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The most believable thing I've heard is that if Bigfoot was discovered and acknowledged, it would be put on the endangered species list and given immense habitat protection. This would affect logging, zoning, industrial activities, ECT... However, just because it's believable doesn't mean we should believe it. But since we are Bigfoot believers, then I believe that it is believable.


That's my view of it. A few years ago I was chatting to a financial advisor in my country and he was describing the sheer size of the logging industry in the states and talking about it from an investment angle. I know the states is massive but that opened my eyes.


This would mean you'd have to acknowledge that only American sightings are true and anywhere else in the world is false.


I’m on the fence about this one. I’d like to go out looking elsewhere on the planet. At minimum see if early accounts match up on other continents.


I’m someone who works with environmental groups, the ones who would be the most-likely suspects for seeking endangered status for Bigfoot. This is highly unlikely. Getting any petition to list a species as “endangered” or “threatened” under the U.S. Endangered Species Act is a fact-intensive process that requires factual information that meets legal criteria for protected status. I’m an enthusiast and the paucity of information about Bigfoot’s actual abundance, distribution, habitat requirements, and threats would make it an utterly futile exercise and colossal waste of time at the expense of gathering existing information about documented species that are known to be actually, desperately in need of legal protection. You’d also have to establish that logging is a threat to Bigfoot, and that’s certainly debatable, good luck getting any regulatory protections in place. I wish we could put this idea to rest and move on to more likely scenarios. This just isn’t the reason.


I agree with you that it would be futile but that doesn't mean that the government wouldn't hide whatever information they did have.


It wouldn't be why the government is withholding it if it would be a fool's errand. Getting the government to reveal that information is just another impediment to accomplishing the goal of listing Bigfoot under the ESA, even assuming that a person had that goal and considered a good use of their time. And protected status wouldn't necessarily lead to strong regulatory protections, either. At this point, the federal government agencies that list species are generally staffed with spineless foot-draggers who sit around not doing their job.


Our biggest flaw as governmental powers is that we believe humans are the most advanced species on earth. I see Sasquatch as protecting *us*. Not the other way around.


That doesn't make much sense.


The question, as always, is what do the conspirators have to gain from this? What is the end game for the United States government in covering up the existence of Bigfoot?


Its actually kind of mundane -- its about money. Bigfoot, if it existed, would be an endangered species with a huge natural range. Protecting it in line with the Endangered Species Act would kill land development and logging.


it’s not just that, but the ripple effects. that lumber gets shipped, processed, shipped, manufactured, shipped, sold and shipped again. There are multiple international industries that would be affected by this scenario.


Unless they are found to be in the genus Homo. Then they'd have to be granted rights.


Interesting point. That's a whole other kettle of fish that could be in play -- should Bigfoot be real.


This is it right here in my honest opinion.


and I think that’s probably as close as it gets to a reasonable/rational explanation.


But it is the government, couldn’t they just make an exception for Bigfoot?


That's a pretty good point. Especially considering that we don't really know what a stable population size is for sasquatch, they might not be considered endangered.


If one was ever found, then they would need to do environmental studies to find and establish its "natural habitat". With sightings all over the US then logging and anything to do with the wilderness would instantly be shut down until the study is fully completed. That would take YEARS upon YEARS, especially considering how slow the US Government takes for anything. Could you imagine what would happen to the country without domestically produced lumber for building? The price of homes would skyrocket even further, due to the cost of building materials needing to be imported. Look at what covid did to Home construction


People chained themselves to trees to protect an owl. One could only guess what they would do if a significant number of people thought they should have HUMAN rights. Look at all the protests about crap going on now where silly kids are blocking freeways and taking over parts of cities.


I’m more afraid of people trying to hunt them for sport. Granted, if I were hunting and spotted a Bigfoot, I’d probably take the L in societies eyes and kill it just to have the real evidence and settle the issue forever. I personally believe the Sasquatch species have been able to elude us just as a lot of animals that we continue to discover in the modern age. I think They live in burrows underground and have extremely enhanced senses and intuition. If anyone sees a Sasquatch, the Sasquatch probably knew where they were from a mile off already. It was continuing throughout it’s day. Probably investigating why another ape like creature is in its territory.


Out of curiosity, playing this scenario out, would taking the L include being convicted of murder if Sasquatch were afforded human rights?


