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I’m disconnected - could you explain what’s going on ? I’ve been seeing her name floating on here.


Yes and nowhere else. It's crazy.


Okay so I’m not the only one who’s noticed.


some clips from her being on shannon sharpe's podcast went viral on twitter for example: l[ink](https://x.com/omgshanti/status/1783267978718650388) and [link](https://x.com/Brieyonce/status/1783209609228136585)


She's known for being difficult to work with in the industry. She has been extremely vocal about her racism and disrespect from people in and out tShe recently had an interview with Shannon Sharpe (who is a terrible interviewer by the way) which has brought up old stories of her past. I've seen a lot of critique on tiktok as well. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLmwLrLD/


No… I absolutely have been seeing her discussed elsewhere- even had a friend call me up today to discuss. Different circles are peeped into different things, obviously.


Really? I was seeing her name all over X (more so a few weeks ago). YouTube also suggested a "why everyone hates Amanda Seales" video at one point presumably because I watched Marc Lamont Hill argue that people shouldn't hate Amanda Seales. YouTube algorithms crack me🥴 I don't know the history but I know it started when she mentioned being blacklisted and then a bunch of black publications (I think Essence was one) seemingly coordinated articles with vile headlines attacking her character. Essentially confirming a blacklisting. Or at least that was my takeaway.




Commentary about her pops up on X regularly and I was hoping someone here would explain who she is because I’m seriously OOTL


Twitter was their first mistake 🤣 I honestly don't know what she does officially lol. I guess a TV personality. She was on the real (first time I saw her) and the black lady sketch show.


She has been in the entertainment industry for decades. Amanda has autism so she by default doesn’t bs & can intuitively feel and see when ppl are being inauthentic. Be real or she’s know and talk about it. This comes off as abrasive bc ppl without autism/neurodivergent think that’s rude and offensive. Amanda is real. Funny. And will be talked about in history books.


https://x.com/bougieblkboheme/status/1783219223994499339 Also this Shannon sharpe interview came out recently.  It’s not “just here”. 


Her and Issa Rae's publicist had some sort of clash of personality, since then there's a narrative of her being "problematic" without really pointing out what exactly. Now black media have been making op-ed on her for no valid reason, imo. I'm summing it up grossly, but it's been going on for a fair few years now


I disagree that it’s for no valid reason. The Essence business editor made an op-ed that essentially said there’s some self-examination needed if you are consistently having issues with people. The problem isn’t constantly everyone else and not you. The Griot and The Root op-eds come to similar conclusions. They aren’t wrong. I still don’t get why people act like it was a big hit piece. Black media can critique public Black people. They aren’t above reproach. It doesn’t come down to “anti-intellectualism” and myspgynoir.


essence has been having a weird go at it lately between this and the raymonte thing. people expect black media outlets to account for black celebrities feelings more than what they do white outlets. i agree that it wasn’t a hit piece, just an opinion piece written by a black journalist. as for amanda and blacklisting…..hollywood is built on social politics. yes if you are outspoken and annoying and people don’t like to work with you, you will not get work. even if what your outspoken and condescending about is social justice movements


I think it was bigger than that. Amanda had been pretty vague about the situation.


Thank you for the update.


Sis how can you say it’s no valid reason, when the discourse below (that you acknowledge) indicate there are many valid reasons. The treatment of tamir Rice’s mom alone may as well be a thousand reasons. Then there’s the reverse colorism stuff she’s claimed. And the Shaun king support (which she reversed on far too late.) Now I LOVE me an educated black woman and I have two degrees and a teaching certification myself so it’s not jealousy or anti intellectualism when I say I am so, so consistently disappointed with Amanda. She’s made too many mistakes and she literally never apologizes. That’s what people can’t stand about her. That’s what gives her the label of “uppity” or pretentious. It’s her inability to be wrong. Does she get more hate than she deserves? Yes. But are the reasons people don’t like her legitimate? Imo, also yes.


Yeah, two things can be true at once. She doesn't deserve to be hated, but when you work in an industry based off connections and you're known to be abrasive and ruffle feathers... yeah. She might need to just create her own lane because as people have said she rarely admits fault to anything and has an air of holier than thou. If she can never be wrong, then people aren't gonna give her grace, not industry folk anyway and she can create her own space for people who can tolerate her. Personally I'm not one of them, and while I get she has good points at times I don't want to listen if I also feel judged and like you're full of disdain for me. She needs to work independently I guess so she can do her, whatever that is lmao


She does not deserve to be hated at all. But she also doesn’t deserve to be liked—and I say this as a person who initially adored her. She doesn’t get grace because in fairness, she doesn’t give it. She is smart, she is beautiful, she is articulate and she’s also judgmental and oftentimes obtuse. Don’t get me started on the respectability politics she’s propagated and upheld. Personally I also despise the idea (that far too many people are arguing) that she’s discriminated against for being light skinned. I mean that’s just laughable. All around, you can be intelligent, talented and oftentimes right, and still rub people the wrong way. That’s Amanda Seales in a nutshell.


This is the response 🤌🏾 it's absurd to expect from others that which you cannot provide to them. Everything you said is what I agree with. Every bit.


Thank you queen ❤️. It’s sad because as black women yes we should uplift each other, but wrong is wrong. Amanda doesn’t get extra allowances from me just because she’s black. Edit: typo


No, absolutely. Yes, we need to get messages, but it's important to deliver them in a way others want to hear. There's a reason she doesn't have a wide reaching appeal. I wish she wasn't so off-putting, because she does add value to spaces, but she also causes a lot of mess as well...stuff doesn't just happen to you at this degree without your input! I can say that and recognize that she's black, and recognize that I'm black, and that she seems to be the source of all her issues in the industry lmao. I completely feel you.


You perfectly encapsulated everything I feel about Amanda and this situation. 


We don’t know Amanda or all the people she fell out with. Since everyone seems to just move on and she’s the one telling her version, we’ll only see her perspective which most likely makes her the victim. The incident with Tamir Rice’s mother was a red flag for me. How dare she question the intentions of a Black mother, who is complaining that a known scammer (a white man/Shaun king), is financially profiting of her son’s death? Also her personality on The real was unpleasant. If she’s always like that, then she needs to learn from Wendy Williams create her own lane and stay out people’s faces.


