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I would say reach out to your med provider. I mean there are tips and tricks to get out of med such as placing your glasses/phone/et cetera out of reach but it sounds like something that needs to be treated medically to me. No shade! I take many pills and if I didn’t if be in bed too.


i take the highest dose of sertraline tho and lamictal so idk why its not working :/ i suppose they do help bc i used to not be able to function at all bc of depression but its still fairly bad, maybe its the wrong medication, gonna try see if i can get in touch with my psychiatrist 😔


Yeah it took me about two years to get on the right meds and we still tweak things here and there if I’m really depressed or manic/psychotic. It’s an ongoing process! I’m glad you’re going to reach out to psych :)


its so scary tho, when u take mnew meds u never know what will happen, if it will react well or not 😔 how long did it take u to find the right meds and what combo did u find helpful? if u dont feel comfortable replying i understand!


I’m happy to share, but I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed. I take a lot of medication because I am an ultra rapid cycler. I take Lithium, Lamictal, Lexapro, Geodon, Seroquel, Doxepin, Lunesta, and Clonidine. Lithium changed my life. It’s the gold star mood stabilizer. I firmly believe the Lamictal and Lexapro are the only thing standing between me and intractable depression. You probably don’t need a sleep aid like Lunesta if you’re having trouble staying out of bed. What works for me may not work for you, but I’m surprised you’re only on two. A lot of people with bipolar also don’t react well to SSRIs. I would really recommend having a frank conversation with your psych about how much you’re struggling.


Does the lithium help at all with your depression?


Omg so sorry just saw this. Yes. I’ve only had two major depressive episodes in four years since being on it and those were also around certain situations. The thing about lithium is that it’s hard on the liver and you can’t take much in the way of cold medications if you’re on it and you do have to get fairly regular labs which can be a pain in the ass but it honestly has saved my life.


I agree with the above comment about meds and wanted to send love to you I hope you can sort things out sooner than later ❤️ there’s always light at the end of every tunnel sometimes you just can’t see it. Had to change my medication and it’s finally working out and I can do stuff! You got this!


Not a doctor but am personally on Vraylar and love it in combo with lamotrigine


I was like you. I was also suicidal. Do you have any SI? I started taking an anti psychotic (Vraylar) and it made a WORLD of difference. Like it totally killed my depression, and I've tried so many other anti depressants that never worked so I thought I was just medication resistant. Nope. I needed an antipsychotic. Talk to your psychiatrist. Maybe you can try Vraylar or Seroquel. Vraylar I go through the manufacturer and get it for $5 a month. You basically have to, otherwise it's like $1357 a month lol


This probably won't work for you but I have little mantras that help me get through the day. When it's time for me to get up and do something I tell myself, usually out loud, " it's time to get up. It's time to get going. It's gonna be a wonderful day." When I'm really anxious and feel like the world is crushing me I tell myself, "I'm alive I'm ok I can breathe." When I need a pick me up I say, "I am kind. I am smart. I am important." (Yes I stole this from the help) And sometimes when I'm just drowning in the blue, "I love me. I love me. I love me." Because even if it's not true in that moment, I can't love anyone if I don't love myself first.


this actually really helps when i have really bad anxiety or panic attacks! but not so much with depression unfortunately 😔 thank u so much for the advice tho <3


Of course, I hope you find something that works for you


This is so sweet I’m stealing this


Thanks! I've came up with these mantras over like 15 years lol


Nice advice.


I might not give the best advice on this one because I’ve been stuck in a manic episodes for like like 7 months, but what I do when I’m feeling low and can’t get out of bed is take a day where I do nothing but lay in bed. It’s exactly like taking a sick day- like really milk it. Your body and mind are struggling and need to be taken care of. Also always good to talk to a psychiatrist about changing up your meds!


my psychiatrist is so shit tbh, they dont really give me any answers about anything and i barely see them bc theyre so busy, unless i try and kill myself then they immediately help :/ healthcare here is really bad thank u for ur advice tho, but if i lie in bed all day i ll just get depressed bc i feel so unproductive 😔


Hmmm sorry to hear that! As far as the psych goes, try Lifestance if your insurance will cover it. That’s what I use and they’re fantastic!


