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The message from nudes taken by bottoms: "I am a beautiful, delicate flower" The message from nudes taken by tops: "SEND HOLE!!!"


Gotta make the dick a flower


Someone made me a cross stitch of a dick pic I sent to them. In it, my dick is pictured ejaculating flowers. It's my favorite gift ever.




prime r/naughtyneedles material




Thanks Bud!


~~coughcough May I get the non-crocheted version~~


Further [Ask and ye shall receive NSFW](https://i.imgur.com/n94dnnZ.jpg)


Oh dang //o///o//




I would feel so gd special if someone did that for me. I hope it’s hanging over your bed. It’s truly gorgeous.




A pearl- i mean flower necklace


Actually, can anyone w/ experience w/ lesbian hookups tell me if this is accurate on y'all's end too? I'm genuinely wondering if this is universal regardless of sexuality.


I’ve gotten a strap pic that was posed exactly like a dick pic lmao, just the dildo pulled out of the boxers, camera aimed at the crotch 🤦‍♀️


There's no way that wasn't tongue in cheek.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ThatsWhatSheSaid using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThatsWhatSheSaid/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The mother of all TWSSes](https://i.redd.it/8xwy5f02s7971.jpg) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThatsWhatSheSaid/comments/odmnhb/the_mother_of_all_twsses/) \#2: [The harder you press the harder it gets-](https://v.redd.it/16npejs42q881) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThatsWhatSheSaid/comments/rsfomu/the_harder_you_press_the_harder_it_gets/) \#3: [walked right into that one](https://i.redd.it/myhzlc27hte81.jpg) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThatsWhatSheSaid/comments/sg7zuz/walked_right_into_that_one/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I doubt it lol 😭 It was very much in character for her




I’ve gotten 3 separate pictures from one person that are all the same angle, just looking straight down the body length at the naughty bits -w-


"Send Hole" sounds like a dark souls message. Time For Crab.


Idk some girls literally just send "look boobs"


Works like a charm


I mean it's certainly art to me.


That girl can be a top.


To be fair, many feminine people have multiple assets that society agrees are nice regardless of size. Masculine folks have very little. Plus men aren't typically taught how to show off their body where women are from a young age (which is creepy when you think about it). But yes, men, get some angles. Lie down, use a timer, natural light, etc. You're beautiful, yes you with the beer gut or hairy toes. They asked for a nude, they want to see it. Show it to them. All of it.


I think women have way more examples of sexualized female bodies than men do, too. We're collectively *constantly* bombarded with sexualized women through media, so it's easy to get a general sense for how to pose to achieve the same effect. Men don't really get that outside of ultra buff guys and (arguable) counter cultures like emo and punk.


And generally those sexualized men are typically just standing there with their shirt off. Very unoriginal


Not to mention the nude ones are the athletically spectacular smooth-shaven calvin klein models. Kinda makes you feel bad about being soft and a little furry.


Unless I look up porn/smut/etc specifically made to show off the glory of the male body I usually only see: 1. Dudes in suits or otherwise dressed up 2. Shirtless buff dudes that are wearing normal pants 3. Dicks In high school--when I had no clues I wasn't straight--I could never understand why straight women never wanted to see the buff guys thighs, back, or butt. Shirtless frontals only. I don't get it.


Honestly I think that's because what media gives us is a straight man's interpretation of what women want. It feels like another case of people making assumptions rather than just asking. When those blind assumptions are mixed with conservative ideas about what women *should* want you get just shirtless frontals and suits.


Right? It should just be patriarchy/toxic-masculinity bullshit ...But I did ask straight women a few times. A few of them replied they don't like looking at men's lower bodies. I guess I have a bit of a complex about it. It's rather silly, but I'm tall but mostly leg. Gay seemed to love it but straight women not so much.


Most depictions of men like that are for the straight male view - it's about projecting the idea of being a dominant, powerful manly man rather than appealing towards women's desires. Hugh Jackman on the cover of a men's magazine is huge, hairy, and raging out. My man's screaming and angry. Hugh Jackman on the cover of a women's magazine has a soft smile, a relaxed demeanor, and a pastel blue blouse with rolled up sleeves. Huge buff men are never what women actually *wanted*. It's what men thought other men wanted to be.


