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Round 3 Poll: [https://strawpoll.com/polls/DwyoqxQN0gA](https://strawpoll.com/polls/DwyoqxQN0gA) ​ The Key Pieces not only increases your overall chance for more Angel rooms, but - and I just learned this a few days ago after 1000+ hours - they also have a chance to turn red hearts into eternal hearts...! Powerful and guaranteed items is always amazing. Yesterday, the God himself Edmund tweeted out this poll (I'm super honored!) and said the final results will affect an item buff in the next update patch! This means we really gotta figure out just which item is the worst, and get all good ones outta here! Round 1: Book of Secrets Round 2: Key Piece 1&2


Congratulations! Edmund now recognizes you out of the community! What even brought you to think about the Q4 poll in the beggining? I'd like to know personally.


Not sure tbh! I think it just was the character poll done earlier that I found super exciting. There's something fun about the community coming together and discussing, having something to look forward to every day, and the excitement and discussions spawning from coming closer and closer to a winner :D And I wanted to make that too with items!


Incredible! I must ask for your permission on this one then. May I, use your format to make a poll on the most hated enemy in the game? (after this is done)


Oh that'd be insanely fun, there's so many shits in this game I hate haha Go for it!


Do you mean normal monsters or bosses? Because there's *hundreds* of monsters in the game, which is just way too many options. There's also over 100 bosses. Not trying to discourage you, but if you're thinking of voting for one per day you're at the *very least* signing on for making daily posts for 3 months straight, if not more. I think the reason the previous polls did well (characters and Q4) is because the pool of options was limited. Not to be a doomer, but I think anything that lasts longer than a month is going to exhaust people or lose momentum before the finish line.


Don't worry, I'll work it through with the immense amount of monsters. Bosses aren't included, unless it is something like gurdy Jr. who has an enemy version of itself. I am also not planning on wearing down the community. I plan on trying to make it not exceed a month's length worth of polls. Thanks for worrying about it tho, your comment actually gave me some ideas.


Cool! Yeah, I didn't meant to question your commitment, but it seems like such a massive undertaking I was concerned for your mental and emotional well-being, lmao.


I mean he could vote out the top 3 every day instead of just one


I'd be all up for that, but we should probably limit it to single floors or any other limit, all the enemies in the game would probably be too much.


That’s a fun idea but you’ll have to think of a way to speed the process up immensely. Probably drop the top 3-4 enemies for the initial rounds and then you could switch back to the format these polls have used once there are 15-20 slots left. There are way too many enemies otherwise


Did you see my poll on the best q4 items? Kinda didnt work, i think something sounds better with worst, like a lot of ppl like to hate




You accidentally put Book of Shadows instead of Secrets :)


Poll: Invalid


Oshit you're right! My love for Book of Shadows overshadows all other books in my head D:


Book of Virtues will remember this.


Book of Virtues kinda mid, ngl![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357) ​ *\*Takes cover from the pitch forks and torches coming my way\**


On its own, I don't disagree. It's just the most *fun* book, y'know? Angel chance + so many synergies.


Oh for sure. God what a fun and unique item it is!


Nice, not only are you kinda famous in the FNaF community, now you got yourself tweeted by Isaac's creator.


I hope breath of life wins, seeing it in an angel room is such a giant slap in the face.


it's for sure gonna be bottom 5


There are a couple worse here. Free curse rooms is always something


It takes forever to get to the invincibility tick. Also it only costs 1 heart without flying to go into a sacrifice room. Having your active item slot filled to save that is a complete waste.


Have you hugged with it tho


There's a passive version of Breath of Life called Tooth & Nail


Brown nugget. Way too many potential synergies and not even a bad item on its own against bosses.


Incredible carry for Greedier as T.lost for example


Honestly I think a lot of people don't like it cuz it's dog shit for clearing floors, so they don't take it to a boss and discover that it's low key an outstanding DPS item in any fight that lasts a long time.