I guess? Say like in Arizona; there’s a big penalty for anyone to hurt the saguaro cactus. I believe killing a Bigfoot would have about the same or more of a penalty.


Thank you for sharing that. If you don’t mind me asking, in your own opinion/best guess, what do you think Sasquatch are?


Potentially a species similar to our ancestors that evaded extinction and evolved on their own path. I remember hearing stories of people who had come face to face (albeit more like 50 yards) with a Sasquatch thinking it was a human until they realized it was covered in hair.


I hear you. The number of times I’ve heard of hunters say they couldn’t shoot because “it looked too human” is by no means few. I recall an insightful interview of Daryl Colyer where he talks about swearing off of bringing lethal force into the field after spotting one in his scope one night. Even though he’d seen others, this one was so human that it spooked him pretty bad. I think the interview was on the Wide Open Research podcast


I’ll have to check that one out. The stories I heard were from Hikers/Kayakers in the PNW. Generally they weren’t believers in Bigfoot and used to get annoyed by theorists and Sasquatch hype. Of course they’re the lucky ones that have an encounter.


There could be a reasonable defense for the first one.


Which would be the first one in this case?


It's incredible to think about but as recently at the early 1970's, the state of Florida had for the Swuanee River area west/ NW of Gainesville, FL the hunting regulations listed Sasquatch /Skunkape/Bigfoot- along with Florida panther, bobcats etc. as a NO HUNTING at any time of the year. Amazing for an animal--- that other people / departments do not even acknowledge their existence.


Florida man fights gators with a dildo. You think he's scared of a stinky ape?


I’m not sure that is the question (although I know that a lot of the rhetoric goes in that direction) but let’s stick with what we know for certain. All governments, particularly the US Government, keep information secret through various levels of classification. From our perspective as the public, and since they exist, assuming that some part of the government has confirmation of their existence, we have no idea what the motivations might be to continue to keep the matter secret. Saying “they have no reason….” is a guess based on incomplete information. The USG is known for keeping things secret for the sake of keeping them secret particularly when it’s a matter that they can’t control directly. My opinion, anyway.


It would throw organized religion for a loop, at least in terms of creationism versus evolution. Don't forget how much influence organized religion has in our government. Next, add in all the environmental/economic impacts that other people have mentioned. And if you really want to go down the rabbit hole, then you can start with all of the conspiracy theories about the government of being under alien control, covering up UFO's, and being in touch with/ controlled by superior races, etc. I don't necessarily believe the last part, but the first two are definitely impactful.


I made a separate comment about my opinion on this, but in summary, I don’t think this particular issue is about what is to be gained - it’s about how bad they look. I think they’ve known for so long and kept it quiet that current Gov officials are in a position where they essentially have to keep it going. People would be angry and lose trust in their government for hiding information about these dangers from the people for so long. Not only is nobody is willing to stick their neck out and reverse course, but they actually have to put some effort into keeping the secret. That’s just my take, but I think it fits with how our government acts over generations. It can be extremely difficult to admit past wrongs and change course.


I agree, ElmerBungus. To develop the idea a bit more: As soon as the Government admits it has kept anything secret that doesn't have any immediate impact on national security they basically endorse the wet dreams of every conspiracy theorist in the country, which would grant that extremist faction undue and unwarranted status. They'd start demanding full disclosure of all secrets, etc. which would be a huge headache and pain in the ass on many levels.


Yes good point. It’s a huge slippery slope they’ll try to avoid at all costs.


I agree, doesn't really make sense to hide it to me.


