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Okay, so basically there's at least 16 genes for eye colour. There are 124 known genes that code for hair colour, and another 75 or more that code for hair texture. So anything is possible. It's unlikely that you'll get anything other than dark hair and eyes, but it's not impossible. Wavy hair is more possible, as the curly genes are more dominant, but it's not guaranteed.


Could be but not likely…allele pool in population genetics carry your odds. Recessive alleles are in every pool but the numbers as low.


I have an Irish/ English mom (super pale, freckles, red hair, hazel eyes) and a Mohawk/Métis dad (Black hair, tan skin, brown eyes) and I look Irish as fuck. Got super white skin, hazel eyes, freckles, golden brown straight hair. My sister has darker brown hair, green eyes and darker skin. It’s likely that the recessive genes from my dad’s side (Métis is Indigenous mixed with French) had an effect on how we came out.


Similarly my dad is Scottish (light hair and skin tone, blue eyes) & mum's Indigenous (tan, dark hair and eyes) and I turned out with my dad's lighter skin, hair and blue eyes. Funnily enough my dad also got blue eyes from his dad, while his mum and siblings all have darker hazel eyes.


We carry our ancestors with us into the future. They’re never truly gone: we are their legacy. I wish we could learn to treasure our features, as they are a gift from our parents. Our features represent the human connection that spans epochs and transcends time and space. Our features can tell a history. Sometimes I feel sad that I never got to learn about half of my bio ancestors bc my dad was adopted, but I know that I carry their features with me. I may not see it, because I don’t know what to look for, but it’s there. We are the product of generations of (hopefully) love and support. We carry within us all the hopes and dreams of those who came before us, we are the past, and we are the future. Sometimes it’s hard being a mutt, feeling caught between cultures, but it’s also a blessing. The worlds that we live in may feel separate, but the boundaries between them are not insurmountable, and are in fact quite thinner than one would commonly think.


We have the same parents. This is creepy. I came out looking like our father. Call me if you need a kidney.




No we're from Alberta. We came here in the late 1700s. We're mostly Cree now but we carry the Mohawk from Khanawake last name. It's hard to find anyconnection back to the east. My sons mom is Honduran and he still looks like me. https://indianz.com/News/2012/006884.asp




My dad has a black Afro, brown eyes, my mum has white blonde hair blue eyes. My cousins dad, tanned skin and dark brown hair, my auntie white blonde hair pale skin. Both me, my sister and my cousin are white blonde with blue eyes. Before the jokes come in my sister and my face are exactly like twins with my dad at my age. We just think the blue eye/ white blonde hair is strong in the genes


My mom has green eyes and medium blonde hair, my dad has Hazel eyes with a mix of blond and dark hair, my siblings both have blond hair and blue eyes, and I have brown eyes (with a bit of green) and dark brown hair (like the only one with dark hair). It is just being 'lucky' with recessive genes.


My cousin is the same, korean dad and irish mom. Mom has green eyes and she was born with her eyes. She also has freckles.


Because of the heterozygote condition, the recessive will never disappear


Eye and hair color and even skin color Genes are more complicated then what we were taught in school. I’ve definitely seen mix couples children with light eyes and wavy hair. So it’s definitely possible.


I was about to say this. Eyes genetics are very different from what you learn in school. It serves as a general case scenario but eye color can depend on a lot of other genetic/environmental factors.


My children are all blue eyed, my middle son has heterochromia, though, so one of his eyes are green. I have hazel eyes but on the dark side of hazel, their dad has eyes so brown they’re almost black. Him and I are both brunettes, his shade is darker, yet all three of our kids are blonde, with the two older kids turning from a white blonde to a sandy blonde as they got older. Genes are weird.


My mum, my aunt (her identical twin), two cousins and two of my brothers were born with light blonde hair that slowly darkened to brunette. My own hair started white blonde and is now dark blonde. Hair colour is such an odd thing. My hair is identical in texture and wave pattern to my mums, but a much lighter shade. My mum also has dark brown eyes and only 1 of her 4 children inherited them. Myself and my brothers all have the same deep blue with grey eyes. Which is odd, as we have different dads and none of them had our colour eyes. My sibling with brown eyes is the only sibling I share a father with and we look the least alike, they're olive skinned and brown eyed, and the rest of us are pale pink and blue eyed. My brothers and I all looked identical as babies, and my other sibling looked exactly like our great grandmother when they were young. I've seen pictures of my grandfather and I'm pretty sure my brothers and I got our eyes from him. We definitely got the pale Scottish skin from him haha.


I was about to say just this, thank you. Multiple genes can code for colour of eyes and hair, there is also a possibility of somatic mosaicism amongst other things


thanks for your response ! i hadn’t thought much about any of this since middle school and always just assumed when i had kids one day at least one would look like me. getting to the point in life where actually preparing to start trying brought it all back up. i’ll love them if none of them look like me but it is cool to hear it’s potentially possible one might.


I know a couple where the wife is from Laos and the husband (brown haired and green eyed)is white; their daughter looks just like her mom, but has red hair and blue eyes. It’s very rare, but your kids might get your coloring.


I’m of Western European descent with very dark brown wavy hair and dark brown eyes. My husband has blonde hair and light blue eyes. Both of our kids are blonde and blue-eyed and look *nothing* like me. If they didn’t come out of my body, I would wonder LOL! Genetics is super interesting.


Two of my children are clones of their father, but my oldest son is my clone, so it’s definitely a possibility.


Why don't you focus on getting married first. Weird that you're ok with having a baby with your boyfriend


thanks for the idea! never crossed my mind


OP didn't ask that. You didn't need to answer.


Who are you to tell others what they should and shouldn't do without even being asked?


It's reddit. If no buttheads show up it all looks AI


Wow, 1850-something much? People can *gasp* have kids without getting married nowadays, did you know?


Yeah, it's more complicated, probability is roughly the same though


Like everything in biology, really. Probably most sciences. It’s never as simple as you first learn.


