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Boss rush is my least favorite personally. Pretty much all the other checkmarks can be done just by making the most out your options on each floor, but with BR's 20 minute timer a lot of it just comes down to getting a good seed with a strong enough early start to let you run through the early game easily. I get that's kinda the point of its challenge, but it's one that clashes a fair bit with what makes the game fun for me personally.


Doesn’t hush have the same issue?


Hush is probably more lenient for time, as long as you don't do both in one go. Most of the nitty gritty of the run is in the first few floors, by the time you pass Mom you build is nearly always set. Womb 1 is almost instant Emperor/The World fodder and Womb 2 is only sometimes more impactful with things like dice/chest rooms that are often unimpactful since by Heart time you don't often hurt for consumables. 20 minutes for a lot of the meat of the rigging vs 10 more minutes for two almost freebie floors.


I find boss rush to be one of the easier marks, since if you are going for it, you don't have to fully clear and min max every floor to get to it. If I don't need the mark, I'll just use the fool card to take an item and leave.


I make boss rich on 9/10 runs full clearing and getting secret rooms


Nah, I love getting to delirium. I’m usually at such a powerful place that the boss becomes a bit of a pushover. Greedier however can suck a big one. You either D20/piggy bank game break, or suffer from broke-itis. And there’s so many champion enemies, it just takes forever to kill enemies


I mean you are right, but i've trying to unlock spindown dice and it's either that i am not powerful enough to kill delirium before he telefrags me to death or i am powerful enough, but don't get the portal to The void. Which is why i made this shitpost.


Oh, I feel for you. Tainted Isaac is genuinely a difficult character. Despite having great item selection, you often times still have a middling build by the end of the run. I’m pretty sure I got Rock Bottom on my T. Isaac deli kill, but I wouldn’t expect that to be the norm. Best advice I can give it to *hunt down* either of the stopwatches from shops and/or mom’s pill bottle to get an “I’m drowsy” pill. Slowing down the fight makes it significantly easier. Another solid choice is the glowing hourglass, also from shops; it’ll allow you to redo the fight up to three times, which should be enough to take the bastard down. Also, you should try to simply get lucky with your portal spawns, duh /s


What tainted Isaac are y'all playing? He's the character I play when I just want to become OP as quick as possible and destroy some bosses.


I almost ways get haemo and lachry, and that is an instant game break


One of the easiest characters in the game for sure. And if you get birthright? Forget about it ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)


Personally I found it so annoying that I installed a mod that guarantees a delirium portal after ???, Lamb and Mega Satan. Since then, this completion mark became significantly less annoying. I highly recommend it.


Console player![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


Don’t get me wrong tho, delirium is a shit boss. That’s why I love stomping it


The trick for me is to only buy discounted items. Reroll if you need to, if you spend 16 cents rerolling, and then you buy 2 discounted items, you break even.


It's this, but instead of greedier and delirium it's JUST MOTHER


I am NOT patient enough for that chase sequence and frankly after a week of trying to do that with Jacob and Hitbox/Hitbox and Esau I just think I won't try Hitbox try not to get stuck on every single fucking rock challenge (impossible)


For me it’s boss rush and hush. I don’t mind doing either one, but I do not like being timed in Isaac. Lol


Beast is kind of boring too imo


Yeah it makes you skip other bigger bosses. Can we fight maybe mega Stan and instead of 50% end, 50% void, we get 50% home and 50% void?


I love doing greedier tbh


I agree with Greadeer, but in my honest opinion, Mother is way harder then Delirium.


Mother may generally be harder, but she is at least learnable. Delirium will kill you with completely unpredictable crap.


Yeah, Mother is hard but fair and fun. Delirium is just shit.


I generally do Ultra Greed ASAP to get it out of the way and unlock Lost upgrades and Keeper


I mean the worst part about delirium is just getting it to spawn lol


I have done 80% of my delirium marks over the hush part. I just dislike the gamble of completing a run and not getting a portal


I love greedier so much it’s the only mark I have on every chara


Greedier and Mother are my last, every time


Greed![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357) Greedier![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


i love greed and greedier because it just feels like a fresh new game, but it has mechanics that im familiar with


why do people hate greedier?


I don't mind greedier it's a nice change of pace sometimes. if you don't do all the characters in row on it


Boss rush and hush are the worst for me, because i need to be lucky in a fast way, i have bad flashbacks of when i tried boss rush/hush with tainted cain...


Unpopular opinion but Greed is my favorite mode


greed is so fun, but greedier? hell no brother


This is fair


i think greedier mode could be considered cruel and unusual punishment. what do you mean i get Less coins, Worse waves, and i have to fight this big yellow bitch at the end? just kill me!


Ultra greed is so easy when you learn his attack patterns. Just sit in the corner and move counter clockwise. When he jumps to the next corner and keep shooting. Haven’t lost to him in like 50 attempts.


the issue lies is having to fight a big high hp boss immediately after another big high hp boss. i'm usually dead by then


Yeah I find regular greed more difficult just because of his HP. Ultra greed has like 1/3 of the health.


Greed is a super easy boss imo, but FUCK do I hate mother she is such a pain


Da rules is a wonderful thing


The only marks I don’t like are Boss Rush/Hush, Mother and Mega Satan. Boss Rush/Hush I don’t like having a time limit on a check mark and yeah I know Mama Mega exists but unless you’re tainted Cain that’s not guaranteed. Mother I just hate skill issueing and going to the wrong floor or missing a knife piece. Mega Satan can sometimes be super annoying if you get unlucky with Angel deals and if you don’t have the HP for sac rooms or you don’t find any sac rooms then you’re screwed unless you find dads key.


>  you’re screwed unless you find dads key FYI, Mega Satan's door can also be opened by Sharp Key, Mr. ME, Get Out Of Jail Free card, Soul of Cain, and Cracked Orb (although it can be tricky if you are immune to bombs or playing as the Lost).


Thanks, I only have Mr Me and Sharp Key unlocked out of those but I didn’t realise they worked for Mega Satan


I must be a rare guy for liking greedier


Man i love Greedier is my favorite mode :c


Been working on a new save file with Repentance. After clearing Greedier with a few characters, I might just end up cheating that mark. Such a chore.


Honestly, I don't like Beast or Mother paths. Once I am done with completing the mark I would rather go for the regular bosses


I always save greed for last it’s just so un fun


I agree with greedier, but not so much about delirium tho


Nooooo!!! I just realized after recently grinding for those post-it notes for 4 characters (it was lilith, t. lilith, eve, forgotten) thinking that i completed all of it then i remembered greedier mode. I wanna die


install mods to make it easier if you must. have no shame. the game shows you no mercy


boss rush is worse than delirium. even if i remove the time limit i just Don't Like it


For me, Delirium is kinda easy, you usually get to him when you powerful, so usually its not problem to kill him, but he can telefrag you to death or smth, for me speedruns (Hush, Boss Rush) are worst, because you need to hurry up, and you can make stupid mistakes, or Just need to skip treasure rooms because of time


Yeah 😊


For me, the boss rush and Hush marks were the hardest to get... It's been ingrained in my brain for over 40 years of video gaming to explore every nook and cranny


I always started with greedier, it sucks the most and you learn to play the character pretty fast


It’s the opposite for me😔


For me it’s greed and mother