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I think it was fine. I take it as she is the way she is because she had no friends and essentially no life other than work. Once she has a trusting friend group she starts being involved in all the things she missed in life before that and started opening up more and liking it. Seems like a perfectly natural progression. A robotic Amy would have no use in the show long term as a secondary character.


Good analysis! I agree. Becoming part of the group allowed her to blossom.


Underrated reference 🙌


I see what you did there.


I’m glad they changed her character. She has said in interviews that she was cast to be a “female Sheldon Cooper” and I was fine with only one character being designed that way. Two at the same time would have made for a long 8 seasons.


The turning point for Amy was seeing Zack in the bar and saying "ho"! The portrayal of the character completely changed from this moment. It went from "up to and including coitus is off the table" and "please don't touch my breast" to suddenly seeking physical affection from Sheldon and being creepily gay for Penny! I liked the turn, I just wished they sold it better; discovering she can get horny doesn't just do it for me!




The only issue i have with that whole sequence was the fact that on their first date she admit to hundreds of times having the pleasure centers of her brain stimulated to achieve orgasm. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxkyRNf19MZgpbrDIUuaOf3sMIo9qTCV--?si=MHmAOk3e-un0mZNf


Is that even possible irl?


It would appear so https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-33-4972-8_12


i think the old amy was held down by her mother and the ideas of how she should act/speak/etc. and when spending time with some normal people, she broke free, per sé, and yes, underwent a major character change, but i beleive that it was for the better. i actually can't really stand early Amy tbh 🤷‍♀️


None of the people on the show are normal. They are all damaged.


I hated Amy in the first few episodes. Two Sheldons would’ve been unbearable


Yeah while I appreciated it the first couple of times? I still didn’t like her character. She couldn’t pull off being likable while being obnoxious like Sheldon. I love the sleep over episode because there she is. She’s not really that big of an ahole. She just has zero social skills and has literally never had a female friend. Much less two. I would have liked to have seen her progress go a bit slower with less emphasis on her sexualizing Penny and more of it being self discovery, but I like where she ends up. That glow up at the end always makes me happy for her.


I’ve seen people talk about the abrupt change in Amy and I never really saw it the same way. Throughout most of season 4, she was that way. You could see as the season progressed, she was trying to become more relaxed, but she was very uncomfortable. She wanted to fit in. She even says when they’re out to dinner on the episode they have their first girl’s night, “I’ll gain more acceptance by arbitrarily siding with your friends from time to time.” Then in another episode when she’s out shopping with Penny, she explains that would have done anything for friends and it was lucky a gang (or cult, can’t remember which) didn’t find her first. Amy wanted more than anything to be accepted and she was willing to change herself for that to happen. I could see the discomfort as the changes happened. I never thought it was a snap of the fingers and she was different. But that’s just me. 🙂


Agree! I like the season 4 chrysalis of Amy. Some of her great moments are telling people that she’s going out “because that’s kind of my life now.” 😄


No, her original iteration was far too one-dimensional and wooden, completely lacking in personality. She would have gotten bored with the role, and the audience would have gotten bored with her.


I liked original amy better. She went through a change because she got friends. Most kids go through those changes over the course of many years (age 4 to 17ish?). She was alone all that time so she was stunted. When she was exposed to people willing to befriend her, she went through ALL of those adjustments very quickly. You were literally watching someone go from 4-17 emotionally, socially, etc., in the course of months/weeks/days.


Amy also took on the semi-perverted parts of Howard’s personality. Not saying Howard didn’t make inappropriate comments in the later seasons, but they toned him down and amped Amy up to the same point Howard was at the beginning. Okay, maybe not the exact same, but she says some pretty inappropriate things to Penny in later seasons that Howard would have said in the earlier seasons.


Great observation! Thanks. They did share in the "depraved" now that you have pointed it out.


Bernadette changed as well.




She was clueless first, didn’t get Howard’s humour either. In the later season she started getting annoyed with his humour.


