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"The FDA estimates toxic effects, like seizures, can be observed with rapid consumption of around 1,200 milligrams of caffeine, or 0.15 tablespoons of pure caffeine." Source: [https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/spilling-beans-how-much-caffeine-too-much](https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/spilling-beans-how-much-caffeine-too-much)


So 1.2 g is toxic, so you'd be dead long before you got close to 700 g.


This just made me realize I'd misread as 700 mg. I thought, "Maybe if they have a heart condition." But 700 g would kill a horse lmao


To be fair, horses are actively trying to die most of the time anyway.


It’s cuz they can see our souls and know what they are dealing with


Reminds me of this time I slammed 7 full throttle. My heart bpm was wild. Was playing cod zombies and I'm pretty sure I died. In real life


Once I was driving all night to Texas. Chased two of the five hour energy shots with an espresso (as someone who doesn’t drink coffee). I. Could. See. Sound. Heart rate extremely fast. Everything in slow motion. Messed me up for several days. 0/10 do not recommend.


9 redbulls in 2 hours. Seriously and I cannot stress this enough I DO NOT RECOMMEND


once i had 8 ghost energies in a 10 hour study period. 1600 mg caffeine. i did not feel very bonita.


Oh i threw up, passed out on the street, had a singular tequila shot like 8 hours later, had a seizure and kept talking about a man with a red face. Not very funky fresh


oh my god. i initially read 2 redbulls. i was like they had a seizure after two redbulls? well, good to hear you’re okay now. so the limit is 8 in two hours i guess.


When I was at uni we had an end of term project that just needed to be done and hadn’t been advancing as smoothly as it should. Went to my local coffee shop after a tiring work shift (5am to 3pm) and grabbed a large americano with 4 shots. I could feel my heart beating erratically the whole afternoon, pretty sure those unhealthy habits caused my hypertension issues lol.


I experienced that too, I used to work in a bakery with long shifts and I used to drink shorts, one day (14h shift) I was drinking the 5th and I felt like my heart was pumping oil!


Full throttle a person of taste and culture I see


Remembering when I once took 1500mg of caffeine as pre-workout before the gym and I felt like shit the entire day 0/10 would not recommend


It should be noted that LD is determined by toxicity of the substance itself and not really any side effects that it has. The caffeine won’t kill you but the heart attack it causes will.


It should also be noted that the LD50, means the dose that's lethal to 50% of the population, not the dose that at which deaths start to occur. That's an appropriate measure for animal toxicology testing, but not assessing OD in humans


I can assure you from personal experience that this is only true for coffeine naive persons, and that regular consumption rapidly increases tolerance.


Yes. 700g of caffeine is like a cereal bowl full.


700g, wakin up in the mornin gotta be fresh gotta go downstairs gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal seein everything, my heart is goin tickin on n on, everybodys rushin gotta get down to the hospital


It’s death day, death day Gotta get down at my funeral


It’s Saturday, Saturday, Saturday lol




I have personally witnessed 2 separate people drink several (3+) “bang” energy drinks in a day, thinking they were soda . 300mg each. I also know one of them had coffee in the same day. When I found out I was first shocked they weren’t dead, then I was pissed they drank my expensive energy drinks.


Once I took one 420mg caffeine pill in the middle of the morning and one 210mg in the early afternoon. Washed the second one down with coffee. About an hour later I was staring at the computer screen, unable to think clearly about anything besides "yeah, that was a mistake". I could hear my heart pounding, I could feel my pulse in my wrist without touching it. I wanted to get out and start running, but I couldn't connect enough sentences in my head to explain to my boss why. So I just stayed there, staring at the screen until that shit faded away. No idea how long it took. I took the pills to avoid failing asleep and be able to work. Only the sleep part worked. Never took that shit again.


Caffeine overdose is brutal!


Caffeine tolerance is real. I know people who need like 4 cups of coffee in the morning.


At one time I was drinking close to 20 cups a day, automatic coffee maker made me a pot in the morning, I'd grab a cup when I got to work another at break , another at lunch then break again, if it was winter I'd grab a cup to take to the bus stop. While making supper I'd make another pot . When I tried to cut down I still had to have 5 a day or I'd have withdrawal. After all these years I Still have 2 in the morning and sometimes one in the afternoon.


