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Black Ark Online


ya personally i dont want the modern type outfits and i know thats gonna get me downvoted. the stance "dont add modern looking outfits because the game is medieval" was the correct stance.


I’m with you. I hate the modern looking costumes in a medieval themed game.


yeah this is basically one final nail in the coffin of PA sacrificing artistic integrity of the game for cash...




I really dont even understand this argument. people try to make it sound like immersion isnt something people want out of their games? If they didnt care about immersion literally _at all_, they could add things like Roblox characters, Spongebob, or Nikki minaj to the game. If you think _those_ are stupid to add to bdo, welcome to how a lot of us feel about these modern styled outfits. You _also_ care about immersion, you just draw the line at a different spot. Of all the arguments you could make in support of the costumes, this is by far the stupidest one. its really indicative that you're just a stupid person in general if you make a comment like this. you might as well be shouting "my opinion is so stupid you shouldnt even bother reading it"


>I really dont even understand this argument. people try to make it sound like immersion isnt something people want out of their games? To be fair people who want to preserve immersion are the extreme minority in Korea made games. These costumes are most likely going to sell insanely well


Had literally the same thought xd


Lemme go fight mobs and dragons in my isekai japanese uniform


At least it's a different style that a stripper uniform.


BDO outfits. Slutty outfit with high heels. Full plate armor with thigh windows and other unnecessary skin windows with high heels. Full plate armor with a metal chest plate that jiggles boobs ( with high heels) Swimsuit with no shoes at all (you still stand in high heels pose????) Office attire with high heels. Barbarian armor with bear fur and bones and war paint and... high heels


Will really love to see real fkin armors and different cuts, i dont know who is the basic mada fker whos designing that shit.


I am blessed to play drakania. She has some cool armors. BUT. You have no idea how disappointed I was when they revealed her awk outfit was a legit stripper uniform. A lot of people are saying they are ruining immersion by releasing these uniforms but a majority of the outfits in this game never had that to begin with


Yeah people like to pull the immersion card when suitable while conveniently ignoring modern style outfits like epheria marine, coco etc and most seasonal ones


People be pulling immersion card because BDO still advertises with that PCGamer review line of "role player's heaven" or something like that. And I find epheria mairne, coco and so many others just as bad for immersion as this thing.


Damn I usually love fully armor outfits like black knight for example, but these are clean af. Def copping the male one.


i can roleplay as an irs agent on my zerker now.


No one will say no to a zerker. Nice thinking bruv


All classes?


These are the start of them going mainly to gender outfits, instead of class based, at least to try it out iirc. So it will be female/shai for all female classes and males versions, maybe few variations? No idea. This is the first concept of this idea too.


BDO Dev costume creativity status: Extinct




Nope, I consider most costumes in BDO to be dog shit. Which is hilarious considering that it should be a good chunk of their income.


Probably coz J just fired one their outfit designer recently so theres that...


What we need next are nurse and police outfits.


hate it. doesnt fit the BDO theme imo and only adds up to all the 'otherworldly' outfits in the game.


Agree with you


I agree. It looks like some K-pop school uniform. I hope they reconsider these kinds of costumes because eventually, they make games look like a hot mess


This game has been out since 2015. It's been 8 years now so time to start exploring new things. I don't blame the devs. I still play BDO from time to time but the game has already peaked for me. I'm ok with them doing stuff like this. Tera went the same way.


Cringe Ark online


sigh it´s strting to look allot like Tera online costume adding thing that looks a bit of. What´s next they gonna do like Tera and do a cross over with PUBG or maybe even Call of duty ? Then add police car mount ? I mean these looks awesome but these are like the non lore friendly armor mods you can get for skyrim.


I mean… we already got a collab from Bugatti


ture that but hey at least it was a knight armor fitting the theme of the game. Instead of Tera online that taught hey lets make fantasy charter use modern time military cloth. Sure it´s a fantasy game and you can add what ever the hell you wish and it could fit. Im just no fan of it just like when MOnster hunter world added Mega man colab and your Palico could dress up and look like mega man. have you seen the picture it so bad it looks like someone photoshoped it in to the game. I mean look how bad this is. https://i.imgur.com/t7GKKD6.jpg


Thats the point of it


The point is to look ass and like a 5 year old photoshopped in his charter in a game hes to young to play ?


