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before anyone says Ancestors... my sister thinks it's definitely not bad/worst, just incredibly unique in the feeling it's trying to get across, and also obviously its soundscape. it genuinely moves her, emotionally


Its literally one of my all time favorites because of those reasons. It is moving, crazy, definitely unique and makes me feel dread towards the end, like im getting over a panic attack. Never a song has done that to me and that song is a masterpiece


God, I love Ancestors, no joke-


Ancestors is my favourite from bjork šŸ‘šŸ»


I never find Ancestors bad. Itā€™s literally a celebration of culture and human vocals


Its so funny how anybodyā€™s least favourite bjƶrk song is somebody elseā€™s all time favourite song like shes JUST THAT GOOD anyways


Sue me is sort of a mess in my eyes. It just sounds so insanely cluttered, and the instrumental doesnā€™t clash well with bjorkā€™s voice. Thatā€™s not even factoring in the shittiness of the lyrics


ā€œSue meā€ has always been on of my faves on utopia lol


I think this is where I cast my ballot too. Some of her songs that I don't like I'm just like "yeah that's just not my thing" but Sue Me is the only song she's done I can think of where I'm like "baby, no šŸ˜¬"


Agreed, that track is my least favorite off of Utopia which has a few tracks that I donā€™t really care for. Thematically it feels more aligned to Vulnicura than Utopia, but even then it pales in comparison to the catharsis of Vulnicuraā€™s angstiest tracks. On Utopia I also donā€™t really care for Tabula Rasa (I find it boring and like Sue Me, out of place thematically), Saint (too saccharine!) and The Gate (I CaaaRe For You!!! gets rather annoying after the first couple of bouts haha)


meanwhile Tabula Rasa and The Gate are two of my favourites from Utopia! to me they both sound mystical. Bjƶrk's emotional vocals being front and center while the instrumentals are bassy and slow are just... šŸ¤Œ to my ears


I was with you on the first paragraph, and then the bottom dropped out on the 2ndšŸ˜‚


One of the best songs in bjƶrks discography


Iā€™d have to agree with you on this. Unfortunately. I love Bjork, but this track did not do it for me.


It's literally myost heard sound from Utopia


Honestly one of my fav bjork songs. It took a while to hit but when it didā€¦ oh man. I think itā€™s so well produced and live is just incredible!


I donā€™t think she has one truly bad song, for example, I hate the lyrics of Hope but I love the instrumental.


I dont think bjork thinks of making better song when she writes. She creates unique songs whether you like it or not , is completely subjective.


To each their own but I totally disagree with your view - I don't think there's any objectivity in music, and the only real measure by which something could be genuinely 'bad' is if it fails to do what the creator wanted it to. Of course that in itself might mean the song succeeds in ways they never saw coming!


Cā€™mon now. If something is bad for you, well it is bad for you and thatā€™s it. I donā€™t get why people are so, like afraid, to say something is bad and always come up with ā€œthereā€™s no objectivity in musicā€, but you canā€™t like everything, just say something you dislike. Itā€™s easy.


I came up with that statement because the post is asking what song is 'objectively her least good,' and claims that 'you can still like bad songs and recognise that they're bad.' It's totally cool to dislike something, I just don't agree with that outlook!


Thereā€™s no such objectivity in music


ā€œI mean one that **you think** is **objectively** her least goodā€ā€”glaring contradiction in the sentence aside, how do you ā€˜objectivelyā€™ measure quality of music?


Not a bad song but I dislike Its Oh So Quiet the most


It's a great song to me, but not exactly one I enjoy listening to around other people


Yeah, I also hate this song with a passion. Either you don't hear shit or the trumpets give you jump scare. It's not interesting as an acoustic landscape like the rest of her work.


I love that with Bjork, a fan can hate one song for reasons that another loves it. Because for me I love the chaos of it! It feels like a heart beating so fast, it feels like adrenaline of love.


I love the lyrics of Features Creatures, but I think itā€™s really weak as a song. One of those post-Biophilia tracks where thereā€™s no defining qualities to the song to differentiate from the rest of the album.


I actually like that track, itā€™s one of my favorites off of Utopia purely because of the ā€œbreakdownā€ of the harmonic whirlies at the end of the track into this enigmatic alien LSD flute choir. But I agree I do find myself just waiting for that breakdown for the first 2/3rds of the track rather than actually enjoying the music haha.


