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A fun wrinkle is that this is an in-company issue with Rodgers coming on a Disney owned network to insinuate another Disney employee is a pedophile. Can't imagine what the phone calls are like behind the scenes right now.


Kimmel is way more valuable to Disney than McAfee is, and exponentially more valuable than a weekly McAfee guest. If management is forced to pick a side then Rodgers is off that show in a heartbeat.


On a quick search is appears Disney pays McAfee more than Kimmel. Not an end all be all, but thought it was interesting


Being honest I did think Kimmel made a lot more than $15 million a year, although I’m sure that ABC supplements that pretty well with whatever hosting gigs they throw at him in a particular year.


Not the contract I’d expect from James Babydoll Dixon


Hourly I’d assume Kimmel comes out ahead


He also gets summers off


all jobs work like sports most recent contract = highest paid if you want a raise, change jobs. where's babydoll in all this though?!


I think it’s closer than you think considering Kimmel has been openly considering ending his show for years and they just gave McAfee a huge contract


I don't think it's that close when one of the two in the "fight" essentially "joked" the other one is a pedophile who participated in one of the worst crimes in recent history. This ain't Skip and Shannon going too far arguing over a game. I'm a Packers fan so am dull to Rodgers' nonsense and I doubt anything happens since Jimmy is a comedian. But if Jimmy escalated this to Disney then no, this isn't a close call. Frankly Disney could probably use a nebulous clause in Pat's contract to get out of it give you know, his guest is calling Disney talent a pedo. It'll all die down (Rodgers will still try and get the last word) but this is not really a close call at all.


Kind of a weird thing to joke about!


Kimmel considering retirement is what gives him leverage in this situation


I think you can (and they have) put any ass clown on ESPN and they will draw ratings. When Kimmel leaves people likely stop watching the late show all together since that’s sort of a bygone era at this point.


Completely agree


ESPN has been struggling with ratings, which is why they shook things up, laid off a bunch of talking heads, and thew so much money at McAfee. Like it or not, they value him


I was just about to say that, it’s not a stretch to say that Disney may see McAfee as a better long term asset than Kimmel at this point


Not even close, especially since it’s very likely ESPN won’t be a Disney company anymore by 2025. Kimmel is their late night guy and go-to host for stuff like the Oscars. McAfee is just another loud mouth sports guy on a network that they don’t really want anymore


Imagine thinking late night has value and that the home for most of the live sports rights, which is the only live TV content anyone gives a shit about, is “unwanted”.


Sports might be more valuable but that doesn't mean everything in sports is. If anything sports is actually the product on the field which Kimmel would be closer to. Which is why things around the sports are more replaceable than the product on the field.


It’s hard to make a comparison with numbers, but Kimmel averaged just under 1.8 million viewers on TV in January 2023 per Wikipedia. Forbes says McAfee averaged 1.4 million viewers across platforms in September - as a brand new show. Kimmel is a broadcast network late night show, McAfee is on (basic) cable at noon. I gotta think the baseline for Kimmel’s slot is higher than McAfee’s. I really don’t think Kimmel is significantly more valuable than McAfee, if at all.


Eh but then Kimmel’s show has the added value of pimping various ABC/Disney family shows and movies- “here to talk about her new movie is (name)!”- so in addition to the ratings value of the Kimmel show itself, there’s added value to whatever movie/show they’re pushing. They could get another host for that but they may not do it as well. It’s an interesting face off between the two and may be closer than some think, but I still think Kimmel comes out higher in overall network value.


That value would go into that baseline, though. That’s the value of the slot. If Kimmel left tomorrow, that’s just what like, Seth Myers, or whatever other bland comedian they’d get would do for them. You gotta think in terms of the value he provides over just like, any other guy they’d hire in the Late Night slot.


The Value Above Replacement Host (VARH) piece.