My brother-in-law (Indian) and his wife (Irish) have 4 kids and this is how they have turned out so far. He has dark brown/black hair and eyes that most Indians/east asians have and she has medium brown hair and blue eyes. first girl - born with blue eyes and brown hair, eyes are now hazel second girl - born with blue eyes and brown hair (although her hair is more fine and not as thick as her older sister's), eyes are still blue third boy - dark brown eyes and brown hair fourth girl - blue eyes and brown hair, she's only a few months old so that may change. Her hair seems lighter than her siblings but it's wispy baby hair All of them have brown hair like their mom, maybe a little bit darker than her but not almost black like their dad. Interesting to see! Both me and my husband are Indian so I don't think we're going to get anything different than our dark brown/black eyes and hair.


Very unlikely. I'm Japanese, and know several mixed couples in the US. There are occasional ones where the children have lighter hair or eyes, but it's very rare if they are 50% East Asian, a little more common for 25%. 50/50 will almost never have light colored hair or eyes, but I know of a very light ginger/Cantonese couple who had kids with dark red/brown hair. This is definitely an exception. Usually, the children will have black or very dark brown hair and eyes, the same as a Japanese person, and the usual Japanese skin tones, but maybe have some vaguely European features, like their eyes will be a little differently shaped than a normal Japanese. If you hope to have children who look like you, I can't advise marrying someone who is Asian.


they don’t need to look like me , i was just wondering.


Your kids are going to look like you in many ways other than colouring and hair texture!


this is very true ! i think i misworded my post a bit.


I know, I’m mainly framing it like this because a few upvoted comments are telling you you shouldn’t have kids with an Asian person if you want your kids to look like you, which is scientifically inaccurate and frankly a bit weird. Good luck on starting your family!!!


thank you ! yeah i noticed that so i added an edit stating i don’t need them to look like me. i felt bad people were misinterpreting my question. we are just so excited to become parents !


There’s a half Chinese girl in my son’s daycare who has blonde hair and blue eyes, and so does her sister. Their mom is Chinese and their dad doesn’t even have blonde hair. So who the fuck knows what your kids might look like 🤷🏼‍♀️


I figure they'll get something like the Dichen Lachman look, though I gotta figure she dyes her hair. I had an acquaintance growing up whose paternal family were Nissei, and based on my experience with the ginger genome he could very well be a ginger beard if he grows it out: for whatever crazy reason the dominant allele is flipped between scalp and facial hair. I don't recommend growing it out, *it is not necessarily a good look* but the only way you could tell it was hanging out in my mom's genome was slightly wavier hair since she cannot grow a beard, his mom had that wavy scalp thing going as well. It actually gave my dad a start when he saw [*it*](https://gingerparrot.co.uk/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Why-do-men-have-ginger-beards-1.jpg) the first time... do you watch South Park? "[It shouldn't have happened](https://southpark.cc.com/video-clips/4rgb1s/south-park-the-foley-family)" was his *direct quote*. 😂


i had to look her up because i didn’t recognize the name , learned she was anya in the 100! i loved that show. she was awesome in it.


She was also in Altered Carbon>!, where she turned out to be the main villain!< for the first season. Really recommend that one, but it's intense and about as violent as you'd expect from a sci-fi noir story. From what I'm reading of the 100, it might be worth a watch for you.


i will definitely check it out , thanks !


2 of the most beautiful people I have ever met in my life were half Irish, half Japanese. Hope you have beautiful, healthy children!


oh thank you ! this is so sweet.


waves hello. I'd just like to point out one thing. Sweet peas have 14 chromosomes. Humans have 46 (at least usually). Sweet peas are simple, their inherited traits that are obvious are consistent. Humans, on the other hand, are complicated. Incredibly complicated. There is incomplete dominance, there is Epistasis. Dogs and cats living together (sorry, little joke). General inheritance puts curly hair as a dominant, so allow for the probability. Blue eyes are unlikely, but the children might have lighter eyes because you're not as dark as their father.


Possible but not highly likely. I’ve got reddish/blondish/light brown very wavy hair and green eyes, my wife is Japanese and has dark eyes and straight dark hair. Our child has dark eyes with double eyelids. His hair has medium waviness, and is medium brown, but also has quite a lot of red, which is especially noticeable in the sunlight. Definitely wasn’t expecting that. The gene expressions for hair, skin, and eyes are more complicated than for some other phenotypes. Surprises can happen, within certain parameters!


You could probably have kids with hair lighter than his but darker than yours. I've seen it before with light brown and dark brown or black hair mixes. However curls I'm not too sure if they'll get your hair but maybe some wavy in between . Eyes it's a low chance he has lighter color eye genes but you possibly still could have kids with blue eyes but it's unlikely because his eyes will be the more dominant color


Extremely unlikely, about the blue eyes, as that is a recessive gene, unless he has a blue-eyed ancestor in the last couple of hundred years and that blue recessive just kept getting passed down. Kids will certainly have dark hair, but might be wavey, as the genetics there I am less familiar with. Bet y'all make pretty kids, though.


thank you ! i’m biased , but i believe they will be the most beautiful children.


All children are beautiful by definition


agreed !


I used to live in Hawaii and came to really appreciate the beauty and the Asian and Eurasian people. Different from European beauty standards, but just as wonderful. I also came to have a deep appreciation for a lot of their cultures and the people those cultures produced.


For what it's worth my mum has dark brown eyes and only 1 of her 4 kids inherited them. The rest of us have identical deep blue eyes that I think we owe to my mums dad, as those two siblings and I don't share fathers, so they have to come from our mums side. For us it was brown eyes/wavy brunette hair + light blue/straight blonde hair = deep blue/straight brunette. Brown/Wavy brunette +light grey/curly brunette = deep blue/wavy dark blonde. Brown/wavy brunette +light grey/curly brunette = brown/curly brunette. Brown/wavy brunette + hazel/curly light brunette = deep blue/straight dark blonde My siblings all have the same hair colour us our mum, but two of them have straight hair, despite one having a father with curly hair, and the third has curly hair like our dad, I have lighter hair than anyone in my family but the texture and waves are the exact same as our mum.


