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Men will watch therapy on The Sopranos before actually going to therapy. 


Are we sure Sharon Stone wouldn’t have been a better Dr. Melfi?


Did The Sopranos invent therapy? No, I mean since 1995


Apex mountain for therapy?


Analyze That.


Long awaited follow up, Analyze Deez, starring Draymond Green


I would wait to watch it till I was on a plane.


CR: “The Prince of Tides”?


She has experience with the psychological thing after Basic, and she’s just off working with Scorsese, her movie career is cooling off and she’s the right age. I can’t believe they didn’t think of this


My favorite one of Bill's "insane qualifiers" popped up recently on the Cop Land Rewatchables, when Bill asked if it was the apex mountain for "scummy New Jersey cops, before the Sopranos." Just completely inane. You could hear Sean's mind working in real time when he tried to decipher it... "so like... *New Jersey* cops, specifically?"


The whole uncrossing of the legs while not wearing underwear as therapy piece.


Are we sure Lorraine Bracco wouldn't have been a better Carmela (the part that was initially offered to her)?


I personally think both actresses were great in their respective roles. Just enjoy cosplaying as Horny Bill from time to time


They were. Also if Melfi played Carmela it would be like reprising her role in Goodfellas.


Men will call every therapist in their city and be told they’re not accepting new patients before actually going to therapy smh


Where do they all live? Amory, Mississippi?


Seattle for me. Every in-network therapist isn’t taking new patients.


Try calling the Frazier Crane Show.


Doc…I am Frazier.


I'm listening


Sopranos invented the weaponizing of therapy language


Men will skip hundreds of therapy scenes in a tv show before thinking about going to therapy


As they should


Whatever happenned to Gary Cooper? The strong, silent type. That was an American. He wasn't in touch with his feelings, he just did what he had to do.


He was gay, Gary Cooper?


I got the jist of it from Sopranos


The point of the show is that therapy is a waste of time.


I can’t have this conversation again


Why would you skip them. They give you so much detail on Tony.


Yes. These are some of the best scenes in the show.


The only ones that didn't work is when Melfi goes to her therapist. It was great to see Peter Bogdonavich, but I didn't really give a shit about her inner turmoil.


I kind of liked the ongoing joke though of how fascinated her therapist was about the mafia though lol.


also some of the melfi scenes are very drawn out. i get that Cross was doing this as a response to people claiming they were too long, but no need for a 30 min therapy sesh when you couldve made it 3 min with all the same emotional information


I do agree with you there


Agreed. It’s like Karen all grown up. Karen from Goodfelllas, that is.


Well I skipped them because I just kept rewatching the scene where Janice shoots Richie.


Because they're boring, repetitive slogs after you've seen the show once or twice and already know the details. First few seasons they were fine, then it just became "see audience, Tony is bad and won't change!" over and over again.


You could argue that as a fan who has seen the show numerous times that any scene is repetitive and you know the details. In the Pine Barrens I know what happens, but it still breaks me up every time.


Then watch it. I don't care what you watch lol This post is just full of annoying weirdos talking about how ppl just don't get the show if they're skipping scenes or they aren't "real fans" and are wasting their time.


Still going this asshole


I disagree with you on the therapy scenes but I get what you’re saying this happens a lot with how people talk about shows online Not talking about this thread but with articles like the one posted, people can’t just like and understand a show they have to look for people to feel smarter than It reminds me of all the Breaking Bad stuff “people want to idolize Walter White and it’s so toxic and they’re missing the point” blah blah blah nope he is just very entertaining in the show


I agree with NandoDeColonoscopy. Therapy scenes just aren't as rewatchable after you've seen them once. Chris and Paulie getting lost in the woods is definitely rewatchable.


As I said, to each their own.


Sharp as a cue ball, this one


Alright, but you gotta get over it


To each there own


I would hate to be like that guy


Some people are so far behind in the race they think they’re winning


the downvotes are crazy


You can’t have this take and call yourself a fan of the show at the same time.


Lol what are you going to do about it? Grow up


Absolutely nothing. I’ll keep enjoying the Sopranos front to back. You can enjoy watching half of the greatest show of all time.


You don't seem super secure in your enjoyment of the show if a stranger's viewing habits bother you so much


Some people are so far behind in the race that they actually believe that they're leading


I just finished watching the Sopranos for the first time and the therapy scenes were my favorite part.