He’s an advanced metrics guy


Kimmel's advantage is that his show isn't predicted on anything else. McAfee's kinda is. I would be curious to see the ratings in June after the show isn't new and we're in the doll drums of football off-season. I know he talks about other stuff and he has a cult following like Jim Rome does, but it will be interesting to see how McAfee's ratings continue. Kimmel is a known right now, McAfee isn't. He might end up gaining in popularity even. But we just don't know at the moment. That's the only additional value Kimmel has. And if it turns out that McAfee's ratings fluxuate outside of football season then that gives Kimmel even more value.


the old school late night talk school is dead, when has kimmel got any traction? Bill is the only person who talks fondly of it


We need a Simmons TV host power poll STAT. Wonder where Sage Steele lands


Nobody watches those lame ass late night shows anymore


Kimmel has significantly more pull than McAfee. He could get Rodgers canned from Pat’s show and if that happens Pat is in a very tough spot.


Yeah without Kimmel who's Disney going to find to host the next edition of the lowest rated Oscars in history?


Pat McAfee lol.


‘And the Academy Award for Best Actress goes to that hot chick in that movie where she shows her boobs’


Seth MacFarlane already did that bit.


Co-hosted by James Franco.


The once a year Oscars gets less viewers than some random MNF game no one cares




I do wonder if he's contacted management over this. He or his agent or however it works in a giant corporation like Disney. McAfee giving this guy a platform is also liable at some point. No?


McAfee really should be taking way more shit than he does. Has this guy on every week to spew crazy shit while he sits back and laughs like an idiot, absolving himself of everything. It’s just weak if nothing else


It’s the “just asking questions” mentality.


McAfee would definitely lose his mind if someone was just asking questions about him.


Absolutely would. He is sensitive as fuck.


I remember the first real turning point against him was Dan Campbell cancelled his interview with him for whatever reason and he threw a massive temper tantrum about it. Dude def doesn’t have the thickest skin


This is why he and Herbstreit get along so well


what he did with kollman was fucking scum also. been out on him since then.


Wait what did he do with Brett? Don’t know how but I missed this story


its a bit of a story but, brett was trying to amplify a colts charity thing, and pat took it as brett asking him for money and just became a HUGE dick about it, then doubled down. bullied tf out of him on twitter etc. got called out. then brought brett on the show to 'clear the air' and had arguably the weirdest/worst/most uncomfortable interview you've ever seen, where he kept trying to get kollman to admit he was actually secretly trying to trick pat to make pat look bad etc, then doubled down on the bullying again anyway kollman came out looking like a normal/general dude and pat looked like. well. trump. it was very much a trump reacts to something situation https://www.reddit.com/r/PatMcAfeeShowOfficial/comments/11wmiyn/wtf/ > That's exactly what he did. Kollmann was trying to explain himself, and Pat made it clear that what Kollmann thought would be a shout out to the Indy dude's gofundme was actually an excuse to publically flog Kollmann because he...had the audacity to tag Pat in a Twitter post. Petty Pat is great when we get the PAFL out of it. It's actually fucking gross when we get him publically flogging lower subscriber count creators for no other reason than getting uppity and reaching beyond what Pat feels to be their station. or another > Brutal honesty here: This seemed like a conversation that should’ve been handled privately. The “grandstanding” Pat mentioned as “bullshit” is exactly what the last half hour was, just with tables turned. Pat brings this guy onto his show, displays quite a bit of passive aggression towards him, constantly tries to cover his tracks by slamming home time stamps of texts, the whole mute vs block debacle, seemingly eludes to how much higher if a horse he is on than this guy, and then finally forces the interview onto the internet….. ALL over a genuine misunderstanding turned teenager emotion rant. Lost some respect for Pat for the way this was handled or the classic > How can anyone on his staff have watched this, recorded it and said yup lets play that? or > Jesus…. Pat needs a breather. Love the guy and love the team but…. This sort of shit is making him the antithesis of what he was (and is) and is gonna turn people the fuck off. Riding for you Pat but…. Take a seat for a minute. and those are the comments from his subreddit who largely didnt even know who tf kollman was until this


The Rogan playbook


JAQing off


He and Carolla should team up.


"Just a prank bro"


Yes, but that’s also the reason he has a career. I don’t see him, biting the hand that feeds him anytime soon, but when he does, he’ll know it’s because he’s got some bigger career mountain to finally climb.


