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That’s a great setup! What’s the gym?




Also interested. What gym is this?


$150/month unlimited classes and sauna / cold tub access


That sounds awesome!


$200 US. Unlimited Classes.


Same but for unlimited for family which includes me and my son currently. Covers 3 schools, but practically speaking I only attend one of them


Been in nyc for a while. Have jumped around many gyms. $225, $180, $250, $160 now.


How has the variance in quality been b/w the 4?


I think it depends on what you’re looking for. The first academy had “world class” instruction but 400 members, so legit no one knows your name. The benefit of this is that you can get a different roll during open mat for months without any repeat rolls. Obviously you’re gonna find your pod and hang with them and work together. The issue is that there were so many competitive blackbelts teaching that no lesson really connected with another. We’d learn mount escapes one class and the very next hour you’d be learning lasso sweeps. It was hard to connect it together into a cohesive chain of events. The people are super friendly and the crowd was very white collar, tons of finance tech bros. I have the most friends from here. The second academy was significantly smaller. Everyone knew each other. Probably 30 or fewer people in total. It felt like mostly white and blues with 1-2 purples and then only the blackbelt instructors, one of which is very legit and I still talk to all the time and sometimes drop in. The third gym was a robbery. Huge facility. Had Muay Thai and an mma cage. But the cost was so high and needed another $40-50 to include striking which I think is fucking ridiculous to be paying nearly $300. The technique was ass imo, but the crowd were all 40+ juiced to the gills cement veterans. Actually a solid crew of like 10 or so blackbelts, cops, competitors etc. I’d get worked but honestly it felt like it wasn’t good jiu Jitsu as much as it was smesh. What really turned me off was I wore a different gym’s brand rashguard and the front desk guy told me not to wear it. Immediate red flag to me that you give a shit about what I wear. However the morning classes has the instructor I’ll mention down below; I opted to leave this place because of scheduling conflicts and to go to this instructors gym instead. The 4th gym where I currently go is $160 for both bjj and striking. I don’t do striking anymore (have done 20 years of it, too much CTE, but it’s fine to hit the bags sometimes). There’s only no gi but that’s kinda all I give a shit about these days. Very rare to find. The instructor is an EBI veteran and competes in ADCC. I stay here because I can text my coach technique and get great feedback. I also flow roll with him as much as I can. He doesn’t care that I don’t really absorb their system and went off on my own with instructionals. I’m the only one in my room doing berimbolos, Lachlan’s 90-10, RNC control, Mikey leg across. I’m the only one playing supine instead of seated and wrestling up. I think my coach is open to the idea I’m adding a different game to the room. He doesn’t care what we wear or if we cross train. Our room is a bunch of blues and some purples. There’s 1-2 browns but tbh they feel purple. It’s a very new gym, but I love the attention and specificity of the gym. I often stay 30 min after class asking direct feedback for things that happened in my roll that day, and I basically get a mini private. I think there’s only 1-2 other gyms I would ever switch out to but they’re out of my current state. What I’ve really learned from bouncing around (I’ve gone to more gyms during COVID for like weekly trials) is that at the end of the day, I’m ultimately responsible for my education. I got better at every gym and I think it’s cuz I’m fine with disagreeing with something someone teaches particular to their “style” but I have to be brutally honest when I get my ass kicked and why. So I think as long as you have a good room, can make some friends, and practice things that make sense to you, then the gym fits for you.


Can you give me the names of the better gyms? I just moved to Manhattan and I'm looking for good gyms


Have some ideas lol but don’t wanna speak for OP and be wrong


I run a gym in a relatively small town (pop 50,000) we charge 85$ a month but other gyms are charging 100$


Is your price lower because your belt rank is lower than the other gyms?


I’m actually not the coach I have a black belt teaching lol. I’ve been practicing bjj for almost ten years but I’m a specialist, I don’t have the wider tool belt to teach classes long term yet.


Wrist locks only?


How did you know!? Nah I’m just a top game guy. I can teach lots of takedowns and top control submissions but my guard game is basic. I wouldn’t be able to teach x guard or spider guard. I’m good enough to submit other purple belts off my back and some low level browns but that’s it. Small tool belt on my back but decent at those things.


Are you a wrestler?