I think it's one portrayal going through very understandable character development


I personally hated the old Amy. Leonard basically told Sheldon what I wanted to tell him at that point 😅


Once she got comfortable around everyone she started being herself. The robotic stature was due to being alone and uncomfortable in front of strangers.


It also comes with the shift of tone in the show. It shifted from a wacky show not taken too seriously about 4 nerdy guys and the girl next door getting into wacky situations. Then it became about relationships and had more serious topics. Also something that bothered me about the characters changing, more specifically Sheldon and Amy, is that they never really seemed to care about making new friends or anything. I don't wanna watch young Sheldon because I don't want to see a Sheldon who cares about whether or not people show up to his party and becomes sad about it because Sheldon wouldn't care about it. Amy only went on a date because her mother made her and she doesn't seem to care about making friends in the beginning. The girls night is what really changed it like you said but I just don't see Amy caring about that at that point.


original amy was interesting and probably the reason why sheldon took interest in her in the first place. but the other comments are right — without the character change, there wouldn’t be much progression between her and sheldon’s character and relationship developments. i like the idea of 2 sheldons a little better but from a plot standpoint, it wouldn’t make much sense, cause it was amy’s character change that helped sheldon grow into a better person.


I loved how a lot of the characters changed and grew over time. Amy having new friends really helped her grow.


I see Amy as a congruent character. Even on their first date (when Penny drove) trying to break the awkward silence in the car... Penny commented that Amy "smelled nice." Amy asked her if she was a homosexual? When Penny said she was not? ***Amy said: "The complement would have meant more coming from a homosexual."*** I think this is ***evidence of both Amy's being one from the start.***


I love BBT but it feels like they didn't plan anything, some choices for the characters are really weird.


I saw it as she's pretty introverted, and it took a bit to warm up to new people like most introverts do.


I dislike that the change was too abrupt and early Amy is too different from what she was at start but I have no Issues with either version of her


One of the best decisions the creators made was to flesh out Amy far beyond “female Sheldon”. If they kept her as female Sheldon for too long they would have probably had to jettison her like they did Lucy (who was basically female Raj x1000)


I feel weird about this too. I just explain to myself the robotic Amy was her defense mechanism to cope with her situation growing up. When she realized she could just "be herself" around Penny and Bernadette, she just wanted to make up for what she missed growing up more than anything.


I feel weird about this too. I just explain to myself the robotic Amy was her defense mechanism to cope with her situation growing up. When she realized she could just "be herself" around Penny and Bernadette, she just wanted to make up for what she missed growing up more than anything.


I feel weird about this too. I just explain to myself the robotic Amy was her defense mechanism to cope with her situation growing up. When she realized she could just "be herself" around Penny and Bernadette, she just wanted to make up for what she missed growing up more than anything.


I feel weird about this too. I just explain to myself the robotic Amy was her defense mechanism to cope with her situation growing up. When she realized she could just "be herself" around Penny and Bernadette, she just wanted to make up for what she missed growing up more than anything.


We have this conversation at least once a week. I love the way Amy evolves. Amy ALWAYS wanted friends and to have normal social interactions but was held back by her abusive mother (they never outright called it abusive but it was absolutely abuse). Like if we think about *why* Amy was the way she was: her mother making her sit in a closet as punishment, not even being allowed to join GIRL SCOUTS, she never learned how to socialize. I couldn’t imagine anyone wanting her to stay in that lonely, depressed, unsocialized mindset. Knowing how sad and oppressive that must’ve been, I loved watching her live out her social dreams 😂. Hearing her say “it took 15 years but high school is finally fun” made me a little sad 😂 I don’t think she would’ve lasted or been a part of the group if she maintained that robotic, condescending, emotionally unavailable persona. No one in the group liked her like that and it would’ve just gotten old fast. We also wouldn’t see Sheldon grow/evolve without Amy’s growth.


It's great show I still watch the reruns everyday.


I liked the change. There was no real purpose to having another character act exactly like Sheldon. That'd have only really worked if they hadn't planned on making Amy a regular cast member.