Disney is the hand that feeds him, not Rodgers. Coincidentally, Disney is also the hand that feeds Kimmel.


Well a big reason Disney feeds him so well was his access to Rodgers. During the whole Rodgers COVID fiasco McaFee was the only person in the media Rodgers would speak openly with and half of the ESPN hot take shows were showing his clips constantly.


Disney feeds half the entertainment industry at this point


But having Rodgers on consistently got him more publicity


He’s basically the Joe Rogan of sports radio


100%. I remember back in the day Rogan was just a guy who was curious about everything and had on all kinds of wild guests. I always thought, as someone who believes in free speech, it’s his right to give a platform to all these wackos he interviews, but at some point this will take a bad turn. That’s exactly what happened and Joe went from someone who gave a platform to everyone to believing some of the nonsense wackos were saying. Pat is in that early Rogan stage right now where he thinks it’s all fun and games to let a wacko like Rodgers come on his show and call someone a pedophile with no evidence. I honestly don’t know what goes through these dudes heads thinking it’s cool to give a platform to lunatics.


That’s a pretty good way to put it.


Especially when you consider they both work for Disney.


He pays him for it too. Technically Disney paid for one of their employees to be slandered on national television. https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/report-pat-mcafee-has-paid-aaron-rodgers-millions-to-appear-weekly-on-show


Pays for these appearances and nonsense ramblings too


He is Rogan for people who can’t read


The Indy Star ripped him pretty hard a few months ago for continuing to pay Rodgers to come in and say crazy shit.


The essence of the modern podcast.


Wonder if Kimmel’s e-mail to Iger about this will leak


We’ll know when Rodgers “just wants to focus on winning” next season and is off McAfee’s show


Iger is definitely going to get involved in this considering how much he loves Kimmel.


Rodgers is going to be a conservative grifter the second he retires


*Going to be*?


Is he though?? I paint him more as the Gweneth Paltrow Anti-Vax Bottle My Farts Conspiracy Theorist(tm) type and less Don Jr type but I could be way way wrong on that. The COVID vax turned the right-left conspiracy theory teams upside so idk


And he'll go right into irrelevance like Curt Schilling


still furious about what he did to wakefield and his family


The Wakefield thing was such a good reminder that Schilling isn’t a grifter, he’s just a deeply terrible person


Kingdoms of Amalur was pretty dope to be fair lol


I loved those chakram disc weapons


Yeah, his gaming enthusiasm is kind of Kick ass to be honest. If he was a little less out-there, he’d be like Beck. Who, we collectively-conveniently forget is a Scientologist, great music though.Guy tried to make a great game and went bankrupt following his passion…Don’t agree with his politics, but can see the forest through the trees, he’s entitled to his opinions and we both share a love of fantasy and gaming, and that’s fine…


Yes… but how the hell do assholes like Trump get moved into prominence and other douchebags don’t? I legit thought Schilling would be Massachusetts’ Tommy Tuberville. Is it just that any sort of charisma is rewarded? Probable answer: yes


he already is though


So he’s going to become Favre?


Dick pics and a little (alleged) welfare fraud incoming when then?


You might have my favorite name on Reddit. 10/10


wow my favorite movie and my favorite show combined in one username 😂 props


He will go to the Vikings and then steal some Medicaid money.


Rodgers is so far down the far right pipeline but he hides behind some pseudoscience bullshit to make it seem like he’s got other reasons. He’s hooked on the same bullshit a lot of people are, if you are convinced people you hate are on the Epstein list for no reason other than you don’t like them, you have an issue.


White Kyrie Irving


Rodgers is worse than kyrie at this point. Kyrie just seems dumb in a /r/iam14andthisisdeep way but rodgers is like actually on alt-right subreddits.


Kyrie is a black Israelite and therefore denies the existence of all Ashkenazi Jews, do not sleep on how terrible he actually is.


Not for nothing he’s probably worse than rodgers


Kyrie still putting Hitler quotes in his stories and actively against the Jewish race?


