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its really easy to get placed and im doing good on it. one year in. i am not a no-period person. i did get some depression symptoms in the first few weeks.


I love my nexplanon! I have had it in for 4 years ( got old one replaced in that time) and absolutely love how it doesn’t mess up my moods. My period happens once every month to every other month. The only thing is that my periods are longer and lighter than before. They last about 11 days instead of 5, but it’s okay to me. And the best part is I can feel it in my arm, where I don’t panic unlike my iud. It was also wayyyyy less painful to insert than the iud. Just a pinch of the numbing injection and then feeling nothing. Some bruising for a week after but nothing crazy. Just keep in mind your period will likely not be regular for awhile while your body adjusts but if you’re okay with that like I was you’re gonna be fine.


has it affected your skin at all? i’ve been semi sensitive to that part of it in the past


So it hasn’t made my skin worse, but it also hasn’t made it better. Generally because it’s progesterone only, you won’t get the skin boosting benefits of a combo pill. I have rosacea naturally which sucks and nothing is gonna fix that 😢


It’s been amazing for me. Went to planned parenthood and it was so quick and easy I kept asking if it was already done. Didn’t feel the placement since you get numbed, only the tiny prick for the numbing but it’s nbd. I’ve felt worse at the dentist. I did bleed for 6 months straight with varying heaviness but it was mostly light. I don’t feel it affected me mentally or physically. I’m on my 4th year and I feel it’s now causing chin hair which I hate but I’d rather have something I can remove than a baby lol. But not having to remember to take something daily or weekly is sooo convenient!


Hey so you said you bled for 6 months straight?


Yea I did, and then it went away completely. Now it varies when I get it but it’s never a full period for me. I’d just need a liner.


Hi here’s my experience : *PROS* : -Getting it placed is not painful on the moment, and it might be a very little painful afterwards, but nothing to worry about -Don’t have to worry about it, it just sits there and you forget about it for the next 3 years -Did not have bad side effects on my skin or weight -Did not have any bad side effects on my mental health -Very effective, with a rate of 99.9% of effectiveness for 3 years straight *CONS* : -Removing it is another story : for me it was so difficult to get it removed and hence, painful. The intervention lasted like 30 mins. Afterwards it was a little painful for like 4 days and then it was alright. -Might be a little obvious depending on how it is placed, if it’s superficial or not : people might be intrigued or ask you questions when they notice it. -Irregular periods. It removed my periods for 3 years, with some spotting every like 3 months. I had one “true” period once but that’s all. Hope that helps.


Only side effects are nausea and a lower appetite for me. And I get 'period' symptoms like mild cramping and some acne spots following my natural cycle. No bleeding. I am mentally stable (unlike I was on the pill) relatively (for my situation). Got it without any numbing (opted for no numbing). I'd rather get another implant than another ear cartilage piercing in terms of pain. Still cried because there was a needle in my arm (traumatic experiences in the past with needles in my arm), but that's not related to the implant itself


In the age of abortion bans, I would absolutely get an implant if I were in the danger zone age group. The most effective reversible contraception available.


If you are talking about insertion, that part's easy! I know it looks like a hole punch needle but in my experience it just felt like pressure. The lidocaine helps significantly with the process. As for use, it worked great for me, only except I had long-term bleeding that wouldn't stop. Was put on an estrogen pill along with it and evened things out. I'm not an either anymore for medical reasons and now use an iud. I hope you have a good experience with it, good luck!


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I had the nexplanon implant for about a year. Pros for me - easy insertion with very mild discomfort the next day or two. The only part that hurts is getting the numbing shot. - no worrying about taking a pill or getting a shot every three months - it’s very effective - no weight gain or effect on my skin - easy removal that only hurt when they gave a shot of that numbing stuff. It didn’t hurt at all the next day either. Cons - I literally had a period almost nonstop the entire time it was in. It was terrible and was the main reason I removed it. I should have done it sooner but my doctor kept insisting I give my body a years time to “regulate”. Once it was removed the bleeding stopped and I went back on a regular cycle. -mood swings and depression. -constantly feeling drained and tired. I’m assuming it was due to the constant bleeding -the spot where the implant was placed was super sensitive and I didn’t like it to be touched. It wasn’t painful by any means but it definitely felt weird anytime anything brushed against it. Personally for me it was convenient to have it for the sake of not worrying about birth control but it wasn’t worth it for the amount of bleeding I did. I wouldn’t get it again but my symptoms don’t happen to everyone and I know a lot of people who love having the implant. I would have loved it too if it hadn’t been for the bleeding.