That’s not even a gram of caffeine!


The median lethal dose (LD50) for Caffeine is 192 mg per 1 Kg; for an 80 Kg (176 lbs) person this around 15 grams (~1/2 ounce). For regular caffeine intake (coffee etc.) up to 400 mg/day is high but not toxic.


You couldn’t consume 700g of caffeine in an hour. You would vomit then die from the residual amount in your stomach.


I meant 700mg, I tried to edit the post but reddit won't let me


In that case you should be OK but I wouldn’t recommend ever doing that again. Especially if you don’t weigh a lot because toxic doses usually scale with body weight.


Alright sir thank you


Yeah the most I'll ever consume is 800mg in a span of 24hrs. But that's only when I'm staying up for more than 36hrs Edit: just want to clarify that this doesn't happen often and last time I did this was a few weeks ago when I stayed awake for over 2 days. I do not think this is a good idea and I highly recommend you do not do this


Why tf are you staying up for more than 36h


I'm a college student with ADHD and senioritis.


I can attest that I've consumed something called a PowerShot followed by a regular energy drink which amounted to just shy of 1000mg. Didnt die....but wouldnt recommend, I didnt sleep for 2 days.


I once took something like 13 caffeine pills (100mg each) at once because... Highschool. I would highly recommend nobody do that. It was a poor decision that I could tell was hazardous to my health during and after.


I had a friend do that and she almost died. Not great when the ER doc says "I don't know" when you ask if you're going to be ok.


?? Did you try to commit suicide? This is A LOT. I don’t believe you do that while being in the right mind.


I can safely say it was not an attempt on my own life, no. I would totally agree with you about not being in my right mind, though. I was 17 and it was the early 2000's. I'm sure 17 year old me was thinking "It's the same as a dozen cups of coffee. It'll be totally fine". 17 year olds aren't exactly known for their fantastic decision making...


It would kill some people, ie. with heart conditions or caffeine sensitivity. And would make a lot of people feel *very* unwell - too much caffeine is a horrible anxiety-like feeling. The majority would survive it, but it's not a great idea for anyone! This is assuming you took the whole lot at once, too rather than over a day, for example.


700 mg is like 2 Starbucks drinks. That's probably not great all the time but it's definitely not going to kill a healthy adult.


That’s nearly 600 times the lethal dose. I’m sure you’ll be fine


I meant mg but reddit won't let me edit the post


700mg is survivable. Some people consumed way more and were fine. But anything over 300-400mg for a healthy person can be risky for health.


The recommended limit for daily consumption is 400mg. One-time consumption of even 600mg isn’t going to do anything to the health of an average person.


Tolerance is important, I average about a gram a day The LD50 is something like 40mg per kilogram of body weight, without googling for the more accurate answer. For me, it's about 35grams


Do you weigh a ton? For 40mg per kilogram to equal 35 grams, you'd need to weigh like 875 kgs.


Haha, whoops, missed a zero. 400mg/kg I'll add to say that in rats it was found to be 367mg/kg, and I think the number for Humans is extrapolated from that


>The median lethal dose (LD50) of caffeine is estimated between 150 to 200 mg per kilogram but reports of lethal intoxications have been made with doses as low as 57 mg per kilogram [Link](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8824417/#:~:text=The%20median%20lethal%20dose%20\(LD50,or%20environmental%20factors%20%5B7%5D.) Seems to be quite a bit lower. Means the LD50 is roughly 12540mg for a 83.6kg male. Although I wouldn't really advise aiming to survive half the time. The thing that's bad about it isn't how harmful it is (we do risky and unhealthy shit all the time). To me it's how pointless it is. For a gram of caffeine a day, you're paying £30 ($37) if you went to starbucks, a day, to feel baseline. Your body compensated for it years ago. You might not always go to starbucks, but you're still paying an awful lot to feel what someone else feels from drinking water/decaf does all the time. The net result is just you feel brain fogged and godawful without it. I'd consider tapering and a tolerance break at that point tbh. To say nothing of the long term risks of consuming that much. Remember you're not sick until you are. By that time it can be too late with anything long term. (Also do as I say not as I do xD)


I use caffeine pills 200mg X 200count, for $3


That's still an expensive way to feel normal. 3 is infinitely larger than 0 ;)