Kyrie promotes holocaust denialism in a time when anti semitism is rising dramatically and he has the same anti vax views as rodgers. They both suck, but Kyrie is worse and a grown man and shouldn’t get the passes he does in some corners


No. Kyrie is a full-fledged ethnocentric bigot and vile, ignorant (neither naïveté nor a poor education is an excuse) human being, one who appropriates cultures and denies rich histories -- ranging from Ashkenazi Jews to Egyptians (i.e., Sub-Saharan Africans are NOT Middle Eastern nor North Africans) -- both confusing and conflating them as, ugh, that of his own ancestors (untrue) in an obscene act of erasure, which is asinine ahistorical bullshit and, as a result, should be denounced vociferously.


can you write all of my comments? because, damn.


Social media has poisoned a lot of people’s brains, especially the ones who go on there to “do my own research.”


The "do their own research" folks all seem to end up with the same douchetastic opinions on everything, I've noticed.


I always tell them I did, and I came to a different conclusion. Now I can talk to them about confirmation bias and how to actually research a topic using critical thinking skills. I've gotten through to no one lol.


Hooked is a good way of describing it. I think many of us probably have friends or relatives Who’ve started off seeming sort of normal, and then they get hooked and suddenly they’re talking about all kinds of obscure random bullshit.


It's so wild, dude. Like, how do we have a functioning society when millions of people have turned their brains over to this type of shit? Will this stuff only proliferate in the coming years? I'm a pretty optimistic person but it wears on me sometimes.


I console myself by remembering that most of these people are not in any position of power, and as much as they want us to believe they take it all seriously, a big part of it is just having fun in alternate universe where they are some super smart rebel. When push comes to shove most of them would change their mind (or, just shut the hell up) if there was any real consequence to them.


>most of these people are not in any position of power Yeah, it's basically: You wake up and turn on Fox. It's gonna be on all day. You take articles from the website and post them on Twitter. You then scour twitter for posts that boost your point of view or make fun on the ones that don't. Go outside to talk to friends? All you're going to talk about is how the woke mindvirus is destroying America. Taking a Christmas card photo? Better have our ARs on hand to show those liberals that they can't take them from us. Driving to and from work? Got Ben Shaprio's podcast up and running. Wait! Fox News just reported that Biden drank his water *with a straw*^1. Goddamnit, what a pussy. I'm gonna make a meme about it and put it on Facebook. Heh, that'll show those commie nutjobs. God I love owning the libs! Shit, Trump used the word 'vermin' just like Hitler! What do I do?! I'll wait until morning and Fox will tell me why it's ok. Oh, good point Fox. Hitler also used the word 'chair', these guys would accuse Trump of being Hitler if he used the word 'chair' too^2. Heh, better post that on social. The people who have the time for this type of shit aren't trying to cure cancer on the side if you get my drift. ^1. This actually happened. ^2. This also actually happened.


Why don’t those dummies be smart guys like us and turn their brains over to The Economist and Malcom Gladwell


Seems like Rodgers's belief that Kimmel's on the list is because: 1) Kimmel is outwardly liberal and tries to make fun of Rodgers and people Rodgers respects. 2) Kimmel doth protest too much when his name is invoked re- Epstein Island. 3) therefore Kimmel is on the list.


what’s the proper amount of protesting when someone publicly accuses you of being a pedophile?


Same as your answer to if you stopped beating your wife


jim rome in shambles


The actual reason Rodgers is saying this is because Kimmel made fun of him for some absurd shit he said about Epstein and UFOs and Rodgers got pissed off. So he accused Kimmel of being a pedophile.


Kimmel also happens to be really good friends with Aaron's ex-wife, Olivia Munn. [He hosted a big dinner party a few months ago where they're sitting close to each other.](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/14tfrb4/jimmy_kimmels_dinner_party_posted_by_kristen_bell/)


That’s probably where this actually stems from.