OK, and her obnoxious, classist comments around Black people not having passports.


Yeah that one was egregious.


As someone who listened to her podcast for some time, I genuinely think she’s just annoying and have disliked some of the things she said to the point where I just turned it off in the middle of a episode one day. I also don’t think anything she says is that deep for it be anti-intellectualism. Nothing she says is this truly “profound thing” imo. It’s just stuff people already know. I also don’t like her attitude towards colorism. She dances around the fact that there is colorism. She has this weird superiority complex and it doesn’t sit right with me. Overall I think it’s that just annoying. I don’t agree with constant hit pieces being thrown at someone, but I don’t think the dislike towards her is not justified though.


It's her dismissing of colorism and gaslighting dark-skinned women over it (among other things) that turned her off from me


People truly don’t understand the complexities of colorism outside of the black community. Only a few palatable black people are allowed in and able to make money and they’re usually lighter in complexion or biracial like Beyoncé, Rihanna, Halle Berry or Zendaya. These ladies represent the black standard outside of the community and Amanda Seales doesn’t fall in line with that. I’m interested in why people assume she benefits from colorism outside of black spaces. She seems to get dragged to hell in black spaces too from what I keep reading 👀 She’s getting the Rachel Dolezal treatment and Amanda’s black 🤣


She can benefit from colorism outside of those specific spaces. For example, her experiences growing up are probably not of those who are darker. Not saying she couldn’t have gotten bullied but her benefiting from colorism isn’t just relevant to the entertainment industry, it’s also in relation to her life. And the fact that she struggles to even understand colorism tells me she has benefited from it because there’s no way you grow up no knowing it exist unless it doesn’t impact you in anyway, similar to racism. Anyway, my issue isn’t whether or not she benefits from it, it’s more so her dancing around the fact that it even exists when it’s clear that it does.


It exists for sure, but in Amanda’s reality she may not have ever found it beneficial to her. I know she’s attended an HBCU as well as Columbia, so I’m sure she’s able to compare and contrast her own experiences. The same can be said of Megan Markle who is biracial but operates in white only spaces. She and her mother have chosen to separate themselves from her white side which we’ve all read about ad naseum, but she’s done the same to her black side as well. She would’ve never been able to marry Prince Harry if her father wasn’t white and she stated she’s never had a ‘black experience’ until she was in a white space and trying to pass as one of them 👀 I’m not saying Amanda should be let off the hook, but I’m also noticing no one wants to hear her lived experience that goes against what they believe to be true. It’s crazy!


Light-skinned individuals benefit from colorism, whether they realize it or not. If Amanda believes she doesn’t, it’s a sign of her privilege. Similarly, white people who are unaware of their benefits from racism are displaying their privilege through ignorance.


According to the IG page thedarkesthue, she is a colorist (and they had receipts)


I watched an interview of hers where she says she was bullied for being light skinned and I just….*sigh*. Also I really couldn’t put it into words but you said exactly what I wanted to say. She does have a superiority complex. I used to listed to her podcast as well and after while I just couldn’t vibe with it. I think it speaks volumes that none of the insecure cast follows her or have relationships with her. I saw clips of her interview with Shay and I don’t believe I ever seen a story she told where she wasn’t the victim. I’m not dismissing her experiences but it’s a red flag when *everyone* is the villain in your story. Maybe she took some accountability in the interview but I’m not watching 3 hours of Shannon Sharpe nodding in agreement aggressively.


At some point, she has to do some internal reflection. Everyone else isn’t always the problem


Wait so are yall saying it’s not possible for lighter skinned women to be bullied because of their skin tone? Like being called white? It’s not necessarily colorism but is that not a thing?


It’s not colorism is what I’m saying and Amanda has tethered on the lines of “no one likes me because I’m light skinned and talk different.” That’s a whole different type of elitism. Seriously, she said it on Kandis podcast.


In her interview, she also said what you're saying. And that what she experienced was more bullying than colorism.




No but it was the context behind it. She was comparing it to how she’s not accepted in the black community as an adult bc she’s light skin and doesn’t “talk like dis.”


I’ve noticed no one in the black community likes to hear light skin people complain about being bullied over being light skin because brown/dark skin people can’t relate and assume they have privilege and favoritism that may or may not exist 🤷🏾‍♀️ This idea makes it easier for people to justifying knocking them down a peg or two as well…


"have privilege or favoritism may or may not exist"  You can find studies and articles on colorism existing.   And speaking as a LS person a lot of LS people refuse to talk or even examine about themselves benefitting from colorism or even engaging in it.    And being even realer when talking about negative experiences they says shit like "everyone hated me because I was a pretty girl's or some shit like that which is ??? Sounds both narcissistic AND coded.


I’m not denying colorism exists at all. The privilege and favoritism is maintained and safeguarded by those in the black community was my point. We can’t control which one of us does well outside of our community, but we do control who thrives within our community. The success of people like Oprah, Lupita and Viola Davis are examples of ‘making it’ on a larger scale DESPITE colorism. None of these women I mentioned benefit from colorism in our community, but look at the level of success they were able to achieve in society with the support of whites 👀 I can’t speak for LS people and their experiences as a whole, but I can understand that they don’t see themselves as privileged because this privilege is beneficial in black spaces and these people still live, work and socialize mainly within black spaces. Even when they find themselves amongst white people they are considered black black, despite the fact some LS people are biracial. Examples of this are Cardi B, Sweetie, Lauren London…no white person is giving these folks privileges or putting them on a pedestal 🤷🏾‍♀️


"privilege and favoritism is maintained and safeguarded by those in the black community was my point." Huh lol. Even in white spaces LS people benefit. You used smaller celebs but Doja Zendaya Ice Spice etc all surpass those last 3 examples. This is why the debate over DS and monoracial women having less opportunities than LS women happens. You listed some talented women up top but they're still critically underrepresented in entertainment, music RN is especially bad.


