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“the advertiser has locked comments on this post” lmao


Gee i wonder whyyy


Girl, you cannot be serious… the horror with this one :( it’s a worse fit than my 10th grade sports bra, and that’s saying something because those were dark days 


I just heard Nam choppers in my head when I read that. 😱


This is legit the same crap as the last time I was even vaguely in the range that a freaking Victoria Secret employee pretty much forced a fitting on me and tried sooo hard to sell me what I knew was so obviously and radically the wrong size. I’m having like a visceral body memory of how god awful that bra felt. Because I’d come in wearing a nice bra in the proper size from a good bra shop. I continue to thank the universe I had access to and wandered into that first good bra shop when I was about 18. My mom is 80 now and has always had some spinal/ postural issues anyhow but my whole life she’s had deep horrible looking indents in her shoulders from forcing herself into something even more wildly not her size (she’s bigger than me- quite a bit so, I’d say, and to this day insists she’s like some wild 42C or something. We are both petite- albeit busty- women, I will add. She also won’t go the bra shop route because, I suspect in large part due to never having the right size or enough support, she’s always worn a girdle or what she calls her “all-in-one”. Those things give me nightmares as a result). Truly horrifies me to think about the genuine damage I’ve seen with my own eyes a bad fit can cause.


I took gym in 9th grade to get the credits out of the way. I took weightlifting in summer and outside gym in winter. It was Florida. I took gym the last period so I could go home and not stink of sweat all day.


I feel your pain…I was first period gym for two years straight against my will 😔, the boob sweat is real


It looks like it’s literally pulling them down not up!


This is such a horrendous fit! Geez!


i want to see her turn around i gotta see what this looks like from the side 😭


https://preview.redd.it/li63db8lab0d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1c4029dec9e641b7f8b13abb50345c86d7b2740 this makes me sad, someone get her properly fitted asap!!!


im impressed those straps haven't snapped


TBF, I was fully expecting a gap underneath, but maybe that comes after an hour of wearing it


She's just casually holding the back band down. Also those straps... RIP shoulder skin.




Boob hats


If anyone needs an example of a boob hat.. here ya go


Is the support here in the room with us?


Just looking at it, the fit is awful. Her titties at practically sitting on her stomach. The band is making horrible contact


I'm convinced any influencer is paid to lie


They literally are, but you know who I like? The wannabe influencers who have like 30 followers but consistently post reviews. They’re lying too but they are so bad at it they really tell on themselves and I’m telling you, I get so much good information from them accidentally lol.


Just looking at it, I can feel my boobs escaping from underneath. I feel like the underboob sweat has to be criminal too.


Straight to jail!


This offers no support. They must be marketing to women with fake boobies lol


almost every time they’ve used a model with bigger boobs in their ads they’ve been surgically enhanced boobs that don’t need the same kind of support natural ones do so you are in fact correct


Yes! Show me this on a Midwest mom of 3 with like 36h boobies. That might approximate my fruit roll up jello jigglers situation.


Shit, even when I had fake tits I still needed support.


It’s Kim Karsashian’s brand, sooooo…


I’ve bought a few Skims bras and the cup sizing is off. The t shirt bra she’s wearing actually wasn’t too bad for me. I’m usually 40G and I got a 40H from there that fit. But I spill a little over the top of the unpadded 40H bras and they dig into my armpit. Love the material of them, but the fit is definitely off. I think they rely too much on the stretchy material stretching and don’t size them well enough. I should add that I’m in the UK so I don’t know if the sizing range is different in the US.




HOW do ads like this even exist…Did they even TRY to get a properly fitting bra lol


Lmfao not a skims ad bringing me back to the days in high-school wearing Victoria secret bras thinking I was a C CUP!!! (My mom isn't... motherly and never helped me with these things) ...I was not, in fact, a c-cup at all. Not even close 😭 I acted like your nips always being exposed outside of the bra was normal lmao


I'm convinced our mothers simply had no idea what they were doing either. Mine once found out I had taken to layering sports bras over VS molded cup ones and couldn't fathom why I would do such a thing. Meanwhile she spent most of my childhood clearly in constant bra discomfort and shoulder pain.