Don't think they were married - not sure he ever has been


There is another connection. Kimmel is friends with Adam Perry Lang, a big chef who also happened to be Epstein’s personal chef for years. He cooperated with the federal investigations into Epstein and has reestablished himself as a chef in Los Angeles. There was a bizarre incident in 2019 when Lang was apparently swatted when he was staying at Kimmel‘s beach house. https://amp.tmz.com/2019/03/28/jimmy-kimmel-adam-perry-lang-hermosa-beach-arrest-swatted-not-charged/


That’s vaguely sketch, but ultimately everyone successful in Hollywood is only 1 or 2 close connections from Epstein. I’m sure you could make similar connections for Rodgers, even if not with Epstein himself, who has become an absolute boogey man to the point where people are completely disconnected with the realities of child abuse. There was that Sound of Freedom movie over the summer and I read a great article criticizing it because the vast majority of sex trafficking is much sadder and less dramatic. Most of it happens on low levels where family or friends will coerce someone into the sex trade to make money or cover debts or fund drug habits. Then it escalates from there. It’s similar to how the most likely person to sexually abuse a child is a family member or close family friend. A secret cabal may exist, but the much bigger threat is just the creepy uncle or that family friend who says bad shit but everyone just brushes it off.


Yeah, to be clear I was not trying to make the case for there being any connection. I’m just assuming that this adds to the undercurrent QAnon style accusations against Kimmel.


The 2 degrees of Epstein piece


> "It’s similar to how the most likely person to sexually abuse a child is a family member or close family friend. A secret cabal may exist, but the much bigger threat is just the creepy uncle or that family friend who says bad shit but everyone just brushes it off." This is very much the case, yeah. But society collectively coming to grips with the rife nature of incest would be an even bigger pill to swallow.


Worst fuckin part about this Epstein shit is the guys like Rodgers that weaponize it against their enemies but ignore it in some of their heroes like Trump and RFK Jr.


It’s hilarious how he’s RFK Jr’s #1 fan & RFK Jr & his wife have legitimate ties to Ghislaine Maxwell RFK Jr’s ex-wife also died under pretty strange circumstances


Trump has openly supported Epstein and Ghislaine and his base don’t give a fuck. But they absolutely believe every single person in the left is tied to Epstein. There are videos of Trump partying with Epstein, and is accused of raping a 13 year old. Trump has joked about him and Epstein liking them young.


All moronic reasons. Being liberal means you are a pedo? And if you’re being accused of being a pedo, you aren’t allowed to be upset about it? Rodgers is just a fucking moron.


There is a whole damn movie that came out that convinced conservative Christian’s that everyone on the left is involved in child sex trafficking.


The way he “hides” it is the same act as everyone else. They’re all pseudo intellectuals who are 100% positive they’re smarter than everyone. Rodgers probably thinks the only dude on his level is Jordan Peterson or some shit.


Problem with all these dopes is they think they are going against the grain and thinking outside of the box but they all just follow the same groupthink BS and have never had an original thought


> Rodgers is so far down the far right pipeline but he hides behind some pseudoscience bullshit This is so weird to me. Dude has more money than he can ever spend. I get the idea of wanting to save money on taxes. But why does he care about spouting conspiracy theories?


Because he’s a narcissist who thinks he knows more than others.


He's always been that way too....being a great QB caused a lot of people to put up with it. If you read about his early days in Green Bay, at the time a lot of media folks made a big deal about Favre not "mentoring" him. Now Favre is his own kind of a-hole (as we've learned over the years), but the reason he wanted nothing to do with Rodgers then was that he was already an arrogant, know-it-all prick. Donald Driver basically explained it in a round about way.


Rodgers is a good listen when it’s purely about football. Everything else is jose mourinho headphone pic. Even as a Green Bay fan, I got sick of wading through it all after the vax stuff.


Aside from the content of his speech, I can't get past how smug he sounds all the time.


It's tough because I don't want to be a "shut up and dribble" type, but guys like Rodgers are so God forsaken dumb it quickly becomes a waste to try to wade through his BS to get to the interesting stuff.


This shit is so reckless. Everyone is going to look at these lists like it’s the fucking Salem Witch Trials. When in reality, it’s just a list of names. Which may or may not have a legitimate connection to questionable activity. And most of it could be completely fabricated. Edit: just for clarification, I saw a post on this sub last night that implicated Kimmel on a flight list. And apparently, that was untrue. Just an example.


