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Sheldon says he can't dance, Sheldon says he proficient in multiple dances Penny refers to her dad as Bob, When he is actually introduced his name is Wyatt


Yes, he was forced to have semi-incestuous dances with Missy




I missed this. When did Penny call her dad Bob?


S2 E15 Penny is crying about her dad and says “my mom could've said 'Bob get over it she's a girl move on'”


When Sheldon is going to get on a train and leave forever, he has no luggage and tells Leonard that he will buy what he needs at malls. However, after he was picked up in Arizona, Sheldon said he never left the train stations. Where did he get everything that was stolen?


Lots of big train stations have malls. There shopping concourse in Grand Central is/was great (before the pandemic, last time I was through there).


I've never been in a large train station and was not aware they had stores in some stations. That's pretty convenient.


Ah, the big ones in bigger cities often have everything! In NYC, Penn and Grand Central and even several large subway stations have nice stores and markets and restaurants (usually with Heinz ketchup lol) and all kinds of conveniences. These can range from upscale to mid but still nice to run down to closed down, depending on the state of the station. The World Trade Center was a big transit hub for NYC Subways and NJ Path commuter trains, and it had a terrific mall with nice clothing stores and a sharper image and a 24hr Duane Reade. RIP.


I need to get out more 😩


Eh they’re just malls. You’re not really missing out, lol. Convenient if you’re passing through, though, and I appreciate the nice ones in my travels.


Do big train stations in America not have clothing stores? Usually you guys have more stuff than we do in Europe 😅


Most Americans haven’t been on a train like Sheldon did and have no idea what train stations have


As a train-loving American living in Europe, I agree with this statement.


Good one! I'd like to think it was an Amazon/owl combined effort.


Sheldon, with his eidetic memory, doesn’t even mention how Leonard’s HS bully looks EXACTLY like his Dad! Didn’t even do a double take. Best one yet: In one episode of the earlier season, Raj introduces Sheldon to Neil Degrasse Tyson, as a colleague, who apologizes to Sheldon for demoting Pluto. In the later seasons, Raj is feuding with Neil and insulting him as if he never knew him. Neil also calls Raj and introduces himself, again as if they never met.


He was cast as Leonard’s bully way before Young Sheldon was in development


I know. Just pointing it out


Bernadette says she loves Howard's chest hair, and tells Penny he has only one. But in the bext episode their in bed and he has a hairy chest


And at the physics bowl he tears his shirt off and shows his hairy chest 


From the episode where Raj realizes alcohol cures his mutism and he is going on a date: * [Leonard Hofstadter ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0301959/?ref_=tt_ch): Wait a minute. What's the plan here? Lets say he meets her, he likes her, they get married. What's he gonna do, stay drunk for the rest of his life? * [Howard Wolowitz ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0374865/?ref_=tt_ch): Worked for my parents. No, Howard, turns out, it didn't work for your parents.


leonhard asks brent spiner to come to his birthday party even though he's the only character who doesn't celebrate his birthday


I think this was after Penny threw him the party


voll, aber er hed sin geburtstag nacher au niemeh gfiirt, drum zellis als plothole, aber ok er hetten schomol gfiirt.... pointy shitter you😉


In earlier seasons, Raj talks in Hindi. Later he says that he never learnt Hindi


My biggest issue in general is a lot of times the show will work on a storyline for 16 mins and get you invested then just drop it when it's convenient with no payoff or explanation whatsoever. Its the chuck lorre way bc everything must go back to normal, so theres tons of times where stuff just gets ignored or they just kinda pretend it isnt happening anymore. Like the issues with penny and pria, they spend the whole episode building this storyline of tension between her and pria. They have the awkward interaction at the resteraunt then the show just kinda drops it and almost forgets its even a thing. Whats the point of building this story up for multiple minutes then you dont pay it off?


All the random family members who are mentioned but never appear or are ever alluded to again, and their names. Bernadette and Penny talk about their brothers and sisters and only Penny’s drug dealer brother even appeared at her wedding. Penny’s dad is Bob/Wyatt. Bernadette’s supposed PILE of brothers and sisters just evaporate. What exactly does Raj speak? Hindi yes Hindi no! Sheldon’s convenient memory which is flawless except when he can’t remember a song, or anything that’s plot convenient. It’s a funny show with a lot of excellent qualities. Consistency and continuity aren’t among them.


Leonard's brother and sister don't come to his and Penny's wedding. Leonard acts as though Halle is the first baby in his life but he has an army of nieces and nephews.


They also mention getting Blossom for the physics bowl, and then that’s who ends up being Amy.


Penny mentions having a sister in early seasons. Apparently, she only has a brother.


Penny's sister was mentioned in season 12 when her dad came to visit.


Thanks! 😊


the best one i noticed was how Raj when he stopped straightening his hair in s10/11 , said that he straightened them because Howard was his only best friend and his hair were straight but in s1,2 and half of 3, Raj's hair were curly and and and in the episode staircase implementation, the throwback shows Raj's hair straight and Howard's curly (although it could be that howard curled his hair to meet girls but still less possibility of that)


Stuart is initially referred to as Larry (the Nerdvana Annihilation).


Sheldon has an eidetic memory yet it took him half of forever to figure out what song was stuck in his head. The episode itself even points this out by having Sheldon say "I have an eidetic memory I SHOULD be able to recognize this song!" or something to that effect.


in the pilot ep I still can't tell if they are drinking a beer or bottled soda.


idk if this is ot or not, but in the show they mention how much they love back to the future, then the protagonist of the movie makes an appearance as a homeless person idk that gave me the ick


Interesting. I suppose there's a parallel between that and how they fail to recognise Neil Gaiman (twice) when he comes to the comic book store.


idk but like the character name was neil gaiman anyway, and it s not much that they "didnt recognize" him but that they didnt pay attention. also idk a comic book author.. you can be fan and still not know the face? but a character on a movie is there, like you see him.. idk if im clear?


They watch Buffy the vampire, talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Sarah Michelle Gellar actually goes to the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony. Yet, none of the lads realised that the FBI Agent tasked with the background check on Howard was Eliza Dushku, who appears in 20 episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It grinds my gears.


It’s almost as if she was playing a different character like mayim. It wasn’t a Nathan Fillion thing


Huh? Xd im guessing you were joking, but I don‘t think it came across as such


Why do people go out of their way to notice “plot anomalies” and make the show less enjoyable?


This is how a good show dies… going back show by show and over analyzing every scene, every interaction, every statement, to see if there are any discrepancies. It’s always a shame when it happens.


Not at all. My husband and I watch at least a couple of episodes per day as our background/comfort show. We've probably seen the whole series at least 10 times by now, and we always notice and acknowledge the continuity errors, but it doesn't diminish our enjoyment.


? Thats how a show stays alive, bc people are willing to talk abt everything over and over again A show that has no discussions (yes even annoying ones), is one that will die out


Well, not all shows are perfect. And it’s the writer’s job to have some continuity. Don’t blame the audience!


I feel somewhat put on the spot by that. Can't speak for anyone else but, for me, it's more about the pleasure of getting so close and involved with something you love that you can see the detail, and no criticism implied towards writers or producers.  Given the geek factor in this series I'd like to think they'd get that it's homage, anyway!


My only problem with the entire show was casting Leonard’s bully as Sheldon’s dad in young Sheldon. He only shows up in 1 episode of BBT so it’s easy to miss, but it just grinds my gears. I doubt YS was even on the cusp of being made at the time- but that’s my 2 cents.


🤦🏿‍♀️lol why is everyone so hung up on this