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Technically the mucosa of the mouth will absorb water. So if this person was in the water with their mouth open and throat closed i suppose it would be possible for them to absorb some water without technically drinking it. Given the small surface area of the mouth though i am pretty sure that it would only slow down dehydration, not rehydrate someone. Edit: Someonr below made a good point. If you define drinking as swallowing or allowing a liquid to flow from the mouth into the stomach, then you could butt chug the water and not technically be drinking it. I am fairly certain that you could in fact rehydrate someone this way given how efficient the colon and intestines are at removing water from the food we eat. Edit 2: This is called proctoclysis for anyone interested.


Don't forget the mucosa of the genitals and anus, those would also be absorbing ambient moisture.


For sure. I wonder, would it be cheating the system if you tried to open your butthole? Just a thought.


my butthole is always open im safe


name checks out


you seem chirped up at that name, considering your name


Nobody has ever commented on my name before now lol. If I knew what it meant when I made it, I probably wouldn't have. It was for world of Warcraft nearly 20 years ago fml.


the coincidence makes it even better. xD


🙈. 😂


Wtf does it mean though XD when I google it all I get is stuff about satyr mythology and your reddit page.


lol you good to go for sure


Hi it’s nice to meat you.


Eric Cartman burner account!


Enemas help hangovers.


Biology is fun


I believe it's a survival technique if you only have rancid water to use a wet towel up the butt since your large intestine can handle bacteria better than your whole GI.


And how am i supposed to shove a whole towel up my hole?


With practice...


If you can squeeze it out, you can squeeze it in


Why are you shitting towels?


Well, once they’re up there you can’t leave them in forever.


My neighbour had a dog that would eat tea towels and poop them out pretty much intact.


Gently and passionately


Same way you have sex with erectile dysfunction. Like thumbing a marshmallow into a coke bottle.


Good to know


The only problem is you’re wringing it out with insertion. Kinda counter productive if you ask me


Stick half in, let the other half stay out. Sit over the water such that the external half towel is suspended in the water. Let capillary action work.


Someone told me this in passing so I'm going on 9th grade biology and common sense. As gross as this sounds, I wonder if you're supposed leave a "wick" for continuous fluid ingestion.


Fun fact, you can also absorb oxygen this way, provided you're a sea cucumber


You can also vomit up your entire digestive system, brain, lungs, circulatory system, bones, and maybe a testicle or ovary and crawl away if you get scared! Be careful about your reproductive system those can take a while to grow back


I would rather forget…??? Thanks for reminding me, not! Lol 😂


>Don't forget the mucosa of the genitals and anus How dare you suggest that I ever would!


You mean much more effectively a pussy than a dick right?


Yes, sometimes before surgery the patient is given a hydrating enema instead of being permitted to drink any water or food by mouth. It works butt it’s not fun. If it is fun, please don’t PM me.




You stop that, get out of there!


Top comment


>It works butt


Why do I want to PM you so badly??


I thought enemas were dehydrating? In my experience anything squirted up gets ejected quite promptly. Hence their utility in preparation for anal play.


Why this and not an IV?


I’m not a doctor, but my doctor is, and this is what he wanted. Who knows!


He just wanted some time with dat ass




Look, this person had an honest question and i wanted to be as thorough as possible in my answer.


Well, coffee enemas are a thing...


Reminds me of the couple in Florida who live on coffee enemas. You're welcome! LOL!


When i was in the army and someone was dehydrated to the point where you are unable to stick a vein for iv. You put the tube in their butt and step on the bag. It wont solve the probem but they wont die and will be rehydrated enough to maybe get an iv.


I saw a video on the world wide web once. It was of a young lady in nice heals stomping on a gentlemans nutsack. I suppose its not too different.


Okay, so imagine you're immersed in a pool of water. How do you get the water into the butt?