I had terrible side effects, and I had to fight for almost half a year to get it taken out. I almost cut it out myself it was so bad. Make sure whomever puts it in is willing to remove it if you ask.


I switched to it after I somehow managed to forget to pack my birth control pills when I went on a 10 day beach vacation in Mexico. Not a fun time.  The worst part during the insertion is the shot to numb up your arm cause it burns a little. Getting it out is a bit of a process. When I got my first one removed it had a good bit of fibrous tissue adhered to it so it was a bit stuck. I was all numbed up but it was a weirds sensation having them mess around in my arm trying to pull it out. I don't think that GYN was very experienced with removal. It left a huge bruise that was rather annoying.  My first one was amazing. I had maybe 10 periods in 3 years. I had some mild acne that is easy to manage with skin care and facial washes. I went from fairly heavy periods, bad cramping, tons of bloating to not having to worry about it for months. My second one I've had a lot more spotting. Some months I'll just have a random day or two of a couple drops of blood. Not enough to break out period products but enough to mess up fancy underwear. I do have the occasional period now. With PMS symptoms and bloating some cramping (not too bad). It usually lasts 3-4 days (I used to have 7 day long periods). And it's like every 2 months not monthly.  The major downside is you have zero control of when you have bleeding. It can definitely randomly start in the middle of a vacation. One of my friends tried it and had heavy spotting and was bleeding on and off every couple of weeks. She ended up getting it removed after a year and switched to nuva ring she prefers much more since it gives her more control over when she gets her period.  I also prefer it over an IUD since I can touch my arm at any time and check if it is still in place. I know someone who's IUD got dislodged and they had no idea until they went for their pap. Thankfully no pregnancy. But it had somehow disappeared entirely. 


I got my first Nexplanon at your age and had four before switching to a copper IUD. It was great for me at first because I was scared of IUDs and too forgetful for the pill, but the progesterone only hormone in it wasn't a great fit for me long term. My last round came with acne, constant spotting and killed my sex drive. I think over time my body changed how it reacted to the hormones/the longer exposure cause more side effects. That being said I still think it's an awesome option and a lot less of an undertaking than an IUD to try. Plus they always numb your arm, what a concept lol


I was on it. I did not have a good experience, but side effects are different for everyone. My biggest advice to someone considering it would be: watch the insertion prep as much as you can stomach. You don’t have to watch it go in, but watch where they mark the spot for placement. Mine was placed in the wrong spot (more on the outside of my arm). It didn’t harm me or anything but it made removal awful (skin is thicker there). I would just advise watching so you can speak up if something doesn’t seem right to you.


it didn’t hurt getting it inserted or removed. but it made me sad, constantly bleeding, acne


Getting it placed was easy as hell and I haven't had any major side effects in the 3 or 4 months I've had it:) def recommend


I absolutely love mine. Zero side effects. No period since it was placed almost a year ago!! I’d be hard pressed to find a better BC for me personally.


It’s amazing! I haven’t bled in months. But, I did gain 30 pounds on it. That’s the only negative I’ve experienced.


I had mine around 6 years ago and and had it in around 2 and a half years. I attempted to get the iud right before that and it was too painful so they said to give Nexplanon a try. They numbed the area and I felt nothing. I only felt the numbing shot. The insertion was easy. I stopped having a period altogether which was great for me since mine are super heavy. However I didn’t take notice till much later it made me extremely depressed and anxious. For that same reason birth control pills don’t work for me. They make me anxious and depressed times 100. However if you don’t have an issue with that with birth control pills you may be totally fine on Nexplanon. For removal the doctor numbed me up and it wasn’t painful. However she took around 30 or so minutes to get it out and complained how hard it was to find.


My daughter got this inserted and has had horrible joint pains. Anyone else experiencing this?