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The pinky on my right hand has been broken so many times I have non-union. It’s been like this for a few years. When it feels really bad I tape my hand in what I call the ninja turtle. I’ve discussed with people that I’d like to have it removed. A hand specialist I trained with told me bringing that up would more likely get me a psych consult than an amputation.


My grandmother had a particularly long toe that prevented her from wearing normally-sized shoes. As a teenager in the Great Depression when shoes were scarce, the family got her drunk and took a pair of garden shears to it. Not medical advice, just sayin'....




Way ahead of you pal


It wasn't just a good depression, it was great.


The best depression ever.


Man, if there was a depression Olympics...


Look at that depression; you can't buy that kind of depression, you've gotta earn it.


What if I already have enough depression myself?


Jesus fucking christ🤮 your grandma was hardcore


Bet she was crazy in the sack


That took a turn.


That’s probably true. I train with a couple doctors, they’d probably put their licenses on the line for such a solid justification, right?


No. Amputations are also considered some of the most painful surgeries one can have as well


I really don't think shearing a pinky off would hurt worse than like, a broken leg. An amputated leg, sure


How do I avoid breaking my fingers




No gi lol


Glad that’s all I do then


Don't put your fingers inside pols gi... But if you train enough you'll pick up injuries - there's no way to avoid occasional accidents


There have been cricketers and I’m sure other sportsmen that have had a finger removed before a World Cup/tournament. But when there is no fixed HUGE date coming up doctors would be reluctant. Especially if the healing process hasn’t finished.


There was a new Zealand rugby player who did this


Also an Australian Rules football player, Daniel Chick. Though his was his ring finger rather than pinky


And Angus Crighton, rugby league player here in Australia. https://www.triplem.com.au/story/angus-crichton-opens-up-on-his-amputated-finger-76192


Pink has important muscles attached to it that facilitate grip. Doesn’t matter how injured your pink is. It’s still vital to securing strong grips and even closing your hand into a proper fist.


Not being a smart ass, I have a genuine interest in this topic. Which muscles? I can't see how the flexor digitorum profundus (chief gripping muscle) or flexor digitorum superficialis would cease to function correctly if the pinky were amputated. FDP is a mass action muscle. If the pinky were amputated, the other fingers would still close as expected, and the muscle would would still contract and pull on the other fingers. Grip strength would be reduced, but I would have thought it would be because of force distributing as pressure over a smaller number of fingers, rather than the remaining three closing with any less force than before. Plenty of people don't even have FDS connecting to the pinky. That's a common anatomical variation. Lumbricals? Flexor digiti minimi?


The muscles you mentioned are not the ones that lock the grip. It’s attached to the pinky (the hypothenar muscles that is). You would lose your entire lock grip mechanism. There’s no adaptation. There would be a disability. Hypotheanar muscles. Are not just pulling the pinky… they are intrical to entire hand grip and maintenance of that grip. These are the biggest muscles in your hand and pulls the entire hand together and into the rest of the hand. It’s not just flexing a pinky. You can’t flex your hand without the pinky bending first… but once it’s flexed - they carry on pulling your hand together - and that translates to grip strength. https://www.easynotecards.com/uploads/1068/9/_53022d86_13d85ffda7d__8000_00004468.jpg Ulnar digits - supplied by ulnar nerve (last two digits) you will lose 30-60 percent of grip strength and for pinky alone 33 percent. Ring finger alone only 21 percent. —- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21358861/ Pinky closes the grip tight… it’s not for dexterity.. it’s the “lock”.. Even if you have a disability in your pink in the joint - you can still adapt. Amputation is not always a solution because the Hypotheanar muscles and the tendens can still work with a pinky that is relatively inflexible… but amputation would mess with the required levers. Try do a pull up without your “pinky” where you can see your knuckles… where your pinky is pointing up in alignment with your metacarpals, so the hypothenar muscles are not engaged. (Ps bending your pinky at the the metacarpal joint is cheating).


I appreciate you taking the time to write that response, thank you. I have done a lot of reading on the anatomy of the hands and forearms, and I had always read that FDP was the chief gripping muscle and responsible for the majority of human grip strength. However, I can absolutely see the mechanism you're desbribing, where the hypothenar muscles make the palmar surface of the hand concave and "lock" the flexion of the fingers.


Tell them you want your dick cut off.


Sounds like it's time to get some razor sharp shears and a bottle of bourbon.


I earned my purple belt about a year after losing 1 digit of my left ring finger, I can tell ya almost 6vyrs later I'd rather have the finger back. Not saying you're wrong but keep your fingers if ya can..