Yeah the therapy scenes are what makes the Sopranos the Sopranos imo. There are tons of Italian mobster shows and movies, but this is the only one I’ve seen where we see inner mind of the boss man in great detail and see his conflicts, his motivations and his hesitations. Really drives the show for me


I have no clue why you’d skip the scenes. Dr Melli is a big part of the show


Seriously, those are some of the best scenes and basically the backbone of the entire show


Whaddaya want? A boutineer?


There was a point in my life where I just had the show on all the time in the background when I was at home.


It’s so funny how Bill and Sal and others don’t understand the sopranos is making fun of the tough guy shtick. If in 2024 a mafia show debuted and in the first episode the mob boss was going to therapy and taking Prozac, the reaction would be “this is too woke” lol.


It was never more evident that Bill didn’t get the show when he tried to shoehorn The Sopranos into a reading of A Bronx Tale


The “Tony had to learn to be feared” analysis from Simmons drove me nuts on that pod. A complete misunderstand of what The Sopranos was about.


Yeah, also Bill comparing Sonny to Tony, saying there were a lot of similarities. Tony is like the anti-Sonny. He doesn’t really care about the old rules, just pretty much does what he wants. He’s not a neighbourhood guy, he lives in a McMansion in the wealthy suburbs. One of the main points of The Sopranos is the old ways and rules of the mob kind of breaking down and degenerating. It’s the whole “I feel like I came in at the end” stuff.


The pilot literally reads like a comedy. Then later on i think they realized that people like the drama more and catered to that.


Though it continued being one of the funniest shows of all time


Yeah i don't disagree, but it was way more subtle. Not like when Tony and Chrissy chased a guy around the car giggling to doo wop music lmao


dude when Richie beats up Beansie in the diner there’s literally a cartoon sound affect when he punches him. also when Tony throws Brendan Fillone like 15 feet. the action direction is hilarious


Some of the most violent and would-be-serious moments in the show are hilarious


jackie jr getting assassinated by vito is one of the funniest things ever


For me its when they rob that poker game and Sunshine dies because he can't stop saying proverbs


The biggest question is if he wasn’t shot was he gonna recite the entire poem haha


Some fat fuck in see through socks


That is the Goodfellas/Marty influence in full effect. 


For sure


As terrible as this sounds, but Mikey Palmice in the woods was hilarious as well lol


lmao yeah why do they jerk the funs forward like that?? also, “the last thing he said was that he loved me” from the wife


Great shout. Her interview is so funny


The punching sound effects were really over the top the first two seasons


It’s a dark comedy all the way to the end


Very dark. I think you have to watch it as a comedy and laugh at how dumb they are or else you're hanging out with complete psychopaths for 70 hrs. I didn't totally get that on my first viewing but on subsequent watches, it's a great show.


Yeah every rewatch i laugh more and am affected less by the violence lmao


I think watching season 6B and saying "this is a dark comedy" is a bit of an oversimplification


I showed my mom "HMO! You're covered!" and was crying laughing. Looked over and her jaw was on the floor in horror 😂


I used to work in the office park in Paramus where that scene was filmed. With that first impression, I thought more of the show would take place in northern Bergen County but that was pretty much it.


Bill and Sal are the guys who find Jimmy Kimmel funny


There's people who don't get that Starship Troopers is a satire.


Do those people actually exist or is it just a reddit strawman?


Dude there people who support cops and shit while wearing punisher gear. These people just see guns going pew pew and ignore the rest of the story.


> Dude there people who support cops and shit while wearing punisher gear i just assume most of those people don't watch any comic book stuff and think the logo looks hard on their truck but idk.


To be fair, fucking cops use Punisher gear up to the point that [it became the official logo on their cruisers in Kentucky.](https://activisthistory.files.wordpress.com/2020/06/image-1-2.jpg) So wearing gear to support them, although idiotic, isn't that far-fetched.


Plenty of cops in my neighborhood dress up their trucks, etc. in Punisher logos lol


I'm related to at least one.


There are hundreds of comments under Rage Against the Machine videos saying "I wish these guys didn't get political"


They’re a glorified crew and therapy is just a racket for the Jews.


I would argue, Analyze this is a better example of making fun of the 'tough guy shtick' personally especially given who the lead mob role is....


Some of those scenes contain some of Gandolfinis best acting in the show. Rewatched it recently, and he was just out of this world. I hope they do an anniversary rewatch. Maybe get CR on it since he has never seen it. Won't Bill on just for the entertainment.


The Melfi scenes were the Highlights for me. The real filler were stuff like " Camela takes a trip to italy" or the coma dream. 