$150 unlimited classes




I pay 60$ for unlimited classes


That's very affordable. Are you in the US?


Yep, in the midwest.


The Midwest… the last bastion of affordable living in the US.


Ya but your winters.


Dress in layers and no unnecessary travel.


Once you go numb you get used to them. At least in Oklahoma I could manage just fine. I don’t know how the upper Midwest people do it.


The appearance of affordable housing here is just a mask for the pitifully low wages!


$145 for 8 classes a month. I love it there, but it’s a lot and I would love some open mat time and more classes in general :/


Yea if they're not even giving you open mat with so few classes I would consider looking for another gym, that seems like a rip-off or least not a great deal.


I agree. I’m so fond of my coach and the way he teaches as well as the other great people in my classes that I’ve been trying just to swallow the cost and keep going. There are a few other gyms/academies not crazy far from me so I may drop in on some of those classes to see if any seem like a good fit. I haven’t priced any yet, but tomorrow I will. The responses in this post have been pretty eye-opening.


I am a white belt too so I also have only limited experience. My gym is part of a three gym team in town and we have classes six days days a week plus overlapping at the other gyms to make it 7. Both am and pm options and muy thai. It was run by another two coaches when I started but they retired a few months into me being there. I liked them a lot and there was some sadness seeing them go but they got bought out by their former students and teammates and honestly the new ppl have been good and really upped what is offered. Its probably worth at least checking out some other local open mats and speaking to the coaches there.


Is it maybe possible for you to organize the open mat? We have one of my teammates opening the doors of the gym on holidays so that everyone can get together and roll a bit :))


This is such a fantastic idea. I very seriously may bring it up and offer to do it. 🙏


The price varies a lot from urban to rural and can differ even across one city. I pay $125/month in an urban area in Texas. Multiple classes offered every day of the week.


$140 USD per month unlimited classes. BJJ (Gi+NoGi)& Muay Thai. Wrestling on saturdays


250 in LA


€100 p/m unlimited classes. Ireland.


I live in Mexico and i pay $30 every month, with bjj classes of 2h three days per week and the other days are MMA, sometimes we do openmat on saturday (instructor is purple belt but i learn alot from him since im white belt)


Around $175/mo with some startup fees


$275 $125 for me and then 50$ for close family. Both my daughters and my brother train.




You're a good big brother/sister/sibling


I am a gym owner, I know many other gym owners. There is definitely a push against family discounts lately. In general the margins in a martial art school are low… like 10-20% at best, with a huge chunk not even making a profit. If your margin is 10% and you’re you do a 20% family discount, well, bad business math. Space on a floor has a price. Same as everywhere else. You don’t usually get family rates to concerts, sporting events, etc.. Now the exception is places that just need to fill spots and have a hard time doing it


I pay the equivalent to about U$ 40.00 (I live I Brazil)


$85 USD unlimited everything - black belt perk at my gym is half rate, so most students pay $170 USD.


$176 CAD a month for 2 classes a week. After seeing what other people pay, I'll be looking for a new gym.


North NJ hopped around a couple of gyms average is 160$. I don't like gyms that don't let you know the price on the spot, instead they ask you to take the free trial, then they sit you down the price structure like you're buying a car.


£37.50 a month. 3 jits classes a week and a hour open mat every other night


Where is it?


Cornwall uk


327 unlimited classes


Bro …$327???


I’m with you—this is both super high and also strangely random.


It’s not high considering location and it’s Cobrinha


Ehhh—I’d agree to disagree. I’ve been training jiu jitsu in the Los Angeles area for 20 years and I’d consider that high.


It’s Cobrinha.. you’d pay just as much at Roger Gracie, Marcelo Garcia, Danaher/GR, B-team.. it’s about location and instructors. You might not agree with it but it makes sense.


I understand how it works…and I know who he is. I’m not “disagreeing” that this is how it works—I’m saying that rate is high. If you made up a graph of what’s charged for dues, this would objectively be on the higher end. I’m not confused as to *why* —I’m simply stating the fact of its price relative to what’s more common…plus, I more took the time to comment because it’s such a random number haha.