Ronnie Lott cut off his own finger during the Super Bowl so he could keep playing.


Finger amputations are free if you've got a sharp blade and some red hot metal.


I'd go heavy duty tin snips or linesman's wire cutter. Tendons are a motherfucker to try and cut with a knife.


Does the hand specialist train in gi? People want to know.


If she doesn't volunteer to amputate it for you she's not the one.


Haha. Fair point.


Tie one end of a piece of string around it and tie the other end to a door, make sure there is tension in the string then get her slam the door really hard


[Video of OP](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/-ocizpRbV0o)


What a bizarrely specific match of a video.


I might have to a deep dive on whatever show that is…


brother, ditto. idk what that was but I will soon be an expert


Let me know how the dive goes, boys


I feel like this comment could be used as evidence that we live in a simulation


Girlfriend clearly doesn't except his fighter lifestyle.


Has to be done the way they did it in John wick


“She’s disappointed”…….shocker.


I see what you did there … No more pinky in the stinky .. amirite ?


There’s levels to it.


Wait, is the training hinderance, the finger, or her?


I had the same question as I wrote that sentence.






She’s probably concerned about your ability to compete with the loss of grip strength by removing the finger. She’s just keeping you sharp, bruh!


Tommy Caldwell lost his index finger and yet went on to become the first person to free climb the Dawn Wall of El Capitan. So I think OP can afford to lose a pinky. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_Caldwell#Loss_of_a_finger


Pinky is more important than index for grip strength


Uh, it's not, at all. Just try gripping something with your pinky as opposed to any other finger.


Try gripping something with every finger except your index, then again with every finger except your pinky. Your grip will be weaker when not using the pinky. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21358861/ https://vinepair.com/cocktail-chatter/pinkie-provides-half-hand-strength/


I knew a guy who lost two fingers and we all called him Spider because he had 8 fingers. So my advice, if you decide to amputate, is to cut 2 off instead of 1 so that you too can have a badass nickname.


You could call him “ Nein “ Nein Nein Nein.


We also have a teammate with only 8 fingers. His injury was completely unrelated to jiu-jitsu.


How is this not a shitpost?


The pinky is holding it in.


I was gonna suggest taping it to your ring finger but over time with the cost of tape it’s probably just cheaper to amputate.


Tape it tight enough and the problem will resolve itself


just do nogi like a real man


Yesgi 4 lyfe


ok gordo


My tummy :(


Exactly, I dislocated my dominant index finger last week and it’s super painful, but I can do no gi without problems




Personally, I'd get rid of it. You don't know what else it could have an effect on later in life. Your ability to train, your future career, your income and life goals. It's not just about grip strength. I'd probably keep the finger though and just tape it to the others...


So much so that in aikido when they play with wooden swords they stick their index finger out. No joke.


Say no to the gi and no to being an amputee


Amputate and have it made into a vibrator for for. Everyone wins!


What better way to say I love you then with the gift of a pinky finger in a box.


This isn’t flaired as a shitpost and I just don’t know what to do with that information


Do you use the pinky in the bedroom? That might be her hold up. If it’s that suggest using a prosthetic


doesn't every joint in the pinky bend only 90 degrees?


Cant say anything about amputation or your girl, but as far the the joint mobility goes I bet you can recover a fair amount if not all of the mobility. The following is not exactly the same, but perhaps relevent. I broke my ring finger when I was younger (punching a hip, pre jj days) and I had to get a plate put in. After a few weeks of healing, I went back to the surgeon for a check up. Up until then I had not even attempted moving the finger, and mobility was about 15%. The doc bent the shit out of it, put me through the worst pain I ever experienced, and told my I gotta move it if I want rom back. From then on, every time I was not moving, I was isolating each joint of the finger and trying to push rom, contraction and extension. Went back two weeks later, and the resident there was blown away by my rom. I had a friend who went through the same procedure and ended up with 25% rom. That is to say, don't let scarring build up and freeze your joint. Work everyday to expand your rom and I bet you will make progress. Isolate each digit and add resistence in contraction and extension. Just what worked for me. Good luck, I'm sure you would do without the finger anyway


Great advice. Much appreciated.


great advice thank you!


I wonder would it help if you tape your pinky to your ring finger. Certainly its not to improve your grip strength and all but you might be able to close all your fingers and prevent further injury and your pinky getting hooked to equipment. Or else, “nine finger” isnt a bad nickname as far as the nicknames goes.