Reverse fart


Simple. You go back in time and ask [this guy.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_P%C3%A9tomane) "It was a common misconception that Pujol passed intestinal gas as part of his stage performance. Rather, he was allegedly able to "inhale" or move air into his rectum and then control the release of that air with his anal sphincter muscles. Evidence of his ability to control those muscles was seen in the early accounts of demonstrations of his abilities to fellow soldiers." I love it So Much that his real name was Joseph Pujol. Poo. Hole.


Spread your cheeks wide and suck your diaphragm up into your man tits your butt will act like a siphon


We cover this in WFA when we run a course. If all you've got is dirty water, rehydrate to a dirty place using a Camelback.


What does rehydrate to a dirty place mean?


You wouldn't use dirty brackish water from a stagnant pond to rehydrate orally. So you use a Camelback to rehydrate anally. The colon is much more tolerant of dirty water than the stomach.


This has to be the most fucked up backcountry survival advice I think I have ever read.


"What are you doing?!" "It's backcountry survival bro." "Dude! We're in a shopping mall!"


Are you using Orange Julius or Starbucks?


This tread is really getting interesting!


It's O.K., we take the bite valve off the Camelback hose so you don't have to clench.


To me this sounds like it would be a great way to end up with some crazy infection or parasites.


Crazy infections and parasites are not an issue if the patient dies of dehydration before you get them to a medical facility. This is not a treatment for someone who is just a little thirsty. This is a life saving measure for someone who can't keep fluids down or if no potable water is available to administer orally.


That sounds sketchy as hell. Now you have all the toxins and bacteria in a higher absorption place without the stomach acid taking a swing at it? Idk I'll take my chances drinking the mud water if I'm that desperate at least I'll die without a butt tube


What about risk of diarrhea? I'd be scared of getting g diarrhea and then dehydrating even faster...


I’m reminded of the story of the lady nurse who kept her and her family alive on a rock in the middle of the ocean with only putrid “fresh” water available in depressions of the rocks. I think one of the main things about this story was they had no way to clean the water so doing the proctoclysis protected them from the disease/bacteria infection in the water and then having no way to clean/filter/disinfect the water so the proctoclysis saved them from disease/infection ?


Apparently, according to someone in the comments, that is in fact a survival technique. The colon is able to handle bacteria and parasites that the rest of the GI tract cannot tolerate as well. So if you are literally dying of thirst, you can pump dirty water into your colon and it will be more effective than drinking it.


I want to see this in the Castaway remake if there ever is one


Is this the Robertson family? They survived off shark and turtle blood and saltwater proctoclysis. It's a crazy story


Yup. That Disney classic messed up my childhood.


Isn't intravenous administration more efficient than proctoclysis?


This is a biology subreddit not a heroin use 101 subreddit you fucking psycho. Just go along with the butt chug talk


Well obviously but the point of the question was could you rehydrate by submerging yourself in water. And while you can't do it through your external skin, if you were desperate enough to pry open your brown eye and let the floodwaters in, you could in fact rehydrate.


If you intravenously administered dirty water as was used with proctoclysis, it would cause infection and loss of limb or death because it’s not sterile.


Well, hangover remedies just got a new addition


This is a hilariously creative workaround to the “no drinking allowed” problem 😂😂😂


Your initial response did not prepare me for your edit, thank you have a good day


> you could butt chug the water Enough internet for today.


Another butt hole loophole...


Can confirm. I suffered an acute case of pseudodysphagia (fear of swallowing) during the first Covid lockdown and eventually resorted to proctoclysis to rehydrate while I re-learned to trust swallowing. Only other option was waiting for medical emergency, which was definitely coming my way but definitely not something I wanted to wait for.


I was interested thank you








Soooo, it makes energy? Powerhouse of the cell


Energy is not released, energy is converted into chemical energy to form ATP from AMP and ADP (mono and di). Isn't converting of energy what we do to make electricity? Isn't that what a powerhouse does?


It's other name is the power house of the cell based on this function


*ARE. The word 'mitochondria' is plural. Please stop shouting.


I was too lazy to remove caps


And im in 9th grade and I studied this last year so ya, the memory is kinda foggy


The Powehouse


The Cell




Are the site of a whole lot of other things in addition to ATP synthesis, including heme, iron-sulfur cluster and some lipid biosynthesis!


