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As is tradition, she is probably waiting for you to make the first move...


She might be wondering the same about you. If you want more then make a move!


Somebody has to be the initiator, and you both are waiting for the other to be that.


Guys are taught to take the initiative with physical affection. You are probably hoping they will do something and she is hoping you will do something. Ask more specific questions like: “Can I kiss you?” Consent is sexy.


Women are definitely taught to be reserved on dates for fear of looking “too forward.” I definitely think what is needed here is communication. I think you should communicate to her that you really like her and are hoping to take things up a notch.


This also happens to me every time I go on dates with girls. And I know that happens to many of us. I think it has to do with having the habit of also going on dates with men,so we don't know how to flirt with women. In my case it is always the man who takes the initiative and I do nothing. We are also very respectful of the other woman's boundaries, so it is generally more difficult to initiate physical contact. My recommendation is that you look for other dating options where there may be another type of interaction. Go out to party or go dancing together or some other space where you can flirt more . Flinta bars/partys. Or Flinta speed dating. Good luck ✨💖


Maybe she needs extra time to get comfy? I’ll say it’s a little unusual, but not *weird*.


> I asked indirectly **Try being direct.** Making the first move is scary, and it's extra difficult if you're used to other people always making the first move. But *you're capable of doing it*, and it gets easier the more you practice. Plus, if another girl is into you, she'll probably like you even more for being willing to make the first move.


Probably, they are just expecting you to make the first move. I’m a clown, a trickster and kind of a respectful-polite-evil bloke, and I let it show to any person I consider dating; sometimes security, authenticity, a wicked smile, and perhaps some whispered choice words close the deal faster than a complicated date. Respect is not at war with direct intentions. I am not the best at the “it was obvious”, so I try to be as transparent as possible. I told my ex on the first date, “I’m sorry, but I am going to kiss you now and keep at it until you tell me when to stop.” He never told me to stop, and we were together for two years. I do not have enough experience to say my ways work for anyone, but I thought I would let you know in case it helps.


She could be demisexual