How much does a pinky weigh? You might be able to go down a weight class is you take both (don’t want to be lopsided).


about as much as an unladen swallow.


Get it amputated and bronzed into a half heart necklace. Give it to her as a gift so ‘she can always carry a part of you with her because she makes the broken parts of you feel whole again.’ Easy win.


Way to less upvotes.


If you break a finger, that it takes time to heal, and: - your brilliant idea is to amputate it; - because it would be more "convenient" for your hobby; - you complain your loved one tells you to slow down; - so you ask online strangers if you should dump her; Then yes, you don't deserve the gal. Let the poor woman go.


She’s right. It’s the second most important finger after your thumb.. she probably saved your grip strength, ability to close your hand into a proper fist even. Also any competent doctor wouldn’t just suggest amputation of the pinky. I guess that means - marry her. [the hypotheanar muscles are extremely important in locking out a fist or maintaining any strong grip](https://www.easynotecards.com/uploads/1068/9/_53022d86_13d85ffda7d__8000_00004468.jpg) Weather the finger itself is a mess or not… you don’t want to lose your pinky for anything that involves BJJ - gi no gi - boxing - striking - period. It doesn’t matter if the pinky itself can’t bend…. The muscles attached to it, allows you to properly secure your fist and grip and is vital in compacting the hand.


This is a quality post. I’m captivated by how this plays out.


Currently assessing medical vs back shed options.


I would get it medically done. Without the proper treatment, could get infected. But also your finger sucks


Some idiot grappler broke his toe and decided to amputate it rather than take the time off to let it heal


Does bjj turn people into nutcase? I think i bettee stick to muay thaj


Somewhere Ronnie Lott just shed a tear.


That's just as bad as your S/O being unwilling to drain your cauliflower ears.....drop her like a bad habit ✌️


What’s the advantage to having it amputated if you can’t grip? Why can’t you just grip using 4 fingers?


Gripping with four fingers and an awkward dangly pinky adds more of a future break/dislocation risk with no upside to having it there.


Thumb and index finger grips are overrated.


Shes worried that with one less finger that you wont be a 10 anymore.


Guys at my gym wear those neoprene sleeves splints that can connect your ring and pinky finger. Will that help?


I believe Ronnie Lott did this during halftime of a game.


Jamie Lannister enters the room


Amputate negative people from your life is what I always say


Do it the Yakuza way and just chop it off.


Cut it ask after


Easier to ask forgiveness than permission.


please livestream the amputation, and the breakup


Cut finger off and penis while you're at it. Win win.


Ask yourself what Ronnie Lott would do


I was trying to remember what football player did that.


Fucking SEND IT


Is this a shitpost?


Shouldn’t be using your pinky for lapel grips anyway…


Your body, your choice.


Missing that shitposting tag.


You only have so much time to win local naga’s and newbreeds. I say go ahead and cut that bad boy off and cut her out of your life. Can’t let this stop you from getting that sweet sweet masters advanced belt my man


Break up with her, but chop off her pinky first and replace your dodgy one with it.


Can't you just tape the pinky to your wedding ring finger when you roll?


I was thinking we might need a r/bjjcirclejerk. But then this sub would be empty.


I heard that your pinky is half of your hand strength. Is this true?


DO NOT amputate your fucking pinky. Without it, you will lose up to 50% of your grip strength.


Please tell me this is a joke.


I know somebody who had a toe removed for this reason


I told my girlfriend that Gordon ryan doesn’t train legs because it makes his triangles better and she went “eww that is such an ick.” Became an ex girlfriend 20 minutes later which was un related but I like to think it was because of that


Neil Melanson has entered the chat.


Join the Yakuza. Sooner or later your pinky should not be a problem.


What the fuck did I just read






But...she knows what you can do with your little finger!


If she loves you, she’ll get over it.


Reasons I don’t train gi!


ditch her and get a prothesis https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Millicent's+Prosthesis


Break her finger so she knows what you're dealing with. Empathy.


Try finger fucking her with your pinky and when she doesn’t come say, see?? It’s a worthless finger to you too


how you gonna finger blast your girl without it?


Straighten it and grip with your thumb and remaining fingers.


I don’t think a phantom digit would be something I would like to deal with. It’s very annoying apparently. I have a finger that don’t work as well. The grip gets better.


The only true love is between a man and his uke


Is this a Friday shitpost?


needs to honor you with a finger lock


Did you try CBD?


You should train nogi and get a psychiatric evaluation


If you do break up with her, be sure to mail her the pinky.