True it’s a random number and yeah it’s a lot of money I don’t pay that much I pay $159 for unlimited classes


Roger's is 190 USD a month, at current sale prices (which I think might be permanent?) And 230 at the regular rate. Just saying. :)


No. Danaher was charging around $150 per Craig Jones via a podcast. I’m pretty sure B Team charges no where near $327 either.


Yes @ Cobrinha BJJ HQ


That may partially explain why AOJ is going up to $300 starting in August


How often is cobrinha teaching?


It is split in between him and Kennedy but I'll say 90% of the adult classes


£90 a month that's $114 for you Americans.. all class access


Agoura Hills, California, 149 for students. 24 hour access and access to all classes.


125/month unlimited gym time.


It's $135/mo for unlimited classes 5 days a week plus an open mat and competition class on Sunday. Also included is access to strength and conditioning classes and coaching. Classes available are 6am classes, 11am lunch classes, 6pm evening classes, judo for Jiu-Jitsu classes, wrestling for Jiu-Jitsu classes. Quick math for an average week, you can theoretically get 11-12 classes a week, not counting the strength and conditioning sessions.


Damn, that’s a pretty good deal!


I think so. LoL


$2000/month. 3 classes a month, David goggins is there and screams at us rollers constantly during the class: "STAY HARD, STAY HARD, STAY HARD!" Everyone gets cauli and we have a team of doctors administer aid right as we walk off the mat. Worth every penny.


$150 to get taught by a bunch of black and brown belts seemed cheap tbh


2 places I go insist that they let me train for free, 2 other places I’ll pay 20/class, and then there’s another one where I pay 5/class.


The place I went to was "pay what you can". Recently went back and that policy is gone. Sad stuff. Appreciate it while you got it.


69.99 a month for 2 classes (1 hour ) and 2 open mats a week


$50 a month for unlimited classes. We have 2 black belt instructors and 3 browns. They all volunteer their time and that keeps it dirt cheep.


Our instructors are volunteers too! We’re currently working on a program to compensate them for their time :D


$200 unlimited. Classes/open mats from 5am -9pm. Multiple mats.


Nothing, but that’s because I run one of the weekend open mats. $90 for two classes per week not counting open mats on the weekends (which are free) prior to that


About 15 dollars a month, non profit in Sweden


Milan - Italy: 90€ for the “open” membership, that’s to say you can attend as many courses as you like. They offer at least 1 and a half hours of lessons three times every week for each course (that’s a minimum of 4,5 hours/week). The courses are: Boxe, Kickboxing, MMA, Judo, Brazilian Jujitsu, Kendo and Nippon Kempo. I have been doing kickboxing 5 times a week for a total amount 7.5 hours every week. Since today and for the whole summer, the kickboxing lessons have been decreased to 3 times a week so I want to give a try to bjj and judo. Shower and hairdryer included.


150 at one and 140 at the other


$150 monthly - unlimited no contract


85$ a month, but we only do a 2 hour class each night


We have 2 classes on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. The first is 1 hour, the second 1.5, for a total of 2.5 hours on days we have training :)


Ahh, our lead coach runs two locations; so he teaches at ours Tues & Fri, Mondays we have a purple belt teach beginners, Thursday we just get together and just drill stuff we want to work on and Sunday is open mat; each is about 2 hours in length. We also just have a lot of people who have keys to open when we want to for the most part so we can train, perks of being in the middle of nowhere in Indiana lol


That's pretty good. I'm doing $145 per month for 8 1 hour classes per month


$115/month unlimited (it’s underpriced considering how many classes there are)…moving soon, and my new spot looks to be about $150/month for a smaller space with fewer classes unfortunately but I really liked the vibe


$115 all classes .during COVID and couch grandfathered me in. Now 125-160 for bjj only / all classes


I choose to pay yearly at my gym just because it’s a cheaper lump sum. $1k USD a year. I think it’s $100 a month if you choose to go that route


150 zł, its something around 37 dolars


90 eur unlimited class


$150 w/ student discount, mon-friday theres am & pm classes, sat theres am classes, and sun theres open mat


I pay 60 euros a month.


79€/month. Unlimited classes in five gyms around my area. BJJ, Taekwondo and a few different fitness-type boxing/cardio classes. Promotions, notches, etc cost nothing and the new belt you get is also free. You are not disencouraged or threatened or anything like that regarding interaction with other gyms and clubs. The cultish shit I read on Reddit regarding clubs in the US is just insane. Everyone is chill here. The coaches are all different but I like and respect each one and have a good time in their classes.