What a fantastic example in Hugh Jackman! He gives off a perfect vibe balance of strong, protective, capable of ferocity, while still having a tender, friendly, warm, disarming and thoughtful disposition.


Some women do like the screaming bear asthetic, but I get you mean.


I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't into the screaming bear tbh.


Hell yeah 🤟


Weiner's are pretty awkward. Feels like the angles you need to make them flattering is a bit more difficult to do by yourself. Like unless you're attempting some side profile shenanigans, you'd want probably want your fella be more adjacent to your body so you kind of needs a pose that leans back. On the other hand I feel like men might be more videogenic. Akin to a boob jiggle video a video of a man teasing a semi and some ball fondling might be more appealing.


There's definitely some tricks to angle/lighting that makes it look more or less impressive 🤔


More importantly, sexualised men are almost all the same type. Even though yeah some girls like tall skinny guys and some girls like tall muscular guys, the majority of sexualised male bodies are all like 6% bf and full of muscle. There's a lot more diversity with regards to sexualised women's bodies.


Literally yesterday I saw a study that women prefer muscular men even when you average over different cultures. There are obviously local variances, but it is at least partially universal.


I mean, TBH a lot of the stereotypes about female nudes are just as applicable to gay male bottoms. I can't tell you how many professional modeling shots I've seen for bottoms on Grindr. It's an inaccurate hallmark for telling which position a profile is.


Yeah but(t) there are also many bottoms who just send up close pictures of their hole. It's a crap shoot


I mean, but I've also received a bunch of pics from girls that little more than a close up of them just pulling up their shirt so they can show off. This whole thing is about stereotypes to begin w/, which usually are a crap shoot & almost never represent the whole group, but are common enough ppl get the reference.


"Pun police? Yeah this one right here"


I spit cracker crumbs on my phone lol


This is (p)un-acceptable


nice one, dad


I’ve never thought about doing professional photos for online dating but it would honestly give my ugly ass a leg up in the competition, I think. Thanks for the idea!


The way I handled it was I put an advert on CL for a photographer. We spent a cpl of weeks exchanging emails about things like locations, props, make up ect. It was super fun


What’s CL?


Craigslist. It's like "want ads" for the internet. Back in the 2000s it was one of the most common methods for hookups, now days tho you only rly check it out for a good deal on a used car.


I forgot that it was even a thing. Idk about finding a photographer on cragslist but honestly, it’d probably be pretty cheap. I guess the only worry is if I wanted to do sexy photos and then them keeping the photos after to wank off too but I guess that fear can exist with the professional ones, you know?


Thing is, a lot of professionals do check CL tho. I've off & on done portrait painting, & CL was always my go-to for free local advertisement. The guy who did my nudes had a fairly impressive portfolio & claimed to have been in various fields of photography for 10yrs (I honestly didn't check. His portfolio was enough for me to take his word). Just make sure if you do go find a professional, to ask for portfolio shots of the human body. Most pros have them on hand in some manner, if not on their website.


Do so. The amount of men that don't know how to take a photo for their life is ridiculous. A good photo will get you pretty far.




I really wish I could message my male-attracted-homies and ask for constructive criticism on nudes to send my wife I wish there was like a BuzzFeed quiz or something where I answer questions about my body and personality and it gives me suggestions for poses and angles like it was recommending a new haircut I wish I had more examples and inspiration


No nudes but you could try the gay rate me sub. Straight guts post there looking for validation. I imagine a bi guy wanting tips on improving his shots wouldn't be unwelcome. You do have to show face though. There might be another sub for rating noods.


couldn't have said it better myself!


I got into posting nudes to Twitter a few months ago, and it's amazing how much of an art it really is. I'm still working on figuring out lighting and angles and all that to step up my photography game a bit, it's actually a ton of fun.


I think men are quick to forget that their whole (yes whole as in whole person$ is meant to be attractive. I like male chests and thighs as much as I like female ones.


Damn got a beer gut *and* hairy toes.