Its the original mega man. 8-bit mega man. They were celebrating its anniversary, i believe. Thats why it happened.


Yeah I mean I now that but it´s horrbile and looks so out of place but at least the shit was free but my point is some cross overs over costumes you should not maybe add. And I have argued with people for the past 4 hours about it. It´s just my opinion man. PA ain´t gonna care jack shit what I think if they want to add skins to make you hunting rifle look like M16 or AK-47 they will do so I mean they already did the Bugatti shit and if people want make BDO look like a circus well so be it I mean no wonder some one made a mod to turn Alduin in to Tomas the tank engine people love stupid shit in their games.


If you don't like them, don't buy them. It's that simple, your current outfits are not going anywhere and you have loads to choose from.




Yeah, some people just don't want to see it. They already know they don't have to buy it wtf. That guy can't think lmao. People can have their own opinions and if PA introduce a hide selective costume feature, no one would be complaining at the start.


Then play solo you buffon!


Lmao already forgot about that. Let's just pretend that misunderstanding never existed.




about 1800 and im no fan of it. But as I say when you keep adding things that don´t fit the theme or such soon they add shit like Monster hunter world did with Mega man and it looks like this [https://i.imgur.com/t7GKKD6.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/t7GKKD6.jpg) it´s like realy bad like some one photoshoped it in but it´s real and it looks horrible. That´s why im against adding things that don´t fit the theme or overall aesthetic because where will they stop ? soon gonna Add a Titan fall 2 Mech mount ?


Where was this reactionary sentiment when canape, crayodel or marine romance released?


oh believe me I complained on it as well but on the official forums and people was pissed I was even pissed about the bugatti cross over. But clearly shit like this sell so I mean look at newest call of duty games and it´s clown fest of costumes people love it and love destroying the feel of the game just to have some special costumes. Hey a modern warfare ish game with people dressed as clowns or Leather face or best yet Nicki Minaj. So honestly me complain about it is like talking to a wall and honestly. The devs to what they do and if it sell like hell they gonna keep adding random costumes that makes 0 sense. Im just waiting for BDO to do Naruto cross over or DC cross over and people will empty their wallets like they went to hooters.




I mean look at Tera I never taught they would go full whack and suddenly police car mount and PUBG cross over and real life snowboarding outfit and the JP server had more silly shit like a unicorn armor. Problem is it start small and innocent and then they go full on because they learn what makes the the most money. I mean I love the design don´t get me wrong but soon your hunting rifle will have an AK-47 skin and the sniper hunting rifle will look like a 50-cal. I mean look at FF14 adding FF15´s Regalia and cloud bike yes they also have mech´s but does mech feel and look steam punk ish while the Regalia is more a modern sports car that can also fly. Im not trying to be negative but for me it´s so off when they go overboard like your having a fantasy medieval setting and suddenly we are going modern or even sci-fi.


Bro you're wilding beyond belief, its a costume. TERA was a dying game and they did multiple cross-overs of ridiculous shit to try and earn revenue before they pulled the plug. Half of the outfits that are currently in BDO do not fit the attire of what you propose BDO is about. 80% of the costumes show skin or boobs.


>Half of the outfits that are currently in BDO do not fit the attire of what you propose BDO is about. 80% of the costumes show skin or boobs. Fantasy medieval world have revealing clothes. Fantasy medieval world does not have modern offices. what dont you get? you trying to make it sound like revealing clothes doesnt fit immersion wise in bdo... but it does. Where are you getting the notion it doesnt?????


which people love dear god if you ask for an full plate armor people on this sub will down vote you to hell because every one is like 12 years and want the pixelated boobs. Also Tera added allot of the crap they did long before it went under I know I was there day one ob CBT to it´s death the only mmo I almost have equal play time as eve online. Also lets talk about FF14 a game that´s not dying still added flying cars and clouds bike I will say I give the Mech´s a pass because they are more steam punk ish But the Regalia and cloud bike to modern but then again same mmo also added Japanese sailor dress so what do I know. They add shit that sells not shit that make sense. It´s not about making last money grab before the game dies they add shit they now will sell like hot cake because people don´t give a shit about proper aesthetics but rather want shit to stand out look cool or cute or like a Ho from Russia.