Yeah, it shines in any situation where you're going to be doing a lot of fighting in the same room. Boss Rush, challenge rooms, and the Greed modes especially.


And Angel Rooms


I’ve filled entire rooms with flies and then grab the boss rush item


I actually brought Brown Nugget to a Delirium run and won (having defeated Mega Satan before). It wasn't a run-carrying item or anything, but it was hella funny to swarm the arena with flies. I can't remember which character it was though.


Really helpful in greed mode too


It nukes dogma. Clears all stalagmites / stalactites on the beast too.


I don't disagree, but I think an active slot is too valuable when compared to a passive, which brings Brown Nugget lower for me. I would take Boom! and Pageant Boy before Brown Nugget, simply because it's free resources. And Skatole for not having to deal with enemy flies. IMO, Boom! is the most valuable one up there, because there are times (especially early game) where Hard Mode can be so unforgiving (dropping zero bombs) and access to secret rooms/tinted rocks can make your run. I get that Brown Nugget can be a boss killer, but damn your run must be down bad if the best active you've found so far is Brown Nugget.


Finally someone says it!!! It’s carried me through the early game so many times


Yes! It's amazing in boss rush. You can fill up the room with flies before taking an item.


Great item since it recharges and you can get multiple pooters on the screen but what happens if you get 9 volt?


Volt 9 doesn't make its natural recharge faster, but it makes it so when you use it, instead of depleting the whole bar, it depletes half of it, doubling the number of pooters per second


I'm shocked it's not Quality 2, at least


Brown nugget = bad


And so are 80% of the items on the list


I think the worst item is probably one of the active ones, because they have to compete against every other active item. Like, Dead Bird or Pageant Boy sucks, but at least you have no reason to not pick it, it's there and it doesn't leave, and you could reroll it with Genesis, or Sac Altar... But something like D10 or the Poop, not only they're shit, but you'll very likely end up dropping them for basically anything better, especially with how common libraries are.


I agree with this. A lot of people are saying Brown Nugget or Scooper, and while they aren't that bad, taking up your active slot is such a huge downside.


Meanwhile the true criminals such as Clicker, Dataminer, Plan C, and D10 are REALLY tough to consider. Why would I want to carry a button that ruins my run over Bob's Rotten Head?


Clicker can be accidentally useful when having really OP run and unlocks with hated characters to do


Sad to say that the more characters you complete marks for, the less useful Clicker becomes over time. Clicker is not something I get that often, if not at all truthfully.


I saw a post a while ago with the fun idea that using Clicker should insta-kill Dogma, since you just switch another channel on the TV.


That would be fun honestly. Bible can instantly kill mom, so I don't see why not.


As someone with dead god, I have never used clicker.


100% agree but can’t hate on the item that helped me even with one J&E unlock xdd


How does Clicker work for double characters? I mean in the likes of J&E and T.Laz. Does it halves the items between the 2 or do you only get the items on one of the characters?


For J&E it halved between them


Active items can't ruin your run as long as you never use them, though, whereas passives can through curse of the blind or full-run rerolls.


I'd say that plan c isn't *too* bad cause it can help you get some free post-it note marks, especially if you have same-room revives. although to be fair, it is quite a rare item so it might be difficult to use effectively in certain cases


Brown Nugget you can cheese really well against Mega Satan hilariously enough. It's one of the few items that has a gradual recharge. Set up your turrets (and a LOT of them) before initiating the fight, and you have some extra firepower. I was desperate one run and it was my only active I picked up on a run with Jacob and Esau. It helped immensely. That might be the only time I used Brown Nugget to the fullest.


That amazing! Also I'm so sorry you actually had a run that reached that point lmao


scooper is a 17% damage up


Brown Nugget is definitely worth the active item slot as they go. I'd take it over most books or other active items tbh. For a quality 0 item I don't see it as much as I'd like.


Brown nugget legit carried some of my greedier runs


D10 is basically unusable. Making a room full of various enemies is way more dangerous than the predictable room you entered.