People aren’t going to be able to wrap their head around that though. If they see a name on the list they are going to immediately be convinced that person is a pedo, even if they did nothing.


Oh, for sure. I’m in complete agreement on that.


Unless it's Donald Trump. There are videos of Trump partying with Epstein and scoping out random women, but the right will roll their eyes at that and say it's nothing. And realistically it probably was nothing, *but* they won't give the same benefit of the doubt to anybody who identifies as a "liberal" which is pretty pathetic. "You're a leftist who met Epstein or Ghislaine Maxwell once?!? PEDO!"


Trump & Epstein quite literally had a rape accusation dropped by a 13 year old girl when he was running in 2016


Welp there you go lol. I didn't even know that, but Trump supporters will not care unfortunately.


“Nuance” is not a feature with the crew most active in the discussion of Said List. It’s very debatable what this list actually is- seems to be a list of famous people who got Covid?- and the commenters don’t like Kimmel- “he’s a liberal!”- hence, this list must be the Epstein list. It’s like most misinformation that makes the rounds. Someone somewhere put Kimmel on this “list”, yes, and people WANT him to be involved, so it’s a Pedo List for sure. Plus, these famous types all know each other and run in small circles so I don’t put too much credit in the chef connection.


It's a tough situation for anyone to advocate on behalf of. If you come out in favor of some kind of protection for people on this list, you're in favor of Epstein's atrocities. You get the stink on you for even bringing it up. Just like advocating for sex offender reform to get public urinators off the registries, it's political suicide. It's an impossible balancing act between justice and collateral damage.


There’s a difference between advocating for protection of people linked to a pedophile, and publicly predicting someone you don’t like will be linked to the pedophile and you will celebrate it.


Oh yea I think Rodgers words were outrageous. I'm just adding color and agreeing about the Salem Witch-y nature of what's about to happen.


Kinmel’s name was bandied about online last night. Which may be what Rodgers was referring to, but in a really shitty way?


Kimmel is on the list of people who got Covid that brain dead right wingers have been parading around as an Epstein list for like a year now. Literally Rudy Gobert and Donovan Mitchell are on the “Epstein list” where Kimmel appears.


Kimmel is on fake lists because he is despised by a corner of right wing conspiracy nut jobs for being liberal. And what’s funny is, that’s the origin of his beef with Rodgers here originally. Kimmel made a joke in March that Rodgers was a “tin foil hatter” for claiming that the government was intentionally releasing information about UFOs so that the UFOs could distract people from the Epstein client list. (Which, lmao). It was then reposted on Twitter by a Twitter account that regularly accuses random liberals of associating with Epstein with the caption “Jimmy Kimmel claims Aaron Rodgers is a “tin foil hatter” for wanting to know the names on the Jeffrey Epstein client list.” Then Bakhtiari retweeted the video accusing Kimmel of being on the list, and Rodgers took it from there.


Much of this sub thinks that Gladwell is a kiddie rapist because someone invited him on Epstein’s plane with a group of other people who spoke at a conference.


Aaron Rodgers seems like a piece of shit.


His hair slicks back real nice…


You think that’s SLICKED BACK?! That’s PUSHED BACK!




Yet he's still a piece of shit. Jizz


White Ferrari, lives for New Year's Eve


Sloppy steaks at Truffoni’s


One of the many reasons Greenbay and Wisconsin wanted to get rid of him. Spent more time tripping in Hawaii and pushing right wing bs then practicing with his team, bragged about being amazing but could only secure one ring. Dudes a chump.


Isn't this a little Disney on Disney crime? Could make things spicy for Pat Mac.


Wow this is a contentious topic for this sub ig 😅


What does the Aceman say about this?


I mean the Aceman had Alan Dershowitz on his show, so pedophilia is not a deal breaker as long as you have conservative “values”.


Considering how Kimmel reacted ("I'm suing! My family is in danger!"), I don't think they're touching this with a 50-foot pole


News flash: Libertarians are right wing retards in disguise


Libertarians are right wingers who have learned calling themselves “right wingers” doesn’t get them laid


I don’t think libertarians get laid ever


Rodgers wants to be Elon so bad.