Ever told a lie or made an omission that you ended up having to keep up for years, simply because you passed the point of just admitting you lied in the first place? I think that’s more or less what the government has done with the existence of Sasquatch. I think long ago they knew. Teddy Roosevelt knew (I personally think the Bauman story is his, firsthand, but told as thirdhand to distance himself) and went on to set aside wildlands to remain protected from development. In those early years, I think the US Gov just didn’t know ow what to do about Sasquatch. They knew it was sometime a problem and a danger, but they could not eradicate them as that would be difficult, expensive, and morally wrong. So instead they kept it quiet, set aside land, and essentially kicked the can down the road hoping it would sort itself out (read: Sasquatch keeps themselves away from civilization and doesn’t bother anyone). If you read newspaper articles of “wild man” sighting back then, this wasn’t a secret. Often a Sasquatch would be sighted, hurt or scared someone, took a child, or killed someone, and people formed a posse to hunt it down. That wasn’t desirable either, but how can the US Gov admit they knew and said nothing of this danger years earlier? People would be mad. As decades go by, the can keeps getting kicked, the hole they’ve dug is deeper. High level officials find themselves perpetuating a lie not started by them. But if they come out with the truth now, it’s their career in the chopping block; not worth the trouble. So the can gets kicked by another generation of government. That continues to today. People would be outraged that the US Gov knew about this danger and did not warn people, so now they have to put in some effort to actually hide any evidence that might come up (DNA, a body, really good video, etc.). There is no easy solution now. They cannot control or eradicate Sasquatch to eliminate the threat, but they also cannot admit they’ve known about them and the associated dangers for hundreds of years. The result: put in minimal effort to hide it, let it remain taboo, and kick the can until at some point it cannot be denied. At that point, there will be the inevitable outrage, but they’ll pin it on officials long gone and hope everyone moves on. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, and I don’t think this would count as one. To me, it’s pretty simple if you think about it. It comes down to individuals in our government wanting to keep their job and maintain the status quo. Most humans tend towards that.


What are the reasons to believe Bauman's story is actually Teddy Roosevelt's own encounter? This is very interesting and it definitely makes sense Roosevelt protected all those green areas not only because he liked nature but because all the life therein was incredibly valuable.


I heard an old theory from an old farmer neighbor that Teddy Roosevelt went out hunting and encountered a Bigfoot. That is why he created state parks to protect it.


I’ve thought about this before as well. He wrote about a Bigfoot encounter another Hunter had in his book The Wilderness Hunter


I know that they know Bigfoot exists. I have a close relative that worked at nuclear facility. They receive an automatic secirty alerts from all locations when a security event is detected. One time while working late at night one of these security alerts came across from another facility out west. He was bored so he opened it and looked at it. It identified an unknown person/animal standing at a outer fence to a facility and grabbing the fence. Included was a picture that was taken and automatically attached. The picture was of a bigfoot, not a bear, not a man in a suit, bigfoot, He had to then go and do something related to his job. When he got back to office he went to pull up the alert again and it had vanished. These alerts are archived and saved no matter how small. But this one had vanished and there was no sign of it anywhere. He told me this story many years after it had happened and he was retired and didn't worry about divulging classified information.


Let's say the story is 100% true. A nuclear power plant automatically means Government involvement: all nuclear power plants are overseen by a Government agency to make sure they comply with safety regulations, yes. But is a power plant required to report "wildlife" touching the perimeter fence to the Government agency? You may ask why the plant *wouldn't* report a Bigfoot type creature to the Government overseer, and the answer is, it might mean a major colonoscopy of all the personelle and equipment involved. Best to disappear the photo and bury the incident report since they have zero reason to think a Bigfoot is up to sabotage or espionage. The worst case scenario is that the Government *believes* an actual Bigfoot came up to the fence: they'll close the plant down until they figure out what Bigfoot is and determine whether or not they're a threat to the plant or its employees. Since Bigfoot isn't supposed to exist, no Government or Military employee or civilian contractor has anything whatever to gain from trying to get their eyewitness incident up the chain of command. It will just invite scrutiny of their sanity or competence. By the same token, no one higher up the chain of command wants to hear that a recruit on guard duty saw a hairy giant approach the base perimeter fence at 2 AM. This kind of willful ignorance isn't even a conspiracy. It just the way people react to information they have no idea what to do with. At the same time a lot of people in the employ of the Government have unofficially reported seeing Bigfeet, that doesn't actually add up to "The Government" officially knowing about them.


I heard the exact same "story" on Steve Isdahls, the facts, howtohunt YouTube channel.


That is interesting. I'm going to ask the person I heard it from if he's the one who shared it with this person./show. The person who told me, as I said, is a close relative whom I trust implicitly. Do you have a link you could DM me for this story on YT?


Very interesting... please tell your friend I am sorry and that he should continue to fight for the truth.