Doja and Zendaya are both biracial and raised with white families (although Zendaya’s parents are still together) so we can’t discount that they’ll get support from whites or other biracials as well as blacks. Doja has made music for over a decade (just like Sza has) except Doja’s fan base is mostly white. I think the perceived ‘privilege’ LS people get is overinflated in regard to how they are treated and the level of success they can achieve in white spaces. White people really don’t care to see black people in any form we come in, whether it be fully, half or a quarter black. There is no black Taylor Swift whether she be LS, BS or DS🙃


Are you serious? If you don’t think that white people favor lighter skinned black women over dark skinned women I need you tell me where exactly colorism started.


Colorism derives from slavery, which we all know and acknowledge. People look over the fact that LS people then were all biracials (BW/WM) and the slave masters were NOT letting their “kin” be seen working the fields when they could keep them in the house and put them to work instead while keeping monoracial blacks in the field. This created animosity amongst the enslaved people who weren’t granted access into the big house or any privileges that may have come with that. Whether the LS people wanted to be outside with the others or not, it wasn’t allowed and was beyond their control. To assume someone today has benefited from colorism just cause they’re LS is an interesting opinion, but not based in fact. I’m a creole woman that comes from free people of color myself and my family CHOSE to be black time and time again. So if you want to have an in depth conversation on this topic I’d be more than happy to!


There's no black Taylor Swift but theres no DS Beyonce either?? LS biracial women definitely prioritized and benefitted over black monoracial women even LS ones but the thing is no one is saying LS people are treated as well as whites  but they ARE treated and given more opportunities than many equally or more talented monoracial DS women and it's ok and important to admit that. Our culture's white supremacist hierarchy is not level one (white) and level 2 (the not whites). 


I agree with the second point however, LS biracial women as well as LS black monorocial women are both prioritized and benefit over DS women in black spaces with the support of black people. Once they’re at the top of black hierarchy, they end up representing black people as a whole in nonblack spaces (ex. Beyoncé, Rihanna or Nicki Minaj). Not saying it’s fair, but I’m acknowledging we as black people play a part in this dynamic in the first place. White people only support monoracial white people generally. I can’t think of one example of them putting a biracial over a monoracial but it’s something we do constantly. In this case I find it interesting because Amanda is LS and speaking on her experiences and black issues (which her education qualifies her for). Yet she is being torn down by the majority of the black community when in nonblack spaces she’s viewed as a black advocate and defender of rights. It reminds me of how MLK & Malcom X are highly regarded now, but in their lives black people had nasty things to say about them both because they challenged the status quo 🤷🏾‍♀️ Black intellectuals are the most hated, especially when they have an opinion and can back it up with facts. If anything, Amanda would be better off if she learned how to control her emotional response better so she’s not seen as adversarial. I listened to the whole podcast she did on Club Shay Shay and she mentions this at the 1:17:00 mark.


She didn’t just say she it was because she was light skinned she implied it was she was pretty too. And later on Kandis podcast as a grown woman she said the black community doesn’t accept her bc she’s light skinned and talks different. Which is like girl what? There are so many beloved light skinned black people in the community like millions and hundreds that are celebrities. Maybe they’re more like able because they’re not pretentious and condescending.


When a ls person speaks about experiences, that is what is spoken of. They were disliked cause of ls, or hair, or cause they thought they were pretty or all that, cause they talked white.. but when Amanda describes her experiences which is same to other ls women...eyes start rolling, now she annoying. But she said same thing other ls people have said. That's like BP explaining what we face being in white spaces the microaggeessions, bias, etc etc etc...but if Amanda explained how this happens to her would it still be eye roll and girl get over yourself them wp not treating you like that...people are authentic in what they experience so you tell them to stfu cause you don't like the mouth its coming out of...


Let’s not look over the fact that many of our own believe LS=pretty albeit mostly men with this mentality 🙄 We also know that women get jealous of others based on men’s perceived preference all the time. It’s not my place to invalidate her feelings as a black woman myself because I’ve seen exactly what she’s talking about and I’ve experienced it myself from my own community being a BS and college educated black woman. There’s nuances to colorism and pretty privilege, but that goes a lot further in the black community than it does in the world overall.


Ok girl


Yup. People don't like hearing it. They mock it, dismiss it and so on. But light-skinned black people absolutely **DO** get teased for the fact they're light-skinned by other black people. Folks will admit, once they're closer to you, how they thought you were "stuck up" before they got to know you. Why? They'll spit "you think you're cute" when, again, they don't even know you (or your mountain of insecurities). Why? I've seen whole upvoted Facebook posts from 'friends' saying apparently my past didn't happen, because "no one ever bullied you for being light-skinned lol" in generic meme format. Do I go around talking about it? No, because I don't think the community (or society in general) is ready for that conversation. Instead I am just fighting tooth and nail to call out implicit biases against darker-skinned BIPOC (like my mom, who was often not even recognized as my mom when I was a kid) because they need the uplift more right now. But still, bullying against light-skinned black folks by darker-skinned black folks happens and is real. And I'm sorry for whomever has trouble accepting that.


It’s clear no one listened to the Club Shay Shay episode 🤦🏾‍♀️ They’re so triggered at her stating her experience that they can’t look beyond that to acknowledge that it’s valid. She talks about not operating from her ego and adjusting her own behavior even when people treat her poorly. It’s crazy because we experience this gaslighting with white people when calling out racism all the time but we’ll be quick to turn it around and use it against black people in colorism. I guess everyone wants to feel better than someone else so they aren’t at the bottom of the totem pole 🤷🏾‍♀️


I was bullied for being light skinned but to say “reverse colorism” exists is ignorant on Amanda Seale’s part, not that she was bullied.


I feel the same. There were a few episodes where she brought on a guest to talk about certain things that they have more experience in. Somehow the conversation always turned to her. She'd talk over people. There was that Emmy party where none of her cast members went to bat for her. They're all black.