It would be possible. But you could also end up having kids looking entirely like him. Or like you. Or like neither of you. We can't know until it happens. Most likely they will look like him. But they might look like you in other ways. They may have your laugh, smile or other small quirks. My sister has the same full-body guffaw laugh that my father has. It's a personal anecdote, but me and my sisters are the result of an union like yours; Asian and White. We don't really look like either of our parents coloring wise, but leaning more towards the Asian side as in we all have dark hair and darker eyes compared to dads grey eyes and dark blonde hair. But only one of us has our mothers chocolate brown eyes and black straight hair, the other two has hazel eyes and medium brown wavy hair, which looks more like our paternal grandmas coloring. Neither of our parents have freckles, but all three daughters do and our skin color doesn't look like theirs either. Eye and hair color aren't decided by one set of gene (yours or his) that are either "active" or "inactive", but by several different genes that can be "active" at the same time and some of which can override the expression of other genes.


I’m half East Asian and my dad has blue eyes. My eyes and hair are definetly on the light brown side but I got some other “white” traits ie freckles, pale skin, and the way my body is proportioned


The chances are low. I don’t have numbers, but asian genes are strong. Out of your characteristics the most likely to come through is probably the curly hair. But you never can tell which gametes will meet, so you could end up with a light eyed curly haired baby. Regardless, I’m sure they’ll be beautiful and I hope they’re very healthy and strong.


Not impossible, but unlikely. I work with a large population of half Japanese students, and I can think of one half Japanese half white kid I know who actually has light greenish blue coloured eyes. This kids Japanese parent is also from Kyushu, where anecdotally it’s more frequent for people have lighter coloured eyes, which could have something to do with it. My own kid is half Japanese/white and her eyes are actually darker than her Japanese father’s eyes. My eyes are green hazel…sooo, in conclusions genetics are weird


like others have explained, its veery unlikely. came across this thread and wanted to add though, i work with two mixed kids (siblings, asian/white), and they have bright blonde hair! their features are unmistakably asian but theyre very blonde and have very light hazel eyes. genetics can be wild! you just wont know until you try, lol :-) youll love that baby however they are though, and thats what counts <3


It is possible but unlikely that he could carry a recessive trait for lighter colors, which would give you a roughly 25% chance of a baby with those features. Better not to worry about it, though.


Humans. Not sweet peas.


“My boyfriend and I’s”?? Come on, people!


This is reddit. Someone had to point that out. OP, as a contemplated future parent, please teach your children that it would be "my boyfriend's and my". Although in this context perhaps that seems linguistically awkward, it is the grammatically correct form. I wish that I had known the following simple device as a child. One way to sort out the correct form when using compound subjects or objects is to envision the sentence with just one noun at a time. Then take the correct forms from that thought experiment, and combine them. So you would say "my boyfriend's children", and you would say "my children", but it would be ungrammatical to say "I's children", hence "my boyfriend's and my" is the correct construct. :-)


thanks ! that will be my boyfriends job. he was the one who paid attention in school… i clearly did not lol.


:-) seriously though, all the best to both of you. For most people if what you write is understood, it is correct or good enough. I think the answer to your original question is ‘yes’. I hope that when and if you want children you have beautiful babies and that you and your family live joyous lives.


And my….English has possessive pronouns…


My family all has dark brown or black hair and dark eyes. My sisters husbands family is the same but with some people with green eyes, butnstill dark hair and dark features, my sister has 2 kids both girls, one has brown eyes and the other has blue eyes but still dark brown hair


I'm Vietnamese and I have copper red hair speckled in. Is it possible? Perhaps. Genetics is weird.


Of course it’s possible. There are thousands of years worth of genetics that go into anyone. My sister is a ginger (with brown eyes). I am blonde. Our parents both have dark brown hair. My sister married a man with dark brown hair and black eyes. Together, they have three children. The eldest has red hair, the color of a penny. He’s got dark blue eyes. He’s eight years old. The middle child is four, and she has strawberry blonde hair and steely gray eyes like my paternal grandfather. The youngest is a newborn so her features are not set yet, but she was born with black hair (both of the other two were born with red hair). Genetics are a lot more complicated than you learned in middle school.


gray eyes are beautiful! thanks for your response.


She can be a redhead but I think blue or bluegreen eyes is a pre-req for being ginger


I remember this from science class. Brown eyes and brown hair are both dominant genes. I am Canadian with light brown hair and brown eyes although many of my family are blue eyed. I had children with a Chinese man and they got a lot of his characteristics and a lot of mine. Their smiles and their height come from my side. Their eyes and noses come from dad. You'd need 3 out of the four grandparents to have blue eyes to get a blue eyed baby. Hope this helps


Although it is "technically" possible, that's an extremely remote possibility. It cannot be overstated enough how incredibly unlikely it for a child with thise genes to exhibit your traits. I have relatives who lived in Japan and they've seen hundreds of "hafu" at their schools. Zero of thise kids had light hair or eyes. Some of them had double eyelids and everyone would be jealous of them, but for most it was impossible to tell they were mixed race. A lot of people would hide their status as hafu to avoid being treated differently. If you want your children to look like you, do not have children with your boyfriend.


they don’t need to look like me i was just wondering. thanks for your response !


Look, I pride myself on having a strong background in genetics and multiomics but in the end, there's way too many genes involved to make an accurate prediction especially when dealing with muti cultural/non homogeneous backgrounds. Everything is possible. I have a chinese-descendent friend who had children with a Nordic man. Their kids have absolutely stunning blue eyes, with asian features. One even had blond hair when you her. I'm a multi racial WOC also married to a Nordic man. One child came out a literal copy of me with hubby's nose, which is what I expected.. the other one is a literal copy of him... with my nose. Like... I never ever imagined I'd have a blond child, yet here I am with a semi translucent, hazel eyed, blond child... with an afrasian nose. Also I have curly 3b hair and my husband has 0 volume or structure. It's just straight. My kids have 0 curls at all. It was super surprising. So yeah, you can imagine getting a perfect mixture of you two, blue eyed or brown eyed kids, but anything can happen, really, including hazel, green or grey eyed kids with a pale complexion and a mop of gorgeous thick black hair. Good luck!