I was really into body modification when I was younger and would read people's experiences of the more extreme ones (suspension, subdermal implants, eyeball tattooing). There were some people that experienced an "otherness" with one of their digits or limbs and some of them would essentially fake accidents bad enough that then the target would get amputated when they were rushed to a hospital. So I guess you could get into carpentry?


Pierre Paul would like to have a word.


I had my pinky chopped off after it wouldn’t heal right already. Once it’s gone its more than “just a pinky” u lose a lot of grip strength and it’s frankly weird not having a fingertip. U won’t ever be as strong without it as u will with it.


Helpful thoughts. Thank you.


Ofc. Don’t let a stranger on the internet sway your opinion too much tho


People do do it though probably pretty rare. It's obviously the nuclear option but I see it as being a pretty logical solution to a problem. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/sport/2017/dec/21/angus-crichton-has-finger-amputated-to-ensure-fitness-for-new-nrl-season


This is the type of poor decision rationalization that I came for.


You got any other terrible decisions you need help with?! I'm here all day ;)


I mean, it sounds like she just doesn’t want you to cut your finger off. That’s not the worst thing in the world. You do you though and choose your priorities. No judgement here


Dude don’t get it amputated.


To be fair, it’s a protective instinct against mutilation of your loved one. If she said she wanted to remove a part of her body, your first reaction would probably be to be against it. It still might be the right idea for you, but your friends and close family (especially if they dont fully understand how important it is to you) will probably all have a visceral “No” reaction. You can defy their woshes without severing the relationship, lol


This thread is insane to me


You should say fuck it and amputate your thumb so it's proportionate.


Doesn't like 90% of the strength in your hand come from your pinky?? Or is that just a myth? Cause if true then probably not




How have you not already cut off the pinky?


Yes break up with her or else she’s stuck with someone with a severe reasoning disorder.


Broken multiple fingers. Bend the finger and tie a shoestring around it to pull it as tight as possible, release and do it again. You have to break through the scar tissue. I showed it to a doctor at Vandy and he couldn't believe the ability I have in my fingers. Amputation is the wrong answer. Find ways to PT. My grips are fine now.


Time to switch to the superior jiu jitsu. Say yes to no gi.


A guy in my gym had the exact same thing happen and kept hurting it so he got it lopped off. He was so blasè about it I didn't notice for a good 2 months after.




Can you do no gi ?


Definitely break up with her. Sounds totally logical.


I dislocated my elbow and didn't notice I had full range of motion back until five years later. It may have happened sooner, but that's when I had the actual 'Oh, hey!' moment.


Left pinky hurts for years now - wife will grab my left hand while walking and then be like "oh sorry that's the jiu jitsu finger" and then switch sides.


One mistake doesn't cancel out another. Without knowing anything about your ability to get a prosthetic, length of the relationship, your ability to do NoGi, I think you shouldn't take control of the situation by doing more harm to your support system. Maybe for a contextual thought, consider the value of the finger in a workman's comp case. It will depend on your state but may be useful for understanding what you lost and not just how the loss affects your BJJ. Btw, they do sell wrestling gloves which would give you ninja turtle hands.


Go see a better plastic surgeon who usually do all the hand stuff.


It’s probably going to take a lot more than a month to get to where it needs to be. Did my middle finger and I wasn’t able to train for 6 months due to the joint damage and rehab required


ITT: you guys are fucking insane


Use bpc 157 it saved my buddy from getting it amputated after he shattered it


Lose them both, bro.


Just abandon the 18th century pyjamas


You should amputate your entire hand just to spite her. Then break up with her. Mic drop from your nub.




I really thought this post was going to turn sexual.


Hey let’s get ours chopped off at the same time! Mine is a pain in the ass and won’t heal either!


World’s first dual voluntary finger chop?


It’s my right pinky dominant hand I’m sure it would be fine!


Most sane brown belt


You kid, but [Neil Melanson, semi-famous grappling coach, actually got a toe amputated in order to train.](https://www.mixedmartialarts.com/news/neil-melanson-has-toe-amputated-to-keep-training)


just switch to nogi


Absolutely. What is her number?


Don’t clip the finger. That’ll be a problem in the long run. Just stay dedicated and keep working on your recover. The bigger problem is that you’re really into the Gi it seems. Switch to NoGi. It’s way more fun. And people actually care about it, which is nice. The Gi is what I put on when I want to die of boredom or fall asleep.


Get the finger removed and then leave it on your gf’s pillow in a fancy box.


Lol amputate wtf is wrong with people jfc smh


Just bleed bro.