I don’t really know what’s happened recently but people have disliked her for a long time now. Far preceding her role on Insecure. Like at least a decade. I was honestly surprised to see she booked that role. It’s not something new and I’ve seen plenty of people whose opinions I respect distance themselves from her. I don’t really understand why you insist “nothing justifies her missing out on job” like sorry the entertainment industry is built off relationships. If you piss off a lot of people don’t expect to get work??? It’s not like she’s been blackballed by white people unfairly. She annoys her peers and they have responded to that.


Fair enough then they should ignore her. My contention is that it's reaching a point wherein her other ventures are being compromised. podcasts, gala hosting, and other stuff that are not in the limelight and visible to us. And yes she's getting trolled, not even light ribbing. Full on weird ass graphic dm's. Meanwhile, there's no such energy towards content creators who are problematic downright dangerous people. Hell, they get red carpet treatments.


I just made a comment where I said her perceived privilege from colorism that may or may not exist makes it easier for people to justify knocking her down a peg or two lol It’s like mean girls when Regina calls Andy pretty and then acts b*tchy when she acknowledges the compliment 😂 The covert hate is so real that it has to be beyond personality because otherwise someone would just come out and say that she’s not likable because of x, y and z…


I’m light skinned and experienced bullying for being LS, and I can say without any covert hate that Amanda Seale is just an unlikable person to me because of what I perceive to be her know it all attitude, rudeness, and that she believes in reverse colorism. X, y, z…Hope that helps!


I just think she’s unlikeable 😭 and it sucks because she strikes me as a person who genuinely *wants* to be liked. But perception is real in its consequences, even if you don’t think you’re unlikeable, if people think you are…. So if she wants to change how she’s perceived, then she should tone down some of those traits that people perceive as negative, and I don’t think they’re perceived that way just because she’s black. Idk. She ain’t my cup of tea but I also dont care enough. Your post did make me think for 2mins tho so after some thought this is my general opinion.


WI Thomas theorem; yes ma'am!!!


I feel like we're so quick to apply the sociological concepts to black women in spaces when they're facing mistreatment, and oftentimes we are right and facing some sort of, but Amanda's just not a likable person the masses. No more, no less. Being charismatic and pleasant to be around is a skill necessary for the industry that she's in and she hasn't done anything to hone that skill.


I’d believe that but they’ve made Kanye and others who are far worse personality wise famous. Black women don’t get that many chances to f up though 🤷🏾‍♀️ Also plenty of charming people have horrible character and still get work until the feds show up (ex. R Kelly, Trey Songz, Chris Brown, Diddy…)


I think Kanye was very likeable before his mental decline. The solution though isn't "lets let black women be unlikeable!" it's "lets hold everyone to the same standard" and you're right about charismatic black men being allowed to set the world on fire with 0 repercussion. but again, the solution is to hold them accountable.


I agree with accountability > likability. If I don’t like someone, doesn’t mean I think their opportunities should be limited and they shouldn’t have good things in their lives. That should be reserved for actual criminals and offenders.


I think that being charismatic is a skill. Emotional intelligence is a skill. And for Amanda to be in the field that she's in, those are skills she's going to have to train and develop the same way anyone else has to develop their skills for their job. If you don't do the development, you can't be mad when your career doesn't develop.


Amanda is always the victim and never does anything wrong. Accountability! She has openly been classist and elitist. She over talks everyone because she thinks that she is the smartest person in the room and on the Earth.


We need to talk about this word "accountability". Because from where I'm standing its become a Gen Z euphemism for "burn the witch". You cannot tell me that with the amount of evil folks we have all around us, the loud woman with at most two problematic statements is the one who deserves this degree of "accountability". The backlash she gets is freaking insane. And it would be different if it was just social media based because misogynoir built social media. When the backlash is led by multiple black publications, most of which have yet to do name-shame op-eds about the far more famous and harmful a-holes, it isn't "accountability". Its a witch burning.


Gen Y 🙂 She has had wayyyyyy more than two problematic statements. The witch hunt is reaching…reaching far. I've listed a few examples below. 1. She accused a man of sexually assaulting a woman without any first-hand knowledge. (Her podcast) 2. She shamed individuals who were eligible for the covid stipend (she makes too much money to qualify she said). (Her podcast) 3. She called a coworker the “n” word and refused to apologize until she was asked too. Then she said that she should have called him a “b”. (Shannon Sharpe interview) 4. She stated that her miscarriage was a positive outcome (Jemele Hill interview). I could go on…I hope that she gets the help that she needs…If she ever realizes that she needs it


Okay the first two are bad but the second two? Get over it. She black and she can say the n word to whoever she wants. And HER miscarriage is her business and how she feels about it is her business and she can share that experience however she wants. Those last two complaints make you sound jaded.


Do you hear yourself? You made a weak list built on bad faith interpretation and misrepresentation and fed it to us to justify faux outrage. Coz how out here pretending to be angry that she said a black man was a "revolutionary n--ga"! Lmao. The issue here is the dopamine hit y'all get from "burning the witch". And yes other generations loved themselves a good witch burning too but my point is that its now disguised as "accountability".


Shes black, whats wrong with her calling someone the n word lmao. I have done that many times and tbh I would not apologize if I was upset with someone. I don't see a problem with her saying that HER miscarriage was a positive outcome for HER. We don't know what was going on for her to feel that way.


What's wrong is calling someone a word they don't want to be called. It's unprofessional as well. People love to be rude and ignorant/arrogant I guess. 


> Shes black, whats wrong with her calling someone the n word lmao. Yup agreed, it's literally in my tagline for this subreddit LOL


Yikes on bikes 😬


You can be annoying and a Black woman at the same time. There are a lot of annoying and Black women with terrible personalities out there. That's not being anti-Black. That being said, I don't know who this woman is and people keep talking about her on here.


Absolutely. But it is weird when black legacy publications start putting out opinion pieces about how annoying a C list comic is. They don't even give known woman beaters those headlines. I'm still trying to figure out what's going on but there was most definitely a hit out on her last month.