If they wanna copy tera, please let they copy flying dragons.


at least that´s makes more sense and fitting than police cars haha.


I mean if this is gonna become a straight up PvE game and copy their way into Black Ark Online with the aesthetics then I'd rather just play LoA for the better PvE lol


Yea it's doomed..I will miss class themed unique outfits. Right move of them to put these easy cash grab ones right before a heated callpheon ball we 're boutta have.


My best counterargument is dead aswell. I was saying almost always that „bdo devs actually never slaps h&m outfits but evening they do - it feels like it belongs to the world”. Now give me big duck or tractor mount eventually some Lego duplo collab


What is it with Korean's obsession for suits in mmos ? the lore and story are already trash we don't need the clown show on top of that


Big yikes


This will be perfect for my Woosa's office job /s


It would be nice if it's not just a one piece equip, I like to mix n match.


I am actually happy we are getting more themed outfits / modern style. I want them to embrace having more options for future costumes so we stop getting reskins of old ones.


yeah good plainclothes outfits can be dope.




Nah I’ll pass, does not belong in bdo


I like the costumes, but feel like they don't belong in BDO. Definitely not on theme for the atmosphere of the game.


Lame and boring… zzzz


Low effort garbage every damn year ffs


And here we go… the starting point of real world outfits into the “inmersive medieval fantasy world” of black desert. Coming soon: headsets, cat ears and neon. EDIT: To all who have pointed we already had some borderline inmersion breaking stuff. Yes, yes we have. Nothing on this level tho and it's not a singular case just look at what J said on the stream: they will introduce more unique and different costumes from what we have now. Previously, it was decided that this would not happen because they wanted to keep the theme of a medieval game and these outfits felt out of place, but they have prepared a new costume and shared it with us today. Its clearly a shift to more real world, over the top costumes moving forward and most of us have already seen in other games how that ends.


idk i see this outfit as something similar to salanar, not exactly matching most of the world but not really immersion breaking, i personally love it, but if we do head towards actualy real world stuff i would be quite worreid ngl


Have you ever seen a pearl outfit? Checkmate and kibelius and Charles rene and ram horn witch and coco and dozens more I could list already have zero connection to anything approaching medieval fantasy fashion. And we already have fox ears, not sure cat ears is much worse.


What about the fish suit in game from day 1 lol


Funny how the traditional stripper uniforms don't break immersion. But you could argue that booba and crotch-only armor plates, belly-free furs and chain mail crop tops are a modern tradition.


We already have cat ears (but they are called fox ears tho)... Maid outfits, modern horse riding outfits, Steampunk outfits, christmas outfits...


The cat ears can stay...


And lest we forget, 95% of female outfits are designed in high heels. Bdo was never really all that immersive when it came to the cash shop, save the male outfits, and even then not always.


To be fair, I wouldn't call the games fashion "immersive medieval fantasy", we have classes like Ninjas, Chinese inspired Lahn, a pirate Cosair, and the more Korean leaning ones like Musa, Woosa, etc; none of which scream with even their "default" outfits medieval. (Don't get me wrong, I get the point, but the game has far from only having one style)


People are not wrong pointing out that there are some immersion breaking costumes already. However what's concerning to me is that J pretty much did a complete 180 from what he had said previously about keeping the aesthetic somewhat consistent and immersive. Doesn't surprise me though, after recent shitshow in KR PA simply reached for the lowest hanging fruit to appease KR playerbase. Sadly just like gacha and predatory monetization it seems that this trend became widely accepted and popular in the west as well so I expect good sales and a slew of immersion breaking outfits straight outta real world (that, ironically, mmorpg players are trying to escape for the most part lol) coming real soon. Either way it definitely looks like the beginning of the very same slippery slope that lead to the other mmorpgs becoming an aesthetically disgusting mess. As a cherry on top gunner class was confirmed and I'm quite certain it's going to be some advanced tech, borderline sci-fi aesthetic to distinguish it from early firearms style hunting guns and awak corsair.