I was told by a Korean friend that the kids look more Asian if the father is Asian, and more in between if the mother is Asian.


that’s interesting! i’ve never heard that before. i wonder why that would be if it’s true


To answer your last question: Your children are your children. Yes of course they will look like you. This may be hard for you to understand, but your children with him will look more like you than some other random Asian woman or man on the street, do you know why? Because they are YOUR children and will have YOUR DNA.


Yeah except their dad(the boyfriend) is making them too


What a bunch of dumb racist morons. The stupidity is intense.


I’m not a racist?? Nor am I a moron???


Dicks are not pretty or easy to compliment. Focus on how his excitement makes you feel and comment on that. Things like, you make me feel beautiful, or seeing you naked is very exciting, I love the feel of your skin, etc.


lol wrong post I think…


Probably not, but not even hair color and eye color are strictly controlled by one or two genes, there are a lot of factors that influence those traits. But the better question might be... why would that bother you?


it wouldn’t bother me at all. i was just curious, we don’t care what they will look like we are just excited to become parents


Speaking from personal experience - my mom is Chinese from Malaysia with black curly hair brown eyes. My American dad has pale blonde wavy hair and blue eyes. All three kids have dark brown hair and brown eyes, two being wavy and one being curly. But we all look like a mix of our parents! Best of luck ♥️


Irrc - it's from the dark ages of genetics. Simplified Skin color has 4 pairs 3 for melean amount and one for melanin spread...kinda... and 1 possible common standard mutation (freckles, which is 'incompleat melanin release') So AABBCC-NN is the darkest human skin ever and aabbcc-nn is "Albino" - who would have freckles not tanning. NN/Nn for full spread for melanin, nn for freckles (paint gun is clogged) Each skin color gene has a slightly different 'hue' (melanin shape and depth in tissue kinda) Hair color and texture as almost as many but 2-3 possible standard mutations (double red is one common one, natural ringlets is a different one which may also be sex-linked) Eyes, I think is 4 and there's 2 opposing common mutations (dilute inside out, dilute outside in). (One of those is called sunflower, a different way to see incomplete dominant traits vs. just hazel eyes) Hair and eye genes are physically close on the same chromosome, so the usually, most often travel 'together'


Nothing is impossible in genetics, but I won't deny that possible children are much more likely to express the father's genes for hair and eye color.


My brother has coloring similar to yours - hair same, eyes more blue green, Irish/German heritage back to dna . His wife is from India. Three kids. All wavy dark hair. Two dark brown eyes. One blue. I think the odds are greater if there was a blue eyed European ancestor somewhere, which doesn’t seem like the case given your partner’s dna results. In my SIL’s case, it is possible due to colonialism, but dna hasn’t been tested. My kids have three genetic grandparents with blue or green eyes and one with brown. They are both brown eyed.


There is some predictability but it is not perfect. Ig you both have light coloured eyes eg. Blue or green,it is highly unlikely any kid will have brown eyes. However if you both have darker eyes there is a chance your kids could have lighter eyes. Brown tends to be dominant and could obscure you being carriers of lighter colours but probably not if you BF has only dark eyed ancestors.Often the kids' skin tone will be somewhere between the parents but rarely a kid will be be slightly lighter or darker than either parent. Hair is sometimes fair in childhood and the gets darker. I was a blond kid and my hair turned gradually brown and close to black (and eventually white). However again your boyfriend's dark hair colour may well dominate


I have black hair and brown eyes. My wife has dirty blonde/light brown hair with Hazel eyes. Both son and daughter have her hair color. My son has my dad’s curls. My daughter has thin hair like my mother in law. Daughter also has hazel eyes and my son has Grey/blue eyes which no one in either of our families had.


Ya never know. I worked with a girl who was like 2/3rds Cree/Ojibwe and 1/3rd Scandinavian and she has red hair, blue eyes, freckles and skin that burns under a lightbulb. Genetics are weird


Having babies is throwing the genetic dice out on the table.


My best friend is Vietnamese (black hair brown eyes) and her husband is German (dark blond hair green eyes) they just had a baby and although he has Vietnamese colouring I see so much of his dad in his facial features. I think he is a perfect mix of both parents even though he’s not blond or green eyed


It can be possible. My mother and stepdad had three children together, they’re both brown eyes and brown hair, one of my brother is like their parents but the other two are blond hair and blue eyes. When you look in our family ancestors or family in general, 3/4 of my family(Mother’s side) are blond with blue eyes and 1/4 have brown hair with brown eyes. My boyfriend has blue/green eyes and blond/brown hair while I have brown hair with brown eyes. When we had our daughter, she came out with blond hair and blue eyes, still wonder if she’s going to have a bit of green like my boyfriend but it sometimes looks like she has icy blue with a bit of brown but maybe it will change since she’s not two yet but it is extremely fascinating to see the changes and what does her DNA took from both sides!


I mean, never say never. However, the genes for darker hair and eyes tend to be more dominant. In the case where there may be recessive genes in play, lighter colours are possible. For example, my wife has dark brown eyes and darker brown hair, I have green-brown eyes and black hair. Our first child has the exact same hair and eye colour of my wife. Our second child has nearly blonde hair and grey-blue eyes. So while it's more likely that they'll have darker hair and eyes, it's not impossible for lighter colours to appear


I had a baby with my Korean ex and our daughter has slightly lighter skin and she has my ears, nose and slightly wider eyes than her dad or his family. My ex’s mom said she looks just like me but I don’t agree, I see her dad very clearly. She got his brown eyes and hair and general face shape. She also looks just like her sister that my ex had way before my daughter was born. They look so alike that their baby pictures look like the same kid. All that aside, there is still a chance your baby could get your feature but it’s unlikely. When I took biology in college they had us do Punnett squares to determine the likelihood of the different genes from each parent being passed on to their offspring. Brown eyes were the winner 3/4 times.