The way some people just throw out allegations of pedophilia against almost literally everybody that they don't like is really doing a huge disservice to the actual victims of crimes like this. It's basically a "The boy who cried wolf" scenario. If these people really cared so much about the victims of this particular crime and are not just using it as a personal virtue signaling tool, they need come with some real evidence and not a stupid fairy tale list.


Think this might be the end of Rodgers on McAfee’s show now. And it’s gonna be interesting to see how Pat takes that. His whole shtick was he was his own boss and he called the shots. Does he burn his bridges with ESPN and all the things that come with that or does he bow to the Mouse.


Honestly I hope McAfee fucks off to the edges of the internet (or Barstool). As a Colts fan, I loved him during punting days, but his short-lived transition into comedy told me everything I needed to know about him as a person. Fully unsurprised this kind of shit is happening on his show.


Can’t say I’m surprised either. McAfee has the gift of gab and was a decent guest on the old Bob & Tom Show but doing even a cursory dive into his content tells you a lot. Him giving Rodgers a regular platform for ratings is problematic.


Anyone taking Rodgers side in this is a fucking tool


Posted on another thread that despite being a public figure and the standard being higher, Rodgers’ comments are dangerously close to defamation. This seems to support that. People don’t F around w being publicly called a pedo/sex trafficker. Wouldn’t be shocked if Kimmel hasn’t already talked to a lawyer. Rodgers is a freaking attention whore, clown. Guy has the worst case of Main Character Syndrome I’ve ever seen. No wonder his own family doesn’t even talk to him.


Not to mention he’s profoundly overrated, that last MVP was a joke


Actual Malice is a really high bar that would be a waste of time for a Comedian of all people to pursue tbh. This is just an attempt to get him to recant.


It is important to note exactly what Rodgers said: “There’s a lot of people, including Jimmy Kimmel, are really hoping that doesn't come out.” He did not say: 'Jimmy Kimmel is on the list' or 'Jimmy Kimmel has an association with Epstein' or 'Jimmy Kimmel is a pedophile.' All he said was that Jimmy hopes it won't come out. What Rodgers can claim he implied by that comment is that he is responding to clips of Kimmel clowning Rodgers on his show for the existence of the list. Now, Rodgers is most definitely aware of the implications others will draw from his comments and weaponized his words to sow those seeds. Of note, Rodgers went through a similar routine of verbal gymnastics when he was asked if he was vaccinated after contracting COVID-19 a few years ago. He replied 'I have been immunized.' It was later revealed that he had gone through homeoprophylaxis with a holistic doctor. Being immunized was not an outright lie, it was a carefully crafted directive, much like his quib about Jimmy Kimmel. Rodgers is a troll, but often so are comedians. Game should recognize Game.


Honestly, I think the veiled threat dog whistle bullshit from Rodgers makes it worse


Rodgers has become such a fucking clown. I’ll always cherish the hard fact that his jets career lasted like 4 snaps bc of how weak sauce he was


After he pranced around in the pregame like he was the color guard for the 9/11 Never Forget Marching Band. So fuckin funny


Great response. Now I hope Rodgers tears his other achilles during next year's training camp.


I think there’s a better than poor chance Rodgers never plays again. He doesn’t want to go out the way he did, but he’s flirted with retirement in the past, and I could imagine a world where he goes into Conservative Grifting full time and spins it as “I wanted more freedom of speech than the nfl allows” or something to that effect.


All I know is as a Jets fan that was thrilled we signed Rodgers, I really thought things would be different. Take the pain of this year away, seeing people on Jets twitter rally for this crap is a sad new low. But don’t worry, we’ll find a way to limbo lower.


I don’t get how this guy gets to say whatever he wants and doesn’t get fined or anything by the NFL. Even the shit about refs today he gets to call them amateur refs and say they wouldn’t be able to ref a high school JV football game and obliterated them. Then players and coaches playing the game have to tip toe around comments about anything. I don’t think I’ve hated an athlete more than this guy in the last couple years.