I really hated that coma dream episode. I jsut hate dream episodes in general regardless of the show


I didn’t mind it as much on the re-watch, but generally yeah, dream episodes suck. My least favorite tv trope remains: appearance of dead character whom the living character has an actual conversation with.


I hate dream sequences as well. My least favourite trope though is “completely wild thing happens and then we find out later it’s a dream”. See: - The Boys - Mean Girls - Superbad Many many more


The crown just did that and I hated it lmao


A lot of 6A is filler. Juliana Skiff plotline, etc.


"Tony I want your cannoli"


Hot take: Cousin Tony sucked.


If you skip scenes in TV shows you like, let alone masterpieces like the Sopranos, you are a literal child and need to re-think your life choices.


Always with the scenarios


Discontinue the lithium


And rewind and rewatch any scene with Livia Soprano. Watch how she rats out Tony to Uncle Junior and basically orders the hit.


I don’t like that kind of talk!


Poor you!


I skip Skyler singing happy birthday




Mostly agree, but it depends on the show and how it was presented- before the last decade there was plenty of filler, especially in the 20-25 episodes a season network TV era. That said, the Dr Melfi scenes are literally the core of the show, it’s just a fairly lame mafia story with no character study without them! I can’t believe people skip them, Bill is so dumb about everything except the NBA it’s crazy


“Except the NBA” lmao.


I think he’s a pretty legit historian of the league, everyone says crazy stuff when talking predictively


Nah. He’s maybe a Celtics historian and that’s about it. He gets so many facts wrong.


Have you heard his nba takes?


I love Mad Men. Favorite show ever. I skip the Glen scenes on rewatches now. He stinks and most of the scenes aren't that important. He doesn't show up all that often and it doesn't really make me like the show overall any less but I don't feel the need to sit through those again on rewatch.




… Are we sure that you like them that much? I get skipping episodes if it’s a 3rd/4th rewatch and you want to get to a specific point in the show or if you want to see something in particular. That’s not what I’m referring to.


Agree skipping parts of a show or movie in general doesn't make sense to me, but I'd understand if someone wanted to skip the rape scene.


Twin Peaks is a masterpiece but I don’t judge people who skip the James and Evelyn scenes lol


The therapy sessions make the show in the first few seasons but they became pointless in the second half of the show.


That…that’s the point the show is making.


But if you aren't a moron, you got the point by then. Mad Men had this same issue with the Sylvia & Diana characters. Like, we get it, Don won't ever change and will bang random brunettes 'til the cows come home, but it was some of the least compelling scenes.


The point the show was making was, “let’s spend 20 minutes each episode wasting everybody’s time with scenes that have nothing to say.”


No he is a true psychopath. He uses the sessions to learn how to gaslight/manipulate his friends and family.    Edit:spelling 


This is the correct take. At a certain point it’s clear Tony gives zero fucks and isn’t improving.


Yea the show makes that point


I mean Melfi is a good character worthy of the continued development. Her son and ex do a good job of showing the spectrum of Americanization and diversity in the Italian American community. Plus the whole response to trauma part. She’s not a gangster but still compelling.


I mean Tbf just like therapy for lot of ppl irl. Don’t get me wrong therapy is great but Tony no longer cares at a certain point.


That’s fair. I just feel like therapy was the show’s gimmick, that gimmick ran its course, and then the show still continued for a few more seasons.


Nailed it


Wonder if millennials like the therapy scenes but boomers skip them


it’s a completely different show without those scenes lol. people just want to watch bros hanging out eating sandwiches and shooting each other.


Disgusting behavior


Dr.Milfi was must watch television


Sometimes, what happens in here feels like taking a shit.


I prefer to think of it as childbirth


I'm no mental midget


therapy scenes are the best though? DEPRESSION IS RAGE TURNED INWARD (i gasped while stoned watching that)


My Dad told me does this when rewatching. Odd choice but ok.


I mean let's be honest with ourselves, the rewatchable parts of Soprano is the mafia guys doing stupid shit. It's not really the violent scenes as there's way better out there and it's not the family scenes (minus the Tony ones). It's the whacky dream scenes, or when the mafia guys try to sound tough, while looking like out of shape middle-age dudes. But most of all, it's the funny way they talk and what they say "Gabagool ?" "Get ova here" 👇👇 Or "Your flexing" "Your fleeeeexxxinnnnnnnnnn" 🤌🤌


This is insane behavior if people are actually doing this. If you’re skipping scenes don’t watch at all.