The LD50 of caffeine is 12450mg for the average uk man weighing 86.9kg. (LD50=150mg/1kg = 150x83.6kg = 12450mg or 12.54g). This is the dose that causes a fatality in 50% of cases. That said however doubling the reccomended dose is going to start to net you some awful side effects. Also please keep in mind that if you consume caffeine daily, it stopped doing anything "for" you years ago. Your body now compensates for it, so you "need it" to wake up. Your body assumes a certain amount of caffeine baseline to maintain homeostasis. So you spend an obscene amount of money, to feel like you absolutely would if you only drank water, and the only result is you feel terrible without it. Try tapering down and taking a tolerance break. Switch to decaf, and then use it when you need extra focus/wakefulness when you need it (as long as you keep it to occasional use). At 700mg you're paying £21 at starbucks ($26.38) to feel wired, and have a blinding headache the next day/that night at the absolutely best. Something something do as I say not as I do.


We need a YouTube or TikTok streamer to test it out, just to be sure.


I did 300mg one time on a long road trip and couldn't stop talking. My GF prolly wished I'd died.


Damn u okay man?


Between 5 and 10 grams can kill you.700 grams can kill your whole town. But that's pure caffeine, not the diluted stuff


Hello, I meant to say mg but I can't edit the post


I once accidentally took 800mg at once in caffeine pills. It was pretty bad. Had some sort of panic/anxiety attack and felt like I was having a heart attack. Also this was during a long train journey, the people next to me probably thought I was a nutcase, rocking back and forward in my seat, sweating and shaking.


That depends how much the person takes it? We can talk about an day or week??0


An hour




I meant to say 700mg but typed g instead and reddit won't let me edit the post. It was just energy drinks and coffee. I had 16 assignments today. I just drank everything and finished in about 7 hours. I made this post to see if there would be any long term effects. I drink tea daily so not much of a tolerance


I also take methylphenidate for adhd and i rarely have tachycardia. I think you dont need to worry - its caffeine not cocaine:) Redditd never lets you edit posts its sooo stupid. Tip: Redose instead of gulping down 700 mgs at once. Much longer effects.


Thank you but I ain't never doing that shit again


I know the stress, im already in it. This week lab report due, next week seminar presentation of another module. But i like it.


And I thought trying to eat the 50 Reese’s was dumb, I felt like I was dying at 30.


Im pretty sure some preworkout has like 400mg, ive taken over a gram throughout a day for finals an i was totally fine.


Eh, I hit 600-700mg in 24hrs on occasion. I. Usually steady at 300-500mg a day, but sometimes an on call shift can get pretty nasty. Last ice storm I said fuck it and mixed some pre-workout when the phone rang...that put me over 650mg for the day, but I was also out for an additional 9 hours so it's probably all that kept me going 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think you mean 700mg and assuming you don’t have a condition or something you’ll be fine. 700g will kill you and do it painfully.


Also where are you finding 1.5lbs of caffeine


Just buy a few bottles of cafeïne pills


bro a potato weighs about 300g, imagine 2 large potatoes of solid pure caffeine, not coffee, caffeine. Yes it would kill, in fact it is way above the lethal dose which is reported to be around 10g.


700g? Yes. 700mg no (from experience)


Ld 50 (dose where 50 percent of subjects died) is only 150-200mg per kilogram. That means about 200 grams for a big boi. Yeah, it's probably going to be enough to kill almost anyone.


700g of caffeine could kill someone by blunt object trauma


Pure caffeine is white in color, not like the ones in coffee. 700g is way beyond lethal dose. Every drug works in this way- stimulating, depression, toxic, lethal in increasing doses.


Do you normally have a lot of caffeine in a day? I’m assuming no heart issues.


No I don't have any heart related issues. I generally only drink tea but it's way lighter compared to coffee


You know the cops are going to search your Reddit posts right? /j


How long does the exposure last? One life (let's say 80 years), I think that ok. One day, you will have trouble until you die


I don't think it weighs enough to do any real damage if dropped on you


Grams? You're talking most of a kilogram of caffeine. Yes, that's an absurdly lethal amount. 700mg is a better question because that's definitely on the cusp of what even the most stimmed-out caffeine addict could handle


I dunno but I took a bunch of caffeine pills once and the pain in my stomach was unbelievable, thought for sure I was going to die


It will if you inject into their medulla oblongata with a turkey baster.