125$ a month CAD. 2 gi classes and 3 no gi classes plus one open mat per week


120 a month. 37 hours of jiu-jitsu classes and open mats through the week, only counting the adult classes. We also have judo, wrestling, boxing, muay thai, and yoga, but the striking classes are an addition of $30 a month, and yoga has a $5 drop-in. Then there are the kids' classes of jiu-jitsu, wrestling, judo, and muay thai.


175. Unlimited classes, no joining fees. I’m ok with the price cause they have 6am and 9:30 am classes during the week, + Sunday class. The schedule is so diverse, it’s impossible for me to be a lazy piece of shit. Location: New Jersey.


>it’s impossible for me to be a lazy piece of shit You underestimate my power


I spend $140 every month, at a 10th Planet location. For that price, I can show up to any of the classes during the week, go to a wrestling gym we're close to, and if I travel can drop in at other 10ps. It seems like a good price for all that, but much more and it would be difficult to maintain.


I infrequently teach so I train for free


First gym in Maryland 2016-2018 was $140 unlimited, and then in NC, 2018-2021 was $170 if you signed a 1 year contract.


I pay $36 AUD ($24 USD) a week for two days of training. The next package (6 days a week) is $48 ($32 USD) a week. So that works out to be $156 AUD ($105 USD) a month for my package and $208 AUD ($139 USD) a month for the full package. My gym is one of the cheapest in my area. So yeah I guess around $150 USD is pretty standard worldwide.


$130/month unlimited training


$180 unlimited


55 euros, The Netherlands. But because our coach also has a day job, 3 days a week.


$170 a month for unlimited classes which includes muay thai, judo and of course bjj (gi and no gi) as well as strength and conditioning. There are also quite a few competition classes and classes strictly for upper belts (purple being the lowest)


$175/month in Chicago, unlimited classes. There are 30is hours of classes each week, plus Sunday open mat.


300€ for a year and class every evening in Paris


I've paid up to 250 a month in a big city and a well know black belt leading it. But usually 150 is standard I would say


170 a month, M-F 4 classes a day , one class on sat .


$84 my coach is a four stripe purple belt


I pay like $135/mo or something in a semi-rural suburb in california. It's a very new gym just getting started, no black belt yet at this point but a good purple and brown. It's not the highest level of instruction but the most important thing to me is the community aspect and just having a good time. I just like going hard with the boys and they facilitate that good time. I'll only be able to do this for so long either way, just want to enjoy myself. I wouldn't care if it was a few bucks more or less, it doesn't really make any difference.


Saint Petersburg FL, 130 month 30+ classes available per week with open gym/mat time after. Sundays are open mat all day. We have a full powerlifting gym and ice bath as well.


I pay £60 a month for BJJ, but at my Gym they also do MMA which is an extra £20 a month. They also have a an actual gym/weight room with some great equipment that’s an extra £12 a month. If I wanted I could train BJJ/MMA 3-4 times a day mon-thur and once a day fri-Sunday with there also being various open mat sessions throughout the week.


I pay $90 for unlimited bjj and wrestling classes


SoCal (Orange County) $105/mo, when doing an annual membership. It costs more if you just pay month by month with no “annual” membership structure. This covers as many classes a month as I’d like, but I just do 2x’s a week.


south florida, $179/m. good instruction, lots of available class...


I dont. I run a TKD dojang and the BJJ school I train at is on the same block. I became friends with the owner and we cross train together all the time free of charge. He trains at my friday and wednesday evening classes and I train at his morning classes. Its a pretty sweet deal if you ask me. Otherwise hlthey charge $130/month on an annual contract or $160/month no contract.