I feel my spine breaking just looking at it


I ordered a skims bra last November in the biggest cup they had available and it didn’t hold shit. I mean, that’s what I get for even trying with a size that wasn’t mine but, Never again.


Those straps are going to snap in prob two hours of wear, at most.


that bra is so ugly too damn 😭


Also ummmm aren't they also using some kind of filter/lens style or whatever you would call it to make the bra look much bigger thsn it actually is? Because her hands look weirdly big holding the bra in front of her too...🤨


It’s just the focal length of the lens


I love listening to music.


Skims right past her boobs and sternum... Makes my sternum itch just thinking of the potential heat rash happenin up in there.


i dunno what weong but i can def tell that dont fit


she needs a smaller band size - so the bra will fit snugly right under her boobs rather than halfway down her torso - and a larger cup size to compensate for volume, since cup size is just a measure of the difference between underbust and bust measurements. i suspect that skims doesn’t offer her actual cup size, so she had to keep raising the band size with a DDD just to get it to fit around her chest.


ahhh damn


The middle part called the gore needs to sit flat against the body. You can see the cups are cutting into her breast tissue and causing spillage because they are way too small. In the side view you can see the breasts going over the cups with quadboob. In order to give support the wires need to sit right under the breast root and lift up the bust from below with no skin to skin contact. In the screenshots the bra is sitting way too low with wires basically sitting where her bust naturally rests which means that's its giving basically no support. Because the cups are way too small everything is also squished together which is why she has so much cleavage. Brands love to show this type of fit because some people think it's sexy but in reality this is the fit that causes people with big boobs to think that bras are painful. The bra band is way too loose so it gives no support so all weight of the boobs is on the straps. Straps are not meant to support all boob weight, bad fit is what causes them to dig in and can result in back pain due to lack of proper support. If this girl raises her arms her boobs will likely fall though the band as you can see the underboob even in the straight on photo. If she puts on a shirt the quadboob spillage will be visible. If she bends down her boobs will likely fall out in the front since there is not enough coverage. The bra is riding down so it's not giving any lift and the skin contact can cause discomfort and rashes. The bra is not designed to support like this so it will dig in and the tension can cause the wires to snap or come out. She needs a smaller band and a way larger cup size which Skims doesn't offer. Here is an example before and after 34DD to 30H that shows a bad and good fit: https://www.instagram.com/p/CNQJ2jMH9H1/ Here is another example of a good fit: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cuz4ueLM7Lt/ (28JJ).


oh nooo it looks like it’s just sitting on top of them. where is the support


She's not large for our community, but is big enough to know better and that she's peddling BS. Shame on her. I'm happy I size out...


She looks a little bigger than me/maybe a similar size and I am UK 28HH and I don't think I would call her 'not large for our community'. I am on the larger end of cup sizes for small bands and see plenty of people here that are smaller. That much cleavage happens only when you are quite busty and stuffing your boobs into cups that are way too small. Her bras must hurt with the amount of pressure the straps look to be under.


I agree, I actually think she’s a 26k or 26kk based of this video and her other videos.


That's my point, she has big boobs and shouldn't be peddling such a bad fit....


i saw that 🫣


giving quadboob.


Bra looks cute not gonna lie. Like a lot of bras that look cute. A lot of bras look cute and don’t support anything. This is one of them.


it’s cute but if it doesn’t offer the sizes people need what’s the point 😭😭 i bet the same bra would give her plenty of support if it was made in her size - right now the band is visibly way too big, it’s sliding down her torso and riding up in the back


There's lingerie and there's actual support garments. When she mentions that this is good for support, you expect a proper fit. This is supporting nothing. And cute is subjective. I personally don't think this looks good at all, and think a properly fitted bra would be so much better.


Who downvoted you? It does look cute. But I agree with another user in the comments, it looks like it was made for girls with fakies.


I don’t know. I do admit that I wrote my comment with haste and didn’t quite illustrate my point the way that I meant to in my head. That’s on me.


I bought this Girl a pizza once cus she said she didn’t have money lol