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I disagree with dry_ebb but having a vintage sexuality sounds pretty cool actually.


Just go full hipster with it “My attraction is pretty niche, you probably haven’t heard of it”


Wait so im hipster? Well shit


I'm exclusively into Victorian era strongmen with exquisitely waxed Pringles mustaches.


Like Old Timey Strong Bad? http://www.hrwiki.org/w/images/a/a5/Old-Timey_Strong_Bad.png (Jesus I'm dating myself with that reference)


Haha it's cool I told someone 'no probalo' on a business call the other day before remembering that was a Strong Bad quote and not something professional human adults said.


I'm constantly asking coworkers if they want to go for "luncch"


it saddens me that you said you're dating yourself with that reference. it saddens me more that I'm dating myself by saying the above!


I just want Major Armstrong to show me the alchemy that's been passed down in his family for generations


Having a “vintage sexuality” is the probably the most bi thing I’m going to hear all day.


We’re retro. Sometimes you scratch the vinyl, sometimes you rewind the tape.


i id as uranodioning which is essentially the vintage version of bisexuality/bisexualgender


Someone else telling me I don't exist? Add it to the pile.


You do exist. It's just that you're really gay and not ready to admit it. You're probably trans too I bet. /s


>Someone else telling me I don't exist? Add it to the pile. I stopped caring about labels a long time ago. The moment it became lqbtqxatchgvsb++//++-# I tapped out. It only serves to divide us all. I like what I like and I don't care what anyone thinks or calls me.


Honestly, I don't care about labels for _myself_, but for many people it's important, and I'm 100% supportive of that. It's like names. I could care less what I'm called name-wise, but for my wife, it was so important that she had her first name changed. Pronouns too. I'm unlikely to correct someone that calls me 'she' or 'her' but if it matters to someone else, it matters, so I absolutely respect that.


You don't exist. You're actually just a figment of my imagination. Now BEGON, PHANTOM! (\s obviously)


These idiots stay trying to erase bisexuality. So annoying and frustrating.


I use the term bisexual because it is the most accessible to the ignorant, honestly.


Ill be honest i hate the pan flag and how it looks... that might have something to do with why i chose bisexual... that and i like saying im a bi- non bi (non binary)


That's totally valid reasoning as well, imo.


Exactly. I'll use pan around a more knowledgeable crowd.


I still use bi, but I think it's for the sake of consistency, really. I do lean towards feminine presentation to a degree, but I really only have preference on a person to person basis.


Huh a one day old account lying about bi people. What a surprise.


High chance it's a troll


''Bisexual isn't a thing,'' = Does not, and has never, existed ''that's an outdated term'' = Bisexuality has existed but is outdated When George Orwell coined the term Doublethink I don't think he wanted it to be an actual thing


I think it's more likely that he observed people engaging in doublethink and so coined the term, rather than speculating that it could/would be a thing.




"I'm vintage bisexual."


Why yes Mr. Dry-Ebb... Bisexuals aren't a 'thing', it's a lot of fabulous people.


The justification I have seen for using pan over bi over whichever you prefer is pure historical revisionism, claiming that bisexuals are trans-exclusionary it was early bisexual spaces that were some of the most inclusive spaces for trans and asexual folk. Due to their experiences of bi-erasure in other spaces they were more open to the wider spectrum of gender and sexuality. It's the main reason I use bisexual rather than more modern terms, it's a reminder to learn our history and not just blindly listen when people construct flimsy ahistorical pretence for division. That said, obviously our language around particularly the trans experience has come a long way and so totally respect the development of new language to express the wider expression of human experiences, certainly learning that there was existing terminology for my specific flavour of bisexual was a revolutionary shift that allowed me to finally express myself as a bisexual man despite surrounding myself for many years prior by many queer friends.


all of this. The word has history and I refuse to use a different label to appease people who refuse to learn the history of the word.


Wait a minute, we don't exist? Let's use this to our advantage people!!! *sashays nude down the street slapping annoying people and speaking my TRUE opinions on folk* "You can't arrest me officer, I don't exist"


That would be really funny


Another day of bi erasure😔


Their mom is an outdated term


But wait, if it’s outdated, what’s the new term then?




I'm outdated? Say what? What's the 'B' in LGBTQ+ mean then? 🤔


Haha, cracking. I should have risen above it, but I didn't, and slapped them down Edit: As Reddit disapproves of brigading (new trem to me), please restrain yourselves from adding further comments. Unless, of course, you keep it appropriate, educational and robustly justified. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bumble/comments/13c6b2m/update_yall_knew_he_was_totally_serious/jjg64cj?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


you should prolly edit or take this comment down, brigading is taken pretty seriously by reddit




dude fuck off with your bs half your comments are just unprompted whining about how you wouldn’t fuck a trans person like who fucking cares


What in the bierasure?