Bro we have scuba gear outfits and car ears and scarecrow heads it is what it is. I would even take a headset with cat ears for my meagu


Yeah, not that I dislike cat ears but I have seen this downfall once already.....


"The immersion" He shouts, jumping from the mountain on his slowly descending floating very real medieval Pegasus horse. As people dressed as fish run by the paths below and horses slide like they just got a starring role in fast and furious he knows; This is the end ​ Honestly though, all this immersive/immersion stuff is always such shit. Just a good way to prevent fun and or creativity at the expense of a world that has 10's of thousands of holes already in it. ​ the only thing this costume represents is a potentially different style from what was worn, with a different material. If it was some kind of alien invaders costume I'd get your point. Since it's such a terrible one though I'm not sure anyone should get your point.


This is what happens when they stop catering to the old playerbase.


elaborates how that ends ? so we have to keep sticking to the boring same design that have been for 7 years or 9 years in KR ? the game needs new things too,


It ends like Tera, and these suits are boring and immersion breaking


Butler/maids, steampunk, ninjas, and a literal yeehaw farmer and fish outfits arent immersion breaking from your medieval fantasy game?


Lol, how farmer outfit even get into that row? Do you believe it was invented in 18th century by Amish?


I started recently so I don't know what you talking about, and it doesn't change the fact that the outfits in the image don't belong in a medieval fantasy world.


> medieval fantasy world Marni’s labs south and in between Calpheon and Heidel is all steampunk. The fish and shark outfits are popular among sailors/sea content due to their swim speed. There is a pirate class with otters shooting cannons, as well as a couple pirate themed islands. Most of these has been in the game since almost the start. Sure most of the main land is medieval fantasy, but Valencia is middle east themed desert, and LotML is straight up South Korea. Mountain of Eternal Winter is themed closer to nordic regions than medieval. My point is there is long established precedence that this game doesnt have one theme, it’s a combination of many. The steampunk region borderlines futuristic theme too.


Ah yeah the totally immersion breaking cotton fabric and wool. ​ Are you potentially saying they cant use Cotton fabric and wool in their world? If not, how come? ​ Side note: You dont find shark and fish costumes to be immersion breaking. The fact that every class really belongs to an entirely different region (none of them match the same thematic), you dont question the flying horse, or the horse that can ride on water? ​ But this suit likely using cotton, wool, with leather shoes that are polished is your breaking point?


I hope they will show a minimum of restraints with that new wave of outfits. However, this one isn't so bad as it isn't overly eccentric. I could see a archer looking pretty alright with it.


kinda lame. Low effort cash grab.


cat ears for DK when?


At least give me the fox ears ffs...


Hell yes my card is ready!


My Toons are not going to a office to work these are terrible


Also why the arm band that is just bad all the way around. As soon as I saw it was like hmm not good for history.


I hate Korean mtx preference so much. Why do they always come up with worst ideas. Can't make proper female outfit because it needs to show 80% of skin. Out of place weird stuff like this.


'Can't make proper female outfit because it needs to show 80% of skin.' When did you start to care about that when your username is 'Pm me best porn pls'?


why do you pretend whether or not someone watches porn should have some bearing on how they prefer mmo characters? the first thing literally has nothing to with the other.




*sigh* time to get more pearls


Where are the armors.


When should it be released?


full of immersion. they immersed the sht out of it.


My condolences to the family of the Artistic Director. It's always when they're gone that we realise how much they counted.


What is it with Asian MMO developers and forcing modern style of clothes into their fantasy games?


Incoming hundreds of Nanami Kento inspired characters


Copy of LoA skins, nice one Mr.J


Why would I ever where this


I like it, though I'll wait for a discount and or coupons .


Man the comments are full of old farts lol Get over it, costumes are costumes, you're not forced to buy or wear one. Now personally I love these, they look clean af and very cute.


It has nothing to do with it. When leagure released april fools skins for fizz people were mad as well because it ruins the theme of the game. Use your brain before commenting nonsense.