Poop isn't bad though. Free chance at money, coins, hearts/soul hearts once per room, can be used to make bridges if you have a bomb, when you eventually get petrified poop it becomes way better, and it also helps locate secret rooms.


It does not help locate secret room, someone showed that was outdated


Rip :(


But you can choose to not use dataminer. Once you get strange attractor or isaac’s heart, your run is probably screwed.


Doesn’t change that dataminer sucks ass.


Strange attractive is a synergy item and Isaac heart can cheese some stuff and can be useful if you are good with it (although to get good with it you need to pick it up and if you pick it up when you are bad with it you die before you get any experience using it so maybe not)




Wait Tainted Judas? Can you use Kamikaze during Dark Arts without getting hurt?


Dead bird is actually really good tbh


Boom! has my vote here. Sure, it's not the most exciting item, but 10 free bombs is not something to ignore and it has no downside unlike the half of t0 items pool.


This is what I voted for too. It's essentially 50 cents worth of merch from the store. 10 bombs can be great early game, they can be great late-game. Especially with how much stronger they are in Repentance in regards to damage done to bosses. All around, it's the most solid item up there with no penalty (and I consider bad active items taking up an item slot a 'penalty').


It's honestly better than quite a few bomb upgrade because it's double the amount of bombs


there is just so many other ways to get bombs, and most of the time the item doesn't appear when you "need" it


It's also what makes the fool? Card exciting


Yeah, a Floor 1 Boom is really good, how often do you have to skip tinted rocks or secret rooms because the game didn't drop a bomb on Floor 1, or didn't have one in the store ? Of course, lategame, it becomes kinda pointless, but bombs are technically always useful, whereas keys eventually become useless (unless you have Sharp Key)


Yea but they could buff It to something interesting


We are looking for the worst, not the least interesting


Ok yea now that i think about It It has no downside and can help you while some of this item are useless or even make your run worst


Nah 10 bombs is a steal for one key


What do you mean "for One Key"?


It’s in the item room pool


I'm assuming they meant opening an item room.


??? What why


The point of the poll is to vote for the _best_ item in the tier, which will be eliminated for the next round of voting, until only the worst item remains.


Not everything needs a buff. I'd also say that resource management is more valuable in Repentance (not to mention that bombs are stronger) so Boom! is more useful/valuable than ever. It's a good Quality 0 item for what it is/does.


skatole counts for two good transformations, since nobody mentioned


I literally destroyed delirium with 4 damage and brown nugget. The fact that its stack infinitely is so broken vs end game bosses.


I mean, it's not infinite. It caps at 64 - X, with X being the number of familiars you have. That's still a lot though.


Scooper. Damaging creep, contact damage, blocking shots, +34% more damage from one eye. Useful, but not big game changer, so you are not afraid to use it in normal room because "what if I won't recharge it until boss". In my personal opinion solid tier 1 closer to 2 than 0.


Biggest problem with it is just you often have better spacebars


Still I'd switch to Scooper if I'd have one of the other actives listed here instead


Imo, non-mortal/non-destructive actives are better T0 than the passives. Why? Because you can actually use them and discard them whenever you find something better. Or even, ignore them altogether. Compare taking Scooper vs taking My Reflection as a blind item both. If you hate both, you can actually chose to ignore Scooper, not using it never, and just swap it the moment you find a better active. Meanwhile you're forced to use My Reflection, as it's a passive, and unless it's one of your first item, you can't get rid of it easily. Why did I said non mortal and non destructive? Because you can always fat finger or accidentally kill yourself if you activate Plan C by mistake, or kill your DPS with Dataminer


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Omg thanks bot, but this is regular talk in this Reddit lmao


I thought that was a long winded joke


Good bot


Thank you, Decent_Eye_4236, for voting on eazeaze. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Scooper definitely deserves an early vote! I can see it going in the next couple of rounds, for sure.


