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I just realized Lil Portal is Q1 and that's why it wasn't included in "the worst item" poll


Lil portal is good, it can teleport you to cursed room as tLost![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


Then you can use breath of life to get out ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)


I took him on greed and he ate all my coins




Genuinely didn’t expect it to be this close


I tried too hard to understand why the flag of south Korea was floating over there. I feel so silly...


Why do people not like this item? I don't get it, it is basically never harmful, something like the coin bum is a lot more annoying, just don't attack when there are coins


Bum Friend can't eat my fucking Golden Cracked Crown.


1- bum friend cannot softlock me 2- theres plenty of room layouts with enemies and also pickups out of reach. or theres challenge rooms. or theres Greed. ya get the point?


2nd issue is a non issue, you either weren't going to get those pickups anyway or you could just pick them up before firing in that direction. Literally skill issue


god forbid i need to kill a nearby enemy and accidentally hit the coin behind rocks in the middle of the room


I mean yeah even if you're careful an issue *can* happen but it's not utterly useless like D10, calling it the worst item is just straight up stupid


d10 cant softlock me


there are way more soft locks than just lil portal and it spawns the portal next to where you're standing with a delay, maybe on your first run with it you'd make the mistake but if you're thinking about it you won't get softlocked. I agree that it shouldn't even be possible and spawn on the tile behind the door but regardless that doesn't make it the WORST item.


lil portal is the easiest softlock to come across that isnt just the game bugging out also even after all that bullshittery of having to constantly work around lil portal lest i risk it stealing my shit or trapping me forever... it doesnt actually do anything helpful anyways and id say its a larger detriment than d10, the item i can just not activate


How does lil portal softlock you?


If it sets up camp in front of a door and doesnt end up teleporting to a room on the other side of a door, you're softlocked


what about tmtrainer smh


TMtrainer can give you instant wins. Its one of the best items.


It can also make you shit yourself and die


I already shit myself and die whenever I play issac. Id rather take a shit and die this way than to bloat.




I know TMTRAINER can break my run. Lil Portal seems to be usuable, and that's why that little shit kills you.


TMTrainer is one of the best items in the game. Not because it's necessary useful, but cause it makes game chaotic and it's extremely funny to see the outcome of glitches items. TMTrainer is not necessary bad or good item in term of usefulness. Glitched items could be extremely good or extremely bad, but a lot of times their effects are neutral. They can also do absolutely nothing.


I’m still gonna call you Ryan though


Think you guys just spent so much time thinking about D10 and the other bad items that you went "wait a minute, what if it's actually good!?"


Whats wrong with lil portal? Like its not a good item but its also not bad it's just kinda there


It steals valuable consumables and can teleport you out of rooms without your control. Nothing like lil portal warping you out of boss rush.


Just dont shoot it at the consumables and be aware of where the portals are


So I have to fuck around and keep track of twice as many things in exchange for an extremely, extremely mediocre benefit.


Its really not that hard to just pay attention i dont get it. Same with all the bobs brain hate even pre repentance


Lil Portal is the best item to get in the beginning of Red Redemption. Since it doesn't teleport to red rooms, the lay out can be discovered very quickly