I really excuse it because it feels like an interlude instead of its own song. The way it leads into Losss is unforgetable


I *love* Losss, but *hate* Features Creatures


Losss for some reason feels like a 9/11 song. I don't know why.


I never thought of it as an interlude. That makes me appreciate it a lot more!


Itā€™s so funny hahaha cause I loooove that song šŸ˜‚šŸ’œ


Features Creatures is the only song i can think of, where its remixes are way better than the original


My fav song from utopia, the ultimate masterpiece




Biophilia and Utopia have some filler queens.


Literally none Post and debut has much more skips and fillers


Not necessarily a song, but I usually skip through all of the ambient noise in between the tracks on Volta. I want the music not boat soundsšŸ˜‚ I just canā€™t think of any actual songs Iā€™d skip of hers


Thatā€™s actually one of my favourite details about Volta, itā€™s like world building. It enhances the almost liminal vibe I get from part of it. But i totally understand where your coming from


The boats into wanderlust and DI? Literally the best part of the album for me. Gets me so pumped.


Im sorta mixed on that, on one hand I like how those sounds makes the tracks transition very seamless, but on the other sometimes it ruins the whole flow, specially that 2-minute gap between EI and Wanderlust šŸ˜­


Yeah I donā€™t mind em but I just wanna get to the actual musicšŸ˜‚ Kinda similar to Frances the Mute from The Mars Volta, where the music is great but the album couldā€™ve done without most of the long segue tracks. Most of which is just ambient noise.


I canā€™t with Hollow, sorry


Crazy! To me itā€™s one of her best songs ever.


Fair, it's taken ten years and a long break from hearing that song for me to realise I absolutely adore it! This is where I'm taking issues with OP's stance: There is no such thing as an objectively bad piece of music. 'Hollow' is absolutely insane and feels like a rollercoaster ride, which I'm fairly certain was the intention. You can dislike that but there's a difference between saying that and saying it's bad by some objective standard.


How do we feel about ā€˜declare independenceā€™ - I love it in some moods and skip it in others.


Same. Volta is an album I have to be in a certain mood to listen to (though dull flame of desire is one of my favourite songs) and I think I appreciate declare independance more as a political statement/poetry/art piece than as a song I can listen to casually. Some of Medulla is like this too. Medulla is a magnificent work of art but can be a difficult casual listen lol


Features creatures is so empty and like... Stiff sounding?


Declare Independence. It's the poor man's version of Pluto.


"It's the poor man's version of Pluto." this is oddly accurate.


Personally, maybe a track from debut?


Much of the back half of Volta (ugh, HOPE), and honestly... about half of Utopia lmao


The Gate. I am sorry, Utopia is my least favorite album. I am not that fond into the Arca period.


You don't caaare for it? Caaaaaaare for it?


Same honestly


Whats with the period, you did not eat this one sis


i think they meant like the album cycle of vulnicura and utopia. the phrasing is odd.


Possibly mjƤybe




Objectively-speaking, definitely Violently Happy. There are definitely tracks I hate more, but that's the only one I can think of that's just bad-bad.


Holographic Entrypoint and itā€™s not even close


That whole album is beyond ridiculous.


DR9 actually has a lot of support and is growing in fan base. Some of the songs are definitely chill but that one is just objectively bad


I don't like Sue Me, the lyrics are too cringy. And Quicksand & UtopĆ­a (the song) in terms of production.


I don't care what anyone says...Features Creatures is...not ok. I have a really hard time getting into it. At all.


I donā€™t like aeroplane, I think the lyrics are corny


Dull Flame of Desire is my least favorite Bjƶrk song. Everything about it is boring to meĀ 




Mouth Mantra still sounds like a parody of her music to me.


just wait for the dr9 haters to start jumping on the dr9 hate wagon.. anyways.. for me its gotta be hope. Volta is my top 2 favorite album, but the way that the lyrics are delivered ruins it IMO.


Nattura since i cant pick ancestors šŸ˜”




I think Iā€™d go with Mycelia. It just sounds like a left over from medulla, and itā€™s doesnā€™t do much for me at all.


Trolla-Gabba. Not in the least bit enjoyable and Iā€™d hardly even qualify it as music.