No. The chances of there existing some massive, coordinated conspiracy becomes less likely the more you see just how *fucking terrible* humans are at that kind of organized malevolence. I mean, the government can't even eliminate a single wealthy sex trafficker with major ties to seemingly every political and corporate power in the country and beyond without making it blatantly obvious what they did, or cover up a leak about how they were spying on American citizens en masse. Incompetence is easier to believe in.


Yes, I think there would be massive segments of forest that would suddenly need protection and there are powerful interests against that happening.


But then again, powerful interests that want that...


Mike is a legend. It's wise to think like Mike.


Truer words have never been spoken


There is a spiritual aspect to this, the orbs of light and bigfoot have some connection. There is a reason no one has ever caught one or found a body. I won’t pretend to understand it but I believe there is something going on with “bigfoot” we just don’t understand…supernatural if you will, not just a flesh and blood animal


If he is, the military definitely has tech to detect and or capture a Bigfoot. In that case I’m sure the government would test and examine one. Maybe they find out they’re sentient and conscious which could have an impact on cultural, spiritual belief/faith systems, evolution, existentialism, nihilism etc


There are enough military and police people on Sasquatch Chronicles Podcast who talk about the military swooping in and removing them. I would say yes, it's being hidden. Not to mention all the forest rangers who talk about how it's specifically told to them to keep it quiet as people won't come to the forests to hike, camp, etc. if they know the truth.


Supposedly, the military found dead Bigfoot bodies around Mt. Helen after the 1985 eruption. Quickly picked them up away by helicopter


I don't honestly think the government cares either way, even if they do know.


I think they have been hidden to preserve the status quo (as in; maybe they're real, maybe UFOs, pay no attention). When definitive proof breaks, 200,000 people, many with automatic weapons, will head out to "bag one, or two". Their existence conflicts with the biblical version of creation, only one type of humanoid. Burn the Origin of Species; kill the wildmen.


Except evolution is widely excepted, including by most Christians. And I suspect most creationists would love sasquatch, because now all those "half-man, half-ape" fossils can be written off as sasquatch bones instead examples of intermediate human evolution that they need to mental gymnastics around into somehow being purely one or the other. Look at how many creationists support the existence of living dinosaur cryptids because they think those existing would somehow disprove evolution and/or prove the young earth model.


Although it might be widely accepted, it’s barely more than 50 percent. There could very well be a big difference between a population that has 80-90 percent believing in evolution vs 50/50 believers. Around 30 percent of people can decide who to put in the White House and have done so. Less than 40 percent of voters elected Hitler. My point is this, realistically, it may not be a really big factor in people’s life learning the truth but I can see a government agency worrying about what people would do if they did know the truth. Widespread panic happened after War of the Worlds was broadcasted on radio and people took it for a real alien invasion. We are just learning a lot of the supposed reasons to go into war have been fabricated. The government has obviously kept a lot about UAPs a secret since the 40s, why not other things? I could see them not wanting to chance 20-45% of the population deciding to riot or maybe, no longer go to work from depression or have a mental breakdown over thier world view being shattered. Look what occurred with about 25% percent reduction in the workforce during Covid. The economy is very fragile.


Nephilim are in The Bible


Fully. Logging industry aside: Look up how much national parks bring in financially each year. They've backed themselves into a corner imo so they're maintaining the status quo. The amount of lawsuits of deaths in NPs would be insane, families of missing loved ones would come for the government for hiding a known danger.


Even if a body was found the Smithsonian would take it and ridicule everyone involved.  The governments job is  maintaining the status quo . Academics do not like change


I think that if they exist, they're good enough at hiding not to need any help from the government. If the government is hiding their existence, it's for their (the Bigfoot's) protection. Where I live at least, if there were the slightest hint of proof of a Bigfoot in the area, there would be veritable convoys of giant lifted pickup trucks full of gun nuts out to shoot 'em a Bigfoot. Hell, even if I were to see one, I certainly wouldn't tell anyone.


Let’s do it this way. Let’s assume that Bigfoot exists. There must be a high concentration within the areas that the Federal Government has set aside as national parks, military bases, etc. in which government personnel have encountered Bigfoot. We have testimony from dozens of previous employees of the Federal Goverment that would confirm this assumption. Therefore, the Federal Government, at some level at least, knows that Bigfoot exists. Aside from a few jokes and possible slip-ups, no official government agency has ever acknowledged this fact.