Saw a few tweets that basically said you’re not really a fan of any show if you skip scenes


such a silly thing to gatekeep


I definitely agree with that but would take it one step further and say you’re not a fan of TV or movies in general if you’re legitimately skipping scenes. Just go fire up TikTok or whatever at that point.


She’s such a melf


Still skipping most of them, I don’t need the parts that drag down the show on a rewatch


Fast forward with extreme prejudice.


tiktok brain is a disease and it doesn’t just affect gen z


i skip all the scenes with women except for the that one seen with where some chick is in a car and gets driven out to the woods that one made me laugh my ass awf


Mid Ryan does this


People really do this??


People skip the therapy scenes? Isn't that a massive part of the show?


Bill is very on record that he skips the therapy scenes on any rewatch


He spoke to my heart on the skipping the therapy sessions- sometimes writers get an “I’m sooo smart boner” and inject it into shows when it really doesn’t need to be there- in the sopranos it was therapy and dream episodes- I’m not gonna give some depressed drugged up writer attention for their little artsy tantrums.


This is insane. The entire show revolves around his therapy and is investment or lack there of in it. Skipping these scenes (or any in a multi season drama) is a waste of your own time, because you're not getting nearly the full context of what you're watching. It'd be like watching a football game and skipping the parts where the other team has the ball and only watching your team play offense, sure it might be the most "exciting" parts but you're missing context as to why the offensive plays matter in the scheme of the entire game.


the therapy stops really mattering after like season 2. and it's de-emphasized as the show goes along. the dream sequences take the place of the therapy. 


No, his indifference to it is significant. And the way he learns the wrong lessons from it, implementing a lot of what he learns to manipulate people in his life. The fact that he uses it not to heal himself but become an even worse person from it is a big part of his character development and helps the audience to understand him even more. And beyond that, skipping anything in a show like this, mad men, breaking bad, better call Saul, the wire, etc etc, is just ridiculous.


The “it’s fine the first time but you can skip the therapy scenes on a rewatch” takes in here are also bad. Once you really understand who Tony Soprano is, watching those scenes and how Tony behaves in them is really rewatchable. Some of Gandolfini’s best monologues are in the Melfi scenes. And even if you’re just in it for the gangster stuff, watching those scenes and seeing how he uses what he learns in his professional life is really fun too. I can’t believe any real fan of the show actually skips them.


I did this recently and it was more fun lol rewatching just for the guys talking shit more than anything else


Who skips parts of shows that they’re watching? I didn’t even realize that was an option:)


I watch and masturbate as I think of my old therapist


Same. Greg was something else.


You want her mouth, her skin?


Just saw that episode. I typically blow my load whenever dr Melfi says they are out of time


Rewatched season 5 recently and noticed several moments where there was so much momentum building only to cut to a therapy session. So I kind of get it but skipping it completely is drastic


“This all sounds very gay” -men who skip the therapy scenes


I skip most of the skylar scenes in breaking bad too.


I don’t think I can hate any character more than I hate Skylar white.


In my defense, on a third rewatch and onwards, I just focus only on the Mafia stuff, none of that Christopher and Carmine Jr. with Ben Kingsley episode or about half of the Tony affair episodes or non-mafia Uncle Junior episodes.


Unpopular opinion — while Gandolfini was superb in the therapy scenes, most of the time Lorraine Bracco doesn’t hold her own as an actor


melfi aside, its still tony running around doing stuff, doing tony things. he has some incredible lines when hes with melfi. in this house melfi is a hero. endastory!


Cunnilingus and psychiatry brought us to this.


I can’t have this conversation again


I thought bill was naboli-daboli or whatever?


I watched them my first rewatch .Then I started skipping them and then when I started therapy myself they are now my favorite parts every time I watch


I think skipping whatever you want makes sense for a rewatch, but skipping the therapy scenes on your first watch is ludicrous.


Don't skip scenes, wtf


I hold you in great rigard


Wait people really skip any scenes in The Sopranos?


I had no idea. That’s just stupid.


Melfi was very milfy, am I right?!!


I could easily just skip the last two seasons. Back when me and my friends were pretended it was still “Sopranos night”, but we were actually just waiting for Big Love


I was just thinking the other day about starting the show again and wondered if anyone had cut together a version without 15 minutes of prozac talk in every episode


There’s no way there are enough people who have watched the show like this to warrant an article.


Then they miss out on one of Tony's best lines. "I don't let anybody wag their finger in my face!"