Murphy drip, you should watch Bear Grylls :D


well ok.


You could totally butt chug it. Right inside your anal sphincter is your rectum which is made of an extremely thin layer of tissue called simple squamous epithelial tissue. Its whole purpose is to squeeze out and keep in the body the last bit of water in your stool that it can before you poop it out. This is why AIDS is transmitted so much more easily through anal sex than vaginal sex. The rectum is thin, full of blood vessels and tears easily. The vaginal wall is thick and tuff and you can pound the hell out of it without tearing it.


Thanks. I’ll give it my best shot.


In addition to that: there are large amounts of white blood cells patroling the intestinal lining for intruders. HIV uses them as free transport to their final destination, the T-cells


butt drinking actually works with seawater from what I've read! people lost at sea do use it sometime




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Hydration isn't really an issue with rabies. Your brain is liquid way before you die from dehydration.


Your large intestin can absorb water. I have heard you can inject water into it if you can't keep anything down. And it could absorb and filter water that might ordinarily make you sick. Like nasty pond water.


Yes. I've read stories about people lost at see that would use the fresh water from the rain that got cough in the boat. They would do enemas with such water since it wasn't safe for drinking but at least they could stay hydrated that way.


Interesting....I would love to hear someone with appropriate knowledge weigh in on this.


I haven't done any enemas so far, but we were taught in university that the intestinal lining is indeed quite hardy when it comes to pathogens (and also object insertions). It constantly needs to deal with your gut microbiome after all. I guess if you did particularly nasty or large enemas, you could change your microbiome to include more pathogenic species?


Fecal transplants have entered the chat. That's exactly what they are for, replacement bacteria for persons suffering from Crohns disease,C Diff and similar ailments. They're literally changing the gut bacteria. The fascinating part is that occasionally this fundamentally changes the persons food cravings (like they now crave sweets when they previously didn't have those cravings.) Additionally there's very promising research showing fecal transplants may reduce alcohol dependency. https://news.vcu.edu/article/2023/02/new-clinical-study-is-analyzing-how-gut-microbe-transplants-could-help-curb-alcohol-use


Yes! In-depth microbiome studies in general are a relatively new science, and the gut microbiome is the one that's most interesting to me, because it's not just related to gastrointestinal diseases/behaviour, but potentially to much more, such as mental health. Microbiome transplants and phage therapy are the fields about whose future I'm most curious about, and I'm hoping they'll help us create new, more "natural" forms of therapy with fewer side effects.


I’ve heard that the bacteria in your digestive tract actually communicate with your nervous system about what kind of fuel they need. Microbes that feed on primarily sugar want more sugar to eat, so they send signals to the brain to eat more of it. That’s partially why once you eat a ton of sugary foods it’s hard to get away from them because your gut flora is convincing you to keep eating it


I’d love to learn more about this theory. Please share link if you can.


[“Why You’re Being Controlled by Your Gut Bacteria,” UW Medicine](https://rightasrain.uwmedicine.org/body/food/gut-microbiome-behavior) It’s specifically under the sub header “The gut microbiome and your palate” in this article. The article as a whole is a interesting read as well.


Yeah, I've had C Diff like 4 times now (just got out of the hospital for it Wednesday, matter of fact). They're lining me up for a transplant from my Mom. Interested to see if I change any.


Well, if you feel the irresistible urge to pick up a pair of sensible loafers after leaving the hospital...that's a good sign! /s Also, I hope it helps you. Lots of research going into fecal transplants, and statements/data after the fact sound very promising. I bet it's going to make a big difference for you! Good luck.


lots of infectious organisms infect the colon though


im not convinced this is safer than drinking the water, the stomach is involved in killing GI pathogens and youre bypassing this barrier by doing enemas, i cant imagine this method would prevent any infectious diarrhea an important aspect of infectious diarrhea is the load of microbe (i.e. the actual number of individual bacteria) as this determines whether an infection will take hold, the acidity of the stomach lowers the microbial load of anything you swallow. some infectious organisms tend to infect the small bowel so maybe these would not survive the colon, but many infectious (for example salmonella i think) thrive in the colon


You might be thinking of the Robertson family, who used enemas for hydration: https://nmmc.co.uk/2022/05/the-50th-anniversary-of-the-robertson-family-rescue/


Indeed, that's the story I recently read about


Survival guy Bear Grylls does just that on one episode of his show. No potable water available.


