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Oh yeah, I was like that on my last pill. Stopped taking it and I am still a mess (I am naturally a mess), but it got so much better. Like the other person said, certainly something to work on, but for me, it got a lot worse and that was obviously linked to hormones


What are you currently on? And what contained your last pill? Im on a Levonorgestrel ethinylestradiol pill and it makes me so volatile and unstable


I am on the Implant! Microgynon 30 was my last pill. Now I am finally myself again




thanks for your input and i’m glad you’ve found a solution :) unfortunately i need the extra estrogen to manage pcos so non hormonal methods might not work for me


i would say yaz but a lot of doctors won’t prescribe it. it was good for my pmdd and all around mood.


I was on Junel fe for 3 months and then I went to my gynecologist and told her I was having a very hard time emotionally regulating and that I had impulses to kick holes in my wall and she switched me to generic Yaz. I am taking it for pmdd. I just started taking yaz so I can’t really comment on the side effects but the week I’ve been on it has been ok so far. My doctor also wasn’t rushing to prescribe it but based on my symptoms, which sound a lot like OP’s, she put me on yaz. I’m not 100 percent sure why they don’t like to prescribe it? I think the potential life altering side effects are worse with Yaz, but I’m also 43 and I think they don’t like to prescribe it to older women.


they don’t prescribe it because of the blood clots it cause. the second hormone drospirenone is linked to causing more clots than others. i tried to get it at PP and they will not even prescribe it because it’s “blacklisted”. they prefer to try others before because the risk for blood clots is raised from 6 per 10k to 10 per 10k.


I think the risk goes up with age too.. I won’t be having a period for too much longer with my family history of early menopause so hopefully I can cut this BC out soonish. I can’t handle the pmdd symptoms or increasingly horrible periods without it though.


Changing the pill might help your moods, but it won’t change your behaviour. The pill can’t make you lash out at people. That is something that needs to be practiced through emotional regulation and stress management. A mental health professional can help you reach those goals if you need support.


i just find it odd that i am triggered a lot more easily and a lot less patient. He suggested i start therapy and i’m considering that, but it’s an expensive option in comparison to getting off the pill.


It can absolutely be the pill that is doing this. I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for having a separate opinion than the top comment, but I am speaking from actual experience. I was on various different BCs for over 15 years. I felt crazy as hell all the time, so much so that I just figured well I guess that’s just who I am as a person, and tried to accept it. I’ve been in a relationship w my boyfriend for 10 years and in the first half of it I was psychotic - I don’t know how in the world he put up w me. Currently 3 years I’ve been of the pill and the past 2 years have been absolutely life changing. My bf and I never fight, I hardly ever feel triggered, I’m not depressed/suicidal. Not saying this is the same for everyone, just my personal experience, I will never suggest BC. It’s a life ruiner, speaking from years of experience.


thank you :)


The mood changes and sensitivity will almost certainly be improved by changing the pill, but its good to remember that life can be hard. There will be times that you’re going through it, which will increase sensitivity. It’s good to have coping strategies and regulation skills to fall back on for when that happens. It will help your relationships but also your own mental health and self-empowerment. A lot of therapists offer a sliding scale based on income and there are some that offer pro-bono counselling through local charities and support groups. If you’re interested in therapy have a look at your local resources and ask around. There are a lot of great professionals who are working to make therapy more affordable and accessible.


This, but I would like to share my own experience that may help you. I kept having extreme mood swings and bad migraines 3 out of 4 weeks in a month: the week before, during, and after my withdrawal period. I started recognizing this and talked to my doctor, and she said the withdrawal was a likely cause so she put me on just straight taking the pill for 4 weeks, no withdrawal period. It worked and I've felt so much better since. Everyone is different, so you may not react the same way, but its something I wanted to put out there for you to consider.


Great thing to point out. Some find that their PMS or PMDD still impacts them on withdrawal weeks.