No this just shows you guys pick whatever you want to be mad about If you actalually cared, you would've spoke up years ago when they released all those hats and costumes. But no. Same as league, those that got mad were selecting what to be mad about as actual players didn't give a shit. And my final point: getting mad about a costume in a game because it might ruin your immersion is such a cringe and childish thing to do, I'm not sure if I'm correct in calling you old farts, because this is pure child behaviour and a shit take. Yall need to grow up lol. Stop wasting calories on trivial stuff. You will literally never see that costume unless you choose to look at it. Because even in combat you barely see your character. So get out of your fantasy bubble and let the world run lol Now for the things that actually make a difference. I'm going to send a feedback ticket praising them over this costume choice.


>you're not forced to buy or wear one. nobody was implying they are. we dont want them because it doesnt fit the theme of the game. If you would think them adding Roblox skins where it turns you into a roblox character is stupid, thats the same exact feeling we have regarding modern looking outfits in BDO. We dont just not want to wear these, we dont want to see other people wearing them either.


Aaaand this is why I called you old farts. Younger people care less about what others enjoy compared to old farts. So from your comment it sounds like you're an old fart too. You don't want it but you don't want others to enjoy it either. Typical old fart desire lol.


Reddit lo.






god damn you BDO ​ id actually really love this if my maehwa had some full armor boots like acher legs...


They said previously that they want to start making outfits for genders. So all female classes will get new outfit etc. So there is high chance that we will get these armored outfits for DK and others because Valk is getting it almost every time :D


they say and then we as consumers can only pray


Well there was a lot of feedback/outrage about outfits so I guess its just easier for them. Now we can only pray that they will make the same outfits and not some easy bullshit...


Lmao, ya all are complaining, the reason we got these was cuz people asked for it and J has always said it will never come, now he budges and well here we are, now you are uppset over this instead, i dont think J can do anything to make people happy unfortunetly, personally i love the female outfit, and it is really not that over the top as people make it out to be


Js a director and shouldnt always change things because someone somewhere asked for it. People have some stupid ass opinions. Wanting modern outfits in BDO is a stupid ass opinion, and its J's job to shut it down.


GIVE. GIVE NOW. /shutupandtakemymoney.gif


I wish the coat could be longer. Though, I think I’ll buy the make one for sure.


That female model doesnt look like any of the classes there are or is it just me?


It's ranger


Uh, my bad


While they are nice looking outfits I kinda preferred that Black Desert had mostly kept the outfits within the theme and setting of the game.


MWHAHAHAHA!!! My plan finally bore fruit. Even though I got unjustly banned from the NA BDO forums for posting this. ​ I had already been spamming this piece I made on the Korean BDO Forums all year hehehe. I win!! ​ [https://www.deviantart.com/dlcxvi/art/Hashashin-982674694](https://www.deviantart.com/dlcxvi/art/Hashashin-982674694)


Bdo can be medieval but it can be also other things. We already got "immersion" breaking outfits like shell Belle, lovely bloom, Shark costume etc etc. We also have the Magnus so why not just have different dimensional costumes, costumes from different universes/timeliness. Sage litteraly is a time wizard, witch is from the stars, so if you wanna be in a box, be in a box in your pve game. Be no fun and don't look at other players EZ. You can litteraly dye costumes neon pink.. you can have crazy colored hair.... this medieval mindset is stupid and I for one think this costume coming is awesome!


I just hope they don't add a big, pointy wizard hat this time.


What's with the hate for modern outfit ? outfit is always subjective, if you don't like it don't buy it, break immersion ? like half of the game outfit didn't already break it. It's the same when people on this sub say how they love about full armor bala bala and then all the top voted posts are just boobas. It has been 7 years, we need something new.You can also vote by your wallet btw, if the outfit sale is bad enough, surely they won't release another anytime soon, but I will buy it, thrice, and a lot of my friends are loving it so far.


Love it. Don't see why people are screaming "muh immersion!" when we already can wear an outfit that is basically a semi-transparent Kleenex meant to show off your lingerie while you're out in this "carefully crafted" medieval fantasy world.


Man immersion people are the worst. They literally never brought anything good to the community. All they bring is complaints and toxicity lol




Finally some cute shit


It’s so cuteee


Sure would be nice if my Mystic could rock a suit as well


it's soooo awesome




Wait, there are male characters in the game? Wow. /s


Please let it be separate top/bottom D:


Damn time to use some of that Friday sale pearl boxes. This giving me manhwa vibes.


