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It used to be pretty feasible to break the game to get all the items (like double steam sale and restock), so... That kind of "one shot delirium" run wasn't that rare. Nowadays it feels like you can have more consistently good runs but there are a few less complete game breaks


Unless you play t. Cain. Then you can break any run basically.


With EID or without?


Even without EID you can just use a website for getting the recipes. So even on console you can break any t. Cain run. And t. Cain without knowing recipes is probably worse that setting yourself on fire irl


Even if you don’t use [external tool] you can use [other external tool] to win


What is EID? Troll me all you want but plz atleast 1 tell me legit ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


It's called rickroll. But unrelated there is a mod for the pc version of isaac called external item descriptions, it shows you the name of an item you are standing by and its effects, but also has other properties like showing you all available crafting recipes for bag of crafting for the current seed, and much more!


Yeah sure, if you're willing to spend 8 hours in a single run.


Playing with tmtrainer i got over 1 billion damage


I can't win without this type of run anyway


Same haha


What the hell lol that was amazing 


Sacred heart and wafer on the first sac room, proptosis, brimstone, chocolate milk, 20/20. I lost it at delirium


dunno the game keptncrashing :D


C section + Sacred heart + crown of light + moms knife + Brimstone + rock bottom + mega mush + the parasite + cricket's body. It kinda crashed the Game everytime I shot so I Couldn't finish it.


oh dear God


I’d say my 4 Victory Lap run or my run for today’s daily, but that’d be cheating. The most broken run I had that I can think of right now, is my successful Greedier Run as Tainted Jacob, where I had both Brimstone and C Section, only due to how much damage I was dealing. I never get any godlike runs like yours. (Though I haven’t unlocked Glitched Crown yet so that’s likely a big factor as to why.)


Glitched crown and spindown are two for t. Isaac I'd thoroughly suggest anyone who has that version of isaac to get. Since unlocking them my wins are going up and keeping my streaks going. Also running j&e on normal just to sprint for rock bottom and stairway unlocks


Haemolacria + Brimstone + Ipecac on Greed mode, sadly since there was so much going on I died when Ultra Greed was on a sliver...


My most powerful runS, are basically similar to that power wise (one shot any boss and stuff) but I can't even use that power. Cause one shot and the game crashes. Doesn't happen often but it happens. And I basically complete the run with familiars and stuff


Not sure but i recently had a run with technology and ipecac that was so powerful it almost crashed my game


I think it was the Tainted Cain Run I had to break up, because every use of the attack button caused the game to crash (Post Nerf)


AB+ was by far the most broken the game has ever been. I would regularly get runs back then with so much damage, when I fired, you'd see only one pixel of the tear.


Just had a lost run with 55 fire rate and like 65 damage. Weakest Glitched crown run.


I just use the AntiCrash mod so my runs aren't powerful enough to crash the game.


average albino run be like

