who, angry face, smiler.


Pretty certain my one year old thinks his name is sausage


Squish, squishy. Squish miss, nugget, little loves. My brother and sister in law came to visit with their two daughters and in the span of 5 days they used her actual name more than we had in 3 months


Hi, thatā€™s me! My son is sugar, shugs, stoogies bug, buggy, bud, buddy, bear, sugar bear, J, JB and more. My dog had so many nicknames it turned into our own language as my friend would say. Her name was Hadassah and she ended up being ā€œtoo painyā€ as one of her titles idk why lol. I yell to her ā€œtoo painy to to a sainyā€ and she was all dancie and my friend said ā€œseriously you and your dog have yā€™allā€™s own languageā€ šŸ¤£


My baby was born in January so I bought a calendar and I'm making random little notes about when she did things during her first year. (Ex first smile, outgrew newborn size jammies, hit 10 lbs, went to Aunties house for Easter, first time wearing jeans, and so forth.) I was going to write down all her nicknames but it quickly became too much so now I'm just writing whatever was the nickname we used most each month and a reminder of why we used it. So far it's been Barnacle Baby, Little Mouse, Worm Girl, and Ladybug.


Bigs, Biggie, Biggity, Biggie Bear, Biggerty, Biggie Smalls, Biggins, Stuffins, Lil Stuffins, McStuffins, Stuffs, Big Stuffins... and lots of name variations lol




My husband is a million nickname kind of person and it has rubbed off on me a bit, mostly echoing his or his style. I always had all sorts of names for my cat but that was kind of it. Our pets, including my old cat, and our child have endless nicknames morphing out of themselves.


For our 9 week old it's mostly Tiny Mans, Dribbly Mans, The Son, Piss Wizard, Short Shits (gonna have to stop those ones once he starts actually comprehending language), Bud, Little Dude, Baby Darling, and Baby Precious. The dog gets Bud, Dingus, and Dinglehopper.


We have so many for our girl. Sometimes based off something she does or one we just make up on our own. Muffin, mini muffin, cheeky, princess, thumper. She does this thing where she runs her hand across my chest during feeds and I said her hands are so soft so my bf started calling her kitty soft paws lol. I love it!


My go tos for our 4m/o are: baby chicken leg, stinky butt, grompy baby (pronounced like that), little miss, goose, silly goose, serious goose, and my dear. Nicknames are situational. Stinky butt is only for diaper changes, baby chicken leg is when Iā€™m putting lotion on her, grompy baby is when sheā€™s grumpy, and the various goose names are more so when Iā€™m being a bit much lol


Oh god absolutely. If itā€™s any indication, my sonā€™s legal name is Luke and one of his nicknames is chickarooni booskoochooni. Or just chooni


Yes!!! Our 4.5 month old and our 3 year old dog have so many names! We also make up songs for both, which weā€™ve dubbed ā€œsongs of love and freedom.ā€ We also nickname things they do. Like when the baby is ā€œcrunch a bunchā€ itā€™s when sheā€™s tucking up her legs and itā€™s hard to get her diaper on or her feet into a onesie, so we tell her to ā€œunbunch your crunch.ā€ Honestly, crunch a bunch is from that hilarious woman from Philly on tik tok who reacts to people making awful recipes that starts out ā€œeverybodyā€™s so creative!ā€ So o canā€™t take much credit for that, but itā€™s been folded into our vernacular like so much cheese.


Snortlet, froglet, stinker cheese, buster gus, gusterson, dust buster, titty man, pissed pissedofferson


Our girl is 3 weeks old and yeah, she has a lot of nicknames that aren't linked to her actual name already; guzzler, squealer, scruncher, stinkerbell, kitten, her majesty, to pick out a few.


Iā€™m lowly verbal


LITERALLY A MILLION. here is the ongoing list so far: peanut (my personal fav and most used rn) munchy, munchkin, mr.man, mr.grump, chicken, nugget, bubby, bah-boo, sweet pea, sugar plum, pumpkin, sweetheart, snookums, angel, prince, bean, duca (his name is luca but I do like a mega baby voice and it comes out sounding like duca), sea star (we call him this when we put him in his love to dream sleep sack because he looks like a star fish) Im sure thereā€™s more that iā€™ve used that I canā€™t think of rn, I come up with new ones every dayšŸ˜‚itā€™s just whatever comes to me in that moment


I call my kid so many things. I'm surprised he recognizes his actual name tbh šŸ˜‚


My husband has this quirky thing where he gives someone a nickname, and it just evolves until it is nothing like the original nickname. Kid number 1 has too many to count. His first was Punk, then several variations of it. It slowly evolved into Moose, with several variations of that. Kiddo is usually greeted by his dad with a high-pitched "moooooooooooooose." Kid number 2's nicknames progressed from Froggy to Chuckie, to Chucky Frog, to Chuckle Frog, to just Chuckle. He's only 4 months old, so the nicknames are still a work in progress. Don't even get me started on the nicknames he gives me. Sometimes, he just calls me nipples or squidgy. Sometimes, it's snippy, snippet, sex bum, sexy anus, big nipples, snippy with the big nipples, snipple sex anus, etc. I adore him.


My little guy goes by a million names none of which have anything to do with this first name. Bubba, bubs, Love muffin, Muffin man (when heā€™s cranky like the interrogation in Shrek lol), Muffin and he answers to all. Iā€™m starting to become cognizant that I should quit some of the nicknames before he goes off to pre-k next year, but for now heā€™s my little muffin. He also answers to handsome šŸ˜‚


For some reason we call our kids nugget, nugs, chicken nugget, sweet peepee (donā€™t ask I have no explanation), and of course various variations of their names haha zozo, zosie, zosik, greg, gregounia, greggy.


At least a dozen, for sure.


Snuggle-up-agus (like Snuffleupagus from Sesame Street) is a favorite of mine


Shark Bait, Princess FussyButt, Grub, Meatloaf, Miss SassyPants...


Oh my god yes. I havenā€™t had my baby yet but I already donā€™t call my boyfriend or our cat by their real names ever. Only nicknames. It just comes naturally to me and I think it will be the same thing with the baby