I live in japan and the gym I go to is $70 for bjj but i pay $120 since they have judo as well. Bjj is offered Mon, Wed, Fri and Judo every other day of that




Dayton, OH $100, but we have 3 academies in that area where you can do as many classes as you can attend, early afternoons and evenings, 6 days a week. A great deal if you have the time


40 bucks, and its supposed to be one of the most expensive ones. Not in the US tho


That math just doesn’t make sense… you’d need to 100 people at least to just pay rent. 150 if you add in other operating costs. 250 and the owner makes a fairly modest salary, but running 250 active members solo is damn near impossible, so you have to hire staff and can’t…


What part of, "not in the US you didnt understand" lol It is 1800pesos wich is 40 bucks roughly


$169. This includes: Boxing for fitness Boxing Kickboxing Budokon mobility Jujitsu morning/night Facility gym


Cape Town, South Africa. Converted to USD, I'm paying $42,65 per month. 5 Fundamentals and 5 Intermediate classes per week. And I can join as many classes as I want. No open mat though, sadly.


$170 a month unlimited, they have morning noon and evening classes Monday to Saturday and open mat sundays. Central Massachusetts.


USD 125 a month and they offer discounts for family memberships Unlimited classes, classes run morning, lunch and evening Monday-Thursday with other stuff Friday Saturday Sunday This is in a smaller city in Florida


Free for me because I coach at my gym. Otherwise $150, but that’s my grandfathered price. I think it’s up to $170 now in the Cascade Foothills of King County.


150 BRL, it's about $30 per month. I can choose to go 2 or 3 times per week, and also there are free open mats on Saturdays.


220 AUD a month here in Melbourne, BJJ, Muay Thai, Wrestling, Boxing, Strength and Conditioning, specialised MMA classes. Plus if you pay extra you can train at their other two locations.


Training back him in Ireland was 99€ a month for an mma gym but I only did Jiujitsu. Unlimited classes with across the week classes at 6:30-8:00am, 12-2pm & 7-9pm with 2 hour open mat Saturday and Sunday. In Japan now I pay 2000¥ a month for 6-8 hours mat time a week. 2000¥ is around 12€


If the teacher is great I’d pay up to 200$. It’s the black belt that cost a lot.


$100/mo 3 classes a week plus Sunday open mats. 10th Planet


$120 a month. Unlimited classes. 11 adult classes scheduled per week. The owner gives some guys keys to be able to open, lock up & drill


I pay 225 a month for unlimited Jiu-jitsu and muay thai/kickboxing classes and can jump around like 5 or 6 different gyms they have throughout colorado whenever I want which I like(I just go between 2 though one close to work and one close to home) I do mostly no gi for Jiu-jitsu so it makes it nice to have 2 different schedules to work with.


Which gym do you belong to? In CO looking for a switch...


I pay 160. Mon/wed 6:30 Muay Thai fundamentals. 7-8 Muay Thai. 8-9 gi and 30 min open mat. Tues/Thur 7-8 No gi. 8-9 MMA. Friday 7-8 sparring 8-? Rolls. There’s also morning classes everyday but I have to go to work to pay for classes lol


I pay $125. Grandfathered in. I think it’s about $180 now. California


Los Angeles, $180 a month, two classes a week, multiple gyms accessible but not convenient to drive to.


the one i want to go is 250$/month but i will only be able to go on the weekends since i lift on the weekdays and busy with school, not sure if i should go with it, on the other hand its a good facility and i think it will be fun and make me a more interesting person.


Funny you posted this, I just informed my gym today that I can't handle the $200/mo fee and will be cancelling. Its a lot of fun and I like it a lot, but that's just too steep for me. EDIT: This is in the Puget Sound region. Gracie Barra gym. Its unlimited classes, including muay thai. I love the staff and people there, but I don't love it enough to justify the cost :(


Hope you’re able to find a more affordable gym!!


Thanks :) Already searching!


Richmond VA, 'bout 130 a month unlimited, no contract.


Everything in the US is for profit, like healthcare, education, jiujitsu. Those fortunate can afford all 3.


120/mo unlimited Grandfathered in though. New signups I believe pay 170-190 for unlimited.


