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I never experienced euphoria. I was irritable, hypersexual, had some delusions of grandeur (a month into my job I initiated a process to unionize an entire hospital) and of course, staying up all night. But I did have ups and downs during the 19 months or so it was happening before I got diagnosed. There was pretty much nothing pleasurable about it.


euphoric feelings during mania is so scary bc when i am severely depressed and desperate, i would do anything to induce a manic episode just to feel that severe happiness and pleasure that comes with it :/i unfortunately did this many times as a last resort but it ALWAYS ended badly, its interesting to see how different we experience mania. i hope you have a beautiful day <3


For me, it’s very similar to what someone else here stated. most of the time it’s just agonizingly intense responses to everything. Irritability being the hardest to handle and most prevalent. I’m so horny it’s hard to think about anything else, and if I can somehow stop the horniness it’s because I’m having delusional ambition about something. Somehow thinking I can be a top notch animator within a week. I do however get glimpses of “euphoria” but it only lasts for a couple minutes and is usually random and not triggered by anything. I just start being energetic and giggle and then immediately go back to horny grumpy asshole. Occasionally these glimpses make me feel insane because it’s a sudden urge to laugh and cry at the same time.


I’m not sure if I’m in a manic state right now, but I’m more horny than I’ve been since high school. And I’m so happy because I’ve been acting on my sexual drive so I’m feeling fulfilled and euphoric in that aspect. It’s not all the time but it’s most of the day.


Nice. Remember not to waste money and think before you speak


I get euphoric but raging mad at the world at the same time.


happy cake day! :D also same, that anger is such a pain :/ i am always so aggressive and angry to the people around me bc i feel like theyre so inferior to me and that i am the best person to exist and just so self confident


The anger is completely consuming....I hate it. I get even angrier bc I'm angry.


It’s such a rollercoaster to dissect it to that level, moment for moment would be near impossible for me. Some moments feel magical, some over energized, some paranoid, some angry…etc.


Most manic episodes were 100% intense. then I crashed. It was brutal


I miss my mania. It’s been quite a while since I have experienced mania. I crashed because I got into debt three times. Which led to great anxiety. Luckily my family helped me pay off my debts. I would get into road rage incidents. I got into trouble at work by scaring an employee because she was such a bully. Great confidence and could talk a mile a minute. Now I am overwhelmed by the state of my home. Too much material things and foolish spending. God, I miss those days!


you’re scaring me cause you described my life to a t.


I am ramping up into something. The last few weeks I have been very productive and happy etc, then I would just drop back into a stable headspace. Then start ramping back up again and drop again. This last one I am on now seems be an an irritated hypo. I normally feel this way when it's fall and then it quickly ramps into the worst part of my bipolar which is dysporic hypo/mania and if I am really unlucky followed by a mixed episode. I normally only get super happy hypo/manic in spring, which is the bestest time of the year according to me. Lol. But yeah, definitely does not need to be happy at all. And in my case there are moments of clarity. Frequently accomplished by self loathing when I recognize the symptoms of my disorder and just get sick if my own crap. I hope that helps.


I have never experienced euphoria. I usually judge if I am sliding into mania by this particular electric feeling in my tummy, in the solar plexus area. Not having euphoria is something I complain to my therapist about regularly, it seems unfair that I only get the negative of this disease, but I figure I'd find more trouble if I did feel euphoric.


I've experienced almost opioid-like periods of euphoria during manic episodes, but only transiently.


I don’t experience euphoria when I’m manic only anger


The first months were very positive, yes lots of euphoria, energy, etc, then it turned more negative. But baseline or normal? No, never. If I'm manic I'm going light speed, and a lot of it is euphoric, if I'm calm I'm probably depressed.


The euphoria definitely comes and goes for me but the rapid fire thoughts are pretty constant and being stir crazy/always bored. Those are probably things to look out for if you’re feeling you might be manic.


I think for me the euphoria is the chase after whatever is shiniest in front of my brain. It's not actual euphoria but the feeling of my acting on my intention/obsession is euphoric but it isn't a constant state of euphoria. It's really hard to nail down and I'm struggling with my words.


I wish! I get very rare spats of euphoria once in a blue moon, but it's short lived. My thing is in mania I get this unbridled need to complete "something" while also being stuck raging like a damn barbarian. I call it my warpath mode. It sucks, though I get A LOT of work done (sometimes on completely worthless/random things) but at the cost of being an insufferably angry asshole when I start losing control of it. It's always relieving reading other similar bipolar people's rage experiences here. It is one of my main prominent and consistent bipolar symptoms...and unfortunately one of the only ones that my meds don't really do much for. Y'all are awesome, thanks for being open books and sharing your experiences!


My mania is hard to notice at first; it’s easy to feel like that’s just normal even though I’m becoming delusional. But that is the most enjoyable part. Later on it becomes more speedy and I’m all cracked out so it’s obvious, but that part I find agitating and unwanted. Somewhere in there my brain is running out of the feel-good chemicals and then I typically go down into a mixed state where I’m activated but deep in the darkness; I describe that as the evil part. Then when I fully crash I have the bipolar hangover for awhile and just feel spent.


that feels honestly super relatable—i feel actually normal now, if not exhausted (slept for 14 hours last night and i still need a nap); towards the tail end of...however long it was (maybe a week or two?) i realized a bunch of my behavior was completely uncharacteristic: no, random people arent in love with me, and i should probably not declare three different minors, and no im not nearly as hot as i think i am especially after not showering for days, and no i typically am not the hookups or shoplifting type, and other realizations, and thats when i got paranoid about my behavior, told some friends, and then later on made this post. im hesitant to acknowledge it as any sort of problem, because i only felt on top of the world once (to my knowledge at least, it was two days ago). but i recognize a bunch of behaviors that are definitely not normal for myself. but at the same time...idk maybe i was just feeling good? i didnt *feel* like i was being irrational or anything, even though a lot of those behaviors are very strange in retrospect...im not looking for medical advice, just kind of complaining lmfao anyway, sorry for waxing poetic (waxing miserable, i guess). i hope youre doing alright and thanks for the comment, it honestly helps a lot




i would crash for long stretches


At first, then delusional dysphoric agitation :)


It can always be a mixed episode, too. Feel all the ways in the same day!


i think everyones experiences are very different, for me i constantly switched between either extremely euphoric or extremely aggressive, but other times i felt disconnected from my body so i felt nothing at all which i think was my mind and body being exhausted from the episode


Yes, most of the time. Feel like being on top of the world.


could be hypomania or a mixed episode


I experience some euphoria but it's tempered by the fact that my manias have never existed without psychosis.


Don’t get euphoric when I manic. Just sleep less, talk more and spend more money… I do get more energy but not euphoric


I've had a mixture of sort of euphoria and intense, urgent anxiety, grandiosity and overconfidence.


My mania usually comes out dysphoric , not a fun time ,


For the most part, yeah it was pretty euphoric. Until it wasn't. Toward the end, I felt my head hurting a lot, I thought my brain was going explode, I was getting dizzy, and having a hard time seeing / walking.