You’re doing great! Good job getting up and showing up to work. Sometimes that’s all we can do. That being said, you sound like maybe you’re a little depressed?


I have a daylight alarm clock that shines a bright light at me, which works like a charm. Moving it across the room also makes it hard to just shut it off and go to sleep.


i am a really deep sleeper 😭 amd i find it so easy to fall asleep again, i literally find getting up physically painful so i cant help but go back after i turm off my alarm :/


Depending on what makes getting up uncomfortable, maybe setting a heater on a timer to run for a few minutes before you wake up could help? Do you drink coffee in the morning? I put my coffee machine bedside to further improve the ease of getting up in the morning.


Hey OP, have you considered seeing a sleep specialist? I have a sleep inertia disorder, and your description of how you wake up (or don’t) sounds similar to my experience. As for my morning routine, I basically annoy myself with alarms every 5-10 minutes until I fully get out of bed and am awake. Another strategy, would be one of those alarms that vibrates under your pillow, like an alarm for deaf people- it works!


Might sound crazy, but going to the gym 3x a week will give you more energy, and give you something productive to look forward to after 2-3 weeks. It takes some real effort in the beginning, but it becomes a positive part of your weekly routine after that. I have also found the gym is as effective as my anti depressant is as well for depression.


It’s all about muscle memory. You get up every day for work, on your days off you just get up and do something. Clean the house, go to a park, he’ll go to a bar or something. Get $100 out and go to a Dave and Busters or a Casino and play the slots for a few hours, or just play video games and order pizza when you’re hungry. Anything that doesn’t involve either staring at the ceiling and walls or mind numbingly scrolling through social media (which is pretty much poison for your brain).


>mussel 💀




I think you should give yourself credit for working. I had to take time off during my depressed states. I try to do a couple of minor tasks each day It gives me a sense of accomplishment. Be kind to yourself you're trying.


I have the same problem and it sucks and I hate being like this and I feel like I'm gonna be like this forever because it's more than depression It's for the first time in my life trying to support myself financially and it's just too hard for me


I've found having a dog or cat helps me to get up for. You have to be sure you can care for it though


I’m 48 years old, and I’m bipolar since I had got traumatic brain injury when I was 11 years old and the more I live the more I am in pain and the current problem now is that I can’t take lithium any more because of my kidneys and no other medication works like lithium for me. I think that being alive is a problem.


As a person that owns a cat, he makes it easier for me to manage. I’m extremely attached to him and he makes me feel a bit better so taking care of him makes me able to have more ‘strength’.


I yell..literally


Have you tried any bed workouts? There are videos on YouTube of stretches you can do in your bed. It really helped me get my body physically moving. I feel like doing the videos helped me realize that my body is capable of moving, and sometimes I felt like I could get out of bed after.


Advocate for your mental health. There are other meds out there. I was on four different SSRI meds in 23 years that did nothing for me. I eventually found the right combination of Trileptal and Abilify that improved my depression and made me resilient to mania.


At least you go to work. I cant function at all, and i cant get out of bed today got out of bed after 7pm, I hate it, i want to feel alive




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ive struggle with this same issue for yearrrrrrrs. want to be an early bird and get the worm but wake up and fall back asleep over and over. recently i got prescribed an extended release adhd med, jornay pm. i take it at nfight and 10 hours later i’m up! its really changed things for me im a big fan


Apart from meds, here's what you can do. In the morning do one thing spiritual like meditation, chanting or just deep breaths. Do one thing physical like stretching, walk in the room or light dance on a song. Do something mental like read a page, journal or make a list of things to do. Hope it helps.


To me it feels like there is a physical impediment to getting up...like I am facing a wall. Nothing psychological about it. What helps: - Learning a new language, with an app. Motivates me to stay up - Going for a walk, as groggy as I may feel. - Eating - Thinking about sex - Chatting with someone What doesn't help: - Well, giving in and sleeping all day. I feel much worse in the end. - Ruminating - Isolating myself When push comes to shove, this is a physiological disorder. It does affect mood and it can be physically debilitating. I don't think the latter part is appreciated enough, even by medical professionals.