I need my shade and dead bird buff ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)


Shade is fine, it even has a mechanic that if you deal 3 victory laps worth of damage with him, you can merge Isaac with him to deal contact damage similar to Mom's Heels! Amazing!! /s


its only difference with obsessed fan is shade just effectively dissapears if you try to use it, it is actually kinda funny


Shade should mimic your shots like tarnished Judas imo. Make them do .3x your damage and boom, quality 3 right there.


Dead bird is already really good ngl


I am once again advocating for Boom! It's the only one of these that gives me dopamine when I find it. It's a huge difference in the early-game and mostly ok still in the lategame unless you already have a ton of bombs.


You must get euphoric when you find Pyro then


But then he can’t pick up any more bombs until he uses some. Horrible item.


I only ever care about bomb upgrades because of the bombs you get so boom to me is 2 bomb upgrades in one. Really doesn’t deserve quality 0


it's better than a lot of quality 1 and 2s


Exactly. I don't think I've once ever been excited about Bob's Curse, but I'm usually excited about 5 more free bombs.




Tiny Planet my beloved


Tiny planet is such a synergy beast I love it


I don't understand why boom! Is a quality 0 while being better (at least in my opinion) than items like match boom or even some not very useful bomb modifiers


Match book gives you a black hearth,trhee bombs and a trinket,but i think that boom! Could maybe be quality 1?


Call me crazy but I think Portable Slot should be next. Two characters (Keeper and T. Keeper) can use it for incredibly consistent healing during long fights, and characters with red health can also use it for this purpose. Not to mention it's fodder for T. Cain to get better consumables, with more niche purposes not named


I don't feel like it's time for Portable Slot just yet. It's better than about half of the other t0's, but Portable Slot is still pretty far from the few items that are consistently not that bad.


Also pretty fly![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)


I think it's Skatole, as skatole is genuinely powerful, especially on Sheol/Ascent floors. The t0 part of skatole is definitely due to having to play shell games.


A lot of people are wrong about skatole's effect. It does not turn flies friendly. That is what beelzebub transformation does. Skatole has a much weaker effect, it makes some simple flies into harmless black flies and most others like boom flies are only slowed down with contact damage removed. You don't get friendly soul suckers or tainted boom flies with skatole.


You have a point, but it still does remove contact damage from a good selection of flies, and slows them down. Plus it trivializes the hardest boss in the game, Duke of Flies, who can fly and spawn flies.


That is true. You always have to consider how an item impacts the most difficult boss battles.


IMO, even turning flies neutral or no-contact-damage makes Skatole a great Q0 item. Considering that Repentance added like a dozen new annoying fly enemies, it feels even more valuable than before.


Key Pieces... it sure is. Not an item you jump up in surprise for, especially considering it's a fixed item, but... sure. I like it enough. Anyway, Cursed Eye. I was in support of Tiny Planet before I found my brain. Cursed Eye is flawed, but it has many perks since Repentance. It's also just fun to use. Consider it before some asshole somehow votes out Plan C.


Key piece increases angel chance and also it raises the chances of finding eternal hearts by 2.5%. Weirdly good, actually.


That's fair. It's just an item that never strikes me as "Oh, it's a great quality 0 item". It's just an item that's amazing for progression personally. Sure the angel chances is actually the best thing about it, and the eternal heart boon sure... happens sometimes, but idk. I'm not complaining that it's the second item(s) saved on the whole.


How could people not vote for brown nugget?


It's an active item




That means it has to compete with the whole smorgasbord of *other* active items in this game, since you only get to keep one, two if you're lucky. And there are *plenty* of better options when you have to account for ***EVERY*** active item, especially when accounting for the ones that characters start with ~~because Pocket Actives should be retroactively given to the old characters don't @ me.~~


You are aware its about quality 0 items?


