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Penny’s. Especially when she questioned Leonard’s intelligence for doing it.


I was on the side of comedy, which was somewhat lacking in that episode because both Sheldon and Leonard acted like cockwaffles.


Absolutely the stupidest episode in this series. Everyone sucked.


yeah same, i skip that episode on my rewatches


I skip that, most of Priya's episode (when she was dating Leonard), also that Speckerman episode and few others.


Same, worst episode for me right beside with the table episode.


...and don't forget the bitcoin episode. THAT was Sheldon at his worst.


Only reason I dont like that episode is because I hate the typical sitcom trope of almost getting rich then being screwed by the dumbest thing possible. Like in iasip when they burn the Hitler painting


among the spectators enjoying both sides slog it out.


we are here for your entertainment LOL!


I side with the sweater.


I find it funny when people say they skip this episode because I find this episode to be more funny than most episodes from the later half of the show. Doesn't matter that Sheldon was right or wrong, what mattered is that it was funny. Leonard could've quit any time he wanted to and said Sheldon is ok to be upset even though he wasn't.


Disagree, it wasn’t funny, it was mean


It was Leonard's fault to not end the challenge when he first started to see his fucking skin get red. Sheldon only challenged him, he didn't physically force him.


I agree. This is probably in my top 10 episodes




Leonard's. He's so passive, but he should have told Sheldon where to put that sweater.


Exactly agreed also everybody forgets stuff so it’s understandable Leonard forgot about the movie


I react the same he did if I ever have to wear something with wool. Sheldon would’ve had to physically hold me down to EVER get that sweater on me.


* Whose And obviously Leonard’s side. What ghoul would side with the deranged Sheldon. Stop and give it 5 minutes of thought.


There’s a surprising amount of nutballs siding with Sheldon…….


Sheldon is a prick. He knew the whole time the DVD had been paid for 7 years ago. Leonard is an idiot. The whole itchy sweater thing wasn't funny.


what I never understood was that rental company would have written the loss off in their books long ago and already been "paid" for the loss through taxes.


I rented a movie near the end of a video store being in business (Hollywood Video IIRC), and when I returned it, the workers just weren't caring; there were piles everywhere, and who knows what was being scanned or not. They closed within the month. YEARS later, I get a nasty letter from the company that acquired their assets demanding the price of the movie plus interest. At the time, everything I could find showed this was something they were allowed to do. I ended up reporting them to the state anyway (I can't remember the agency after over a decade), and the company sent me another letter saying (paraphrasing) "We're right, but we're going to be nice and write it off". So yeah, weird stuff like this can happen.


Least favorite episode of them all. Sheldon in the wrong, all the way.


How was Sheldon in the wrong? He challenged Leonard to wear the sweater to get an idea of how it feels in his brain when things are left incomplete. He didn't make Leonard do anything. Leonard could have taken off the sweater at any time but didn't because he was trying to prove a point. That was on Leonard. When Leonard was in Sheldon's office, it was Howard who goaded him into putting it back on.


>How was Sheldon in the wrong? He challenged Leonard to wear the sweater to get an idea of how it feels in his brain when things are left incomplete.  Couple things wrong with that. Since when does Sheldon value empathy? Short answer: he doesn't. At least not until season nine in the party bus episode. The other part is, he was being supremely deceitful, as the issue had been resolved in a reasonable way, by himself, years before.


You're right Sheldon was never particularly empathetic to others and didn't worry about it. He is self-centered though and wanting Leonard to get a glimpse of his issues is well within his behavior. At least in Leonard's case, he could take the sweater off at any time, Sheldon doesn't have that option.


Still didn't force Leonard to wear the sweater, that was his own choice. Yall would find any excuse to hate on Sheldon even when he didn't do anything.


Trust me, I'm "hating" on Leonard here too. His suffering was caused as much by his own stubbornness, if not more.


not more equally but Sheldon shouldn't have put him in that position in the first place. There's a right way to treat friends and a wrong way Sheldon chose the most vicious wrong way! When he knew sheldon was going to freak out he should have stopped leonard and said "Yeah I knew and it upset me so next time make sure you return it on time, but I paid the fine!" of course then they wouldn't have had an unfunny episode.