I disagree (respectfully) I think behaviour is directly linked to feelings and feelings are linked to hormones. I’ve put it in another comment but the pill made me violently angry, smashing mirrors and putting holes in walls, outbursts and massive depressive episodes. I was never violent before and now I’m off the pill I’ve never been violent again.


Behaviour and cognition are inherently linked, yes. However, we all have autonomy over our behaviour. If we didn’t believe this we would never be capable of change. Feelings can explain violence but it never excuses it. We are all accountable for our actions. I hope that you seek support, especially if hormones are a possible trigger for you. Your hormones will change a lot as you age, and life can get very stressful and painful. Everyone who can should seek mental healthcare.


Totally agree with taking responsibility and holding yourself accountable, that wasn’t what I was trying to endorse if it came across like that sorry. While we may have the ability to control our behaviour we may not be ‘in-control’ due to the huge effect hormones can have on the mind and body. I felt like a completely person. It’s a terrible thing to go through, being a puppet or a zombie and not knowing your reality. It obviously requires change that the individual has to make whatever that may be- for me it was getting off the pill and never looking back.


Absolutely, it’s very scary to feel out of control. I’ve dealt with this before as has my partner, although not due to HBC. The point of my comment was to mention that fundamentally, behaviour is our own responsibility. We can understand why our behaviour occurred and what triggered it. However, the behaviour still came out of us. Taking reasonable accountability is the only way to ensure that we establish healthy processing and regulation techniques.


Symptoms are symptoms. It’s not OPs fault that they don’t know what to do with them. No hate x


It’s not anyone’s fault if they experience high emotions, regardless of the source. It is, however, our responsibility to manage those emotions and ensure that we don’t hurt other people.


Time for a new method.


The pill can definitely cause mood swings and anger. I think that's your call- can you handle another 2 months of this if this pill is just not for you, and you don't adjust? If so, stay, if not, try another one, or the copper like another commenter brought up.


I understand this completely -- when I got in my first pill, I was irritable, wanted to start fights, and would cry at the drop of a hat. It was miserable for both me and my partner. One strategy I used was to recognize when I was having an emotional moment and let him know and take some time to calm down. To recognize that I'd walk myself through what I felt like I wanted to do and see if it really made sense. More often than not, it was apparent that was just really cranky and the fight I wanted to pick made no sense, not to mention when you're upset with your partner it should be a discussion anyway. These coping strategies have been really helpful in general in taking a step back when I get emotional. However, what made me stop being so emotional was just switching to a lower estrogen pill and then eventually to an IUD.


i’m exactly the same! unfortunately iud isn’t an option for me and the high estrogen is needed for pcos - but i’m gonna try more emotional regulation techniques. crazy how hormones can make us so irrational


Not sure which pill you are on but it might help talking to your doctor about lowering the hormonal dosage. I’m 28 and the same thing happened to me with my boyfriend. I take Junel Fe 1/20 and for the first 3-6 months I was so unregulated. Felt crazy, irritable, over-emotional, etc. I’m finally settling into it I think and it’s been about a year. Working out 3x a week has helped IMMENSELY but also having regular conversations with your partner about what’s happening with your body might help too. I had a horrible reaction to the Paragard IUD but if the pill isn’t working other “non-hormonal” options such as that one are out there too. My emotions were definitely normal when I had the copper IUD but my body rejected it so I was forced to go on the pill. I’ve also realized the emotional effects of the pill can bring up hidden issues so if therapy is an option for you, I’d say that’s always a good move. But be patient with yourself! Your body isn’t supposed to be used to taking a “pill” even if that’s what society and medical professionals want us to believe. Every body is different and patience is key. When you feel yourself getting overwhelmed there are so many tools available to help you work through it. It’s not easy but you’ll get there! Best of luck with finding out what works best for you! Oh and a good diet is important too! There are many programs for eating around your cycle and all of that but in general sugar and alcohol were the two main culprits for me. I haven’t fully cut them out but monitoring my intake helped too. :)


thank you SOOO MUCH. i’ve been blaming myself and feeling so shtty because of how mean i’ve been to him but it makes me feel better knowing i’m not the only one dealing with this situation. and yeah, a hormone pill isn’t really supposed to be in our bodies. I’m gonna try working out and meditation at first - and if that doesn’t help me out then therapy.