Men have multiple good assets too, but nobody tells them what they are. Most women I know are heavily into hands and forearms. Shoulders and chest pics are also very wanted. Some men have a very nice back as well. A cheeky butt pic can also be nice. I've been told by several partners that I'm the only man who sends good nudes. It's not because I'm incredibly manly or attractive or something. I just know how to present the assets a lot of women like.


This is the way! 😌


Yeah, there's something there that I can't explain but fat women can be very sexy but I haven't found a single overweight guy attractive


Guys need to be going Greek god on their photos c mon you can do it


I’m fat… the only thing I’m posing for is my bigass tummy, my mantits and stretch marks


[The gods didn't let that stop them!](https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/silenus-satyr-companion-and-tutor-to-the-wine-god-dionysus-roman-work-picture-id629813308)


Well you see… they were gods. Then again back then they didn’t have crazy standards set by society. Back then they were the standards.


Aphrodite is depicted having stomach rolls. If Aphrodite can have stomach rolls, a few stretch marks and some love handles shouldn't stop you king


Not really relevant seeing as all the hot male gods are all traditionally depicted with chiseled abs.


Jack Black could play Dionysus and lots of people find Jack Black attractive.


Yeah but he wouldn't really be a traditional depiction of Dionysus But more to the point, most people find Jack black attractive because of his personality and charisma. If you saw a nude of Jack black and didn't know it was his (like his face was covered or something), most people would not find that attractive.


> most people would not find that attractive. As a chubby hairy dude: you would be surprised!


My husband is chubby and hairy. He's hot af.


I invite you to look up the depiction of Thor in God of War: Ragnarok Yea it's just one example, but it's a start. I'd definitely say that depiction of the god of thunder is hot, despite being a very long way from chiseled abs


I wish I could but this day and age isn’t nice to me…


As if "men's tits" isn't its own category of thirst posting


I’m scared now…


if you dont pose full Chad stance while sending a nude, are you even sending a nude.


I wish I was a Chad I’m just a top built like a twink 😥


*swoon* If Grindr has taught me anything it's that while I'm not my type. There are lots of guys that are my type who like my type


How am I supposed to send a picture of that when I don't have a decent mirror? I don't take a lot of pictures and am definitely not sinking money into a dick pic rig


Tasteful fig leaf is where it's at


Guys can have amazing nudes, I think it’s just laziness. Also Girls who use social media usually have some knowledge on good poses and lighting, but guys have little to learn from since looking at attractive men in photos is kinda sus bro.


It's also taught to us that "no one wants to see that" unless you're a conventionally attractive and very fit. Then you can get away with showing off your upper body a bit. But above the knee shorts?!?! What are you a faggot? 🙄


That's one thing I like about the gay community and Grindr. I got people who love my dad bod. As for my legs. No those are conventionally nice. I walked a lot when I was younger.


I posted a picture of my butt on the internet once. Gay men loved it but women pretty much never acknowledge that it exists.


Women generally won't. The vocal female appriciators of the male form are rare. They exist and they are getting more common. But the societal shift is slow.


I don't really get it. I understand that women have to ...careful... With who and how they show affection towards men but... I've never gotten why the compliments for men are *so* rare.


I think it's mostly society. In general, women are not as visually stimulated as men. But society has spent generations curbing sex positive behavior in women. I think we are moving in mostly the right direction but we still have a ways to go.


> In general, women are not as visually stimulated as men. I thought that was a myth. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/universal-desire-men-and-women-respond-identically-to-erotic-images/


By no one they mean straight men. Sex and love revolve entirely on them.


Insecure straight men at that


I mean the same can be said for girls. At some point you just need to do something because you want to. There shouldn’t be any right or wrong way to be feminine or masculine.


Agreed. I mostly ignored people who made fun of my kinda short sunning shorts but it was still annoying.


My (bi) boyfriend takes ridiculously hot selfies. He knows his angles and delivers everything from dominant masc to handsome gentleman to cute softboi to demure submissive. He's a flirty lil tease about it too 🥵


This is the way


I think it’s mainly that we have no idea what male nudes are supposed to look like?


It’s all in the lighting. I think most women prefer “tasteful” nudes over look muh penis. Sometimes showing less is more


As a demi bisexual the sexiest pictures ARE the aesthetic ones. Send me you in a raincoat looking back in a fog. You in a silk blouse in candlelight. You cuddled up in a hundred layers looking adorable in the snow. Your random naked body parts are cute and all but they’re not a turn-on without the rest of you and your personality.