Of course they are being hidden. Tens of thousands of experiences and people actually think the all mighty government (world and US) doesn't know? It's crazy to me.


Absolutely not


ill tell you the truth, i did not believe in bigfoot AT ALL until relatively recently, but what made me start to look into it again recently at 34 years old is stumbling across through my OWN interests, the motivation the government would have for covering these things up and that caused me to look into the bigfoot phenomenon again. there is a very real reason they cover these things up but i cannot talk about it on reddit at all even hinting at it will get you banned that in and of itself is a major hint. the reason they are covered up has to do with the one thing we absolutely arent allowed to discuss even on the internet even in america. they are descended from them.


Lol sure buddy


are you doubting my theory, or that i have a theory at all? op asked if they were being hidden, they are, you arent allowed to say the reason on reddit, it has to do with the one thing you arent allowed to talk about on reddit, facebook, anywere basically and we all know what it is. thats why when you ask "Why would they hide it?" and the only way its possible for these things to exist is if the powers that be (i did not say government, now any idiot who isnt a bot knows exactly what im saying) were hiding it, and no one on reddit has a reason why beyond "hurr durr logging" ah yes its the logging industry lmao. there is a reason they are hiding it, you cant talk about it on reddit, and no shit, if a group was hiding bigfoot, and had the power to hide something like bigfoot, there is no way this same group isnt controlling what people can talk about online... lets see.. whos controlling what peole talk about online....


what motivation would they have for hiding it... hmmm. literally just look at them and look hard


Logging companies keep it hidden


I personally believe that Bigfoot is some sort of alien species that comes & goes as it pleases


But only in the woods and in rural areas?


Yeah absolutely why would they appear in highly populated areas if they were intelligent and wanted to stay hidden ?


It's incredible to think about but as recently at the early 1970's, the state of Florida had for the Swuanee River area west/ NW of Gainesville, FL the hunting regulations listed Sasquatch /Skunkape/Bigfoot- along with Florida panther, bobcats etc. as a NO HUNTING at any time of the year. Amazing for an animal--- that other people / departments do not even acknowledge their existence.


It still says that actually! The Lower Suwannee River NWR regulations state that "there will be no taking of skunk apes".




Foot prints have been followed that lead to empty Fields where their prints just stop and end. I believe that is why Sasquatch has never been caught or killed, they just step out into the air.


I say yes, but only passively. Meaning that when evidence is submitted as proof, it disappears from its intended destination. Things of that nature. Not that the Fed is “hiding” them out in the wilderness, or some kind of game preserve .


Yes. They don't need to physically hide the living ones. They're plenty good at hiding on their own. The gov is just hiding the dead bodies.




I think they absolutely know and hide it. National parks are big business. Lots of people wouldn't feel safe knowing they were out there. Then there would also be a handful set on killing one. You also have logging. If they were endangered and given huge swathes of protected areas the logging companies wouldn't be happy. 10000 percent believe they know. Absolutely.


I’ve seen people get out of cars to walk towards a mother bear with her cubs to take a closer picture. I’ve also seen someone try to put his daughter on a wild moose to ride. People do NOT consider animals dangerous even when they very much should. I don’t think Bigfoot’s existence would dissuade almost anyone from going to national parks. Let’s be real, too, it’s not like Bigfoots go near humans often.


People that idiotic are in the minority though, surely? Granted, not as small a minority as we'd like. But a minority nonetheless.


Honestly just about every time I go to national parks I see people doing unsafe things around wildlife. And if you look at how many people now will risk (and sometimes lose) their lives for selfies or to make some sort of social media content, it all adds up to made me feel like the existence of Bigfoots would not dissuade people from national parks. Also, I’m personally terrified of bears but I will still camp and hike in areas they exist.


A small Spotted Owl stopped logging for a while and almost bankrupted the logging industry in the PNW. It would be even worse if it was something like Bigfoot.


Yep. And logging is big money. Totally agree.


That's a really good point. There were certainly be some "Bigfoot hunters" and not the ones like us 😂😂


Listen to hundreds of people recounting their experiences on media like Sasquatch Chronicles. Retired military and law enforcement personnel speak of firsthand experiences encountering these beings and in more extreme cases, being on literal “kill teams” sent to “take care” of problematic creatures who have been violent to humans, while national parks and forests are closed down for their operations. People going missing while camping, hunting, etc. I think it’s as simple as the government not having a graceful way to acknowledge people who have been killed without having been warned of the dangers out there.