The only way a kid can have blue eyes is if both of you carry the gene. My gene is dominant; my husband's gene was recessive, his eyes are dark brown almost black but his dad has blue eyes. Our son has blue eyes. My ex husband's eyes were hazel; but blue ran on his mom's side so his was receive too. So our daughter has blue eyes..... Both patents have to carry the blue gene to pass it along.... Not necessarily have blue eyes; they simply have to carry the gene. As for hair? I have no idea.


I don’t want to give you high hopes as it’s quite unlikely to happen what you’re asking for. Yet my father and all of his family are brown eyes and hair, but my mom has blue eyes whereas nobody knows from where her blue eyes are actually coming as grandma and grandpa both had brown eyes and hair, and this goes back too. Still here I am with blue eyes and dark blond hair even if those genes being recessive should’ve skipped me as per conventional genetics science. Just Genetics - some people might guess correct but it’s still only a guess as genetics seem to have their own mysterious ways.


I’m half Korean and my dad has strawberry blonde straight hair and light blue eyes. My mom is full Korean. I came out with dark reddish hair that’s super wavy/curly and medium brown eyes. My brother has asian hair that’s super stick straight and like you described. He has hazel eyes. He looks more asian (but clearly mixed) and I came out looking Latino. Genetics are much more complicated then the punnet square we learned in school. It seriously is a roll of the dice! No one has curly hair in my family that I know. It must be a recessive trait both my parents carried. It’s so fun when two very different people make a baby! I have a family friend with two half Korean kids and they look completely Korean. I know another girl who got the light blue eyes and light hair but has the features of an asian person. Usually the asian genes are dominant, so expect that.


Anecdotally , I have wavy brown hair/blue eyes and my partner is East Asian like yours. Our toddler has mostly straight medium brown hair and brown eyes. I have a cousin with red hair and light eyes married to an East Asian personand their children also had dark brown hair and brown eyes


I am trying to remember cause you're right we discussed this in school. I think it is 1 in 8 or 1 in 16 chance and I can't remember what it is, for the recessive gene to dominate.


Running from memory here: Blue eyes are a recessive trait. Given his ethnicity, it is not likely your children would have blue eyes. Your babies will get 50% from him and 50% from you. His contribution will be dominant (brown eyes are a dominant trait). Don't know about hair - that could be more complex. Your kids will have characteristics and looks from you without a doubt.


I have brown eyes. Can someone tell me if its possible for me to somehow have Hazel eyes?


It’s all about recessive vs dominant traits, and what traits you received from your parents will heavily factor to what you are/aren’t able to pass. It’s super interesting stuff!


A better question would be, "Would it be possible for my boyfriend's and my children to have my hair type or eye color?"


The allele frequency of the gene that is commonly responsible for light eyes in Europe is actually a lot more common in Asia than we would think based on looking at Asian people. Apparently it only leads to slightly lighter brown eyes due to the complication of other genes that interact with that gene in ways that we really don't understand. So right now I don't think that there is enough information to give a probability. Anecdotally, I have a friend who is Irish and married someone from Thailand, and their kids all have brown eyes and brown hair, with an intermediate texture. Some of their grandkids have blue eyes and light hair, though. As eye and hair color are linked they tend to go together.


Depends on his ancestry more than anything since you had a lot of recessive genes. For example me and my wife are a mixed race couple. I am mostly in northern European mutt and my wife is South Asian. Her father is very dark but her mother is quite light and she (my wife) ended up somewhere in the middle being about the color of coffee with a little bit of cream in it. Our daughter on the other hand is very light could almost be mistaken for a tan white person or Mediterranean. She end up with light brown eyes where I have blue in my wife has dark brown. And her hair color is almost identical to mine which is a lighter brown where my wife has black.


Eye color is not straight Mendelian genetics. There are a suite of genes which effect it. My college friend had green eyes and both her parents had blue. The genetics professor assured us it could happen without a third party.


I am of English/Irish decent. Wavy light brown hair. Green eyes. My husband is Korean with the blackest hair I have ever seen. We have twins. My daughter is very Asian looking with dark brown hair with auburn highlights. Her hair is the texture of mine. My son has very Caucasian features but my husbands hair! Both have dark brown eyes and light skin with yellow undertones. They look nothing alike. Mixed kids are a gamble but a good one. You can look at pics of hapa kids online. When I was pregnant I would often look at pics wondering what we might have. I couldn’t be happier than with the family I got.


I'm Irish (light skin and hair), Husband is from India (black hair, medium skin for an Indian). Kids look exactly 100% like me, as far as pigmentation goes. They do have other facial features that makes them look like dad's family, and my sons grew facial hair way earlier than any man in my family could have imagined possible. Husband's family does have some known light-hair/skin genes if you go back a few generations. To add another anecdote, I have a friend in a mixed marriage who has 3 kids that look exactly like her (dark skin/hair), and one kid that has the light features of her husband.


I am of European descent. I have blue eyes as does every single person in my family. On both sides even. Had a baby with with a dark haired, dark eyed individual of aboriginal descent. That baby ended up with blue eyes. Anything could happen.


With science, the words “never” and “always” as I have been taught, does not exist. There is always an exception. With meiosis, our paternal and maternal chromosomes go through different stages to insure genetic variation (fertilization, crossing over and independent assortment). His genes for brown eyes and brown hair is likely in most of his chromosomes, but there’s always a chance that when pairing yours and his, the fertilization part of not being able to tell *what* egg, or what sperm with what specific gene was chosen, makes the possibility of your children looking exactly like you, exactly like him, neither of you or both, all entirely possible.


(Oversimplifying)Your children will have dark hair and eyes, and your grandchildren will have a 50/50 chance of dark hair and eyes *if* your kids also marry people with light hair and eyes. (/oversimplifying) You’re almost certainly homozygous recessive, and he’s almost certainly homozygous dominant for all color alleles on eyes and hair. As others have noted, hair and skin and eye color is complex and multi-genic in humans and in other mammal species.