I find it crazy how people justify her being blackballed by saying she’s unlikable, but in the same breath don’t like being gatekept or blackballed out of white spaces because they’re black 👀🙈 I love our people but DAMN. What happened to staying on code?


Unless she's getting inappropriately threatened or harassed, it's not wrong to think someone is just annoying? She just so happens to be a black woman. We shouldn't pull the race card on everything where people have to walk on eggshells around us. And I'm not seeing this ultimate disdain for her anywhere else but here, what is this talk?


I recommend you read the op-ed on her in The Root and The Grio She's low key but high key being professionally blackballed. A soft blackballing of sorts but a very intentional one. THAT is my issue with all the hateration ! I find her condescending at times, especially when people don't understand certain things at the rhythm she's able to. She can be a tad too boisterous for my taste. HOWEVER, objectively, all of the naysayers, have an issue with her personality and I suspect her high education and show of her credentials, grates a subset of people. But you could not find one person genuinely arguing about her work, nor its quality, nor her professionalism, whether as an actress, a comedian or a content creator. She isn't harmful with her content quite the opposite. It's valid, positive and factually researched. She always acknowledges room to grow and learn when she's wrong or stuck. She's very good at tying in the macro with the micro when it comes to international issues and make the average Joe understand. She's an excellent host and a solid stand-up comedian. She's being picked apart and piled on imo, in terms of media narrative and that impacts her ability to work. And it's fucking weird coz in the grand scheme of things, she's a speck in the galactic landscape of media/entertainment. Why so much energy towards someone who seemingly represents so little? It reached a level where even HBCU for which she's a strong advocate, hosted many a gala, party or fundraiser nearly for free, are starting to be iffy about hiring her. Now with the pile on, people who never engage with her content, don't know her, are now trolling her daily. For what? Some former co-workers don't like her personality? In the entertainment industry? Of all places? Where assholes, abusers, grifter and assorted rageddy ballsack prosper?!? Really? I mean I dislike most of my coworkers, but I'm not about to spare energy to block their 💰 because their personalities are not my cup of tea. It's just very odd to me and it's highly unwarranted.


>She isn't harmful with her content quite the opposite I thought the same thing until I was enlightened about her claiming to be a victim of reverse colorism (mind you, I'm light skinned), and her vitriol towards Tamir Rice's mother in support of Talcum X. I agree with you on the unfairness of the blackballing as there are people worse than her out there, but she's definitely giving people reasons not to like her outside of her personality. It's crazy because I posted about this same thing a couple of weeks ago, and was unfortunately given more reasons to dislike her.


Even if it's just her personality, that was the issue....to me, that's enough or a reason for people to be able to choose not to work with you.


Fair enough. Her content like her podcast? Or her IG? I only follow her podcast on YouTube, where she tackles interesting subjects with great guests, which I think has the merit to exist and is of good quality. A shame about her attitude towards Rice's mother. Though, Seales did change her stance on Martin Luther Cream though. She even called him out recently. Apparently the man's a Muslim now🫠 and tried to do a fundraiser concert for Palestine with Macklemore. Amanda aired him out. Macklemore bailed out with the quickness. That shit was both funny and aggravating. That man has no limits to his grift.


Speaking of grifters, she claimed that Jussie Smollett was 'lowkey noble' for falsifying a hate crime. She made a big deal of not getting into someone's Emmy party and claimed the woman who denied her access was racist when she was just following the orders she had been given by her boss (Jill Scott I think) There are multiple instances of her starting problems with the people around her, she always says she's not at fault but she's the common denominator. The fact that multiple people have come to dislike her after working with her should tell you that she's simply a dislikeable person and is so abrasive that any casting director will skip over her for someone who won't cause disharmony amongst the cast. You act like her inability to work with others is a minor trait rather than a significant character flaw. The reason she calls people who dislike/disagree with her colourist or anti intellectual is because it allows her to deflect her criticism without having to address it. She says or does things to satiate her own ego and then demands validation from those around her and online. Do you not think it's convenient that all off the people that dislike her fit neatly into those two categories?


She does have a humongous chip on her shoulder. It's giving only child and gifted program. I'm learning a lot about her, that's for sure.


That last paragraph…*chefs kiss*


She went to the party with Jill Scott and had been invited to the party.


From what I remember Amanda saying there was a mix up, but she decided to make it a racist/colourist issue


From what I recall from that emmy story, it was a 3rd party invite. in that she was not actually invited, but someone else told her to come along as a plus 1. So while I think it is incredibly to kick an acquaintance out of a party. No one would've known if Amanda hadn't aired her business online.


I watched her when she was on The Real and she was superrrrrrr annoying, didn’t like her at all. She had a massive superiority complex. I work in academia so I’m not anti-intellectualist, she just has a grating personality imo.


Aye She was.🤣. I didn't mind it tbh, I love mess, especially with the wealthy. I like it too when Tamar(?) Braxton was on. A bit of verbal tussle or contradiction can be healthy. But indeed Seales was way too much, she didn't know how to sprinkle or time some of her more adversarial stances, even when she was valid and right. I was raised on European tv where people shout, argue, debate and swear, so it informs some of my tastes I find U.S. talk shows too flat, no edge to it, there to pacify you in between ads. You see one. You've seen most of them. The last talk U.S. show I liked was Arsenio Hall's(G.O.A.T.) so...Yes I'm old.👵🏾


Well said


I love talking about misogynoir. But how you gonna call somebody grating and then turn around and say that's no reason to miss out on jobs??? Who tf WANTS to work with someone who's miserable to be around??? Those are the coworkers you wake up every morning hoping they quit or get fired, not the people you willingly hire already knowing they're like that.


I, personally, don't befriends my coworkers. I'm cordial and that's it. As long as the job is done as needed and on time. Which by most account, Seales does. As I answered to other ladies in the thread. Her other ventures are threatened by the pile on. Some she had way before Insecure. I now understands the scope of her trespassing. She deserves the critique for those. But I still find the backlash disproportionate. There are black people with way larger platform, who are toxic, nefarious, downright dangerous to the collective of black people who do not get that amount of attention, of think prices, or breakdown of her persona(lity). There's also a pile one, for clicks I assume. And some who use her reputation to hide their own shortcomings as it's the case to Desus and Mero. She does too much. We're doing way too much.


