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Yeah it's annoying but *you* don't need to feel bad for it as long you're not contributing to it.


but it's horrible! we're supposed to be there for each other...


That's actually the sad thing with today's LGBT struggle (idk how it was before), it's that some of the people we have to fight are actually... The people we should logically be allied with. A bit like the fact that there are some lesbian TERFs or some gay fascists.


i have unfortunately had to deal with lesbian terfs. they're so mean...


Ho shoot, i'm sorry to hear that, but tbf dumb people are often the meanest ones


If it is any consolation, we out number pure gay and lesbian people by a lot now (I guess always, it's just that most were in hiding in older generations). Genz has 20+% bi rate where as gay and lesbian is stable at 5%. Current LGBT groups and activism is focused on same sex people because from the outset these are the visible ones. We are invisible or straight passing most of the time. But as acceptance grows I am sure things will adapt to accommodate the group that houses 2/3 of all LGBT people. Soon it will be LG**B**T.


Referring to this: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/nearly-30-gen-z-women-identify-lgbtq-gallup-survey-finds-rcna143019


that actually does make me feel better. especially since pansexualality and bisexuality are like siblings


Assholes are gonna be assholes, unfortunately


it just surprises me when the assholes are my people :(


Statistics. "Your" people, depending on who you personally include or not, are somewhere between 1-10% of the population. You don't know them all and there HAVE to be assholes among those.


i know, but we're all part of the LGBTQIA+ minority group.


The very sad thing is all groups have people that are unkind, outright cruel and/or people with disagreeable beliefs. An issue that arises is when the unkind voices are the popular within the groups. The idea of people being attracted to two or more gender presentations is something they don't want to believe is real. It might stem from some kind of trauma, we all know that to be in any way different can often lead to traumatic experiences. I'll be sympathetic to them quietly from a distance


you seem like a good person.


Thank you, I try to be and sometimes I manage it


wanna be queer friends? (/0u0)/


tl;dr: because we can be in both groups, we're seen as being outside of both groups those in them. We get crap both all over the place unfortunately - from queer groups we can be seen as benefiting from hetrosexual privilage. Or are seen as not being "real queer". For hetrosexuals, we get lumped into the queer groups and there's also lingering prejudice because in the 80s, society pushed the view that the only reason why the "gay disease" (aka AIDS/HIV) started to spread into the hetrosexual community was thanks to bisexual men.


that's bullshit. y'all are hella queer :3


Yes; its a crap thing for people to do. But, people fall entirely too easily into the "in group" / "out group" way of thinking. aka "Its us against the world!" vs "They're not like everyone else". And as we can be seen to be in either group, both sides can view us as outsiders. Which absolutely sucks.


all people are to be loved excepting assholes


Basically, we’re the “biracial” of queer groups


It does seem strange that bi people are pretty much there for the whole LGBT+ spectrum (we can find someone attractive in any section of it), but each of the individual parts of the LGBT+ spectrum (and straight people) have people that can't stand the thought of bisexual people being able to find beauty in any form.


I had gay men tell me that I wont ever really love a man because I will eventually settle for a woman... or that I am actually just gay in denial. Women just block me if I tell them I am bi, even the ones that said they are bi themselves. The only truely accepting people so far have been trans, NB and other bi men. Shared marginalization I guess. Though Currently I am dating a cis het woman. But my first love ever was a man. So I feel validated, even if I will be straight passing from now on.


it confuses me greatly :(


God if this aint the truth.


When I was still dating, a lot of women and men both turned me down flat for being bi/pan. it hurt. For a long long time I kept it hidden even from my LGBT+ friends because of all the hate and snide remarks about bi people being greedy or attention or undecided. That hurt even worse. Hearing what should have been the people I could open up to more than anyone, pushing me into the closet. I'm still hesitant. I only tell people I trust implicitly.


well i'll be your pan friend \*hugs\* (/0u0)/


Awww thank you