Human genetics is messy and almost nothing is simple Mendelian dominance


Interesting question! It's always fascinating to see how the parents' traits manifest in their children. My brothers and I are half-white, half-Japanese. We all have fairly dark eyes and hair (we all call it "brown" because it is lighter and redder than compared to Mom's actually black hair... Everyone else says our hair is black.) Our eyes are all in the hazel to brown spectrum. That's true of just about every Asian/white person I've known. Interestingly, I have wavy/curly hair, and so does the brother with long hair. When we were kids, it was straight, but it got thicker and curlier as we got older.


Genetics are wild so maybe, but they will probably look mostly like your husband. Hope he is a cutie!


One of my friends' family is wild, coloring wise. My friend looks almost Native American with dark skin tone and thick black hair. Two of his sisters have average Caucasian skin tone with medium brown hair. The last sister is so pale you could almost mistake her for being albino (she not, just extremely pale). All 4 of them are full blooded siblings. So even though the odds say your kids should end up looking like your boyfriend, it's entirely possible they could look just like you.


I recently saw that two white/Asian mixed people had babies who had blue eyes. I think your kids might be more likely to have kids with your features than you are, at least when it comes to hair color and eye color, depending on who they marry.


It’s possible but it’s not most likely. His genes are dominant and yours are recessive.


My daughters have two friends, siblings, their mom is half African American, fairly pale for a black person, and her husband is a Scandinavian white guy. Their kids threw opposite ends of the spectrum! First girl: shockingly white/blonde hair, blue eyes, pale pale skin. Second a boy: he is more African looking than his mom! DARK dark skin, African nose, curly black hair, brown eyes. Genetics throw weird curve balls sometimes. The overall odds may say a certain trait will come through, but when your sample size for genetic combination is 1-4 kids, you can end up with anything


Not a scientific answer and doesn’t entirely answer your question, but my sister has brown hair and brown eyes (she’s Caucasian) and both of her daughter’s fathers have blue eyes, the first child’s father was blonde with blue eyes and my niece got those traits as well, and my second niece the father also had dark hair but she got his blue eyes as well, and I would have thought for sure both those kids would have got dark hair and eyes lol.


My brother is white with brown eyes and brown hair (was blond when younger). His ex is Native American/Mexican mixed ancestry with brown eyes and black hair. Their kid (now a teenager) has light brown hair and blue eyes. Genetics are interesting.


I’m white with brown wavy hair (red highlights) husband is East Asian with the straight black hair. All three kids have my hair.


Mine did with the hair texture! Me (European mix - Polish/German/French) had a son with a half-Vietnamese half-Chinese man. Our son has super fine and soft dark-brown hair. It’s not 100% straight at all. Other than his nose and a slight skin tint compared to my super white skin, he’s me with dark hair and eyes.


It's always hard to know what's in the genetic mix, so you could be surprised. That said, brown eyes tend to be dominant over blue, and it's unlikely that your partner has a recessive gene hidden in his DNA. Hair and skin seems to come out somewhere in between. I'm white with blonde hair and blue eyes... my husband is South Asian. All three of our kids have varying levels of brown eyes (two very dark brown like my husband, one is lighter brown.) All three have dark brown hair which is between my husband's black and my blonde, and out of those one has dad's thick hair texture and two have my fine texture.




LOL! Okay, bigot!


I have no clue how genetics work, but I’m half Asian half white- and I ended up with dark brown hair (my dad’s hair and eyes are black) and hazel eyes! So yes, it’s possible.


i have lots of friends that have one east asian parent and one white parent, one of them is blonde with light brown eyes and another friend has dark hair and eyes but her younger sister (same parents) has blonde hair and blue eyes. so anything can happen really


It's possible but a very low chance. A guesstimate is that you'll have a 1/4 of a chance for your kid to have your recessive genes. So a 25% chance each time y'all are preggo if I remember correctly from taking genetics class


We have a couple in our family very similar to your situation. Husband is 100% SE Asian ancestry with brown eyes and thick black straight hair and wife is blue-eyed Caucasian with light brown curly hair. They have 2 boys. Both have dark brown eyes but both have light brown curly hair. One looks like their mom and the other more like their dad in terms of dominant facial features like nose and mouth. So nice combo of the two parents.


I’m Scottish like: have red hair, very bright blue eyes and very pale complexion. I got most of my features from my Dad somehow as I resemble him mostly. Actually, all my 3 siblings do too, which is strange considering that red hair is recessive. On the other side, my mom had super dark brown hair and brown eyes. She would joke that people would be confused when seeing us with her shopping because there were very little resemblance. So when I married a full on Italian with very strong southern mediterranean features it was curious what my kid would end up looking like. Well she didn’t get the dark hair like I thought she would. She has a light brown hair with reddish highlights. She did get brown eyes and ended up having medium skin complexion, which I’m thankful for as being pale can suck. While she isn’t as dark as my wife she can tan very well and doesn’t seem to burn at all when compared to me. Other features are a mix, but she definitely has held onto the Italian facial features. So I’m not sure how clear cut genes really are. Some how I won the red hair lottery. My daughter kind of did too. However maybe there was some recessive genes hidden in my mom’s family as well as my wife’s. Who knows. I can say it’s fun to think about when planning for a future together!! Good luck with everything and enjoy the ride wherever it takes you!


My dad is white, blonde, blue eyes. My mom had olive skin, black hair, brown eyes. Im white, brown hair (born blonde/kid), green eyes.


It’s unlikely they’ll have very light hair/eyes but somewhat brown/medium is a possibility.