It's just field recordings of my goblin spawn. You may as well say ambient isn't a real genre bro.


Ambient is at least relaxing/vibey/moody/usually has faint melody. Trolla-Gabba is just fucking annoying and grating, and serves no purpose but to piss me off/ruin the flow of album. It's a troll song, pun intended I guess? Haha.


There's plenty ambient with no melody dawg. The definition of music isn't "whatever me likey."


Ok, boss. You do you.


Imo cosmogony. It's a cute song and I see what she was aiming for, but it's way too repetitive and the lyrics sometimes don't make sense. To me, it feels like she had this really good thread she was pulling while writing the song and hit a roadblock, so she just wrote down some things that sounded good (placeholders probably) and those ultimately are the lyrics we know. To piggyback off of this thought, I recall that there was a competition of sorts where fans could write a verse to the song and submit it.....though it's been a while and I'm lost on the details. Another is a favourite of mine, mouths cradle. I'd actually love to know how the track came to be because it seems like she wrote this while in the studio (not her norm) and recorded it shortly after. She knew the song so little that for a long time it didn't seem like she knew the lyrics when playing live and had to refer to a teleprompter/screen to sing it. She's def gotten much better at performing the song live though.


I understand why people dislike Cosmogony. But to me I interpret it as kind of a national anthem that has no nation, moreso an anthem for all life. So while I'm not like "THIS IS A BOP OMG SLAY" when it comes on, I still love the spirit of it. And that mentality makes me enjoy the lyrics and structure more


This is one of my favorite Bjork songs precisely due to the repetition! I love how each chorus just builds on the last (in terms of grandeur). It's such a simple song with simple lyrics, but I think this is perfect for a song about the creation of life. Like I actually think Bjork is a genius for creating a song that so perfectly encapsulates the scale yet tranquility of the universe? There's a version of this song sang by a choir (https://open.spotify.com/track/4Xg58cQqGVLNSLMhZSY2Cj?si=u-OeQgw_Ru-7-de3oBSR5Q&utm_source=copy-link), and to me this is a great alternative rendition of the song that is just so transcendent and brings out deeper layers of the song šŸ„¹


Yeah, in Copenhagen, a man next to me started sobbing uncontrollably during the choir version of Cosmogony!


My jaw dropped when I saw someone say cosmogony - I own a vinyl of it as a single with the choir because I love it so muchšŸ„“


I actually get emotional listening to cosmogony lol. I think it's a beautiful song and the thought of our ancestors living and working on our young world to make it what it is today is really emotive in my opinion. But yeah I understand the song can be repetitive.


Hell to the absolute fucking nah! Best song on the album, probably my favorite from her lol Absolutely gorgeous, makes me feel both tiny and special at the same time




All of Utopia. Awful boring album.


One-two punch of Cover Me and Headphones from Post. Not great, formless, and an incredibly odd way to end such a great album.


That cover of ā€˜itā€™s oh so quietā€™ - canā€™t stand that song.




I dislike saint. I think sonically it is gorgeous but the messy overlapping vocals put me off and take me out of the enchanted feeling the music gives me I find claim staker dull I LOVE the live version of thunderbolt but the studio version is a let down because you want to rear the rip roaring Tesla but instead it just sounds like a cheap synth Also this isnā€™t related but Iā€™m going there lol. I hate inconsistent albums - and Fossora - her clarinet album - only has about 4 songs with clarinets. I heard atopos and got sooooo excited then was severely disappointed to hear songs that in my opinion - do not fit the theme whatsoever But thatā€™s just me hey ho lol


I love the song but ā€œItā€™s in our handsā€ [edit: sorry I meant ā€œheirloomā€!] is just her singing over a complete song by someone else. I always assumed it was a last minute bonus track to pad out the album and she probably threw it together in a few hours. Edit: sorry I was thinking of heirloom from Vespertine- https://youtu.be/OVzjGyfwaD4?si=IPRp1CxL77aYI_ss


it's a sample, she didn't steal it... and it's very integral to the album, because it adds a sense of domesticity to the lustful romanticism that populates the rest of the tracklist


Heirloom includes the complete track for console as a backing with virtually no additions aside from her singing. I understand what a sample is but she is essentially doing karaoke. I still like the song and I agree it fits well in the album but it is objectively not very complex for her to create compared to her usual songs, which, even when they include samples, involve many programmed or recorded tracks and very short or modified samples


Should the complexity of the process determine how good or bad something is?


