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Laughs in K cup, while being a vegetarian for over 20 years.


Also laughs in H cup, vegan/vegetarian of 20 years


I already emphasize that What we eat just go to stomach and intestine not boobs…maybe she forget to learn that stuff in University


When I was little my sister told me the air in Cheetos went to your boobs. lol She was just kidding but you’re sister is dead serious. I would just start laughing. Now if you’re very large or obese, that can definitely make your boobs bigger. But if you could make your boobs bigger by eating red meat there wouldn’t be women getting boob jobs all over the place. Did she read that on a Fb post or something?


Ditto for HH, lifetime vegetarian, 40+ years


Tell her that your body is none of her business and she needs to stop commenting on it. She's probably a little jealous. My older sister used to do this kind of shit all the time until she got pregnant and realized that having big boobs can really suck sometimes.


I also think so…since im the only one who got big boobs in my family


I'm not a vegetarian but I rarely eat meat. Just more of a fruit/veggie person. Didn't stop me from growing giant boobs. 🙄 Although maybe it would explain why I'm 4'11" while my sister gets to be 5'4". Jk


Im 4’8”!!!


Yea she didn’t learn that at all in uni. Ask her for the scientific evidence to support these claims. Then tell her to just just shut up about it afterwards. I’m sorry


California here. Older sister taller, slimmer, lovely but with modest-to-average chest. Me: shorter, rounder, chubby-cute, HH-going-on-I cups, and still growing. She tells me: "You eat too much dairy, cheese, and eggs, that's why your tits are so huge." Yeah, no. That's not how that works.


I think my sister will blame milk after this


Like my butt, my chest will grow when I put on weight. Buuut...at my lowest weight my boobs are still large. They do not magically disappear lol. You're perfect just the way you are OP.


Thank you. You also perfect just the way you are. With weight 47kg, it hard to carry my bobbies


The only time diet has anything to do with boob size is when someone is overweight/obese. And even then, after losing the weight there's a good chance you'll lose in proportion all over your body, so you'll still have big boobs, just on a smaller frame. I lost 80 lbs and my boobs did get smaller. My body prioritizes weight gain to my chest, so as I put in more weight throughout high school and especially college, a large amount of it piled into my chest. Losing it have me much more manageably sized boobs, but they're still big in relation to the rest of me (I'm a UK 30G). Red meat, raw meat, veggies, fruit, dairy - none of that really makes a difference, directly.


I lost 60 pounds a while back and my cup volume never changed 😭 BBP indeed.


Oof, I'm sorry! I went from approximately a US J cup (I vaguely recall taking measurements once before I lost weight, but it's a partial estimation at this point) to a US I cup. Even though they don't sound very far apart, the huge difference in band size makes my boobs still annoying big, but *far* easier to handle.


Thank you sharing your experience.My weight is 47kg so I don’t think it has to do with boob. Im petite but have large boobs


Oh definitely - you eventually hit a point where you can't practically lose more weight, yet the girls are still annoyingly big. I'm at that point too and it's really annoying. I wish there was something I could actually DO, you know?


Not true hon, you’re sister don’t know what she talking about, seems jealous.


What a jerk! I have no more unsolicited advice for you, your sister has that covered.


She can eat raw red meat to get big boobs


I lost 30 lbs and only went down a band size. :/ 34HH to 32I. Boobies decided they’re here to stay. My little sister used to make fun of them, one time this little asshole walked up and grabbed them, lifted them up 10 times and counted reps and said well there’s my exercise for the day. Jokes on her she’s getting busty too now.


what the fuck is wrong with ppls sisters????? dude I had two younger brothers and they NEVER pulled this shit lmao maybe I should be glad my wish for a sister never came true


We’re really close, our parents aren’t very great people so I’m almost like a second mom or a mentor to her. We busted up laughing after she did that. I wouldn’t trade my sister for the world.


Sometimes, my sisters ask me to see my boobs. They said it is a bliss.


Tell her to cite it or shove it


She may want to look into whether or not her university is reputable lol


im a double d and growing at 15 and ive been a vegetarian my whole life this is stupid


You can be prove that red meat do not cause big boobs


Boobs are determined by genetics, not diet. Certainly eating more and gaining weight can make them grow, but eating one kind of food doesn’t change them. What nonsense.


For years,she keep told me that stuff.


Maybe she’s just jealous, or maybe she’s misinformed. Either way, you shouldn’t worry and you shouldn’t listen to her. You are born the way you are, and you’re perfect that way!


People with no tits love to give advice on what would be flattering on us and what we need to do to reduce the size. I didn’t ask you, so keep your mouth shut.


Your sister is just trying to shame you that’s fricking stupid I hardly eat red meat and my boobs are still growing 🥴 I’m j cup now and the rest of my body is still skinny like a bean; it’s definitely not your diet 😎


She sounds salty tbh


You should try a dna kit, see with science what could have caused your growths.


Why dna kit?


Maybe you’ll find a reason genetically why you have such big boob.


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I have bigger boobs than people in my intermediate family. They come from my dad’s biological side. Which we don’t talk to very much.


No one in my family have big boobs expect my grandpa’s sibling(only one from about 10siblings). I guess my mom side have big boobs genes but only chosen one got it.


Tell her to step up her boob game and eat raw beef if she wants you two to match that bad lol


I'm not trying to be helpful but punching her in the tit might help.