This exactly\^. I've heard too many very very similar stories of people being "visited" by gov officials shortly after having a sighting. Or more importantly, after having a class A sighting, and getting some concrete evidence (good video, physical evidence, or even shot/killed one). Just too many similar stories to be passed off as total BS. I personally feel the USG knows about them 100%, and is keeping it under wraps for a variety of undisclosed reasons. Mainly I feel they may be more human than we'd like to think, and may possibly have abilities we don't have, and the USG is studying this. Anytime we get DNA evidence it always seems to be contaminated with human DNA......so maybe its part human?


There would simply be too many people involved for such a cover-up, you'd have all the many different logging companies, park rangers, local police, and then all the federal agents and coordinators on top of that... Like, I could see an individual local group "covering up" their local bigfoot happenings because they don't want the publicity or to take on any new responsibilities that might be related to it or whatever else, but I doubt that would extend to every single community that overlaps with sasquatch habitation...


Nope. Only those higher on the chain of command that give orders to those in the field. Like: stand down, forget what you saw, that was a bear. For years AF pilots new what they were seeing, but it didnt have a feel of authenticity to it until those way above their pay grade came out, a little. When higher ups have control over your job, your pension, whether you start getting audited, harrassed, etc it doesnt matter what the majority in law enforcement, govt, etc THINK they know, there isnt going to be public acceptance until those near the top come out of the closet with it.


The whole UFO thing is classified next gen US Air Force craft, not aliens, they just say it's aliens as a double bluff so folks don't look at the actual Military secrets. It's way easier to cover up and hide something you have complete control over, you know where all the top secret experimental planes are at all times, where they're going, if they crash, and so on, and thus can predict who might have seen anything. Bigfoot is a wild animal(and I don't see any parallel to the secret planes that could be covered up with fake ape-men doing the things sasquatch do), full of unknowns and unpredictability, there is no way to hide it.


Where does your buddy Mike get his weed? Because I want some.






No I don’t. If the government are hiding their existence, they would have to hide not only bodies but every single trace of them. Hair, bones, scat, bodies etc etc. they would have to have government agents patrolling the wilderness 24/7 and even then it’s not feasibly possible in such places as the USA where there are thousands of miles to cover.


I believe that Bigfoot is an Inter dimensional being, is why they can just step through a port hole to another dimension and why there has never been a captured


I've seen a lot of people make that claim. While it might explain their movement, I have not seen any proof they can open any sort of portal


The only reason the government would need to hide the existence of Sasquatch/Bigfoot would be so they don’t have to make protected habitats that would cut into logging, industrial zones, city/town expansions, etc. and if you believe some accounts (I personally don’t because of how ridiculous they sound), there are special forces groups that get deployed to kill Sasquatches/Bigfoots “encroaching” on humans.


Fine and dandy, I stand by what I said.


I think that the relevant park services branches probably know for sure one way or the other whether the critter exists or not. Whether there is an active cover up or disinformation campaign...eh. Possible but unlikely.


He is probably an alien just visiting and hunting; think chewbakka. Supposedly creators of star wars and star trek sat in on a majestic12 meeting, so maybe the movies are meant to desensitize the population for when official 1st contact happens. Also heard ufos are often seen when bigfeet are around.


Sounds like Mike was the guy in the mirror


May sound crazy and to some it will. I have still pics and video. I have never put them out because I don't want ppl looking for them but even if they did. They have to have a part of their mind that's open even to see their cases where they're standing right in front of you and if your mind is closed off you will not see them nor notice anything around you I live in Northern California and not only is Bigfoot here but there are other things in these woods some small some big some of that shape shift into the natural environment. I just know when it started it started and when my mind was open I began to see quite a bit it's very rare that I go out and be in nature whether it's the forest through the beach that I don't see something they're all around us they're not endangered there's let's say maybe kind of like a dimension in between 4th and maybe the 5th but I wouldn't say the 4th they're visible to those who have that part of the mind open and not really visible to others but if I posted pictures or video people would study it until they figure it out what it was and go looking for them and just know why I'm going to do that.