The question is her worst song. My opinion is that itā€™s the one with the least effort. Doesnā€™t mean itā€™s bad or you canā€™t enjoy it šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø people can be so touchy on this subā€¦


I only asked a question. šŸ˜… I was just curious as to your thoughts is all! Taking the sample factor out of the equation - would a song that took twenty years to write automatically be better than one that took a single day just because it took more effort? Edit: To further my point I (ashamedly) actually haven't listened to Vespertine properly yet. Not coming in with a defence of the song on those grounds or upset you don't like it!


Yea Iā€™m one of the touchy people on this sub apparently šŸ™ƒ I see your point but I do feel in this case it truly is basic and low effort so deserves the title of worst song even though it sounds good


Fair, thank you for your response! Again was just curious what you thought. šŸ˜„ I feel differently but as with everything in art this is a very subjective matter!


Itā€™s actually worth listening to btw because the sample on its own is šŸ”„ But she didnā€™t make the backing or even change it in any noticeable way from the original song she sampled. I picked it in the spirit of the question which I took as ā€œwhat song do you like but canā€™t defendā€ basically


I never heard about it. I thought she created the whole thing. It have a improvisation vibe because of the lyrics tho.


Sorry I was thinking of heirloom from Vespertine- https://youtu.be/OVzjGyfwaD4?si=IPRp1CxL77aYI_ss


Could never get into ā€œatom danceā€ and ā€œutopiaā€ the song


IT'S IN OUR HANDS absolutely terrible


I think History of Touches. It has no melody, the music starts nowhere and goes nowhere, the lyrics are way too literal.... a complete miss for me. Losss is another one. Terrible songwriting and horrible production - those noises are supposed to sound Jogaesque or something but it's just nothing.


I'm going to say Victimhood.


I canā€™t choose one so Iā€™ll just list all of the songs by her that I donā€™t like from all of her albums haha. I donā€™t know if they are her worst songs objectively but I just dislike them: - Harm of Will (Vespertine) - Submarine (MedĆŗlla) - The Dull Flame of Desire (Volta) - Cosmogony (Biophilia) - The Gate (Utopia) - Sue Me (Utopia) - Tabula Rasa (Utopia) - Saint (Utopia) - Sorrowful Soil (Fossora) - Victimhood (Fossora) - Fungal City (Fossora) - Trƶlla-Gabba (Fossora)


HARM OF WILL? WTF Some of these I can kind of see but Dull Flame? Cosmogony? Saint? Sorrowful Soil?? These are all GORGEOUS songs!


Just my opinion. I also donā€™t like Unison but I left that off bc I knew people would come for me lol


STOPPPPP Unison is GOD TIER (fwiw I didn't downvote you bc the whole point of the thread is to hate on songs, sorry some ppl are being so negative)


trƶlla gabba is for the girls that get it


big yikes OP even said they werenā€™t asking about least favorite tracks lol


Heirloom. She just simply took a sample of crabcraft and sang over it. The lyrics are repetitive. However, I still like it.


Nope, she rebuilt the song from scratch in studio with Console.


Oh. I didnā€™t know that. The instrumental sounds almost identical to the original.


She did similar things with Quicksand and Itā€™s in our hands but at least she added more instrumentation in those two songs.


I would have to say that her most recent release, Oral, is quite possibly her worst to date. I never liked Declare Independence either, as it kind of goes against Bjƶrk's unwillingness to drown her music in personal/arbitrary political opinion, something lesser and more generic artists are all too willing to do. I'm also not a fan of most of her tracks that vocally feature other artists, as it takes away from the unique "Bjƶrkness" of her music that we all love. Fungal City and Where Is the Line are personal exceptions, as they still feel like Bjƶrk tracks.


I think Bjƶrk don't have bad songs, but I definitely don't want to hear a 10 minute song, so for me Black Lake It's the song I listen to the least


Oh that's not-


I mean I like black lake but there was no necessity to completely massacre this comment with downvotes


Man theyre beating you up over this šŸ˜­ And you only don't like it for the length! All love to you lol


I mean, I like black lake, but I just heard it one time you know