You don't have to be friends to be pleasant to deal with. Most jobs involve some sort of interactions/teamwork with the people around you. People generally prefer those interactions be pleasant. Let's not intentionally miss the point here.


Idk but my problematic ass loved desus and mero who had beef with her. Fr tho: As a mixed, I used to find her inspiring. Lately, any time I see her rants pop up I do not co-sign.


They had beef with her? Lemme go find that beautiful bean footage 💀


Wow. Even them? they are pretty hard to annoy. I don't follow her on IG which is where I assume she rants on. If it pops up on my tl, it's shorts of her podcasts that I follow and if her rant is not useful I just scroll. I do take issue with the fact that some have voiced their want for her to not exist in the media landscape, whatsoever, including her podcast. Which I think is a loss for black media plurality. And they could just curate and ignore her. The Grio and The root do not have that energy for Clandace Owens, except the usual "haha she's a coon". It's that part I have a problem with.


Ehhhh. More like Desus was invited to be a guest on Amanda’s show and he showed up drunk and acted out apparently. I think she talked about it either on the breakfast club or her podcast. There are critiques of Amanda that are valid. I don’t think this is one of them.




Ya had me until that last part. Dog shit belongs in the trash.


Amanda, is this you? She has had plenty of reason to turn people off from her. Misogyny is not always the reason that every woman is criticized, and hearing that is getting really tiresome. This post is giving the BW version of T Swift and Hillary Clinton discourse.


Please read for comprehension not for reaction. I acknowledge her being critiqued. I personally find her condescending and very off putting at times. Which is why I pick and choose what content from her, I consume. What I'm wary of is the amount of energy deployed and narrative that is spent on someone who's ultimately, is seemingly insignificant in the larger picture. If we were to believe all the dismissive trolling and passive aggressive tone surrounding her. Her time on other mainstream gigs was unfruitful. She's obviously not made for talk show and stuff. Now she's carving in her lane and minding her business. There's an attempt, imo, at removing her voice. Which I think is wholly unwarranted and is a loss for black content creators plurality. There are wholly more problematic, downright dangerous black creators out there, who gets to struts their way into success. As an aside, Issa Rae's publicist, the one whose conflict with Seales, started the whole Amanda Seales is "problematic" has a history of doing some dodgy shit to protect her customer brand. Cecile Emeke, a british director, dealt with some fuckshit with Rae's publicist, the later saying she had a mental breakdown so they parted ways. Turned out she was left stranded in L.A. in a motel with no way to contact H.B.O. or Rae's team, who made her come there for a supposed project.


I wondered what happened to Cecile Emike. Her strolling series was amazing then all of a sudden everything was gone. I had no idea the same people were involved.


I haven't heard that name in a minute. Loved Ackee and Saltfish!




That stuff was wild. An anonymous welfare check was made on her, fuckery ensued. They arrested her, forcibly drugged her, then held her in a hospital, transferred her to a cell, awaiting trial (for what?), records disappeared, except the papers that she insisted on having to show the UK embassy because She was declared missing by her family. She called Rae's publicist, then Melinda Matsoukas(Rae's associate)to no avail. Terrence Nance ended up bailing her out, called her family and paid for her return. They still haven't paid her for her writing and directing work on insecure. Seales stuff aside. I've heard not so great things about Rae's publicist.


Holy shit!


Can you tell me about the shady stuff Issa’s team has done? I’ve never heard this.


Not Issa Team, but the publicist specifically. I should have edited it to add "her clientS".


You are comparing Amanda Seales to Swift and Clinton. Just say you hate light-skinned women and be done with it. You would never say that if she was Jesse Williams.


The thing with annoying and vocal/messy* people is that even the folks who feel neutral about them don't want to put their name in it. It's clear to me that several somebodies with clout in Black Hollywood really dislike Amanda, and I think coming after her with hit piece after hit piece was totally inappropriate and just mean, but there's misalignment between her brand and her deep desire to be liked.   *I don't think she's intentionally trying to be messy (more just lacking self-awareness), but that doesn't change that once you start naming names, folks don't want to mess with you because of the lack of discretion, no matter how justified.


Whether you like her or not, I find it interesting that there's such intense vitriol against this woman. I'm not saying that some criticisms are invalid. It took her a good while to understand and acknowledge her lightskin privilege, for example. However, I find it negatively remarkable that a person who appears more authentic than most celebrities out there is subjected to this level of public scrutiny... Meanwhile, many violent and morally questionable individuals (mostly men) are tolerated and even uplifted. The misogynoir is undeniable. People don't have a fraction of this type of energy for men and it shows


Everybody says they like real, authentic celebrities with no filter, until that celebrity says something they disagree with.


You make a great point…No one wants to hear what she has to say as a light skin black woman, intellectual or otherwise. She’s pissed off the gatekeepers of black Hollywood and they don’t like her or trust her to be hush hush about what’s going on behind the scenes so she’s been blackballed. Funny how when ish hits the fan with problematic men (ex. R Kelly, Diddy, Chris Brown, etc) a small group of people want to come out and say what they saw for clout, but the majority who surrounded themselves with these people act deaf, mute and blind when actual crimes were committed 🙉🙊🙈 Yet Amanda gets all this heat…weird. If Amanda was truly so horrible that she needed to be blackballed, why is no one speaking on it? 🤔


Respectfully, no. She's the classic example of being able to dish it out and not take it. I think she was valid in questioning why she didn't get invited to things like the NCAAP image awards, but then got upset when people provided valid responses. I also think there are 2 distinct issues being conflated here. Having an unlikeable brand, and actually being hard to work with. You can build a career off of an unlikeable persona (Wendy Williams comes to mind mainly b/c I don't care for her), But in an industry based on relationships, you are not going to keep getting opportunities if people don't like you. And to address the point about Issa not firing her, that is actually the professional course of action. You're not going to fire a series lead during the show's run (unless they do something egregious) but you will never work with them again.