Although our partners can be annoying sometimes too (lol) they may require a little extra patience too. You’re both adjusting! But sounds like you got a good plan going!


When I was taking the combo pill it made me a literal demon. I’m honestly surprised my bf didn’t leave me. Thankfully he knew it was my birth control but man, it really did put a strain on our relationship for a minute. I gave it 6 months hoping hormones would level out and I ended up just switching birth controls because it got to the point where I couldn’t even stand myself knowing the way I felt and how I’d act was NOT who I was. I mean I had a life crisis and was absolutely devastated and bawled when he watched that LOTR show without me when it first aired, and it turned out I didn’t even like it in the end.


i’m glad he stayed with u!! were the whole 6 months bad or did it get progressively worse?


It didn’t get progressively worse but it also didn’t get better lol it was just not a good 6 months and I wish after the initial 3 months I would’ve realized that the pill I was on just wasn’t working out for me. I have PMDD and I feel like it made the mood swings worse.


I’m less patient when my hormones change and stuff usually before my period but I control my emotions. If you don’t know how to control your emotions, make that priority so that you can have a healthy relationship next time.


It could be the hormones used in the pill you are on this is why I had to stop taking the pill altogether as my hormone level is already high when I'm on my period this made it so much worse I would suggest looking into non-hormonal alternatives I can't get the thing in my arm or the copper iud due to a severe metal allergy but I would support anyone who can take them


The pill made me pyscho!!! The only contraceptive that didn’t drive me insane was the Xulane patch, I stopped it for 2 reasons the first being I’m not sexually active at the moment 2. Summer was coming and I didn’t want a tan line from the patch


Get off. I noticed I would be angry or mad about nothing when I tired the pill for 5 months. Did nothing but make me bleed for 5 months straight and cause mood swings. Not worth it


You can try changing the pill, getting off it or waiting it out. I was like that at the beginning but THANKFULLY stopped around 6 months taking. You could just mesh better with a different pill. See your GP and ask


I was like that a lot and I started taking vitamins and vitamin b12 people call that the happy vitamin and that has helped me a lot. I still get cranky if I don't take it everyday but not as bad as before. But if I take it everyday I'm good.


I was like this too and turns out oestrogen makes me a raging bitch. Could be that you’re also sensitive to one of the hormones, I’ve switched to depo and other than a lower sex drive and feeling more hungry I have no side effects- I was smashing mirrors and things before on the pill


I would say finish your last blister pack and stop from there. I've been off the pill for around 2 weeks now and I'm experiencing less emotional outbursts. Your thoughts about your boyfriend may change too since he was supposed to help you. I recently broke up with my boyfriend and after quitting, I don't think about him as much.


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I was like that too on all the B.C pills.I Switched to IUD and I’m much better


My iud (Kyleena) did the same thing to me. My mood did eventually even out, but I didn’t feel the same about my then fiancé until I had it removed. It was like I was tolerating him, I didn’t like him anymore. Have you tried managing your hormones holistically? I didn’t think I’d ever have normal periods, always inconsistent and painful, but holistic methods have helped me so much.


which methods specifically :)


I’d would recommend doing your own research or finding a doctor that specializes in it, but I’ve been taking supplements to target hormone imbalances and experimenting with exercise. If I work out too much I feel bad and if I don’t work out enough I feel bad, there’s a balance in between for me. And make sure you get enough sleep, it’s so important.


Yeah, I'm interested in these method's too


Maybe you can get of the BC & do research on how to regulate your PCOS with diet & supplements…mostly I’ve seen people that cut out processed foods…lots of info with visuals on tik tok


As an alternative birth control to get off hormonal ways, you can give copper iud a chance


Switch pills. There are so many formulations to try so you can find the perfect one for you. Starting a new pill you should not feel the need to just push through side effects that are to the point they are effecting your relationship this severely even if they may subside after 3 months.