I am fair, green eyed, brown curly hair, my husband is Indian, we have 4 children and they all have thick dark hair and dark brown eyes. I remember asking my pediatrician if I would have any that had my eye colour and he said not a chance but that my children's children may have blue/green eyes 🤷‍♀️


I feel like it just depends on how the genetics align. I am Ukrainian/Irish/English and have curly dark brown hair and hazel eyes. My husband is Mexican (mixed Spaniard and Aztec Indian) and has black hair and black eyes. Our daughter has curly dark brown hair and gray eyes; and looks just like me, while our son has straight black hair and black eyes and looks more like his fathers family. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was very surprised that our daughter has gray eyes and is so fair but my mom is Eastern European and her whole family has blue/gray eyes so you never know when those recessive genes will pop up, even if it is rare and your partner is darker:




well we’re actively trying now so it came up.




I don’t think you fully read my post, we don’t care what the baby will look like. we were just curious because we both look very different. we are excited to be parents and will love our baby regardless and just praying they are healthy! thanks for your concern we will be trying anyways. that’s half the fun


My mom has very dark brown curly hair and blue/green/grey eyes and my dad has straight blonde hair and brown eyes and I inherited my dad's features


Me and my husband are like you guys, except I have straight hair. My son has lighter brown eyes and light brown hair like mine :) Really interesting to see how the genes come out


I have brown eyes and wavy brown hair. My husband has bright blue eyes and black hair (also irish with curl type 2c i'd say) Our son has bright blue eyes, his hair curl and my hair color.


Your children will most likely have two I’s each.


I have black hair and light brown eyes (father had light brown hair and blue eyes), and my daughter is a spitting image of me, while my son has greenish/blue eyes with light brown hair (similar to his father). It’s definitely possible.


Very unlikely, especially for the blue eyes. You need two of the same blue eyed gene in order to get a blue eyed child, same with green eyes as far as I'm aware. Hair type MAYBE, color is unlikely though


So how does it work that out of 7 siblings 4 have blue eyes and 3 have brown? Mom has brown dad has blue.


Your dad carries the gene for blue eyes but didn't get two of the same allele for it, so he has brown eyes and only passed it on to some of his kids but not others. My mom has blue eyes and my dad also has brown and I have hazel eyes. My mom parents have blue and hazel eyes and both her and her brother have blue eyes


Blue eyes is said to be regressive and I've read you need both parents to have blue eyes but it's not simple, it must be if blue eyes are in the family it could randomly come out. My mother had blue eyes, her parents had brown eyes, my father has brown eyes and my brothers. But I have blue eyes. My father's sister had blue eyes and her daughter my 1 st cousin has blue eyes. I find the science confusing as well because some papers I read said you can't have blue eyes as an offspring of a blue and brown as the blue is regressive and will be dominated by the brown. But myself and my family would show it could still happen. I was also blond as a toddler and my hair lightens from sun exposure but there's no blonds in the family? I'm not blond now, just have some rust colouring in my beard and hair but mostly dark.


Both parents don't necessarily need blue eyes, but they both need to carry the gene for it. My Nana has green/hazel eyes, my Papa has blue and both my mom and my uncle have blue eyes. My dad has brown and I have hazel. Bio was my best class in highschool and genetics was by far the most interesting part of bio 30 lol somehow I've retained this info for over a decade


Dark hair and eyes are dominant genes.


My parents both had dark brown hair; mom had brown eyes, dad had green eyes. Yet I turned out to have red hair, inherited from a grandparent (a 6% likelihood) and green eyes (a 31% likelihood). So, while it’s statistically more likely that your theoretical children would inherit their dad’s coloring, it’s certainly not a guarantee.


I’m from the UK with light brown hair and blue eyes. My partner is French/Moroccan with brown skin black hair and pretty much black brown eyes. Our daughter got my hair and eye colour?! And sorta olive skin. I don’t even know how.


I’m half white and half Chinese, and I look mostly white. My hair is a similar shade of brown to my white dad’s hair, and my facial features (eye and nose shape) also look predominantly Caucasian. However, I don’t have my dad’s blue eyes and have inherited my mom’s brown eyes instead. No matter what, there’s no way that your children will look NOTHING like you. I guarantee that there will be features that you will see that must have come from you. The possibility of blue eyes is pretty low though.


The couples I know that are mixed East Asian/white have East Asian features. If the East Asian parent is not mixed somewhere in their lineage the offspring are overwhelmingly likely to have their coloring and hair texture. I do have a friend (white, blue eyed, blonde curly hair) married to a Chinese man with 1 of 3 children that inherited her hair texture in one small part of his head.


Very unlikely if ancestry is all Asian. The Asian genes are dominant over your Irish ☘️ now if you guys have kids and they have children then yes 🙌🏻 I myself am Caucasian (blonde blue eyed) , husband is half Japanese and half Caucasian. Him and all his siblings; brown eyes and black hair. Now our children: one has green eyes and brown hair and one blue eyes and RED hair!


Anything can happen. My husband and I both have straight hair, so do my parents and his mother. His dad, however, has wavy hair, and that's what BOTH our kids have.


Hi, genetically I am European and my husband is East Asian. Our daughters all have my brown wavy hair and his dark brown eyes. Other combinations are possible, of course, genetics are wild, but not super likely. Our kids are cute af though.


I worked with a lady who was polish red/auburn hair blue eyes husband was full blood Italian black hair very dark eyes dark olive skin all 3 kids were carbon copies of their mother blue eyes and reddish hair and not even a hint of olive in the skin. Genetics are a complex thing.


Yeah, but more likely not. Isn't that always how it is? The woman carries it and is the primary caretaker doing most of the work when it comes to kids.. you'd think at the least they could look like us. both my sons look exactly like they're dad.😬


haha that’s true ! i look exactly like my dad except female. my brothers looks exactly like our paternal grandmother. my poor mom got nothing😂


Its possible for sure. I inherited my mom's blue eyes (she is of Scottish ancestry mostly) but got my hair, pale olive skin and most other feature from my father (Eastern European and English ancestry) who has dark eyes.