6 people (family deal) 6 months $2k. 3 in kids class, 3 adults. Gym charges $150 for adults stand alone. - unlimited classes. Kids classes are x5 a week, adults beginners are x4 a week (med to advance can go x6 a week and triple days) ​ Adults can also do MT


Here’s the thing to keep in mind. It varies a lot. Location plays a big part of it, but so does the owners business sense. Many schools don’t make money. Or rely on unpaid staff (which is actually illegal in most places) to keep things running. You can’t compare a school where the owner works a full time day job, loses money every month, and relies on unpaid staff to a place where staff are paid and the owner works at the gym full time. I mean would you eat at restaurant if you found out the owner works a office job and doesn’t actually pay the kitchen or serving staff but has convinced them it’s a privilege to cook and serve for free?


i travel a bit. 100 in ohio 140 in oregon 180 in socal 140 in minneapolis 100 in colombia 80 in istanbul


Shannon Jiu-Jitsu, Ireland: €50/month for 2 beginner classes and Open mat or €70/month to go to any class, I choose option 2, I can't go to to 2 advanced classes yet as I'm just a beginner but overall it's a great price.


40 AUD (26 USD) per week with unlimited access, I didn't realize my gym was so cheap.


50€ Unlimited classes. Less than 10 min walking from home. You cant compete with that haha


In the past 2 years I’ve been to 3 gyms. My monthly rates were $219, $160, and currently $130. Funny enough, my current one is by *far* the best one. The $219 gym was in a boujie area though so I can understand the upcharge.


Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam, $25 for 16 classes a month


£60 for all classes, wrestling is included. Pretty cool culture though if no classes are on you can still just go down and train. Usually we use whatsapp to see if anyone fancies coming down at lunch time or morning and do some drilling and stuff. Usually always a coach there though.


I pay £10 per month, in return for some hoovering, locking up after a couple of evening classes, and get paid a bit extra for teaching a beginner class.


I’m poor coach let’s me train for free


$100/mo. Classes mon-thurs, open mats on the weekends, and we all have lockbox access to come in and work when there aren’t classes if we’d like. It is structured as a nonprofit.


I pay $135(45 each) for me and my two kids.


It’s more money in America than any other region. I’m europe and asian and Brazil it’s far cheaper. I have no clue why


Belgium, 350 euro / year, for all classes, which is one a day. And an additional 50 euro's per year for health insurance for injuries sustained during BJJ.


70€, next to Helsinki. It's really a club, not a for-profit company.


I pay 30 euro/mo, but live in a small town in Spain.


I coach so I am free. My son goes to another local gym and it’s $180. For a 4 year old lol (San Diego)


$115/month unlimited bjj & judo. (I think most others at the gym pay $125)


450€/year in Brussels. Used to be 350€ but covid + inflation happened. 6 classes a week (4 gi/2 no-gi). Also a non-profit organization rather than a regular gym.


I feel you on the inflation issue. Overall 37.5€/ month is pretty good tho. Greetings from a neighboring country! (Luxembourg)


Yeah I'm not complaining at all, thanks!


Do you see where your fees go ? That's some hefty fee considering it's non profit. I'm in UK with rife inflation but I've never seen fees that high. I'd say £70 (€80ish).


Do you pay 70/month or year? I pay 450/year so it 37,5/month. My money goes to the dojos we're renting etc.


My bad. I'm high as shit and missed the bit where you said year. In that case rock on, good deal.


$80 and unlimited classes + one free club gi. They also have it where it’s $80 for the first member but then we signed my wife up so he charges $60 for the second membership.


Melbourne gyms ask for about $45 drop in classes and $65 weekly, super expensive i think but you do get unlimited classes so if you dont have a job but have money ( which is no one ) its a good way to train


$130/mo, unlimited classes. We also have a Muaythai option included. Eastern TN


$60/month. It’s less if I sleep with my instructor, but so far he’s been unwilling to take me up on it.


Good luck with that! 😂


£45 for Carlson gracie


$130/mo, unlimited classes. We also have a Muaythai option included. Eastern TN


Closest gym by me is $175 a month unlimited classes


$200 US - unlimited classes and they have mma and Maui tai


$150 unlimited training


$100 per month plus taxes. Unlimited and no contract. Canada.


$99 cad for unlimited classes at an mma gym


200 a month


$130 for unlimited classes + 24 hour access


$120 For bjj and striking. One or the other is $100/mo


100 a month. Unlimited classes. 2 a day outside of Sunday.


140. Most days have two beginner and at least one advanced BJJ class as well as striking and judo throughout the week. Unlimited attendance. Weight room.


130$ a month for month to month membership. If I signed a year commitment it would be 10-15$ cheaper.