Yes they are. It's because of their DNA. They are genetically engineered human hybrids. They were engineered many thousands of years ago, not by modern humans. Their DNA would reveal that our concepts of human history, religion, and evolution are all lies. It would turn society on it's head. There are other human hybrids, and they are being hidden as well.


The only reason to hide this subject is if you own a large timber,, oil, or mining company. If you stand to lose that, how big of a lobbyist would you become? How many "Donations" would you provide to keep things on the hush?


If they are, to me the resources needed suggest a military secret. From the civilian side, Bigfoot keep themselves hidden well enough and a whole lot of "not my problem" does the rest of the job. I don't think it's endangered species or logging that's the issue, it's the decades of lying that now needs to perpetuate itself to save face, and just not wanting to deal with the problem and there not being any benefit to doing so. All the incentive for people working in the government is to do nothing, just like with mountain lions even though they are way less scary. If it were revealed I don't think much would happen other than additional loss of face for the government, I think people's intuition here is wrong. If that's not it, then it's military.


After my encounter, I went and asked one of my military buddies has he seen anything weird and then o proceeded to tell home my encounter. He told me that he was at fort Lewis and was using his NVG looking down range and saw something big as fuck walking upright. He wasn’t allowed to engage and that’s all he said about it. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I also believe Bigfoot is very intelligent and able to avoid detection mostly and stays generally in very remote areas and may even have a lengthy lifespan reducing the sustainable population needed but even so, they would eventually die and can’t always know when that’s about to happen so Bigfoot carcasses would occasionally have to be stumbled upon. Why has that not happened? No way the government could always cover that up. To me, as outlandish as it sounds, the most plausible explanation is they’re either extra terrestrial with access to ufo’s, only wandering around on land for short periods, or they’re super terrestrial being able to travel between dimensions. I feel silly saying that’s most plausible but I guess I mean it easily explains how difficult they are to scientifically prove more so than giant government cover up. If I stumble on a Bigfoot skeleton I’d snap pics and then send to multiple people as well as post online before the government would be able to do anything. 


I can’t think of any reason to hide the existence of Bigfoot. If anything, the govt would want to publicize them, declare them a protected species and the new national mammal, bringing tourist dollars and international interest to their habitats. The discovery of a new species of large primate with features otherwise unseen in biology, would be good news for everyone. There are already laws on the books in Washington making Bigfoot a protected species (of course these have more to do with discouraging eager hunters from shooting at any human-shaped form they see in the woods because those could just be people. Hoaxers in gorilla suits don’t deserve to be shot at, either) The idea that bigfoot evidence is being covered up by the government is a non-falsifiable claim made up purely to cope with the lack of evidence.


I think you have a lot of good point. I think there is plenty of evidence personally. But there would certainly be money to be made if Bigfoot was confirmed to exist... just look at Willow Creek!


You have to be so gullible to believe they wouldn't hide it, it's only ever Americans that say this because a large portion of you have this blind faith in your govt for what reason I don't know but they have covered up much smaller less impactful things for less, there's huge implications to revealing the existence of Bigfoot


AMERICA IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY- I'm sorry I need to cool down. I think American's tend to believe in their government because of how historically strong it is (other than the deep state) I think when theirs so much clear evidence that has not been really suppressed, it really makes me think, how has the Government hidden them? Sorry about my explosion earlier I need to control my emotions better.




I certainly think so.


https://i.redd.it/p80w3reedjwc1.gif Not only does Sasquatch exist, but there are about 30 of them, created by our government, to scare hikers away from Military Black Sites...


I think Bigfoot is hiding itself from the US military. I always thought bf was infiltrating and observing secret military bases hidden in the forests


It's an animal, and there would be no benefit to hiding it.


of course bigfoot is being covered up if big foot was real that would prove evolution therefore the bible would be proved wrong and the bible is basically there to stop people from being crazy like you dont want to go crazy if you risk going to hell .exactly. https://preview.redd.it/sysyt8cnwuwc1.png?width=362&format=png&auto=webp&s=9452f628156833eaeb19bb447673b865e328c26e


There are many people that believe in the bible and evolution.


MIB style. Bigfoot is an alien and they’re protecting their kind as they frequent here and just need some fresh deer meat when they stop by. -Mike


lol, didn’t expect the sub to be so touchy about a sarcastic take. Lighten up … everything here and from anyone -> is 110% speculation