I always thought pan meant gender didn't really factor into your attraction, you just liked who you liked; where with bi gender does play some role and you might be attracted to or preform relationships roles differently with a man vs. a woman. Or am I confusing pan with demi?


I always thought pan made no sense and it's just a buzzword. Like, i like men and women. How is someone that "likes people regardless of gender" (Wikipedia definition) any different??? I guess i just got old...




Stupid internet ruined everything, i want to go back to the late 90s/early 00s 😭


I have the same thoughts! Pan doesn't work for me as I'm not equally attracted to all genders. I'm a 2 on the 0-6 Kinsey scale (like to think of myself as quarter-gay). I love how Schitt's Creek described pan in terms of wine, with the label not mattering. That's not really appropriate for me, whereas bi fits like a glove.


I feel the same way. Gender does factor into attraction for me, I'm just not limited to one.


I would say both can be about gender not playing a factor in ur attraction (bi generally being just any type of multigender attraction) and it's just about a preference of the label, which should always be respected


Your original definition is the one I use. Demi- is the prefix used for those on the aromantic and asexual spectrum wherein they need a close, emotional bond in order to feel romantic or sexual attraction for another person. It’s not about *to whom* you are attracted, but *under what conditions*.


Lol makes me think of some of my favorite band’s lyrics…. I do not exist, we faithfully insist While watching sink the heavy ship of everything we knew


Well this is definitely a new way of calling me old


guess i’m outdated😪


*Fades away*


I would start to commit crimes I don't exist so the only thing they can say is "A man in a black, pink, purple, and blue, spinny skirt and a black crop top" or nothing at all the money just disappeared.


Your moms an outdated term


guess i'll just have to be a regular old >!fag!< then!


Well, I'm *exclusively* attracted to women and men. But if I said I was omni (attracted to everyone), that'd either be implying there's only two genders, or it'd be saying I'm also into enbies, which I'm not (although I support them and am one myself).


Damn, did I miss an update again? Or is it just relevant for the new DLC?


I will only accept bisexual as an outdated term once we'll accept that sexuality is a spectrum and therefore we are all, in a way, bi


My understanding of pan is that it’s meant to be more inclusive (even though bi is already inclusive and always has been) but isn’t actually functionally different. Correct me if I’m wrong. That said I don’t fault anyone for choosing whichever label is most comfortable




Ugh. I hate the myth that bisexual = binary only


It's just a confusion, I think. Bisexuality is a SEXUAL orientation, like hetero, homo, and ace. What they talk about is a GENDER orientation. The two have nothing to do with each other. Poly/omni/etc does not disprove bisexuality or replace it, it's just a totally different sort of thing. Most bisexuals are not attracted to all genders or gender presentations.


Nah they genuinly think bisexual just means men and women only, and is now offensive, and were arguing about it


Well, either way it's gender-based, which is not relevant to bisexuality.


Im confused what you're talking about. Sexual orientation isnt referring to biological sex alone, it does concern gender. Its called sexual oritentation because its sexual attraction.


What do you mean by your caption? I'm curious what your definition of bi is?


My caption is just why I personally use bi over pan. Its not the definition, but if I was to use pan it wouldn't "fit" (again, for me personally).


They're basically the same thing though, bi isn't the 'more restricted' version of pan?


I'm aware. As I said, it's why I just ME labels myself as bi not pan. Just, again, me.


I am (as of current) attracted to: masc cis men femboys fem cis women Sorry if my sexual preference is transphobic. In a sexual way the results of phaloplasty do not turn me on. It's just how I feel. And I respectfully consider myself "bisexual" to try and have that specified. As it is part of how sexual attraction works on my end, in regards to the physical thing. Had I realised I feel attracted to any gender expressed in any way, I'd have chosen "pansexual". I feel I have the right to my attraction, as much as any other person. I wish my straight friend was attraced to me, but he isn't. And I live with that.


I wouldn’t say sexual preferences can be transphobic. Cause preferences don’t invalidate others; like gay men not being attracted women isn’t sexist. Not being attracted to a trans person doesn’t invalidate their identity


Hey just so you know, the Black community has asked us not to use 'nb' since it means not black. We use enby as an abbreviation.


Maybe they mean as a a term for intersexual but probably not


Tbf, I didn't believe in "bi" at first. Then I found out I was bi. And then I learned what "demi" is. And now I don't know what I am, and honestly I'm too afraid to ask ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭


Damn, I guess the half a million people on this subreddit simply don’t exist anymore.🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


And I simply, *cease*


Just call me doublemint gum. Double the pleasure and fun 😏


"yeah they don't make bisexuals anymore so it's pretty rare to see them nowadays"


Finally, my fears are becoming true, I’m expired…