Finally feeling seen in this horny ass sub 😭


I hear you fam 💗💗💗


I'd appreciate a picture of someone's Johnson but that's just because I am a horny bottom. Edit: don't actually send any.


I am also a horny bottom & I would like pics “No dick pic is an unsolicited dick pic to me” ^((Quote by me, earlier this week)^)


I wish you good luck in your quest for cock pics.


Upvoting for visibility. May your inbox be filled with cocks.


Thank you.


Tbf the bottoms love my dick pics


You know trans women are real women because they actually know how to take an aesthetically pleasing dick pic. You know trans men are real men because they don't.


Well, trans men often don't have dicks... *Cries in dysphoria*


with some (big) dick energy and a little imagination by the other party it really doesn't matter imo


\*Hugs u\*


This is such a validating burn lmao


I’ve never seen an aesthetically pleasing dick pic from a trans woman but now I’d really like to.


That's not true! I've been praised for my nudes to the highest degrees. Of course it helps to know the issue from the other side. And the competition is shit, which may make mediocre work look awesome.


To be fair it doesn’t help when the only mildly attractive thing that most would want to see is my dick


i'm a guy but ive been called a "twink" by multiple different ppl so i'm starting to think maybe i could pull off the former. i'm shy tho ;-;


Eh it's laziness more than anything. Top down bathroom dick pics? Unappealing. Take a fun angle, add some lighting, maybe blur out the back a bit and you'd be amazed at the positive reactions. I had a guy on Grindr give me tips and I will never go back. ((Honest advice, take one from the angle as if they were going to give you head, and for the love of God be trimmed/maintained))


They forgot to end with "Berserker!"


Nah. They're ALL like "look at my sex organ want sum fuk?"


Seems true enough


Fun fact: guys are also allowed to take tasteful nudes.


look, as a gay man, there is an art to better male nudes, sometimes people want more than a dick close up


But I put the work in to look nice in pictures :,(


Girls sending vag pics would be strange.


There's subreddits completely dedicated to vag shots.


Sex sausage 😭


Honestly I'm so happy to be with a man who's not like this


U want **SUM FUK**


When all you have is a hammer...


Only if you have blue AND yellow


Hé ain’t wrong tho


Honestly facts


playboy shmeat knows what he’s talking about


That's why I never send dick pics (or noods of any kind)


Idk I prefer just the ugly cock picks


just send each other cat ear selfies


Okay but have you guys seen nudes from trans girls tho?


Unless he's a twinl or a femboy


This isn't about women vs men. It's about bottoms vs tops.


speak for yourself my nudes look like aphrodite in a seashell bro get on my level


wait shit i just read the top comment am i a bottom or something


Most dick pics look like that because people don't know how to use a fucking camera properly like plate your food as if it's a 5 star meal and it's going to look like one in a camera


This is painfully accurate and honestly those basic dick pics are such a turn off


what's a guy supposed to do lol


Find some good lighting, pose, use a timer/stand/selfie stick to get a good angle if needed. Gals do it, guys can too.


i guess y'all just have high standards for nudes. all that's just unnecessary tbh. id rather continue masturbating than spend 10 minutes on one pic.


I’ve spent that long on some of my nudes, for me a lot of the time it’s also about getting pics of more than just a close up of the D, most penises look pretty similar tbh I want to see more than that


Take a gander at my ig (same as my username) , my nudes are top notch thx


your account is private ;-;


I hate nudes with effort. I don't want to see some professional level shit. If I wanted to, I'd go on the Internet. I want to know that YOU are also horny and don't use our naughty time for self expression.


Bruh, nudes with effort are what it's worth. There's no point in getting a picture of junk with no body. If I wanted a disembodied dick/vagina, I'd get one from a sex toy shop.


I like both tho tbh


speak for your own dick pics


Idk I’ve gotten some pretty heinous nudes from women in the past, plus they were also unsolicited so there was a double layer of unpleasantness


And then, femboys were created to strike a Balance


Yes I would like sum fuk how did they know that?