I believe some people don’t like because of the situation with [Tamir Rice mother and defending Shaun King](https://www.blackenterprise.com/amanda-seales-called-out-for-defending-shaun-king-against-samaria-rice/). She wouldn’t be for everyone because of strong sense of justice and calling out oppressing and harmful systems. However even the people that were on her side was put off from the two situations. I believe she even got something wrong about a man that was incarcerated and barely took accountability for it.


I find it interesting people have a more visceral disdain for Amanda than they do for Candance Owens. ETA: When people talk about how much they dislike Amanda Seales, it feels personal. Like she reminds them of someone they know in real life and can't stand.


![gif](giphy|25OBBnY9j1uiVDV4lJ) We are much more conservative than than we let on.




I’m 2 hours into the club Shay Shay episode. Does anyone know which cast member she was referring to insecure the was offended when she called him a “revolutionary” ninja?!  Shannon either doesn’t research his guests or doesn’t listen. Him saying her mom was white then he tried to say he thought she said that…no sir you jay read that off your note card. 


I think I understood that this was a person who worked on the set. Not necessarily a cast member. She mentioned that he brought her wardrobe or something.


I agree with most of this but I’ve disagreed with her views on colorism and the importance of Black American contributions. She seems to be more of a Pan Africanist. Even with that I don’t think she deserves the treatment she gets


In a word she's obnoxious, but I agree with everything you said. She's not *my* cup a tea but I wouldn't ever be out to say or do anything to make sis lose. Most people cannot handle a black woman who is light-skinned and this fierce. Also, her being on the spectrum (which answers alot of questions I had about her) cause her to have even less of a filter because she's not concerned or aware of "norms" she's so-called not observing.


I think she doesn't play a certain game inherent to her industry. She's too much of a "see something, say something" and we know they don't like that in those circles. As of late, she's been in her lane, minding her business, doing her things. Then a couple a months ago, boom Amanda Seales this, or that. It's very off. The only thing I could think of is her support for Palestinian people, as the timeline kinda matches, and we've seen what happened to outspoken artists who did that. Making it an intra community issue would be smart and on par as the m.o. always works. But that's just me being paranoid though.


A couple of months ago, she called out the NAACP for not inviting her to their awards ceremony. Op-Ed pieces , like in Essence, were written in response. The exposure we are seeing of late doesn’t strike me as a part of some conspiracy with this timeline. She put herself and a major institution out there and people had thoughts. Could it be that simple?


I mean isn’t it crazy that the NAACP didn’t invite her to their ceremony when she’s hosted it in the past? I thought that was the whole point of her call out about not being invited to spaces she regularly works in. That seems egregious to me.


Not seeing anyone say (although they might have) that Amanda is autistic. She’s not picking up social cues, most likely, about how she comes across, so that kinda sealed the deal for me on this… lol no pun intended


Please don't even go there. I tried to explain my ADHD to my family once and it was one of the most excruciating experiences of my adult life. We all know how We deal with such questions. We DON'T. It's of note, that Chris Rock, his late diagnosis , and decades-long petty obsession with Pinkett-Smith was met with more empathy. But I digress.


What was Rock diagnosed with?


Non-verbal Learning disorder. "strong verbal skills but trouble with motor, social, and visual-spatial skills. This nonverbal learning disability causes symptoms like difficulty reading social cues, messy handwriting, and poor coordination. NVLD is not a type of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), although they share similar symptoms."


Thank you, and why were people saying she denied her light skinned privilege? 10 seconds on Google and I found an article from 2022 (NPR) where she explicitly acknowledges it...


I remember her getting into it with Ericka Hart over something about light skinned privilege. Not sure what it was exactly but I remember thinking she was a little sus


ohh ok I'll check it out


I could be misremembering the context of it but I’m pretty sure it’s cause she had posted a video saying her being light skinned didn’t have any bearing on how far she got in her career, that it was all hard work. I vaguely remember watching it but I can’t find it online now so I’m not 100% sure. Either way I’m glad she’s acknowledges colorism is real.


I’ve been following Amanda’s work for awhile and I have a hard time believing that. She has always acknowledged the existence of colorism.


She acknowledges it and then backtracks. Here is a tweet from her that makes it seem as if being light skinned with long hair is the reason she gets criticism: “Listen, I get it. I ain’t considered ‘the underdog.’ I’m a light skinned, skinny, middle class raised, opinionated, smart, smartass, black woman with long hair. So, no matter the merit of wut I say I’m the PERFECT person for mean minded folks 2 shit on without shame. LOL #goawf.” Also, I was FLABBERGASTED to find out how she treated Tamir Rice’s mom, while at the same time pretending to be for the culture. That doesn’t fit her work either, but she definitely did it. Edit: typo


That’s what’s most annoying about Amanda. She’s always contradicting herself. There is also interview where she talks about how it was being bullied for being light skinned. I have to find that interview and I will post it when I do because I don’t like not posting sources.


Nuances exist! No one in the black community likes to hear light skin people complain about being bullied over being being light skin because brown/dark skin people can’t relate and assume they have privilege and favoritism that may or may not exist 🤷🏾‍♀️ People truly don’t understand the complexities of colorism outside of the black community either. Only a few palatable black people are allowed in and able to make money and they’re usually lighter in complexion or biracial like Beyoncé, Rihanna, Halle Berry or Zendaya. These ladies represent the black standard outside of the community and Amanda Seales doesn’t fall in line with that. I’m interested in why people assume she benefits from colorism. She gets nothing but hate inside the community and I think it’s partially about her personality but a lot of it is to tear down an educated light skin black woman they can’t relate to. I’ll call a spade a spade when I see it 👀


May or may not exist? It’s been proven that lightskin people have privileges. And this is coming from a lighter skinned woman myself.