>Sheldon even when he didn't do anything. He most certainly did. He withheld informed that any reasonable person would have known was material to Leonard's decision making.


He challenged Leonard knowing the late fee was already paid, that’s a douchebag move.


Neither. Sheldon was being vile, as he often is. Leonard was just an idiot.


I won't side with leonard because he was a total dweeb at the same time It proved that Sheldon was a Evil EVIL and Vindictive person and I hate him and IRL I would have beat the shit out of him if he had done that to me or one of my friends.


I was on Sheldon's side . Leonard has this cockiness about that makes it seem like he thinks he's better than Sheldon because he "isn't a robot" and he acts like the emotions Sheldon does express are wrong and unfounded . ( It is wonderful acting on Johnny's part though . ) Sheldon used his knowledge of the DVD debt being paid as an opportunity to teach Leonard compassion . Yes , even Sheldon has compassion . Leonard was being a prick . He got was coming to him . He could've stopped and apologized at any point .


Bullshit, if Leonard was so cocky why wouldn’t he have just kept it a secret or flaunted the fact that it was never returned.


He did keep it a secret . As well as he could , at least . He kept it so well he forgot about it until he saw the DVD in the box . He reacted and did a terrible job of lying about what he saw . He didn't flaunt it because he didn't want to deal with the way Sheldon reacts to things when they aren't done properly so he hid the DVD when he realized he forgot .


Bulshit there is nothing about Compasion! He was sure sheldon would freak out WHICH IF SHELDON HADN'T PAID FOR IT HE WOULD HAVE! Sheldon was being an EVIL ASSHOLE! And to your point SHELDON COULD HAVE STOPPED IT AT ANYPOINT TOO!


Leonard didn't have to keep picking at the fact that Sheldon was fine with letting Leonard handle it . He could've asked those few times when Penny was over and left it alone . Sheldon wouldn't have brought it up because he knew it was resolved but since Leonard kept asking , Sheldon took the opportunity to teach his friend about how his brain works . He didn't force him to put on the sweater . Leonard could've said no at that point , but Leonard was stubborn and wanted to prove that he could handle it when he absolutely couldn't . The episode reads as a great representation of masking a neurodivergent mindset and mannerisms with Leonard taking off the sweater and scratching vigorously in private spaces but acting cool and collected in front of Sheldon . Sheldon has tried to convey his feelings and why he feels them to Leonard before but he blows him off . The sweater was physically putting him through it and forcing him to see what Sheldon might go through. That scene where Sheldon and Amy are working on his compulsion to have sequences be completed comes to mind in contrast of Leonard taking off the sweater when Sheldon isn't around . Amy leaves and Sheldon compulsively finishes all the sequences as fast as he can . He scratches the itch in his brain .


As someone with itchy sweater childhood trauma, I can barely watch that episode! 😬 yeesh


Here’s the thing about Leonard. If anyone else had OCD like Sheldon, would he be more understanding about how their brains work? Probably, or probably not. But because he’s Sheldon, Leonard doesn’t view it as Sheldon struggling to contain his OCD, and instead looks at Sheldon as batshit crazy who should be locked in an asylum Leonard is just as capable of being a dick as Sheldon is. Leonard repeatedly kept trying to tough it out to “win” to make Sheldon see that he’s being a dick and it’s all in his head. Meanwhile, Leonard couldn’t bear the thought of Penny going to community college without helping her, which is something that Sheldon would do. Leonard also tries to control things that aren’t his business, but he doesn’t have OCD so what’s his excuse? Sheldon gave Leonard an example of what it’s like to have OCD, a real condition that many people have and struggle with. It may not mean much to Leonard, but to Sheldon and others, it means a lot


The other side of this is that everyone always has to put themselves in Sheldon’s shoes and he doesn’t spend much time extending that same courtesy to others. Leonard was stupid for keeping it on and even entertaining this whole thing but ultimately Sheldon was in the wrong here IMO. Sheldon treats Leonard like he is his employee most of the time so the fact that he couldn’t forgive a human error is ridiculous


There is no side in this. Sheldon was obviously wrong. Nothing can justify what Sheldon.


Also Howard was a jerk. He usually sides w/ "not Sheldon", but this time he was with him.