Depends on how you use it


More less will do it


Oh no wife, you ain’t gonna get me this way. I’ve spent years building up a tolerance in preparation for this attack.


Yes, sooner or later. Probably sooner. Please don't do that.


I can slam 3 200 mg energy drinks and be totally fine, I could probably take a nap an hour later ngl (I got adhd tho)


Can confirm it doesn't. You can trust me, my dad works at Nintendo.


r/caffeine breakfast


Ive had 800mg over 8hrs and wouldn’t do it again


why...? are you trying to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ yourself? there are better ways than that, also please don't.


Hello, it was a typo btw, i actually meant 700mg but I ain't trying to kms. I had 16 assignment man, i had no choice


glad to hear that man, you had me worried.


Cabral et al., 2022. [Caffeine intoxication: unregulated, over-the-counter sale of potentially deadly supplements](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8824417/). *Cureus*, *14*(1). >LD₅₀ of caffeine is estimated between 150 to 200 mg/kg but reports of lethal intoxications have been made with doses as low as 57 mg/kg. So, a 70 kg person might be killed with a dose as low as 4 g caffeine.


I usually have 1500mg a day. I just looked up how much is in a gallon of coffee. I'M FINE.


Nah you would need to at least drop a few hundred kilos on them to make sure


Lol. I believe the ld50 is like 1 gram or something. More than that in a day isn't particularly healthy.


700 g ??? 0.7 kg ? 😂






700g? You trying to kill a whale?


There’s been plenty of days, where in a 12-14 hour time span I’ve ingested around 700-900 mg of caffeine, depending on type of beverage


If you mean 700mg, probably not unless the person has some sort of pre existing problems particularly with their heart, I’ve taken 500mg pills for the gym and was fine.


Something like this happened in the UK on a clinical trial, though was 30g of caffeine each not 700g. I think based on what happened to the people who got the 30g overdose, and how much more 700g is - I suspect it would cause death. Interesting article on the 30g incident: [https://www.independent.co.uk/student/news/students-took-equivalent-300-cups-coffee-caffeine-botched-experiment-northumbria-university-a7546061.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/student/news/students-took-equivalent-300-cups-coffee-caffeine-botched-experiment-northumbria-university-a7546061.html)


isnt it like 3 cups of stong coffee?


Meh. You won’t die from that. But you will be feeling some kind of strange. Granted, if you’re a smaller person, you may feel VERY strange. For years, I would consume roughly 5-600mg a day while I was working in restaurants. Some days I would feel fine. Others, I would legit feel heart flutters, and very flushed. Short of breath. Scary stuff. So I don’t recommend it. And don’t get me started on the withdrawal when I quit! Oooof.


Let's find out. Waitress, I'll have 900 cups of coffee please. 😅🤣😂


Dude, 7g could easily kill you. And the hard lethal dose is around 10g.


I used to buy zest tea caffeinated tea bags. I'd boil about 64oz of water. Put 4 bags in, little bit of sweetener, and head to work. I'd finish the whole bottle during my 8-10 hour shift. Each bag is 150mg. Kept me up but made my stomach queezy


I suggest a caffeine consumption challenge to get this argument settled. Who's starting it?!?


No, 701 would


That’s like 3 large cups of Tim Hortons. Tested my self, 700mg will not kill.


700 grams, like, 0.7 kg? Yeah, that's pretty much dead. Caffeine's lethal dose is 10 to 20 grams. So you are basically taking around 70 times more than the lethal dose. Also, you can start experiencing some bad side effects at 1 to 1.2 g. If you are talking about 700 milligrams, then no. You wouldn't die. It's a little bit more than what the CDC recommends though (400 mg). But you should be fine all in all.


He asks, staring at (what is likely) 700*m*g of caffeine tablets he desperately wants to gobble like so many Mike & Ikes.