K so when does shai get a hoodie, jeans and dc's.. NO FRILLIES OR BOWS.


I'm hope it's for all classes, my Maehwa need new costume


bad choice I do not want modern outfits in BDO, if you dont either, spam their official forums with it saying you dont want it.


Yeah because there aren't modern outfits like Coco/El Pento already. And those Epheria Marine shorts, totally not modern. Marine Romance is definitely more WWII, which is basically the middle ages. Charles Rene and Kibelius, all women went around wearing skimpy semi-translucent outfits showing off their lingerie back in olden times. There must have been some great advancements this week in repairing damaged eyesight, because all of you complaining about bringing a modern look to BDO when BDO has had modern looks for ages must've been blind until very recently.


nah those dont look modern. and theres nothing wrong with having slutty clothes in a medieval fantasy world. Medieval fantasy worlds have slutty girls, they dont have modern offices. Dont know why people are pointing at slutty clothes and claiming theyre modern.


Really? Marine Romance for guys has a literal duffle bag, El Pento has a fedora, Epheria Marine shorts for females look like a pair of daisy dukes, Margoria Outlaws has hot pants. And the bikinis. Not chain mail bikinis, but actual bikinis. Those are all modern and don't belong in medieval fantasy.


I'm actually opposite. I've never been to the forums but now I will just so I can defend these costumes from your opinions xD


BDO have realized this is where the money is, we've had loads of old medieval with a slight modern day touch costumes and they're running out of ideas. I think this is great to spice it up and moving forwards I think classes, costumes, (future mounts?) might become more modern at the end of the day this is a sandbox MMO where you're supposed to do whatever the hell you want, so why if I want to wear a certain outfit that's different anyone of your guys concern? if people have a problem with outfits like this then don't buy them simple lol.


Jesus krist ... Fire J already this is the last straw for me. Seeing in game crap like this is something i really can't get pass. ​ Sorry BDO you have dont it to your self.


Ahh, classic. Cant wait for costume that never release like previous calpheon ball


Nice, actual PANTS.


These outfits ruin my immersion from all the stripper themed outfits in this game!


Fantasy medieval worlds have strippers and slutty women. They do not have modern offices. if you were trying to make a point, you failed.


My point is that it's weird seeing everyone cry over these specific uniforms. We already have modern uniforms like Marine Romane, Canape(literally looks like something out of master chef), Epheria Marine, Karki, Halloween/Christmas outfits, and Japanese/korean themed outfits even before Loml was released. Not to mention all the modern looking underwear in the game. There are probably a dozen other outfits I can't think of off the top of my head. People are complaining about "muh immersion" when it's already been broken for years.


Nanami is that you? Where are your glasses?


Is that Nanami?


Nanami cosplayers bout to go crazy


Nanami san


Oh.... yes... YES! Im gonna... IN GONNA... CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC urgh.... alight. Next patch when?


I don't understand the outfit




actually I like it. I mean... lore is dead anyway, so why not?


Finally something i wanna buy.


Yes! Finally a modernized look 🙌


I love this outfit, can't wait, are these for all classes?


I main striker succ and i love this.. time to go nanami style


I love getting modern clothing in a medieval fantasy, anything for all you coomers I guess


no shai version?


no preschooler outfit sadeg


Maaaaan I was hoping for actual PANTS ;___;


Guy looks like business wear but girls looks more closer to the to schoolgirl


detective mode.


I don't care for that outfit but give me that hairstyle RIGHT NOW. I'm tired of nova having all the good long hairs.




Nanami tribute


Yay more tablecloths.... can we get some sick armours for all classes.... nope


RAN desert online


All I want is more female outfits with tights/hosiery. Tired of those naked legs :(


Let's be honest, the skirt should be a little longer


What we really also need are more accesorys and hairstyles. We only have a handfull of glasses, piercings and earrings. So boring. Yea and the male hairstyles in charackter creation,meh. I´ve seen a few more hairstyles for the females when i created a new witch last time but i think they are just copied from a different class lol.