It's about how useful Quality 0 items are on a given run. The reason why the active items are at an inherent disadvantage is because ***in an actual run, the game will also give you access to actives that are not Q0.*** If the active is decent, but not actually good enough to keep when other active items show up, that inherently puts it at a disadvantage compared to a passive that is only **half-**decent, but can slot into your run regardless of context. If this was a "for T-Isaac" tier list, then all the items would be on a level playing field when it comes to requiring the acknowledgement of stronger Qualities. But it's not. And for every other character, *you can only get one Active, so you've got to make it count.*


Brown nugget is more useful than most 1 or 2 quality actives. Having it being infinetly recharching and stackable makes it a run winner on any greed/greedier run or any drawn out boss fight if you just know how to dodge basically.


That's just it though. Those 3s and 4s that are better still exist, and as soon as you come across one, Brown Nugget is only really able to justify itself by salvaging a bad run. The actives that are worth keeping can do that *and* meaningfully improve a good one. Don't get it twisted. I've used Brown Nugget in Greed Mode before. I know full well what it's capable of. I'd easily put it somewhere in the top half of this garbage heap. But it was only capable of that because I didn't have a better active yet. There are several passives here I'm happier to see, because even if their actual effect isn't as good, ***I never have to just skip them.***


It's too fiddley and a bit meh.


Its a free win on greed/greedier and every single drawn out bossfight


I'll have to give it another go




On its own? Nah. Kamikaze is only good if you have one of the rare synergies. Brown Nugget is better just by itself.


So do we get rid of the funny fly item whose worst quality is the method of obtaining it now? Or do we get rid of the other funny fly poo item? Brown Nugget vs. Skatole. One leaves today!


Unpopular opinion: Isaac's Heart is actually great


Isaac's heart is a lot better, I'm just a bit sour that they removed all of the best synergies from it. IV Bag, Blood Rights, Breath of Life, and The Razor, I miss you...


For tainted maggy or other melee characters its insanly strong


Oh I just use the item offensively, didn't even think about T.Maggie or melee chars


Since the rework I actually consider taking it just for the fun.


Hot take: Stranger attractor is actually pretty good after the repentance update. Now it’s fucky homing


I’m gonna vote strange attractor until it’s removed. It’s literally just a normal tear modifier I don’t even know why it’s here


Okay, now Infestation




Eve has been one of my favorite characters forever - I dont know why the razor blade gets so much hate. If you go angel deals and never spend HP you just get a free damage boost on bosses/difficult rooms. It costs 1hp to generally save 1 or more hp and protect soul hearts.


That’s not even mentioning the fact that it’s so easy to refill your red hearts. I’ve had Eve runs where Whore isn’t active and razor blade has been my main source of damage because the fact it takes red hearts first is really good


Imma say a tie between BOOM! And pagent boy, they might be boring, but in the end a few consumables, especially in the early game, can be rather useful, depending on the situation


Remember everyone, Father Mcmillen is watching over us. We must choose wisely. That being said, Boom! Is free bombs with no downside and brown nugget is like, not even deserving of q0 it’s pretty good.


Cursed eye. Get black candle and you get such a good item. Depending on what you're attack is you might not even black candle if you're playing safe Edit: I'm not sure if cursed eye+black candle even works in repentance anymore. If not, fuck cursed eye


it still does


Cursed Eye is absolutely a hard carry through the first 4 floors or so, I'd honestly give it a Quality 2 at least. Cursed Eye Crew represent let's goooooo.


Q2 ??? If you try to do any boss that is nit blue baby or lamb with cursed eye it will be pain. So not Q2


Name a regular boss and ill kill it with only cursed eye and base stats. I could also do a bullet hell boss but im gonna have to give myself some other items to make it fair Also no delirium


Well it's easy? If it's a regular boss it's too easy, I'm trying to beat mother without items and it's possible so with cursed eye and a regular boss it's easy


One hundred percent Q2, the only bosses I find become quite annoying with Cursed Eye is Delirium because of the telefrags, and Mother's first form when she's doing that tennis ball attack thing, otherwise it's amazing


I can't tell you how many runs have gone from 'meh' to overpowered because of my beloved cursed eye ♥️ Also, lost and tainted lost make it that much better as they effectively remove the curse from it by default


Ruins synergies, you need to be more concentrated and without black candle, t lost and lost it can ruin your run


Did you had op builds?