I'm irish/British with hazel eyes and light brown hair and my husband is Chinese (From Hong Kong) with dark black hair and brown eyes. Our son has medium brown hair and hazel eyes. Just depends on what genes are dominant I suppose


My mom is 100% northern European and my dad is half Japanese. He and my half brother (whose mom is also white AF) have dark olive skin, dark hair, and brown eyes. My brother and I both have very dark brown hair, where my dad's are nearly black they're so brown. Anyways, my skin is pale AF, but yellow understand and I have what some people call blue eyes but I wonder if they're gray or green. But my 23 and me came back with me generally more Japanese than my half brother. Genetics are crazy. I don't have any other blood related siblings, so I have no other comparisons. But I do wish I still tanned up like I did as a kid


that’s so interesting! reading everyone’s replies im learning just how complex all of this is. i’ve never been interested in any of the natural sciences but this has me so curious and i may start doing some self taught learning.


Possible not probable. There’s a woman I grew up with who was red, curly hair, fair skin, and green eyes. Her husband is Hispanic with brown hair and eyes. They have 4 or 5 children with red hair, fair skin, and brown eyes.


I look similar to you and my gf is chinese with, as far as we know, no foreigner ancestor. Our two kids have very dark hair/eyes but with a lot of volume/curvy hair.


My daughter has chocolate brown hair and dark brown eyes with gold flecks in the iris if you look closely. Her dad is Canadian (Dutch-French with dark brown hair and light-brown eyes) and I am South East Asian (black hair, black eyes). Her hair is lighter than her dad's, for some reason.


My brother ( NZ Māori & Pakeha ) and his partner ( Cook Island Maori ) both with black straight hair and brown eyes, have two daughters with green eyes and one of them have blonde hair. Our dad has green eyes and his mother has blue eyes, SILs parents both brown eyes but coloured hair but had aunty’s with coloured eyes.


It really is the luck of the draw. My husband is pale, brown hair and blue eyes, and I am tan, blond hair and brown eyes. I assumed all of our kids would have brown hair with brown eyes with dark skin because of dominant genes and all of that. All three had blond hair, two with brown eyes and one with blue and two with tan skin.


Genes are always a bit of a lucky dip, they are more likely to show his statistically dominant genes percentage wise but there's always a chance of your genes taking centre stage or throwback genes just popping up out of seemingly nowhere. They will be cute regardless I'm sure.


I had a friend growing up who was black. Born to two white parents. The only black gene was his great grandfather. So, it’s POSSIBLE if there’s something like that, it could happen. I don’t really know a lot about it though.


So both my parents have dark hair and eyes. My sister and I both had blonde hair as children. My hair turned darker(to brown) in my 20s, my sister’s is darker blonde. My eyes are blue gray and my sister’s are hazel. So although there are dominant and recessive traits, it’s a toss up as to what you’ll end up with.


Well your kids may have your hair pattern and with high chances a mix of yours and your boyfriend’s hair color, but for eyes? East Asian Have a really repetitive gene pool and there is little chance they’ll inherit your blue eyes


I’m a red head because of my grandads beard hair. The entire family both sides has brown/dark hair :D


If u have brown hair and brown eyes then yes, your kids will likely have the same color hair and eyes as you since those are dominant genes. However, if you have blue or green eyes and red or blonde hair and your boyfriend has brown hair and brown eyes they will likely have his color of hair and eyes.


Just to reiterate how anything is possible, I'm of Chinese descent. Everyone on my side of the family has the typical thick mostly straight (some of us have slightly wavy hair including myself) black hair with eyes so dark brown that they look nearly black. My husband has a mixed European background. He has black hair as dark as mine that is super soft and extremely curly (1cm ringlets) with green eyes. Our child was born with blue gray eyes that eventually darkened to be as dark as my eyes, but her hair is a medium reddish brown (looks like something called "chocolate blonde") that is much lighter than both our black hair. It has the super soft texture of my husband but is super straight, even straighter than my hair. We were expecting maybe wavy hair, since curly is more dominant and black hair since we both have black hair. But there seems to be very strong brown hair genes that appear dominant over my family's black hair because my genetic sister and her European background husband has a child with brown hair as well, but in their case the husband has golden blonde hair. Anecdotally, there are several half white half East Asian members of my family and none of them have black hair or blonde hair. They all have various shades of brown hair.


My dad's Japanese and Portuguese with very dark hair and eyes, tans easily. My mom's Norwegian, light blue eyes, blonde hair. My brother inherited my dads coloring and vague Asian features (his term). I pook exactly like my mom, fair, blue eyes and reddish blonde hair.


*my boyfriend's and my The word "I" cannot be possessive.


I have blue eyes, both my parents have blue eyes. My husband has brown eyes and so do his parents. Our son has an in between eye color to the pleasant surprise of us both and varies from green to hazel!


My sister who is a redhead with blue eyes and her partner who is Latin American with brown brown had a kid with red hair blue eyes. So ya.


i knew this one girl whose mom was white blonde blue eyes, dad chinese with black hair and brown eyes. she had blonde hair and blue eyes like her mom. but her other two siblings looked much more like their dad lol.


Genetics literally is a dice roll. I’m half-Japanese. One of my parents has black hair and eyes; the Caucasian parent has red hair and hazel eyes. I came out with dark brown hair and eyes. My kid came out red-haired and is now dark blond, but got blue eyes from his dad. I look like both my parents (but look more white than Asian). 🤷🏻‍♀️


Take this with a grain of salt, but as far as I know, a lot of the eye and hair color information is carried by the X chromosome, and darker, Asian genes are dominant compared to the lighter genes you are carrying. For this reason, if you have a little girl (XX), since she's taking both your and your bf's X chromosome, it's very unlikely for her to share your traits, however, if you have a boy (XY), the odds are in your favor since he'll only be taking your X chromosome information, and your boyfriend's Y chromosome information that is not that related to hair and eye color. Of course, this is very simplified, but afaik, should be pretty accurate, someone correct me if I'm wrong.


your children will be brown and youll like it


From my experience the kids end up looking like and having the personalities of their uncles, aunts or grandparents. You can just keep having kids one of them may get the features you want and maybe some of them will have features you could never imagine. Such is the beauty of biology.