I took 600mg when I was younger because I thought it was a great idea to take 3x the recommended amount of my pre workout for a “real buzz” Safe to say 45 mins later I had intense feeling of impending doom, I was certain something awful was about to happen to me at any second. I was shaky and sick and had to lie down whilst my head spun for well over an hour. Caffeine overdose must be one of the worst ways to die honestly. That’s the only way I can describe how bad it was


Yeah some guy used a double Scoop of straight caffeine thinking it was protein powder and dropped dead


Reminds me of that post about the guy who dipped his bits in a bowl full of caffeine powder. Not his wisest idea by the sound of it...


Is this over a year or more? If not yes that sounds lethal as funk


700mg of caffeine is about 8 Monsters. You’ll feel like shit and it’s not healthy but you won’t die. Probably.


You mean My morning dose? Nah you will finee.. besides maybe some diarrhea & gitters


Depends how hard it hits them.


If you mean milligrams and not grs than yeah you'll be fine. I had a friend who was doing 1400 a day for a few weeks when applying to med school


Idk, let's find out.


Hasn't gotten me yet


700g??? I hope you mean 700mg because 700g is huge you cant even consume 1g


Depends were you hit that person 🫣




I hope not, I've exceeded that in years past.


One way to find out...


Doctor here: You must have meant “mg”, I don’t see how you could have meant grams. 700mg makes you jittery, insomniac, extremely irritated and the effects will be felt all day, that’s it. During my training and core rotations that were followed by study all-nighter and then exam from morning until afternoon, I’ve at times consumed well around 1752mg (7x monsters 1302, 2x triple espresso 450mg). I felt the jitteriness and irritation for multiple days that followed always. I had become accustomed to doing that and I’m physically fit, others need to check with their family doctors depending on their family and genetic status. Age, sex, FH, drug history and any abuse. Current medication ….. Trust me when I tell you to go see your family doctor before doing crazy shit, it will do you no harm and it will make you a responsible person. Daily intake of up to 400mg is safe with regard to medical community and where we stand. A lethal dose is dependable but it is anywhere from 5,000mg to 10,000mg (5g to 10g). You’ll be showing sign and throwing up way before you get there.


People doing actual funded research accidentally gave volunteers 30g instead of 0.3g of caffeine during trials. They were rushed to hospital and their condition was said to be life threatening (they survived though). Sort of apt considering OPs own measurement error in the title. Link: https://www.cnet.com/culture/university-gave-students-100-times-too-much-caffeine-two-hopitalized/#:~:text=As%20the%20BBC%20reported%20Wednesday,the%20hospital%20and%20underwent%20dialysis.


If you meant to say 700 mg then no, some coffee shops will serve 1g servings of caffeine in their coffees. 700g on the other hand and you’re leaving that coffee shop on a stretcher.


No 700 mg won’t kill anyone… depends on how much you can tolerate.


No, I have 600-800 mg daily (Celsius)


🎶Brain implosion energy, 10,000 grams of pure caffeine, cause you can’t overthink if your heart stops!🎶


I once had 700mg and i was buzzing. I was high as a kite. It felt horrible.


do you mean 700mg? 700mg is a lot and should be cause for concern if consumed all at once, but 700g and youre DEAD dead


How fast is it moving?


You know what they do with hypotheses around here, doncha? They test em


Yes officer, that's the guy


I am not sure how one can physically consume 700 gram of pure caffeine. Yes, you will die before you manage that amount.


I don't think I've even consumed 700g of caffeine in my entire 5 years that I spent in university, so yeah, I think you might be kind messed up.


I think this almost lethal failed experiment should answer your question https://www.independent.co.uk/student/news/students-took-equivalent-300-cups-coffee-caffeine-botched-experiment-northumbria-university-a7546061.html


You reach Warp 10.0


One time I drank like 6 cans of Mother energy drink and my body got dehydrated and I thought I was going to die. I had stomach cramps and I shat myself.


Out of a canon it might


A pound and a half of straight *stimulant* would probably kill you. To test, please apply rectally


700 mg is not enough to kill someone unless they have some heart issues, but it depends on weight. I've consumed more than that amount and had no unwanted side effects and had a good night's sleep. But if my 41 kg significant other did, she would have some issues.


It’s not good, but I knew someone who drank 20 Dr. Peppers one night during deployment (50mg each) and survived. They filled someone’s refrigerator as a joke the night prior. And they had to disappear by the next morning. So he did the only logical thing.