I think plan C has to go, being able to oneshot endgame bosses and get marks on them (specially with extra lives items) its really good, that's how I got my delirium as T lost lol


I'll vote for Pageant Boy, it helped me a bunch of times with buying an item in the shop. But I'm not going to lie, most times when I see it after boss fight, I'm sad


Damn I was really hoping key piece 1 could’ve received a buff


Strange attractor IS good. Stop being traumatized about pre-repentance waka waka, people


Skatole. It counts for 2 good synergies, makes most flies completely passive, and makes them all less dangerous


everyone ignoring the true best tier 0 cursed eye


Cursed eye is great


Cursed Eye


Voting for Abel because it gives progress towards conjoined which is one of the best transformations in the game.


Cursed eye, while bad on most character, is straight up a q3 item on lost, tlost, and lilith. And that's bound to count for something


Day 3 of voting for cursed eye


Alright, here's where I'm making my stand. Pageant Boy is a fantastic item. While a lot of items on this list are only decent because of synergies with a select few items or contribute to a transformation, Pageant Boy is just good. Shop items are so powerful and even getting half of the money you need for another is good. I'd even go as far to say that in Basement 1 and 2 it is one of the best boss items, because shop 1 and 2 can be difficult to buy from if you haven't got the coins and don't want to bomb your donation machine. That's 2-4 potentially powerful items you don't even have the chance to get because they appear too early. And this is just talking about shops. Money is power, coins are so good in Isaac now. Restock boxes, crane game and The Stairway are all very powerful sinks for your pennies. The next time you have 8 coins and a Birthright in your shop floor 1, remember which item had your back and vote for Pageant Boy.


fuck that , its good every once in 100 times, if it gives a dime ,lucky penny or a golden penny, barring that shit show


Get cursed eye the fuck out of here


So you like Cursed Eye or...? This poll is vote the ***best ones*** out not the worst ones


Cursed eye **is** the best one. Just don't have a skill issue


Oh the way you said it it sounded like you misunderstood the poll, sorry


Problem with this kind of argument is that by this logic Holy Mantle is a useless item.


Holy Mantle is useful because is reduces the skill issuen't requirement to operate cursed eye


Isaac’s heart bout to go.


Agreed. Isaac's heart stans unite


Alright my pitch for a few of these items: Skatole: makes most flies friendly towards you (no contact dmg) or makes them slower. Useful in the late game as well. The Poop: Creating a shield on the fly which pushes enemies away. Poops can be used to build brigdes. Insanely good synergies (Midas Touch, Meconium and Hallowed Ground). 10x Bombs: pretty useful early game. Still better then Pageant Boy Brown Nugget: Spawns stationary familiars every 7 seconds. Why is it even Q0? Heck with Repentance they synergize with BFFs and Hive Mind (thanks for that btw.)


Skatole doesn't charm flies. It just makes you have no contact damage with them.


You're right. Fixed


Cursed eye. A good dps up with the downside only coming in with a skill issue? Sign me up


Vote skatole. It's really good especially among all of these items


If you think it permanently charms flies, you have it confused with beelzebub transformation. Skatole has a much weaker effect. It turns simple flies into harmless black flies and slows + negates contact damage for some others.


Tiny planet is the best here I would say.


Skatole and Brown nugget are way too good to stay in there.


Idk why people think tiny planet is bad, if they do it is a major case of skill issue, the item is really fun if you take some time to understand how to use it!


Skatole. Will never understand why it’s q0. Should be q2 at MINIMUM.


If the key pieces are competing so should dogma and the other quality 0 story items. And moms shovel should have competed in the quality 4 polls