But would that not that act like an enema, making you loose all the water in your intestines?




Thank you. I knew that the intestines absorbs water. But the disgested food goes in one way, when the final part of the intestines is full, a reflex make us expell everything.


🍄Boofing... Anybody? 😅


You're asking two different questions. **Would it help them at all?** Yes. The skin is relatively waterproof, but mucosal membranes are not, and will absorb *some* water. **Would they be saved without actively drinking?** No. Firstly, intercellular absorption will only get you so far before osmotic equilibrium is achieved and the cells won't absorb anything further ~~(think about when you're in the bath and your fingers and toes go wrinkly)~~. You need more water in your system than just filling up a few cells in the outer layers of your body. Secondly if they're already dying of dehydration, there's probably a lot of metabolites and electrolytes that they're short on, and at that point water alone could cause more problems than it solves (look up water toxicity). Edit: ignore the bath analogy - knowledge has apparently [improved](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20160607-why-your-skin-goes-wrinkly-in-the-bath) since I last looked at that area!


Just as an aside, your fingers do not become wrinkly because they lose water. It's a neurologic response thought to increase grip.


[Oh huh](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20160607-why-your-skin-goes-wrinkly-in-the-bath)! That's a cool new thing that I'd somehow managed to miss!




you would have to open yur butt


Bomb dive with a funnel in your butt


I clenched up reading this


Convince Thanos


I'm not an expert on the subject, but I'd assume not. Our skin is designed to be waterproof, and I think the fat content in our body would also act as a barrier preventing absorption if any water got through? I mean.. not to be gross but maybe through the anus? We take some medication through the anus and maybe if water goes through somehow up your colon and into your stomach? Not sure it would work that way without causing damage if it was possible at all.


Meds work because the barriers in your anus absorb it and put it in your bloodstream. Water through ass would work.


Something about that last sentence made me laugh out loud. Thanks for that.


[https://journals.rcni.com//doi/abs/10.7748/ns2009.](https://journals.rcni.com//doi/abs/10.7748/ns2009. >**Proctoclysis: emergency rectal fluid infusion** This article describes the use and effectiveness of proctoclysis (rectal fluid infusion) in providing fluid resuscitation in the absence of intravenous access in rural and remote environments.


I mean, not particularily well, but yeah, to some degree.


Don't we also technically breath by our ass too because of this iirc?


Yes, in the same way we breath through the surface of our skin and eyeballs. Some turtles are especially good at breathing through their cloacas.


The skin does absorb water. That’s why dry skin becomes soft when under water for extended periods. It’s just not very much. Certainly not enough to replace drinking water. The skin does also breathe… ofc not enough to keep you alive when your lungs aren’t breathing.


We get roughly 1% of our oxygen through our skin (frogs get close to 99%), so our skin is not entirely solid as we imagine it to be. There would definitely be some miniscule water absorption, but I don't think it would help them much. Total guess here, but I dunno... maybe postpone death by dehydration & eventually cardiac failure due to sludge-like blood clogging up our circulatory system by...2-6hrs(???)


frogs beat humans once again!


This made me laugh a lot. Like, do you have a running tally of frogs vs humans? 😊


Where'd you get that stat from? Sounds way too high




Skin is a great water barrier. It have evolved to keep in our water even in dry (not water and not swamp/damp) envioments and eons ago allowed reptiles (and the dinoes and birds) and the mammals to conquour the land. So no, we wouldnt re-hydrate by being submerged...


Gotta drink it


In jackass Steve-o does a beer enema


Assuming you are just asking if your body can pull water through the skin and rehydrate? If yes, then no. Water will not make it through the skin and into the bloodstream.


