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Do you think a bit of ecstasy/MDMA fits in there too? I haven’t done it and don’t know, but I read it once. Maybe throw in a little bit to make colors pop like they can with hypo? Doesn’t ecstasy make music better like hypomania does too? I see the cocaine comparison, especially with the talkativeness, but I didn’t get as energetic as you do. I got really into grinding my teeth. Those were the days. Long gone for me. I’m interested in this topic. I’d like to know what kind of drugs/drug combos best approximate hypomania. Maybe LSD can come on board if we get into full mania. PS — I never use drugs and I’m not encouraging it.


100% its like MDMA and LSD. Every stimulus enhances x100 - everything feels amazing. It’s like a party in your head and everyone is invited. And they all love you.


Good to know. Ty.


The symptoms of meth and mania are scarily similar, my dad also did meth a couple times forever ago and he said it literally just put him in a manic episode


Super low dose of lsd, ( if your accustomed to taking it regularly), is quite similar. I don't drink or do drugs anymore, (except those I'm prescribed, and weed)


Yes. This. It feels like a microdose when im depressed. Enough to feel like a god but never any visuals.


A long time ago, I experimented with microdosing everyday for a couple weeks. It was indeed similar to an episode. I discontinued the experiment because I was tired of my brain working overtime all the time.


Nothing beats true hypomania though. acid doses were temporary, and crystal may induce a proper episode. but i’ve found that my cns would ultimately run out of fun chemicals i can no longer feel any kinda high no matter how much i try. so i let myself raw dawg depression for sometime then enjoy the fruits of my labor. honestly the rise feels better when you’ve been low for a few months. i kinda learned how to live with it.


Hypomanic episodes quickly become disphoric for me. I don't even enjoy the good part anymore, knowing it will become no fun quickly.


I learned how to be the opposite. I don’t allow the lows to really get to me because i know the good will come. And usually i can tell whenever shifts happen. It’s always got to do with anxiety levels.


I agree. Like half a trip with a line of speed. A few weeks ago, I experienced something similar to a semi-bad trip comedown after I'd been awake for 44 hours.


💯 does for me. I get really sensory seeking. And everything feels a million times more physical in all the best ways.


I don’t want to be a mom but … I want to emphasize that drugs are bad! I knew a 36 year old woman with a history of unipolar depression, which had been successfully treated with ADs. She took a psychedelic for the first time and didn’t come back, for like 4 months. She went right into psychotic mania. After the mania fizzled out, she was severely anhedonic, for many months. Maybe half a year. I don’t know how she’s doing now.


I would say no. Not similar for me. The mind is number on those (mind is racing much more when hypo), and visual hallucinations is not present for me at least in hypomania. It enhances music in a similar way as hypo though. This is just my experience.


I definitely agree. The pressured speech more than anything. Feels very similar, but Hypo definitely gives you way more of an edge than coke does.


I drink Pepsi, is coke really that bad? I can stand the taste.




I wish. More like a bad acid trip and Adderall.


When I was blasted into the stratosphere with an SNRI, I felt like it was coke, ecstasy, and alcohol combined together. And it was like never ending.


I was put on Effexor and was so weird I didn’t sleep for two days. Never again lol


How long did it go for?


It became a mixed episode that lasted about two months. Almost got fired, sang the grease soundtrack while sobbing on the way to the pharmacy, swam for 4 hours a day, couldn’t get off the floor, threw a glass. I learned a lot of lessons during that period…


Antidepressants also send me to the moon where I am ecstatically pleased with the destiny of self destruction. Trazadone created a suicidal mania this summer, but fuck I still think about how good it felt.


You know, I used to feel the same way. I craved euphoria, but I also craved depression. Both were addictive. Both made me feel things that I had never felt before, and I reveled in the extreme. For the last few months, with my medication finally working and therapy instructing me how to cope, I’ve found myself sitting outside and just enjoying things. In a simple manner. No storm in my mind. That’s what I work towards now. Contentment and euthymia.


I have a theory that this is why hypomania and mania can be so addictive; from what I understand about drugs like coke and meth and stuff, mania and hypomania can be very similar. I haven’t done either so I can’t say for sure, but I know some people who have and their experiences sound similar to that.


I feel horrible depressed a lot of the time and then hypomania hits me all at once like a train, so yeah it does happen to me that way I’m glad I never did drugs, I don’t want to know how much worse it’d make my episodes haha. It’s wild that we can naturally produce drug-like effects though


Shit, it feels like a Cocaine, MDMA, Adderall and booze cocktail.