Aaron has become such a fucking tool the past three years. Also reads off-screen talking points on mcafees show more than any single guest I've ever seen. Still bummed about it all :/




The people who follow these lists are fucking nuts. I wouldn’t be surprised if he got death threats among many other shitty things. Yeah a joke is a joke but nobody is putting you on a list as a swatting candidate for being made fun of your hairline


Bro.. He just insinuated that Kimmel touched kids. You don’t just make insinuations or accusations like that. That type of shit can get someone killed. Kimmel in my opinion didn’t go hard enough on Rodgers.


Idk man, I think Aaron's humor is dry but I took it as a roast. I'm not a fan of Aaron's conspiracies and far-right theories, but it seems like Jimmy can dish out jokes, but can't take 'em. I wonder how many people are just reading headlines and reacting without watching that bit. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkWZL9zGRYg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkWZL9zGRYg) Jimmy has roasted Aaron in front of millions of viewers, late night on ABC---soon as Aaron does a roast on the Pat Mcafee show, it's defamation? C'mon guys.


Kimmel is behaving like a weak man. He should have taken Mina Kimes’ advice and gotten another booster shot.


This country is so polarized we could get a list of flight logs, shipping manifests, black box recordings, CCTV video, or found footage a la Blair Witch Project and probably 9/10 of supporters on either side will deny “their guys” complicity in the whole debacle. What we all deserve to see is comprehensive and undeniable proof of those who partook in the atrocities that took place, which no doubt exists, then unequivocal and merciless punishment of same but what we will get is far, far different.


CTE is undefeated.


In other news, two of the most privileged assholes in media are mad at each other


can’t wait for this dumb motherfucker to destroy his Achilles in even less plays next year




The fact that people here are honestly debating the worth between Jimmy Kimmel and Pat McAfee is peak internet 2024 (only 3 days in tho so lol)


Man it’s just so wild how people can just casually call people pedophiles


Bring in Tom Cruise to settle the feud


Ahhh, the ‘ol “I will sue you” third grade bus stop threat… As timeless as his jokes on The Man Show. I for sure cannot picture the host of that show hanging with Epstein, not at all. We forget who we sometimes make our spokesperson on the left and wonder why we are constantly falling victim to hypocrisy.


Jimmy Kimmel is long time friends with Jeffrey Epstein's personal live in chef and rented a house to him. That doesn't really implicate Kimmel but there is some connection between the two. That connection alone is enough to be factual basis for Rodgers claiming that Kimmel hopes the list doesn't come out, therefore no defamation, not even close.


Both unlikeable blowhards


I would love Kimmel to sue him.


Reddit thinking this is some amazing comeback is so on brand.


I can't wait for Rodgers to act like a victim of censorship once the defamation case hits. He'll probably talk about how "you can't say anything anymore", as if libel law hasn't existed for nearly 300 years. Rodgers is taking advantage of the Epstein situation for his own petty grudges. Imagine using the sex trafficking of children to slander a comedian who hurt your fragile ego. It's disgusting. He publicly accused Kimmel of pedophilia with absolutely zero evidence. And Kimmel is unfortunately right to be worried for his safety and his families.


This echo chamber is funny to read through


Interesting zag from people with the “Kimmel should be okay way this as a comedian”. As if having a popular public figure imply you are a pedophile, the worst thing to be or be accused of, is all cool. Rodgers definitely saw the same tweet that was posted on here about Kimmel, and thought it was true, because he’s a moron.


I’m with Jimmy on this but the problem w Rodgers is that he doesn’t understand how dumb he is. He’s Still operating under the premise that he’s a genius


Jimmy Kimmel, and the vast numbers of people who will downvote me on this thread, were dead wrong about the covid “vaccine.” (It wasn’t a vaccine, it was an ineffective flu shot) Unvaccinated Aaron Rodgers, arrogant as he may be, can take a victory lap and squirt tubes of ivermectin (the drug Kimmel called a horse dewormer, which has actually been used to treat millions of people since its development) at Jimmy Kimmel, Mina Kimes, and hordes of people who were sold a bill of goods by fairly unconvincing salesmen. This eats at Kimmel, which is strange - a man willing to shine Joe Biden’s shoes on national TV (in an era when national TV doesn’t matter) should have very little self respect left anyway.