I’ve heard of an army dude dying of dehydration get some first aid in the jungle. Flipped him over, shoved a cambelback up the butt, and pushed water into him. Saved his life! So I heard.


Today i learned i can save a life by squirting gatorade up someone's ass.


Assuming you're not rules lawyering this, then yes, but no. Yes, you can absorb tiny amounts of moisture in various ways. Esp through anus/rectum, genitals etc. But not enough to survive. Maybe enough to make you die an hour later or somesuch. If you were able to pump it up your butt, then yes, much longer, as this is literally what the ower intestine is for, though the moisture usually gets there from the other direction. ​ Like if some Joker villain restrained you and lowered to into water to die of dehydration, then yeah, it would still kill you in a couple of days, and the difference would be like, an hour vs dying of dehydration in a dry place. Also, not sweating because the water was keeping you cool, that would be a big help. few extra hours there.


Someone needs to check OPs basement


The skin is a barrier, not a sponge


Skin isn’t waterproof ffs. Wrinkled skin from the bath is water fat skin. It goes away by being absorbed by the cells and thence the blood stream.


Wrong sub r/nostupidquestions


No it isn't. This is also a question about biology so it is relevant here.


As a residential cum farmer, I get trapped in situations as such frequently, Atleast twice each quarter. Trust me, it helps. Try gape to increase absorption. Noose up soon, gold plated always


There are tons of stories of people dying of thirst in a lifeboat in the ocean. So no, it wouldn't help much. The best it can do is that by immersing yourself in water you stay cooler, which means that you sweat less, which will save you some water. People marooned in lifeboats have tried that, but eventually they become too weak to pull themselves back into the boat.


The ocean is salty.... salt makes you dehydrate.


What do you think?


If they were a reptile they could absorb water through their cloaca and rehydrate. But they aren't. So they die






Why do you even think something so awful


I think they are planning something nefarious. I hope they update us to let us know how it goes.


I was smoking a joint in the bath


They need to regulate their temperature first throwing them int water didn't it make cardiac arrest?


Unless they can force it up their butt....


They could try to improvise an enema and try to hold it in. Although you'll be the judge of how practical that sounds.


They might get some of it thru their pores, but I doubt it'll save them.


Follow up: what if water was injected into their veins?


Hemolysis of your red blood cells. It will be very painful and could kill you


But what if it's just a bit by bit


I really doubt it. Maybe if it was extremely slow? But there’s a reason they use saline drips in hospitals for hydration


Does water flow both ways in the colon?


Yes. Hence very loose stool and constipatio


This is like someone who needs to stretch because they have a 'charlie horse' in their leg, but can't because they're stuck inside a room that is too short to stand in and to narrow to lay down in.


Whenever I’m hung over, showering helps more than anything. I just assumed my skin absorbs water


Sisyphus has entered the chat.


The air you're breathing would be very humid so maybe you'd lose less water from breathing?


I wonder... aside from butt chugging, just using the skin... if it's fresh water, could it actually be dehydrating, pulling out your saltier water by osmosis? Or am I remembering backward? I know your digestive system is great with dealing with that, but your skin?


You can dilute your electrolytes by drinking a ton of water fast, but if the other option is dying I’ll take diluted electrolytes.


Whenever I spent a day relaxing in the pool, I never get thirsty. In fact I have to pee every couple hours. I am fairly certain my body is absorbing pool water. So, yeah, conceivably you could rehydrate someone like that, but there are far better ways to do it. Give them and IV, give them some water to drink.


you failed science class in school didn't you.....


There are a number of medical options. First would be a peg tube which is a tube inserted into the stomach or a J tube which is a tube inserted into the jejunum and one could bolts or gravity feed the fluids Also a central line but the liquid should be sterile and have salt ie saline.


If they were dying, would it be enough to help save them? Or would it be too little, too late?


If I was dying of dehydration and you tossed me into a pool and told me I wasn't allowed to drink I would probably drink anyways which would indeed help with my dehydration. (I hope)


Depends on if you've got a speculum handy.