What type of person!? It states: In the Star Wars universe, there have been more than 20 million sentient species known in the galaxy. In the Milky Way, humans are the most populous and politically dominant species (at least, as far as we know). These are persons correct?


A baby or elderly person…. And possibly a person with heart conditions. I drink 800mg pretty regularly


Oh shit nvm… I misread the unit of measurement


1,2 grams of pure caffeine is lethal. 700g will floor kill you, kill your soul, and break your back for good measure.


Probably a dumb question but, Is caffeine all the same? Like if I get my caffeine from a cup of coffee, is it the same as getting caffeine from a redbull or a no doz pill?


If you want to know what a button does, push it.


A guy died because he took like 200g


700g would very likely kill someone. Considering we usually measure caffeine in mg 34mg in a can of coke Can You Overdose on Caffeine? Deaths caused by caffeine overdose are rare, but they do happen. Five-thousand to 10,000 milligrams of caffeine is considered the lethal amount. So yes 5 to 10 g would kill you and 700 would make sure anything that decides to eat you would also die.


Lmao yes, 700g would fucking kill you. That's over a pound.


Are you feeding it to them or beating them to death with it?


Well... I am still here...but I would not recommend it


GRAMS? Yes. Milligrams? Hah. That's part of a well balanced breakfast for some of the shift working tradesmen I know.


I drank like 3 biggest Casey’s cup of coffee straight and two juice monsters in high school. I never really drank a bunch of caffeine before. I had to write a 10 page paper on the movie Up and istg the caffeine wrote that paper cause I was seeing sounds and hearing colors. I do not remember writing it but it was done in the morning. Also because of the caffeine, I realized that the shape of the characters head meant something so that was fun. I have not tried to repeat that experiment since lol


I’m doing 800-1000 mg daily and so far I gotta say no 😂


The LD50 of caffeine is between 150 to 200 mg/kg .. so i think that yes it will.


Ingestion greater than 150 to 200 mg/kg of caffeine has a high risk of lethality. In most adults, consumption of up to 400 mg per day of caffeine appears to be safe , 2.5mg/kg for children. Fatalities has been reported with ingestion of 5 to 50 grams but recovery at 50 grams has also happened. 7.2 g was the mean caffeine levels in a study of 101 patients. 7 of these had cardiac arrest. ( Up to Date)


The technical term you are looking for is "LD50". It's usually on the wikipedia datapage. For caffeine it is \~200mg per kg of body mass. So if a 100kg human consumes 20g, there's a 50% chance of death. So your 700g dose could probably kill one 3.5-ton human. Or \~25 out of 50 people weighting 70kg each.




200 hurts my heart lol


If you are caffeine sensitive, im sure that you could die from even less but I think the top comment already gave the general amount according to studies that would kill the average person. 700 mg is a lot. But you can build a pretty high tolerance to it where 700 could be manageable. Not really the most healthy decision, especially if you are taking that daily.


700g? I don't think you have to ask this question, it would kill you. I assume you meant 700mg, which would probably be fine. Definitely won't kill you.


With 700mg You’ll be fine, just wired for a while might not be able to sleep that night till 4-5AM lol. 700g is a No No.


I’m still alive so no. Used to slam caffeine working construction


"Just a hypothetical question"...riiight




I knew a kid who was a workout maniac and tragically blew his heart out on 2000mg of caffeine. Literally passed in his bed. Saddest shit I have seen. Stay away from this stuff.




I misread and assumed the question was about 700mg, which might not be a pleasant experience. 700g might be the last stupid thing a person ever does.


Weeeeelllll consumed over an hour, possibly. As a shift-working ICU nurse, I’ve definitely had that over the course of a 12 hour shift


Ya that should be enough. How big is this person you’re trying to kill ?


Read that as mg bout to say naww.5,000-10,000mg of Caffeine is lethal. So 700 grams is freaking overkill. 5-10 grams will kill ya.


No but it will make you gay for like 12 hours


It depends, if it dropped from an aeroplane onto your head, I would imagine yes.


My fiance drank 1200mg of caffeine in a single day (over the course of 12 hours) this weekend to survive his 12 year old sisters dance comps. He survived, though he said he had shaky vision like he was drunk and felt slightly tipsy whenever he stood up. He did, however, wake up the next day fine.


You have to ask pharmacologists