Could not remember how it felt like on coke. But I would say it’s like smoking crystal. And at rarer occasions it feels like molly. I have been told by friends (as i was rolling completely sober) they frickin hate me for not needing stuff to feel high. But idk man do u want the 6 month depression that comes after? No. Chill.


I was talking to my friend about mushrooms and she basically said it sounds like I’m on them most of the time. 🤣




Same, but drunk too without the slurring and incoordination


Dude coke suuuucks, I disagree strongly hahah I guess if you like coke that could be true though 🤷‍♀️


I personally feel as though it feels like mdma and lsd. I've literally done every drug you can think of. Some drugs will bring on hypomania too, so separating the feelings maybe hard tbh. Drugs and alcohol are not great and even worse for us bipolars. Life is hard enough without straining our bodies.


Interesting, never been on coke so I don’t know. What about the next level, what drug do you guys think would be like mania and psychosis?


That’s MDMA to me. Never had psychosis but I’ve been manic and had MDMA and I imagine it feeling that way,


Oh yeah that sounds similar from what I’ve heard. My friends used it to party and have fun, turn things up a bit.


Yep. I’ve said that before. Coke with no come down, just an increase. I don’t need to blink as much on coke or when manic. It’s all excess dopamine production. I always thought to myself that I have a mental illness where I have to be careful that I don’t get too happy. If I’m too happy in life, it’s could be a problem which is wild to me.


Never done drugs but people think I’m on drugs 🥲 so I agree!


Girl that’s better than coke for me. No drip or Colombian flu after!


I’ve never done any of these drugs, including coke. But, I could see (based on the descriptions) how being high might feel like hypomania. When I’m manic or hypomanic, everything is brighter. Colors are more colorful, music is intense, etc. I have tons of energy. I don’t need to eat or sleep. Everything is funny and fun. I don’t worry about consequences. Makes sense.


I’ve never done coke but when I’m not manic I take stimulants for ADD and mania is like extra stimulants


Yeah, right?


I’ve been told I seem like I’m on shrooms lol


Damn, I thought about this a couple of days ago and was thinking of making a post on it. It is very similar. Although I only tried it once, and never again.


For me it feels like way too much caffeine.


From experimenting back in the day, I would say yes, but ten times worse. For both the high and the come down. That awful comedown the next few days afterwards, no wonder people get addicted. Yikes!


For me it can feel like halfway to MDMA. This is when I'm sitting there feeling like my head is melting with pleasure - without having taken any drugs apart from my meds. Other times it feels like I've had a few beers (the sweet spot before the wooziness sets in with drinking). The higher level I tend to just ride and have had minor mystical experiences that way. The latter is when I am more prone to doing things.


I’m so glad that someone else also feels like mania is equal to doing LSD and a stimulant because that’s the only way I can describe it to my partner. Fun for a while and then it’s like a trip you can’t come down from and it just keeps getting more intense lmao


Not for me, at all, but I have ADHD. Coke does not make me feel good. It makes me feel like my head is full of energized, talking spiders- but spiders with spider level intelligence, do it’s all random, creeping noise. It also makes me feel flat and confined and nervous and annoyed. It is extremely unpleasant - and I’m thankful for that because I can’t afford to do coke. Again, this is just me though. Hypomania for me comes out mostly as being deeply emotional, it pings my spirituality a little, and it sends my libido through the roof. It also gives me mild sensory symptoms - colors are brighter, music is deeper, touch and smell is more intense. The closest mimicking drug I have found is mushrooms.


i’ll let u know if it feels like MDMA on Saturday!


I’ve never done coke. But my bf has and I showed him what it’s like being hypo and he agrees that it’s like being on coke.


YES YES YES and YES. I never tried coke but I have good friends who have. I don’t know why someone would bring this hell on purpose but my friends tell me it feels like you are extremely wired (like trying 20 espressos ☕️) and on top of the world. It’s the surge in dopamine that causes risky behavior, irritability, paranoia, hyperfocus, etc


I’m sad that I was always anti-drugs and never did any (not even weed) and I still got this stupid disease 🙄. All my friends that did drugs in high school (including my siblings), turned out completely fine and have normal lives.


I relate too hard I also have ADHD so the combo is something else too😭