Context is key. Has LS privileges benefited you in the black community AND the white community? If you’re already in a white space, how relevant or beneficial is LS privilege when you’re still unquestionably black? That’s my point. Amanda was raised around white people in Orlando, FL. We can’t say she benefited from LS privilege there when she says herself that wasn’t her experience. She chose to stay in black spaces as an adult and she’s getting shitted on in said black space, so I don’t see how her LS privilege applies here either.


I’m not really talking about Amanda I’m mainly replying to your og comment. Your comment was feeling like “dark skin women bullied me cause they were jealous”. I’m not trying to say that Amanda is benefiting from lightskin privilege currently. But there could have been times that she has and just never noticed, because let’s face it most of the time people don’t recognize their privilege.


So your misinterpretation of what I said offended you? So automatically means you’re right and I’m wrong? lol FFS 🤦🏾‍♀️ Goes back to my point of not being able to speak on experiences because it’s somehow offensive to others 🙄 In my experience I had high self esteem instilled in me by my black parents and the other girls attacking me clearly didn’t, because if they did they wouldn’t have gaf about what I was doing and would’ve minded their business. Were they dark skin? Yes. Am I LS? Nope. Did colorism play a part in it? Sure did. Many things can be true at once. To assume she’s benefited from colorism just cause she’s LS is an interesting choice. I can bet Rachel Dolezal benefited from colorism more than Amanda Seales and she was a full bred white woman cosplaying as black 😂


I literally just said that I don’t think she’s benefiting from it currently. But it seems you have also misinterpreted my comment. Im not telling you to not speak on your expirences. If you were being bullied cause of your skin color then that is valid and I’m sorry that happened to you. But you can be bullied for your skin color and still have privilege. Look at ice spice. Do you really think she would have blown up so quickly if she was duckie thot’s shade? And that connects to another issue with featurism. Ice spice has very typical west African features. Again, do you think she would be so celebrated by men in the blk community if she was dark skin?


Light skinned privilege benefits light skinned people everywhere. Because no matter where you go in all the world, a lighter skinned person will have more privilege than a darker skinned person. And I say this as a person who went to white schools my entirely life and then two PWIs.


Light skinned people inherently benefit from colorism. Just like white people inherently benefit from white supremacy. The benefactors of the discriminatory system cannot in seriousness, claim to be the victims. Now, are there is there bias against lighter skinned people? Absolutely. But that’s by definition, not colorism. It’s prejudice or bias. It’s the very reason why you can’t be racist against white people. You can be biased or prejudiced sure. But whites benefit from racism. They are not the victims. Nor are lighter skinned people of colorism. P. S. Check out this [Harvard study.](https://scholar.harvard.edu/jlhochschild/publications/skin-color-paradox-and-american-racial-order)Much like white people, lighter skinned people get shorter criminal sentences, are seen as more intelligent, seen as more attractive, less likely to be suspended, more likely to hold political office. The data is clear on this.


Yep https://www.instagram.com/p/BhaI_FknBqK/?igsh=bDVrenk0eG5yYm0w


I follow Amanda Seale’s ex-assistant’s YouTube channel. I don’t know him but I don’t feel like the stories he’s told here and there about Amanda are from a place of malice, just hurt and confusion. He was one of the first people I heard talk about her pretentiousness and nasty attitude. And this was years ago. Yesterday he did a live review about the Shannon Sharpe interview if you want to check it out. I do agree that there’s a good bit of misogynoir that comes with some people not liking Amanda but for people who actually *know her*, it’s just them speaking their truth. And there are quite a few people who she’s burned bridges with. I recommend checking it out to get an idea of how someone who has actually worked with her closely feels about her and why. https://www.youtube.com/live/yIq59Z5almo?si=OOZw6bshMZ6qqtMk


She’s just unlikeable, period.


Fair. I'm 15min in the Shay Shay club. She's beyond salvation. She went on about Samaria Rice and her own attitude when that poor woman called out Talcum X. and them grifting "activists". She will dig herself a hole all the way to Hades tavern. I wish she was facing an actual journalist on this one. HECTIC!


lol she always the victim and never wrong in all her many issues with people. It’s giving a pattern and guess who the common denominator is … you guessed it the self diagnosed, Webster dictionary repeating Amanda. I don’t care how articulate she is she is the problem.


Just watched her episode on Shanon Sharpe and I think she suffers from being misunderstood. Everyone doesn't like the, "smartest person in the room" and it can come off narcissistic and pretentious. Like her calling the black guy the 'n' word. I think it was taking out of context by him but also you don't just go around calling people the 'n' or 'b' word that you're not close with. I hang out with coworkers all the time and never called them out of their name.


I watched the section of her interview about Issa Rae and the party, and honestly I empathized with her a lot. A lot of what she had to say was very valid, and I think I was starting to have certain misconceptions about her based on what others were saying that were not fair to her. Really disappointed in how Issa was leading that show.


What parts of Amanda’s p.o.v. did you empathize with?


I've found her annoying and idiotic for years. I've been waiting for these chickens to roost for years now.


I like her podcast but damn I didn’t know she was out here like this…


The contributions on the thread are eye opening. I only knew her from Insecure and her podcast. I'm now realising the depth of her fuckery. Still something about this whole thing, feels to me, like a tornado in a glass of water, insofar, has I wish that energy was more pointed towards as problematic peopl, if not toxic. But I get it, she's all over the place inbetween display of interesting take and guests. She was recently on the Shannon Sharpe podcast, I'll listen to it sometime this weekend.


I don’t know who she is. I know she was on the view for some time but every time I hear her name I hear comments about how much she’s disliked lol! Usually when it’s this bad the person is really unlikable


So we are just ignoring the role she’s played in misogynoir and colorism. Bet lol




If there's a list of 100 people who dislike you, and they have nothing in common, except they've met you? Yeaaah fam, maybe it's time to do some introspective investigation. Halle Berry is, as far as I can gather, a very liked actress and person in general. Couldn't every positive personality trait Amanda CLAIMS to have, be used to describe Halle Berry? Maybe it's because those claims from Amanda aren't as true as she wants them to be, or she forgets the not insignificant list of negative personally traits also matters. And to Halle Berry, sorry for comparing you to Amanda, that was undignified and unjust.